syntax = "proto3"; package va; option go_package = ""; import "core/proto/core.proto"; service VA { rpc PerformValidation(PerformValidationRequest) returns (ValidationResult) {} } service CAA { rpc IsCAAValid(IsCAAValidRequest) returns (IsCAAValidResponse) {} } message IsCAAValidRequest { // NOTE: Domain may be a name with a wildcard prefix (e.g. `*`) string domain = 1; string validationMethod = 2; int64 accountURIID = 3; } // If CAA is valid for the requested domain, the problem will be empty message IsCAAValidResponse { core.ProblemDetails problem = 1; } message PerformValidationRequest { string domain = 1; core.Challenge challenge = 2; AuthzMeta authz = 3; } message AuthzMeta { string id = 1; int64 regID = 2; } message ValidationResult { repeated core.ValidationRecord records = 1; core.ProblemDetails problems = 2; }