package va import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/base64" "errors" "fmt" mrand "math/rand" "net" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "net/url" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "unicode/utf8" "" "" berrors "" "" "" "" "" "" "testing" ) func httpChallenge() core.Challenge { return createChallenge(core.ChallengeTypeHTTP01) } // TestDialerMismatchError tests that using a preresolvedDialer for one host for // a dial to another host produces the expected dialerMismatchError. func TestDialerMismatchError(t *testing.T) { d := preresolvedDialer{ ip: net.ParseIP(""), port: 1337, hostname: "", } expectedErr := dialerMismatchError{ dialerHost: d.hostname, dialerIP: d.ip.String(), dialerPort: d.port, host: "", } _, err := d.DialContext( context.Background(), "tincan-and-string", "") test.AssertEquals(t, err.Error(), expectedErr.Error()) } // TestPreresolvedDialerTimeout tests that the preresolvedDialer's DialContext // will timeout after the expected singleDialTimeout. This ensures timeouts at // the TCP level are handled correctly. func TestPreresolvedDialerTimeout(t *testing.T) { va, _ := setup(nil, 0, "", nil) // Timeouts below 50ms tend to be flaky. va.singleDialTimeout = 50 * time.Millisecond // The context timeout needs to be larger than the singleDialTimeout ctxTimeout := 500 * time.Millisecond ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ctxTimeout) defer cancel() va.dnsClient = dnsMockReturnsUnroutable{&bdns.MockClient{}} // NOTE(@jsha): The only method I've found so far to trigger a connect timeout // is to connect to an unrouteable IP address. This usually generates // a connection timeout, but will rarely return "Network unreachable" instead. // If we get that, just retry until we get something other than "Network unreachable". var prob *probs.ProblemDetails var took time.Duration for i := 0; i < 20; i++ { started := time.Now() _, _, prob = va.fetchHTTP(ctx, "unroutable.invalid", "/.well-known/acme-challenge/whatever") took = time.Since(started) if prob != nil && strings.Contains(prob.Detail, "Network unreachable") { continue } else { break } } if prob == nil { t.Fatalf("Connection should've timed out") } // Check that the HTTP connection doesn't return too fast, and times // out after the expected time if took < va.singleDialTimeout { t.Fatalf("fetch returned before %s (took: %s) with %#v", va.singleDialTimeout, took, prob) } if took > 2*va.singleDialTimeout { t.Fatalf("fetch didn't timeout after %s (took: %s)", va.singleDialTimeout, took) } test.AssertEquals(t, prob.Type, probs.ConnectionProblem) expectMatch := regexp.MustCompile( "Fetching http://unroutable.invalid/.well-known/acme-challenge/.*: Timeout during connect") if !expectMatch.MatchString(prob.Detail) { t.Errorf("Problem details incorrect. Got %q, expected to match %q", prob.Detail, expectMatch) } } func TestHTTPTransport(t *testing.T) { dummyDialerFunc := func(_ context.Context, _, _ string) (net.Conn, error) { return nil, nil } transport := httpTransport(dummyDialerFunc) // The HTTP Transport should have a TLS config that skips verifying // certificates. test.AssertEquals(t, transport.TLSClientConfig.InsecureSkipVerify, true) // Keep alives should be disabled test.AssertEquals(t, transport.DisableKeepAlives, true) test.AssertEquals(t, transport.MaxIdleConns, 1) test.AssertEquals(t, transport.IdleConnTimeout.String(), "1s") test.AssertEquals(t, transport.TLSHandshakeTimeout.String(), "10s") } func TestHTTPValidationTarget(t *testing.T) { // NOTE(@cpu): See `bdns/mocks.go` and the mock `LookupHost` function for the // hostnames used in this test. testCases := []struct { Name string Host string ExpectedError error ExpectedIPs []string }{ { Name: "No IPs for host", Host: "always.invalid", ExpectedError: berrors.DNSError("No valid IP addresses found for always.invalid"), }, { Name: "Only IPv4 addrs for host", Host: "", ExpectedIPs: []string{""}, }, { Name: "Only IPv6 addrs for host", Host: "ipv6.localhost", ExpectedIPs: []string{"::1"}, }, { Name: "Both IPv6 and IPv4 addrs for host", Host: "ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost", // In this case we expect 1 IPv6 address first, and then 1 IPv4 address ExpectedIPs: []string{"::1", ""}, }, } const ( examplePort = 1234 examplePath = "/.well-known/path/i/took" exampleQuery = "my-path=was&my=own" ) va, _ := setup(nil, 0, "", nil) for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) { target, err := va.newHTTPValidationTarget( context.Background(), tc.Host, examplePort, examplePath, exampleQuery) if err != nil && tc.ExpectedError == nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error from NewHTTPValidationTarget: %v", err) } else if err != nil && tc.ExpectedError != nil { test.AssertMarshaledEquals(t, err, tc.ExpectedError) } else if err == nil { // The target should be populated. test.AssertNotEquals(t,, "") test.AssertNotEquals(t, target.port, 0) test.AssertNotEquals(t, target.path, "") // Calling ip() on the target should give the expected IPs in the right // order. for i, expectedIP := range tc.ExpectedIPs { gotIP := target.ip() if gotIP == nil { t.Errorf("Expected IP %d to be %s got nil", i, expectedIP) } else { test.AssertEquals(t, gotIP.String(), expectedIP) } // Advance to the next IP _ = target.nextIP() } } }) } } func TestExtractRequestTarget(t *testing.T) { mustURL := func(rawURL string) *url.URL { return must.Do(url.Parse(rawURL)) } testCases := []struct { Name string Req *http.Request ExpectedError error ExpectedHost string ExpectedPort int }{ { Name: "nil input req", ExpectedError: fmt.Errorf("redirect HTTP request was nil"), }, { Name: "invalid protocol scheme", Req: &http.Request{ URL: mustURL("gopher://"), }, ExpectedError: fmt.Errorf("Invalid protocol scheme in redirect target. " + `Only "http" and "https" protocol schemes are supported, ` + `not "gopher"`), }, { Name: "invalid explicit port", Req: &http.Request{ URL: mustURL(""), }, ExpectedError: fmt.Errorf("Invalid port in redirect target. Only ports 80 " + "and 443 are supported, not 9999"), }, { Name: "invalid empty hostname", Req: &http.Request{ URL: mustURL("https:///who/needs/a/hostname?not=me"), }, ExpectedError: errors.New("Invalid empty hostname in redirect target"), }, { Name: "invalid .well-known hostname", Req: &http.Request{ URL: mustURL(""), }, ExpectedError: errors.New(`Invalid host in redirect target "". Check webserver config for missing '/' in redirect target.`), }, { Name: "invalid non-iana hostname", Req: &http.Request{ URL: mustURL(""), }, ExpectedError: errors.New("Invalid hostname in redirect target, must end in IANA registered TLD"), }, { Name: "bare IP", Req: &http.Request{ URL: mustURL(""), }, ExpectedError: fmt.Errorf(`Invalid host in redirect target "". ` + "Only domain names are supported, not IP addresses"), }, { Name: "valid HTTP redirect, explicit port", Req: &http.Request{ URL: mustURL(""), }, ExpectedHost: "", ExpectedPort: 80, }, { Name: "valid HTTP redirect, implicit port", Req: &http.Request{ URL: mustURL(""), }, ExpectedHost: "", ExpectedPort: 80, }, { Name: "valid HTTPS redirect, explicit port", Req: &http.Request{ URL: mustURL(""), }, ExpectedHost: "", ExpectedPort: 443, }, { Name: "valid HTTPS redirect, implicit port", Req: &http.Request{ URL: mustURL(""), }, ExpectedHost: "", ExpectedPort: 443, }, } va, _ := setup(nil, 0, "", nil) for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) { host, port, err := va.extractRequestTarget(tc.Req) if err != nil && tc.ExpectedError == nil { t.Errorf("Expected nil err got %v", err) } else if err != nil && tc.ExpectedError != nil { test.AssertEquals(t, err.Error(), tc.ExpectedError.Error()) } else if err == nil && tc.ExpectedError != nil { t.Errorf("Expected err %v, got nil", tc.ExpectedError) } else { test.AssertEquals(t, host, tc.ExpectedHost) test.AssertEquals(t, port, tc.ExpectedPort) } }) } } // TestHTTPValidationDNSError attempts validation for a domain name that always // generates a DNS error, and checks that a log line with the detailed error is // generated. func TestHTTPValidationDNSError(t *testing.T) { va, mockLog := setup(nil, 0, "", nil) _, _, prob := va.fetchHTTP(ctx, "always.error", "/.well-known/acme-challenge/whatever") test.AssertError(t, prob, "Expected validation fetch to fail") matchingLines := mockLog.GetAllMatching(`read udp: some net error`) if len(matchingLines) != 1 { t.Errorf("Didn't see expected DNS error logged. Instead, got:\n%s", strings.Join(mockLog.GetAllMatching(`.*`), "\n")) } } // TestHTTPValidationDNSIdMismatchError tests that performing an HTTP-01 // challenge with a domain name that always returns a DNS ID mismatch error from // the mock resolver results in valid query/response data being logged in // a format we can decode successfully. func TestHTTPValidationDNSIdMismatchError(t *testing.T) { va, mockLog := setup(nil, 0, "", nil) _, _, prob := va.fetchHTTP(ctx, "id.mismatch", "/.well-known/acme-challenge/whatever") test.AssertError(t, prob, "Expected validation fetch to fail") matchingLines := mockLog.GetAllMatching(`logDNSError ID mismatch`) if len(matchingLines) != 1 { t.Errorf("Didn't see expected DNS error logged. Instead, got:\n%s", strings.Join(mockLog.GetAllMatching(`.*`), "\n")) } expectedRegex := regexp.MustCompile( `INFO: logDNSError ID mismatch ` + `chosenServer=\[mock.server\] ` + `hostname=\[id\.mismatch\] ` + `respHostname=\[id\.mismatch\.\] ` + `queryType=\[A\] ` + `msg=\[([A-Za-z0-9+=/\=]+)\] ` + `resp=\[([A-Za-z0-9+=/\=]+)\] ` + `err\=\[dns: id mismatch\]`, ) matches := expectedRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(matchingLines[0], -1) test.AssertEquals(t, len(matches), 1) submatches := matches[0] test.AssertEquals(t, len(submatches), 3) msgBytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(submatches[1]) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "bad base64 encoded query msg") msg := new(dns.Msg) err = msg.Unpack(msgBytes) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "bad packed query msg") respBytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(submatches[2]) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "bad base64 encoded resp msg") resp := new(dns.Msg) err = resp.Unpack(respBytes) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "bad packed response msg") } func TestSetupHTTPValidation(t *testing.T) { va, _ := setup(nil, 0, "", nil) mustTarget := func(t *testing.T, host string, port int, path string) *httpValidationTarget { target, err := va.newHTTPValidationTarget( context.Background(), host, port, path, "") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to construct httpValidationTarget for %q", host) return nil } return target } httpInputURL := "http://ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost/yellow/brick/road" httpsInputURL := "https://ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost/yellow/brick/road" testCases := []struct { Name string InputURL string InputTarget *httpValidationTarget ExpectedRecord core.ValidationRecord ExpectedDialer *preresolvedDialer ExpectedError error }{ { Name: "nil target", InputURL: httpInputURL, ExpectedError: fmt.Errorf("httpValidationTarget can not be nil"), }, { Name: "empty input URL", InputTarget: &httpValidationTarget{}, ExpectedError: fmt.Errorf("reqURL can not be nil"), }, { Name: "target with no IPs", InputURL: httpInputURL, InputTarget: &httpValidationTarget{ host: "ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost", port: va.httpPort, path: "idk", }, ExpectedRecord: core.ValidationRecord{ URL: "http://ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost/yellow/brick/road", Hostname: "ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost", Port: strconv.Itoa(va.httpPort), }, ExpectedError: fmt.Errorf(`host "ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost" has no IP addresses remaining to use`), }, { Name: "HTTP input req", InputTarget: mustTarget(t, "ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost", va.httpPort, "/yellow/brick/road"), InputURL: httpInputURL, ExpectedRecord: core.ValidationRecord{ Hostname: "ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost", Port: strconv.Itoa(va.httpPort), URL: "http://ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost/yellow/brick/road", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("::1"), net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP("::1"), }, ExpectedDialer: &preresolvedDialer{ ip: net.ParseIP("::1"), port: va.httpPort, timeout: va.singleDialTimeout, }, }, { Name: "HTTPS input req", InputTarget: mustTarget(t, "ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost", va.httpsPort, "/yellow/brick/road"), InputURL: httpsInputURL, ExpectedRecord: core.ValidationRecord{ Hostname: "ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost", Port: strconv.Itoa(va.httpsPort), URL: "https://ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost/yellow/brick/road", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("::1"), net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP("::1"), }, ExpectedDialer: &preresolvedDialer{ ip: net.ParseIP("::1"), port: va.httpsPort, timeout: va.singleDialTimeout, }, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) { outDialer, outRecord, err := va.setupHTTPValidation(tc.InputURL, tc.InputTarget) if err != nil && tc.ExpectedError == nil { t.Errorf("Expected nil error, got %v", err) } else if err == nil && tc.ExpectedError != nil { t.Errorf("Expected %v error, got nil", tc.ExpectedError) } else if err != nil && tc.ExpectedError != nil { test.AssertEquals(t, err.Error(), tc.ExpectedError.Error()) } if tc.ExpectedDialer == nil && outDialer != nil { t.Errorf("Expected nil dialer, got %v", outDialer) } else if tc.ExpectedDialer != nil { test.AssertMarshaledEquals(t, outDialer, tc.ExpectedDialer) } // In all cases we expect there to have been a validation record test.AssertMarshaledEquals(t, outRecord, tc.ExpectedRecord) }) } } // A more concise version of httpSrv() that supports http.go tests func httpTestSrv(t *testing.T) *httptest.Server { t.Helper() mux := http.NewServeMux() server := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(mux) server.Start() httpPort := getPort(server) // A path that always returns an OK response mux.HandleFunc("/ok", func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) fmt.Fprint(resp, "ok") }) // A path that always times out by sleeping longer than the validation context // allows mux.HandleFunc("/timeout", func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { time.Sleep(time.Second) resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) fmt.Fprint(resp, "sorry, I'm a slow server") }) // A path that always redirects to itself, creating a loop that will terminate // when detected. mux.HandleFunc("/loop", func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { http.Redirect( resp, req, fmt.Sprintf("", httpPort), http.StatusMovedPermanently) }) // A path that sequentially redirects, creating an incrementing redirect // that will terminate when the redirect limit is reached and ensures each // URL is different than the last. for i := 0; i <= maxRedirect+1; i++ { // Need to re-scope i so it iterates properly in the function i := i mux.HandleFunc(fmt.Sprintf("/max-redirect/%d", i), func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { http.Redirect( resp, req, fmt.Sprintf("", httpPort, i+1), http.StatusMovedPermanently, ) }) } // A path that always redirects to a URL with a non-HTTP/HTTPs protocol scheme mux.HandleFunc("/redir-bad-proto", func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { http.Redirect( resp, req, "gopher://", http.StatusMovedPermanently, ) }) // A path that always redirects to a URL with a port other than the configured // HTTP/HTTPS port mux.HandleFunc("/redir-bad-port", func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { http.Redirect( resp, req, "", http.StatusMovedPermanently, ) }) // A path that always redirects to a URL with a bare IP address mux.HandleFunc("/redir-bad-host", func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { http.Redirect( resp, req, "", http.StatusMovedPermanently, ) }) mux.HandleFunc("/bad-status-code", func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusGone) fmt.Fprint(resp, "sorry, I'm gone") }) // A path that always responds with a 303 redirect mux.HandleFunc("/303-see-other", func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { http.Redirect( resp, req, "", http.StatusSeeOther, ) }) tooLargeBuf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) for i := 0; i < maxResponseSize+10; i++ { tooLargeBuf.WriteByte(byte(97)) } mux.HandleFunc("/resp-too-big", func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) fmt.Fprint(resp, tooLargeBuf) }) // Create a buffer that starts with invalid UTF8 and is bigger than // maxResponseSize tooLargeInvalidUTF8 := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) tooLargeInvalidUTF8.WriteString("f\xffoo") tooLargeInvalidUTF8.Write(tooLargeBuf.Bytes()) // invalid-utf8-body Responds with body that is larger than // maxResponseSize and starts with an invalid UTF8 string. This is to // test the codepath where invalid UTF8 is converted to valid UTF8 // that can be passed as an error message via grpc. mux.HandleFunc("/invalid-utf8-body", func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) fmt.Fprint(resp, tooLargeInvalidUTF8) }) mux.HandleFunc("/redir-path-too-long", func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { http.Redirect( resp, req, "", http.StatusMovedPermanently) }) // A path that redirects to an uppercase public suffix (#4215) mux.HandleFunc("/redir-uppercase-publicsuffix", func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { http.Redirect( resp, req, "http://example.COM/ok", http.StatusMovedPermanently) }) // A path that returns a body containing printf formatting verbs mux.HandleFunc("/printf-verbs", func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) fmt.Fprint(resp, "%"+"2F.well-known%"+"2F"+tooLargeBuf.String()) }) return server } type testNetErr struct{} func (e *testNetErr) Error() string { return "testNetErr" } func (e *testNetErr) Temporary() bool { return false } func (e *testNetErr) Timeout() bool { return false } func TestFallbackErr(t *testing.T) { untypedErr := errors.New("the least interesting kind of error") berr := berrors.InternalServerError("code violet: class neptune") netOpErr := &net.OpError{ Op: "siphon", Err: fmt.Errorf("port was clogged. please empty packets"), } netDialOpErr := &net.OpError{ Op: "dial", Err: fmt.Errorf("your call is important to us - please stay on the line"), } netErr := &testNetErr{} testCases := []struct { Name string Err error ExpectFallback bool }{ { Name: "Nil error", Err: nil, }, { Name: "Standard untyped error", Err: untypedErr, }, { Name: "A Boulder error instance", Err: berr, }, { Name: "A non-dial net.OpError instance", Err: netOpErr, }, { Name: "A dial net.OpError instance", Err: netDialOpErr, ExpectFallback: true, }, { Name: "A generic net.Error instance", Err: netErr, }, { Name: "A URL error wrapping a standard error", Err: &url.Error{ Op: "ivy", URL: "", Err: errors.New("take warning"), }, }, { Name: "A URL error wrapping a nil error", Err: &url.Error{ Err: nil, }, }, { Name: "A URL error wrapping a Boulder error instance", Err: &url.Error{ Err: berr, }, }, { Name: "A URL error wrapping a non-dial net OpError", Err: &url.Error{ Err: netOpErr, }, }, { Name: "A URL error wrapping a dial net.OpError", Err: &url.Error{ Err: netDialOpErr, }, ExpectFallback: true, }, { Name: "A URL error wrapping a generic net Error", Err: &url.Error{ Err: netErr, }, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) { if isFallback := fallbackErr(tc.Err); isFallback != tc.ExpectFallback { t.Errorf( "Expected fallbackErr for %t to be %v was %v\n", tc.Err, tc.ExpectFallback, isFallback) } }) } } func TestFetchHTTP(t *testing.T) { // Create a test server testSrv := httpTestSrv(t) defer testSrv.Close() // Setup a VA. By providing the testSrv to setup the VA will use the testSrv's // randomly assigned port as its HTTP port. va, _ := setup(testSrv, 0, "", nil) // We need to know the randomly assigned HTTP port for testcases as well httpPort := getPort(testSrv) // For the looped test case we expect one validation record per redirect // until boulder detects that a url has been used twice indicating a // redirect loop. Because it is hitting the /loop endpoint it will encounter // this scenario after the base url and fail on the second time hitting the // redirect with a port definition. On i=0 it will encounter the first // redirect to the url with a port definition and on i=1 it will encounter // the second redirect to the url with the port and get an expected error. expectedLoopRecords := []core.ValidationRecord{} for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { // The first request will not have a port # in the URL. url := "" if i != 0 { url = fmt.Sprintf("", httpPort) } expectedLoopRecords = append(expectedLoopRecords, core.ValidationRecord{ Hostname: "", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: url, AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }) } // For the too many redirect test case we expect one validation record per // redirect up to maxRedirect (inclusive). There is also +1 record for the // base lookup, giving a termination criteria of > maxRedirect+1 expectedTooManyRedirRecords := []core.ValidationRecord{} for i := 0; i <= maxRedirect+1; i++ { // The first request will not have a port # in the URL. url := "" if i != 0 { url = fmt.Sprintf("", httpPort, i) } expectedTooManyRedirRecords = append(expectedTooManyRedirRecords, core.ValidationRecord{ Hostname: "", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: url, AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }) } expectedTruncatedResp := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) for i := 0; i < maxResponseSize; i++ { expectedTruncatedResp.WriteByte(byte(97)) } testCases := []struct { Name string Host string Path string ExpectedBody string ExpectedRecords []core.ValidationRecord ExpectedProblem *probs.ProblemDetails }{ { Name: "No IPs for host", Host: "always.invalid", Path: "/.well-known/whatever", ExpectedProblem: probs.DNS( "No valid IP addresses found for always.invalid"), // There are no validation records in this case because the base record // is only constructed once a URL is made. ExpectedRecords: nil, }, { Name: "Timeout for host with standard ACME allowed port", Host: "", Path: "/timeout", ExpectedProblem: probs.Connection( " Fetching " + "Timeout after connect (your server may be slow or overloaded)"), ExpectedRecords: []core.ValidationRecord{ { Hostname: "", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }, }, }, { Name: "Connecting to bad port", Host: "" + strconv.Itoa(httpPort), Path: "/timeout", ExpectedProblem: probs.Connection( " Fetching" + strconv.Itoa(httpPort) + "/timeout: " + "Error getting validation data"), ExpectedRecords: []core.ValidationRecord{ { Hostname: "" + strconv.Itoa(httpPort), Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "" + strconv.Itoa(httpPort) + "/timeout", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }, }, }, { Name: "Redirect loop", Host: "", Path: "/loop", ExpectedProblem: probs.Connection(fmt.Sprintf( " Fetching Redirect loop detected", httpPort)), ExpectedRecords: expectedLoopRecords, }, { Name: "Too many redirects", Host: "", Path: "/max-redirect/0", ExpectedProblem: probs.Connection(fmt.Sprintf( " Fetching Too many redirects", httpPort)), ExpectedRecords: expectedTooManyRedirRecords, }, { Name: "Redirect to bad protocol", Host: "", Path: "/redir-bad-proto", ExpectedProblem: probs.Connection( " Fetching gopher:// Invalid protocol scheme in " + `redirect target. Only "http" and "https" protocol schemes ` + `are supported, not "gopher"`), ExpectedRecords: []core.ValidationRecord{ { Hostname: "", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }, }, }, { Name: "Redirect to bad port", Host: "", Path: "/redir-bad-port", ExpectedProblem: probs.Connection(fmt.Sprintf( " Fetching Invalid port in redirect target. "+ "Only ports %d and 443 are supported, not 1987", httpPort)), ExpectedRecords: []core.ValidationRecord{ { Hostname: "", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }, }, }, { Name: "Redirect to bad host (bare IP address)", Host: "", Path: "/redir-bad-host", ExpectedProblem: probs.Connection( " Fetching Invalid host in redirect target " + `"". Only domain names are supported, not IP addresses`), ExpectedRecords: []core.ValidationRecord{ { Hostname: "", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }, }, }, { Name: "Redirect to long path", Host: "", Path: "/redir-path-too-long", ExpectedProblem: probs.Connection( " Fetching Redirect target too long"), ExpectedRecords: []core.ValidationRecord{ { Hostname: "", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }, }, }, { Name: "Wrong HTTP status code", Host: "", Path: "/bad-status-code", ExpectedProblem: probs.Unauthorized( " Invalid response from 410"), ExpectedRecords: []core.ValidationRecord{ { Hostname: "", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }, }, }, { Name: "HTTP status code 303 redirect", Host: "", Path: "/303-see-other", ExpectedProblem: probs.Connection( " Fetching received disallowed redirect status code"), ExpectedRecords: []core.ValidationRecord{ { Hostname: "", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }, }, }, { Name: "Response too large", Host: "", Path: "/resp-too-big", ExpectedProblem: probs.Unauthorized(fmt.Sprintf( " Invalid response from %q", expectedTruncatedResp.String(), )), ExpectedRecords: []core.ValidationRecord{ { Hostname: "", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }, }, }, { Name: "Broken IPv6 only", Host: "ipv6.localhost", Path: "/ok", ExpectedProblem: probs.Connection( "::1: Fetching http://ipv6.localhost/ok: Error getting validation data"), ExpectedRecords: []core.ValidationRecord{ { Hostname: "ipv6.localhost", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "http://ipv6.localhost/ok", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("::1")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP("::1"), }, }, }, { Name: "Dual homed w/ broken IPv6, working IPv4", Host: "ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost", Path: "/ok", ExpectedBody: "ok", ExpectedRecords: []core.ValidationRecord{ { Hostname: "ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "http://ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost/ok", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("::1"), net.ParseIP("")}, // The first validation record should have used the IPv6 addr AddressUsed: net.ParseIP("::1"), }, { Hostname: "ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "http://ipv4.and.ipv6.localhost/ok", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("::1"), net.ParseIP("")}, // The second validation record should have used the IPv4 addr as a fallback AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }, }, }, { Name: "Working IPv4 only", Host: "", Path: "/ok", ExpectedBody: "ok", ExpectedRecords: []core.ValidationRecord{ { Hostname: "", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }, }, }, { Name: "Redirect to uppercase Public Suffix", Host: "", Path: "/redir-uppercase-publicsuffix", ExpectedBody: "ok", ExpectedRecords: []core.ValidationRecord{ { Hostname: "", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }, { Hostname: "", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }, }, }, { Name: "Reflected response body containing printf verbs", Host: "", Path: "/printf-verbs", ExpectedProblem: &probs.ProblemDetails{ Type: probs.UnauthorizedProblem, Detail: fmt.Sprintf(" Invalid response from %q", ("%2F.well-known%2F" + expectedTruncatedResp.String())[:maxResponseSize]), HTTPStatus: http.StatusForbidden, }, ExpectedRecords: []core.ValidationRecord{ { Hostname: "", Port: strconv.Itoa(httpPort), URL: "", AddressesResolved: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, AddressUsed: net.ParseIP(""), }, }, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Millisecond*500) defer cancel() body, records, prob := va.fetchHTTP(ctx, tc.Host, tc.Path) if prob != nil && tc.ExpectedProblem == nil { t.Errorf("expected nil prob, got %#v\n", prob) } else if prob == nil && tc.ExpectedProblem != nil { t.Errorf("expected %#v prob, got nil", tc.ExpectedProblem) } else if prob != nil && tc.ExpectedProblem != nil { test.AssertMarshaledEquals(t, prob, tc.ExpectedProblem) } else { test.AssertEquals(t, string(body), tc.ExpectedBody) } // in all cases we expect validation records to be present and matching expected test.AssertMarshaledEquals(t, records, tc.ExpectedRecords) }) } } // All paths that get assigned to tokens MUST be valid tokens const pathWrongToken = "i6lNAC4lOOLYCl-A08VJt9z_tKYvVk63Dumo8icsBjQ" const path404 = "404" const path500 = "500" const pathFound = "GBq8SwWq3JsbREFdCamk5IX3KLsxW5ULeGs98Ajl_UM" const pathMoved = "5J4FIMrWNfmvHZo-QpKZngmuhqZGwRm21-oEgUDstJM" const pathRedirectInvalidPort = "port-redirect" const pathWait = "wait" const pathWaitLong = "wait-long" const pathReLookup = "7e-P57coLM7D3woNTp_xbJrtlkDYy6PWf3mSSbLwCr4" const pathReLookupInvalid = "re-lookup-invalid" const pathRedirectToFailingURL = "re-to-failing-url" const pathLooper = "looper" const pathValid = "valid" const rejectUserAgent = "rejectMe" func httpSrv(t *testing.T, token string) *httptest.Server { m := http.NewServeMux() server := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(m) defaultToken := token currentToken := defaultToken m.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, path404) { t.Logf("HTTPSRV: Got a 404 req\n") http.NotFound(w, r) } else if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, path500) { t.Logf("HTTPSRV: Got a 500 req\n") http.Error(w, "Internal Server Error", http.StatusInternalServerError) } else if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, pathMoved) { t.Logf("HTTPSRV: Got a http.StatusMovedPermanently redirect req\n") if currentToken == defaultToken { currentToken = pathMoved } http.Redirect(w, r, pathValid, http.StatusMovedPermanently) } else if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, pathFound) { t.Logf("HTTPSRV: Got a http.StatusFound redirect req\n") if currentToken == defaultToken { currentToken = pathFound } http.Redirect(w, r, pathMoved, http.StatusFound) } else if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, pathWait) { t.Logf("HTTPSRV: Got a wait req\n") time.Sleep(time.Second * 3) } else if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, pathWaitLong) { t.Logf("HTTPSRV: Got a wait-long req\n") time.Sleep(time.Second * 10) } else if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, pathReLookup) { t.Logf("HTTPSRV: Got a redirect req to a valid hostname\n") if currentToken == defaultToken { currentToken = pathReLookup } port := getPort(server) http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("", port), http.StatusFound) } else if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, pathReLookupInvalid) { t.Logf("HTTPSRV: Got a redirect req to an invalid hostname\n") http.Redirect(w, r, "http://invalid.invalid/path", http.StatusFound) } else if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, pathRedirectToFailingURL) { t.Logf("HTTPSRV: Redirecting to a URL that will fail\n") port := getPort(server) http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("", port, path500), http.StatusMovedPermanently) } else if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, pathLooper) { t.Logf("HTTPSRV: Got a loop req\n") http.Redirect(w, r, r.URL.String(), http.StatusMovedPermanently) } else if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, pathRedirectInvalidPort) { t.Logf("HTTPSRV: Got a port redirect req\n") // Port 8080 is not the VA's httpPort or httpsPort and should be rejected http.Redirect(w, r, "", http.StatusFound) } else if r.Header.Get("User-Agent") == rejectUserAgent { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) w.Write([]byte("found trap User-Agent")) } else { t.Logf("HTTPSRV: Got a valid req\n") t.Logf("HTTPSRV: Path = %s\n", r.URL.Path) ch := core.Challenge{Token: currentToken} keyAuthz, _ := ch.ExpectedKeyAuthorization(accountKey) t.Logf("HTTPSRV: Key Authz = '%s%s'\n", keyAuthz, "\\n\\r \\t") fmt.Fprint(w, keyAuthz, "\n\r \t") currentToken = defaultToken } }) server.Start() return server } func TestHTTPBadPort(t *testing.T) { hs := httpSrv(t, expectedToken) defer hs.Close() va, _ := setup(hs, 0, "", nil) // Pick a random port between 40000 and 65000 - with great certainty we won't // have an HTTP server listening on this port and the test will fail as // intended badPort := 40000 + mrand.Intn(25000) va.httpPort = badPort _, prob := va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi("localhost"), httpChallenge()) if prob == nil { t.Fatalf("Server's down; expected refusal. Where did we connect?") } test.AssertEquals(t, prob.Type, probs.ConnectionProblem) if !strings.Contains(prob.Detail, "Connection refused") { t.Errorf("Expected a connection refused error, got %q", prob.Detail) } } func TestHTTPKeyAuthorizationFileMismatch(t *testing.T) { m := http.NewServeMux() hs := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(m) m.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Write([]byte("\xef\xffAABBCC")) }) hs.Start() va, _ := setup(hs, 0, "", nil) _, prob := va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi(""), httpChallenge()) if prob == nil { t.Fatalf("Expected validation to fail when file mismatched.") } expected := `The key authorization file from the server did not match this challenge. Expected "LoqXcYV8q5ONbJQxbmR7SCTNo3tiAXDfowyjxAjEuX0.9jg46WB3rR_AHD-EBXdN7cBkH1WOu0tA3M9fm21mqTI" (got "\xef\xffAABBCC")` if prob.Detail != expected { t.Errorf("validation failed with %s, expected %s", prob.Detail, expected) } } func TestHTTP(t *testing.T) { // NOTE: We do not attempt to shut down the server. The problem is that the // "wait-long" handler sleeps for ten seconds, but this test finishes in less // than that. So if we try to call hs.Close() at the end of the test, we'll be // closing the test server while a request is still pending. Unfortunately, // there appears to be an issue in httptest that trips Go's race detector when // that happens, failing the test. So instead, we live with leaving the server // around till the process exits. // TODO(#1989): close hs hs := httpSrv(t, expectedToken) va, log := setup(hs, 0, "", nil) chall := httpChallenge() t.Logf("Trying to validate: %+v\n", chall) _, prob := va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi(""), chall) if prob != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected failure in HTTP validation: %s", prob) } test.AssertEquals(t, len(log.GetAllMatching(`\[AUDIT\] `)), 1) log.Clear() setChallengeToken(&chall, path404) _, prob = va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi(""), chall) if prob == nil { t.Fatalf("Should have found a 404 for the challenge.") } test.AssertEquals(t, prob.Type, probs.UnauthorizedProblem) test.AssertEquals(t, len(log.GetAllMatching(`\[AUDIT\] `)), 1) log.Clear() setChallengeToken(&chall, pathWrongToken) // The "wrong token" will actually be the expectedToken. It's wrong // because it doesn't match pathWrongToken. _, prob = va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi(""), chall) if prob == nil { t.Fatalf("Should have found the wrong token value.") } test.AssertEquals(t, prob.Type, probs.UnauthorizedProblem) test.AssertEquals(t, len(log.GetAllMatching(`\[AUDIT\] `)), 1) log.Clear() setChallengeToken(&chall, pathMoved) _, prob = va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi(""), chall) if prob != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to follow http.StatusMovedPermanently redirect") } redirectValid := `following redirect to host "" url "` + pathValid + `"` matchedValidRedirect := log.GetAllMatching(redirectValid) test.AssertEquals(t, len(matchedValidRedirect), 1) log.Clear() setChallengeToken(&chall, pathFound) _, prob = va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi(""), chall) if prob != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to follow http.StatusFound redirect") } redirectMoved := `following redirect to host "" url "` + pathMoved + `"` matchedMovedRedirect := log.GetAllMatching(redirectMoved) test.AssertEquals(t, len(matchedValidRedirect), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, len(matchedMovedRedirect), 1) ipIdentifier := identifier.ACMEIdentifier{Type: identifier.IdentifierType("ip"), Value: ""} _, prob = va.validateHTTP01(ctx, ipIdentifier, chall) if prob == nil { t.Fatalf("IdentifierType IP shouldn't have worked.") } test.AssertEquals(t, prob.Type, probs.MalformedProblem) _, prob = va.validateHTTP01(ctx, identifier.ACMEIdentifier{Type: identifier.DNS, Value: "always.invalid"}, chall) if prob == nil { t.Fatalf("Domain name is invalid.") } test.AssertEquals(t, prob.Type, probs.DNSProblem) } func TestHTTPTimeout(t *testing.T) { hs := httpSrv(t, expectedToken) // TODO(#1989): close hs va, _ := setup(hs, 0, "", nil) chall := httpChallenge() setChallengeToken(&chall, pathWaitLong) started := time.Now() timeout := 250 * time.Millisecond ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout) defer cancel() _, prob := va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi("localhost"), chall) if prob == nil { t.Fatalf("Connection should've timed out") } took := time.Since(started) // Check that the HTTP connection doesn't return before a timeout, and times // out after the expected time if took < timeout-200*time.Millisecond { t.Fatalf("HTTP timed out before %s: %s with %s", timeout, took, prob) } if took > 2*timeout { t.Fatalf("HTTP connection didn't timeout after %s", timeout) } test.AssertEquals(t, prob.Type, probs.ConnectionProblem) test.AssertEquals(t, prob.Detail, " Fetching http://localhost/.well-known/acme-challenge/wait-long: Timeout after connect (your server may be slow or overloaded)") } // dnsMockReturnsUnroutable is a DNSClient mock that always returns an // unroutable address for LookupHost. This is useful in testing connect // timeouts. type dnsMockReturnsUnroutable struct { *bdns.MockClient } func (mock dnsMockReturnsUnroutable) LookupHost(_ context.Context, hostname string) ([]net.IP, error) { return []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, nil } // TestHTTPDialTimeout tests that we give the proper "Timeout during connect" // error when dial fails. We do this by using a mock DNS client that resolves // everything to an unroutable IP address. func TestHTTPDialTimeout(t *testing.T) { va, _ := setup(nil, 0, "", nil) started := time.Now() timeout := 250 * time.Millisecond ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout) defer cancel() va.dnsClient = dnsMockReturnsUnroutable{&bdns.MockClient{}} // The only method I've found so far to trigger a connect timeout is to // connect to an unrouteable IP address. This usually generates a connection // timeout, but will rarely return "Network unreachable" instead. If we get // that, just retry until we get something other than "Network unreachable". var prob *probs.ProblemDetails for i := 0; i < 20; i++ { _, prob = va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi("unroutable.invalid"), httpChallenge()) if prob != nil && strings.Contains(prob.Detail, "Network unreachable") { continue } else { break } } if prob == nil { t.Fatalf("Connection should've timed out") } took := time.Since(started) // Check that the HTTP connection doesn't return too fast, and times // out after the expected time if took < (timeout-200*time.Millisecond)/2 { t.Fatalf("HTTP returned before %s (%s) with %#v", timeout, took, prob) } if took > 2*timeout { t.Fatalf("HTTP connection didn't timeout after %s seconds", timeout) } test.AssertEquals(t, prob.Type, probs.ConnectionProblem) expectMatch := regexp.MustCompile( "Fetching http://unroutable.invalid/.well-known/acme-challenge/.*: Timeout during connect") if !expectMatch.MatchString(prob.Detail) { t.Errorf("Problem details incorrect. Got %q, expected to match %q", prob.Detail, expectMatch) } } func TestHTTPRedirectLookup(t *testing.T) { hs := httpSrv(t, expectedToken) defer hs.Close() va, log := setup(hs, 0, "", nil) chall := httpChallenge() setChallengeToken(&chall, pathMoved) _, prob := va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi(""), chall) if prob != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected failure in redirect (%s): %s", pathMoved, prob) } redirectValid := `following redirect to host "" url "` + pathValid + `"` matchedValidRedirect := log.GetAllMatching(redirectValid) test.AssertEquals(t, len(matchedValidRedirect), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, len(log.GetAllMatching(`Resolved addresses for \[\]`)), 2) log.Clear() setChallengeToken(&chall, pathFound) _, prob = va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi(""), chall) if prob != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected failure in redirect (%s): %s", pathFound, prob) } redirectMoved := `following redirect to host "" url "` + pathMoved + `"` matchedMovedRedirect := log.GetAllMatching(redirectMoved) test.AssertEquals(t, len(matchedMovedRedirect), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, len(log.GetAllMatching(`Resolved addresses for \[\]`)), 3) log.Clear() setChallengeToken(&chall, pathReLookupInvalid) _, err := va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi(""), chall) test.AssertError(t, err, chall.Token) test.AssertEquals(t, len(log.GetAllMatching(`Resolved addresses for \[\]`)), 1) test.AssertDeepEquals(t, err, probs.Connection(` Fetching http://invalid.invalid/path: Invalid hostname in redirect target, must end in IANA registered TLD`)) log.Clear() setChallengeToken(&chall, pathReLookup) _, prob = va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi(""), chall) if prob != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error in redirect (%s): %s", pathReLookup, prob) } redirectPattern := `following redirect to host "" url "\d+/path"` test.AssertEquals(t, len(log.GetAllMatching(redirectPattern)), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, len(log.GetAllMatching(`Resolved addresses for \[\]`)), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, len(log.GetAllMatching(`Resolved addresses for \[\]`)), 1) log.Clear() setChallengeToken(&chall, pathRedirectInvalidPort) _, prob = va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi(""), chall) test.AssertNotNil(t, prob, "Problem details for pathRedirectInvalidPort should not be nil") test.AssertEquals(t, prob.Detail, fmt.Sprintf( " Fetching Invalid port in redirect target. "+ "Only ports %d and %d are supported, not 8080", va.httpPort, va.httpsPort)) // This case will redirect from a valid host to a host that is throwing // HTTP 500 errors. The test case is ensuring that the connection error // is referencing the redirected to host, instead of the original host. log.Clear() setChallengeToken(&chall, pathRedirectToFailingURL) _, prob = va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi(""), chall) test.AssertNotNil(t, prob, "Problem Details should not be nil") test.AssertDeepEquals(t, prob, probs.Unauthorized( fmt.Sprintf(" Invalid response from 500", va.httpPort))) } func TestHTTPRedirectLoop(t *testing.T) { hs := httpSrv(t, expectedToken) defer hs.Close() va, _ := setup(hs, 0, "", nil) chall := httpChallenge() setChallengeToken(&chall, "looper") _, prob := va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi("localhost"), chall) if prob == nil { t.Fatalf("Challenge should have failed for %s", chall.Token) } } func TestHTTPRedirectUserAgent(t *testing.T) { hs := httpSrv(t, expectedToken) defer hs.Close() va, _ := setup(hs, 0, "", nil) va.userAgent = rejectUserAgent chall := httpChallenge() setChallengeToken(&chall, pathMoved) _, prob := va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi("localhost"), chall) if prob == nil { t.Fatalf("Challenge with rejectUserAgent should have failed (%s).", pathMoved) } setChallengeToken(&chall, pathFound) _, prob = va.validateHTTP01(ctx, dnsi("localhost"), chall) if prob == nil { t.Fatalf("Challenge with rejectUserAgent should have failed (%s).", pathFound) } } func getPort(hs *httptest.Server) int { url, err := url.Parse(hs.URL) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse hs URL: %q - %s", hs.URL, err.Error())) } _, portString, err := net.SplitHostPort(url.Host) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to split hs URL host: %q - %s", url.Host, err.Error())) } port, err := strconv.ParseInt(portString, 10, 64) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse hs URL port: %q - %s", portString, err.Error())) } return int(port) } func TestValidateHTTP(t *testing.T) { chall := core.HTTPChallenge01("") setChallengeToken(&chall, core.NewToken()) hs := httpSrv(t, chall.Token) defer hs.Close() va, _ := setup(hs, 0, "", nil) _, prob := va.validateChallenge(ctx, dnsi("localhost"), chall) test.Assert(t, prob == nil, "validation failed") } func TestLimitedReader(t *testing.T) { chall := core.HTTPChallenge01("") setChallengeToken(&chall, core.NewToken()) hs := httpSrv(t, "012345\xff67890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789") va, _ := setup(hs, 0, "", nil) defer hs.Close() _, prob := va.validateChallenge(ctx, dnsi("localhost"), chall) test.AssertEquals(t, prob.Type, probs.UnauthorizedProblem) test.Assert(t, strings.HasPrefix(prob.Detail, " Invalid response from "), "Expected failure due to truncation") if !utf8.ValidString(prob.Detail) { t.Errorf("Problem Detail contained an invalid UTF-8 string") } }