package hstore import ( "database/sql" "os" "testing" _ "" ) type Fatalistic interface { Fatal(args ...interface{}) } func openTestConn(t Fatalistic) *sql.DB { datname := os.Getenv("PGDATABASE") sslmode := os.Getenv("PGSSLMODE") if datname == "" { os.Setenv("PGDATABASE", "pqgotest") } if sslmode == "" { os.Setenv("PGSSLMODE", "disable") } conn, err := sql.Open("postgres", "") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return conn } func TestHstore(t *testing.T) { db := openTestConn(t) defer db.Close() // quietly create hstore if it doesn't exist _, err := db.Exec("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore") if err != nil { t.Skipf("Skipping hstore tests - hstore extension create failed: %s", err.Error()) } hs := Hstore{} // test for null-valued hstores err = db.QueryRow("SELECT NULL::hstore").Scan(&hs) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if hs.Map != nil { t.Fatalf("expected null map") } err = db.QueryRow("SELECT $1::hstore", hs).Scan(&hs) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("re-query null map failed: %s", err.Error()) } if hs.Map != nil { t.Fatalf("expected null map") } // test for empty hstores err = db.QueryRow("SELECT ''::hstore").Scan(&hs) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if hs.Map == nil { t.Fatalf("expected empty map, got null map") } if len(hs.Map) != 0 { t.Fatalf("expected empty map, got len(map)=%d", len(hs.Map)) } err = db.QueryRow("SELECT $1::hstore", hs).Scan(&hs) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("re-query empty map failed: %s", err.Error()) } if hs.Map == nil { t.Fatalf("expected empty map, got null map") } if len(hs.Map) != 0 { t.Fatalf("expected empty map, got len(map)=%d", len(hs.Map)) } // a few example maps to test out hsOnePair := Hstore{ Map: map[string]sql.NullString{ "key1": {String: "value1", Valid: true}, }, } hsThreePairs := Hstore{ Map: map[string]sql.NullString{ "key1": {String: "value1", Valid: true}, "key2": {String: "value2", Valid: true}, "key3": {String: "value3", Valid: true}, }, } hsSmorgasbord := Hstore{ Map: map[string]sql.NullString{ "nullstring": {String: "NULL", Valid: true}, "actuallynull": {String: "", Valid: false}, "NULL": {String: "NULL string key", Valid: true}, "withbracket": {String: "value>42", Valid: true}, "withequal": {String: "value=42", Valid: true}, `"withquotes1"`: {String: `this "should" be fine`, Valid: true}, `"withquotes"2"`: {String: `this "should\" also be fine`, Valid: true}, "embedded1": {String: "value1=>x1", Valid: true}, "embedded2": {String: `"value2"=>x2`, Valid: true}, "withnewlines": {String: "\n\nvalue\t=>2", Valid: true}, "<>": {String: `this, "should,\" also, => be fine`, Valid: true}, }, } // test encoding in query params, then decoding during Scan testBidirectional := func(h Hstore) { err = db.QueryRow("SELECT $1::hstore", h).Scan(&hs) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("re-query %d-pair map failed: %s", len(h.Map), err.Error()) } if hs.Map == nil { t.Fatalf("expected %d-pair map, got null map", len(h.Map)) } if len(hs.Map) != len(h.Map) { t.Fatalf("expected %d-pair map, got len(map)=%d", len(h.Map), len(hs.Map)) } for key, val := range hs.Map { otherval, found := h.Map[key] if !found { t.Fatalf(" key '%v' not found in %d-pair map", key, len(h.Map)) } if otherval.Valid != val.Valid { t.Fatalf(" value %v <> %v in %d-pair map", otherval, val, len(h.Map)) } if otherval.String != val.String { t.Fatalf(" value '%v' <> '%v' in %d-pair map", otherval.String, val.String, len(h.Map)) } } } testBidirectional(hsOnePair) testBidirectional(hsThreePairs) testBidirectional(hsSmorgasbord) }