syntax = "proto3";

package io.linkerd.proxy.outbound;

option go_package = "";

import "net.proto";
import "destination.proto";
import "meta.proto";
import "grpc_route.proto";
import "http_route.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";

service OutboundPolicies {
  rpc Get(TrafficSpec) returns (OutboundPolicy) {}

  rpc Watch(TrafficSpec) returns (stream OutboundPolicy) {}

message TrafficSpec {
  // Uniquely identifies the source proxy workload (e.g., pod name) to the
  // control plane.
  string source_workload = 1;

  // Describes a target address, as observed by the proxy.
  oneof target {
    // Indicates the proxy is connecting to a specific IP:port. addr = 2;

    // Indicates the proxy is connecting to a named address (like an HTTP
    // authority).
    string authority = 3;

// Outbound policy for a given traffic spec.
message OutboundPolicy {
  // Indicates the protocol to use for this target. This will be set to Opaque
  // if the target has been marked as opaque and will be Discover otherwise.
  ProxyProtocol protocol = 1;

  // Describes the resource for which outbound policy has been discovered.
  io.linkerd.proxy.meta.Metadata metadata = 2;

message ProxyProtocol {
  oneof kind {
    Detect detect = 1;

    Opaque opaque = 2;

    // HTTP/1 policy configuration.
    Http1 http1 = 3;

    // HTTP/2 policy configuration.
    Http2 http2 = 4;

    // gRPC policy configuration.
    Grpc grpc = 5;

  message Detect {
    // Protocol detection timeout.
    google.protobuf.Duration timeout = 1;

    Opaque opaque = 2;

    // HTTP/1 policy configuration.
    Http1 http1 = 3;

    // HTTP/2 policy configuration.
    Http2 http2 = 4;

  message Opaque {
    repeated OpaqueRoute routes = 1;

  message Http1 {
    repeated HttpRoute routes = 1;
    // If empty, circuit breaking is not performed.
    FailureAccrual failure_accrual = 2;

  message Http2 {
    repeated HttpRoute routes = 1;
    // If empty, circuit breaking is not performed.
    FailureAccrual failure_accrual = 2;

  message Grpc {
    repeated GrpcRoute routes = 1;
    // If empty, circuit breaking is not performed.
    FailureAccrual failure_accrual = 2;

// Outbound-specific HTTP route configuration (based on the
// [Gateway API](
message HttpRoute {
  io.linkerd.proxy.meta.Metadata metadata = 1;

  // If empty, the host value is ignored.
  repeated io.linkerd.proxy.http_route.HostMatch hosts = 2;

  // Must have at least one rule.
  repeated Rule rules = 3;
  message Rule {
    repeated io.linkerd.proxy.http_route.HttpRouteMatch matches = 1;
    repeated Filter filters = 2;
    Distribution backends = 3;

    // After this time has elapsed since receiving the initial request, any
    // outstanding request will be cancelled if no response has been received.
    // If the request is cancelled, a timeout error response will be returned,
    // and no more retries will be attempted
    // If this field is empty, no request timeout is applied.
    google.protobuf.Duration requestTimeout = 4;

  message Filter {
    oneof kind {
      io.linkerd.proxy.http_route.HttpFailureInjector failure_injector = 1;
      io.linkerd.proxy.http_route.RequestHeaderModifier request_header_modifier = 2;
      io.linkerd.proxy.http_route.RequestRedirect redirect = 3;
      io.linkerd.proxy.http_route.ResponseHeaderModifier response_header_modifier = 4;

  message Distribution {
    oneof kind {
      Empty empty = 1;
      // Use the first available backend in the list.
      FirstAvailable first_available = 2;
      RandomAvailable random_available = 3;

    message Empty {}
    message FirstAvailable {
      repeated RouteBackend backends = 1;
    message RandomAvailable {
      repeated WeightedRouteBackend backends = 1;

  message RouteBackend {
    Backend backend = 1;
    repeated Filter filters = 3;

    // After this time has elapsed since a request is dispatched to this
    // backend, any request will be cancelled if no response has been received.
    // If the request is not retried, a timeout error response is returned.
    // If this field is empty, no request timeout is applied.
    google.protobuf.Duration requestTimeout = 4;

  message WeightedRouteBackend {
    RouteBackend backend = 1;
    uint32 weight = 2;

message GrpcRoute {
  io.linkerd.proxy.meta.Metadata metadata = 1;

  // If empty, the host value is ignored.
  repeated io.linkerd.proxy.http_route.HostMatch hosts = 2;

  // Must have at least one rule.
  repeated Rule rules = 3;
  message Rule {
    repeated io.linkerd.proxy.grpc_route.GrpcRouteMatch matches = 1;
    repeated Filter filters = 2;
    Distribution backends = 3;
    // After this time has elapsed since receiving the initial request, any
    // outstanding request will be cancelled if no response has been received.
    // If the request is cancelled, a timeout error response will be returned,
    // and no more retries will be attempted
    // If this field is empty, no request timeout is applied.
    google.protobuf.Duration requestTimeout = 4;

  message Filter {
    oneof kind {
      io.linkerd.proxy.grpc_route.GrpcFailureInjector failure_injector = 1;
      io.linkerd.proxy.http_route.RequestHeaderModifier request_header_modifier = 2;

  message Distribution {
    oneof kind {
      Empty empty = 1;
      // Use the first available backend in the list.
      FirstAvailable first_available = 2;
      RandomAvailable random_available = 3;

    message Empty {}
    message FirstAvailable {
      repeated RouteBackend backends = 1;
    message RandomAvailable {
      repeated WeightedRouteBackend backends = 1;

  message RouteBackend {
    Backend backend = 1;
    repeated Filter filters = 3;

    // After this time has elapsed since a request is dispatched to this
    // backend, any request will be cancelled if no response has been received.
    // If the request is not retried, a timeout error response is returned.
    // If this field is empty, no request timeout is applied.
    google.protobuf.Duration requestTimeout = 4;

  message WeightedRouteBackend {
    RouteBackend backend = 1;
    uint32 weight = 2;

message OpaqueRoute {
  io.linkerd.proxy.meta.Metadata metadata = 1;

  // Must have at least one rule.
  repeated Rule rules = 3;
  message Rule {
    Distribution backends = 1;

  message Distribution {
    oneof kind {
      Empty empty = 1;
      // Use the first available backend in the list.
      FirstAvailable first_available = 2;
      RandomAvailable random_available = 3;

    message Empty {}
    message FirstAvailable {
      repeated RouteBackend backends = 1;
    message RandomAvailable {
      repeated WeightedRouteBackend backends = 1;

  message RouteBackend {
    Backend backend = 1;

  message WeightedRouteBackend {
    RouteBackend backend = 1;
    uint32 weight = 2;

message Backend {
  io.linkerd.proxy.meta.Metadata metadata = 1;

  oneof kind {
    // A backend that consists of a single endpoint.
    io.linkerd.proxy.destination.WeightedAddr forward = 2;

    // A backend that comprises a load balanced service.
    BalanceP2c balancer = 3;

  // Describes queue configuration for a backend.
  Queue queue = 4;

  // A strategy for discovering endpoints for a service.
  message EndpointDiscovery {
    oneof kind {
      // Use the `Destination` service to discover endpoints for this service.
      DestinationGet dst = 1;

    message DestinationGet {
      string path = 1;

  // Describes a power-of-two-choices (P2C) load balancer configuration for a
  // backend.
  message BalanceP2c {
    EndpointDiscovery discovery = 1;

    // The load estimation strategy used by this load balancer.
    oneof load {
      // This load balancer uses peak EWMA (exponentially weighted moving
      // average) load estimates.
      PeakEwma peak_ewma = 2;

    // Parameters configuring peak EWMA load estimation.
    message PeakEwma {
      // Initial latency value used when no latencies have been
      // recorded for an endpoint.
      google.protobuf.Duration default_rtt = 1;

      // The duration of the moving window over which latency is observed.
      google.protobuf.Duration decay = 2;

message Queue {
  // The number of requests that may be held in a queue before backpressure is
  // exerted.
  uint32 capacity = 1;

  // A timeout that limits how long a backend may remain unready before any
  // requests in its queue are failed.
  google.protobuf.Duration failfast_timeout = 2;

message FailureAccrual {
  message ConsecutiveFailures {
    uint32 max_failures = 1;
    ExponentialBackoff backoff = 2;

  oneof kind {
    ConsecutiveFailures consecutive_failures = 1;

message ExponentialBackoff {
  // The minimum amount of time to wait before resuming an operation.
  google.protobuf.Duration min_backoff = 1;
  // The maximum amount of time to wait before resuming an operation.
  // Must be greater than or equal to min_backoff.
  google.protobuf.Duration max_backoff = 2;
  // The ratio of the base timeout that may be randomly added to a backoff.
  // Must be greater than or equal to 0.0.
  float jitter_ratio = 3;