# Linkerd Steering Committee Charter The goal of the Linkerd Steering Committee is to ensure that Linkerd meets the needs of its current and future users. The Steering Committee represents the voice of the user, and works with the Linkerd maintainers and directors to help guide development efforts towards solving concrete and immediate problems for Linkerd adopters. ## Responsibilities The Steering Committee’s responsibilities are to: 1. Provide feedback to project maintainers about Linkerd's featureset, UX, and operational model. 2. Assist Linkerd maintainers in prioritizing upcoming roadmap items and planned work. 3. Represent the "voice of the Linkerd user" both internally and to the broader community. 4. Provide neutral mediation for non-technical disputes. 5. Develop and maintain a project continuity plan. ## Membership The Steering Committee comprises at most 7 people. To be eligible for membership in the Steering Committee, you must: 1. Be currently responsible for a production Linkerd deployment of non-trivial size, or have been responsible for such a deployment within the past two years. 2. Be willing and able to attend regularly-scheduled Steering Committee meetings. 3. Abide by Linkerd's Code of Conduct. Candidates for membership will be nominated by current Steering Committee members or by Linkerd maintainers and directors. Once nominated, inclusion in the Steering Committee will be determined by the normal project decision-making process. Membership expires if any of the eligibility conditions is unmet, or after one year. Members may seek reinstatement immediately in accordance with the rules above. ## Meetings Meetings will happen periodically not less than once a quarter. Recordings and minutes will be posted publicly. ## Changes to this charter Changes to this charter must be approved by a majority of Steering Committee members and a majority of Linkerd maintainers and directors.