
Text file src/github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml

Documentation: github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE

     1name: "🐛 Bug Report"
     2description: If you've found a reproducible bug
     3labels: ["bug"]
     5  - type: markdown
     6    attributes:
     7      value: |
     8        Thanks for taking the time to file a bug report!
    10        We're most likely to fix bugs that are easy to reproduce, so please try
    11        to provide enough information for us to understand how to reproduce the
    12        issue. Example Kubernetes manifests are encouraged!
    14  - type: textarea
    15    attributes:
    16      label: What is the issue?
    17      description: |
    18        A clear and concise description of what Linkerd is doing and what you
    19        would expect.
    20    validations:
    21      required: true
    23  - type: textarea
    24    attributes:
    25      label: How can it be reproduced?
    26    validations:
    27      required: true
    29  - type: textarea
    30    attributes:
    31      label: Logs, error output, etc
    32      description: |
    33        If the output is long, please create a [gist](https://gist.github.com/)
    34        and paste the link here.
    35    validations:
    36      required: true
    38  - type: textarea
    39    attributes:
    40      label: output of `linkerd check -o short`
    41      placeholder: |
    42        ```text
    43        your output here ...
    44        ```
    45    validations:
    46      required: true
    48  - type: textarea
    49    attributes:
    50      label: Environment
    51      placeholder: |
    52        - Kubernetes Version:
    53        - Cluster Environment: (GKE, AKS, kops, ...)
    54        - Host OS:
    55        - Linkerd version:
    56    validations:
    57      required: true
    59  - type: textarea
    60    attributes:
    61      label: Possible solution
    62      description: "If you have suggestions on a fix for the bug."
    64  - type: textarea
    65    attributes:
    66      label: Additional context
    67      description: "Add any other context about the problem here. Or a screenshot if applicable."
    69  - type: dropdown
    70    attributes:
    71      label: Would you like to work on fixing this bug?
    72      description: We are more than happy to help you through the process.
    73      options:
    74        - "yes"
    75        - "no"
    76        - "maybe"

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