
Source file src/github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/web/probs_test.go

Documentation: github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/web

     1  package web
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"reflect"
     6  	"testing"
     8  	berrors "github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/errors"
     9  	"github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/identifier"
    10  	"github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/probs"
    11  	"github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/test"
    12  )
    14  func TestProblemDetailsFromError(t *testing.T) {
    15  	// errMsg is used as the msg argument for `ProblemDetailsForError` and is
    16  	// always returned in the problem detail.
    17  	const errMsg = "testError"
    18  	// detailMsg is used as the msg argument for the individual error types and is
    19  	// sometimes not present in the produced problem's detail.
    20  	const detailMsg = "testDetail"
    21  	// fullDetail is what we expect the problem detail to look like when it
    22  	// contains both the error message and the detail message
    23  	fullDetail := fmt.Sprintf("%s :: %s", errMsg, detailMsg)
    24  	testCases := []struct {
    25  		err        error
    26  		statusCode int
    27  		problem    probs.ProblemType
    28  		detail     string
    29  	}{
    30  		// boulder/errors error types
    31  		//   Internal server errors expect just the `errMsg` in detail.
    32  		{berrors.InternalServerError(detailMsg), 500, probs.ServerInternalProblem, errMsg},
    33  		//   Other errors expect the full detail message
    34  		{berrors.MalformedError(detailMsg), 400, probs.MalformedProblem, fullDetail},
    35  		{berrors.UnauthorizedError(detailMsg), 403, probs.UnauthorizedProblem, fullDetail},
    36  		{berrors.NotFoundError(detailMsg), 404, probs.MalformedProblem, fullDetail},
    37  		{berrors.RateLimitError(0, detailMsg), 429, probs.RateLimitedProblem, fullDetail + ": see https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/"},
    38  		{berrors.InvalidEmailError(detailMsg), 400, probs.InvalidContactProblem, fullDetail},
    39  		{berrors.RejectedIdentifierError(detailMsg), 400, probs.RejectedIdentifierProblem, fullDetail},
    40  	}
    41  	for _, c := range testCases {
    42  		p := ProblemDetailsForError(c.err, errMsg)
    43  		if p.HTTPStatus != c.statusCode {
    44  			t.Errorf("Incorrect status code for %s. Expected %d, got %d", reflect.TypeOf(c.err).Name(), c.statusCode, p.HTTPStatus)
    45  		}
    46  		if p.Type != c.problem {
    47  			t.Errorf("Expected problem urn %#v, got %#v", c.problem, p.Type)
    48  		}
    49  		if p.Detail != c.detail {
    50  			t.Errorf("Expected detailed message %q, got %q", c.detail, p.Detail)
    51  		}
    52  	}
    54  	expected := &probs.ProblemDetails{
    55  		Type:       probs.MalformedProblem,
    56  		HTTPStatus: 200,
    57  		Detail:     "gotcha",
    58  	}
    59  	p := ProblemDetailsForError(expected, "k")
    60  	test.AssertDeepEquals(t, expected, p)
    61  }
    63  func TestSubProblems(t *testing.T) {
    64  	topErr := (&berrors.BoulderError{
    65  		Type:   berrors.CAA,
    66  		Detail: "CAA policy forbids issuance",
    67  	}).WithSubErrors(
    68  		[]berrors.SubBoulderError{
    69  			{
    70  				Identifier: identifier.DNSIdentifier("threeletter.agency"),
    71  				BoulderError: &berrors.BoulderError{
    72  					Type:   berrors.CAA,
    73  					Detail: "Forbidden by ■■■■■■■■■■■ and directive ■■■■",
    74  				},
    75  			},
    76  			{
    77  				Identifier: identifier.DNSIdentifier("area51.threeletter.agency"),
    78  				BoulderError: &berrors.BoulderError{
    79  					Type:   berrors.NotFound,
    80  					Detail: "No Such Area...",
    81  				},
    82  			},
    83  		})
    85  	prob := problemDetailsForBoulderError(topErr, "problem with subproblems")
    86  	test.AssertEquals(t, len(prob.SubProblems), len(topErr.SubErrors))
    88  	subProbsMap := make(map[string]probs.SubProblemDetails, len(prob.SubProblems))
    90  	for _, subProb := range prob.SubProblems {
    91  		subProbsMap[subProb.Identifier.Value] = subProb
    92  	}
    94  	subProbA, foundA := subProbsMap["threeletter.agency"]
    95  	subProbB, foundB := subProbsMap["area51.threeletter.agency"]
    96  	test.AssertEquals(t, foundA, true)
    97  	test.AssertEquals(t, foundB, true)
    99  	test.AssertEquals(t, subProbA.Type, probs.CAAProblem)
   100  	test.AssertEquals(t, subProbB.Type, probs.MalformedProblem)
   101  }

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