# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Integration test cases for ACMEv2 as implemented by boulder-wfe2. """ import subprocess import requests import datetime import time import os import json import re import OpenSSL from cryptography import x509 from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization import chisel2 from helpers import * from acme import errors as acme_errors from acme.messages import Status, CertificateRequest, Directory, NewRegistration from acme import crypto_util as acme_crypto_util from acme import client as acme_client from acme import messages from acme import challenges from acme import errors import josepy import tempfile import shutil import atexit import random import string import threading from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler import socketserver import socket import challtestsrv challSrv = challtestsrv.ChallTestServer() def test_multidomain(): chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain(), random_domain()]) def test_wildcardmultidomain(): """ Test issuance for a random domain and a random wildcard domain using DNS-01. """ chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain(), "*."+random_domain()], chall_type="dns-01") def test_http_challenge(): chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain(), random_domain()], chall_type="http-01") def rand_http_chall(client): d = random_domain() csr_pem = chisel2.make_csr([d]) order = client.new_order(csr_pem) authzs = order.authorizations for a in authzs: for c in a.body.challenges: if isinstance(c.chall, challenges.HTTP01): return d, c.chall raise(Exception("No HTTP-01 challenge found for random domain authz")) def check_challenge_dns_err(chalType): """ check_challenge_dns_err tests that performing an ACME challenge of the specified type to a hostname that is configured to return SERVFAIL for all queries produces the correct problem type and detail message. """ client = chisel2.make_client() # Create a random domains. d = random_domain() # Configure the chall srv to SERVFAIL all queries for that domain. challSrv.add_servfail_response(d) # Expect a DNS problem with a detail that matches a regex expectedProbType = "dns" expectedProbRegex = re.compile(r"SERVFAIL looking up (A|AAAA|TXT|CAA) for {0}".format(d)) # Try and issue for the domain with the given challenge type. failed = False try: chisel2.auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type=chalType) except acme_errors.ValidationError as e: # Mark that the auth_and_issue failed failed = True # Extract the failed challenge from each failed authorization for authzr in e.failed_authzrs: c = None if chalType == "http-01": c = chisel2.get_chall(authzr, challenges.HTTP01) elif chalType == "dns-01": c = chisel2.get_chall(authzr, challenges.DNS01) elif chalType == "tls-alpn-01": c = chisel2.get_chall(authzr, challenges.TLSALPN01) else: raise(Exception("Invalid challenge type requested: {0}".format(challType))) # The failed challenge's error should match expected error = c.error if error is None or error.typ != "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:{0}".format(expectedProbType): raise(Exception("Expected {0} prob, got {1}".format(expectedProbType, error.typ))) if not expectedProbRegex.search(error.detail): raise(Exception("Prob detail did not match expectedProbRegex, got \"{0}\"".format(error.detail))) finally: challSrv.remove_servfail_response(d) # If there was no exception that means something went wrong. The test should fail. if failed is False: raise(Exception("No problem generated issuing for broken DNS identifier")) def test_http_challenge_dns_err(): """ test_http_challenge_dns_err tests that a HTTP-01 challenge for a domain with broken DNS produces the correct problem response. """ check_challenge_dns_err("http-01") def test_dns_challenge_dns_err(): """ test_dns_challenge_dns_err tests that a DNS-01 challenge for a domain with broken DNS produces the correct problem response. """ check_challenge_dns_err("dns-01") def test_tls_alpn_challenge_dns_err(): """ test_tls_alpn_challenge_dns_err tests that a TLS-ALPN-01 challenge for a domain with broken DNS produces the correct problem response. """ check_challenge_dns_err("tls-alpn-01") def test_http_challenge_broken_redirect(): """ test_http_challenge_broken_redirect tests that a common webserver mis-configuration receives the correct specialized error message when attempting an HTTP-01 challenge. """ client = chisel2.make_client() # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token d, chall = rand_http_chall(client) token = chall.encode("token") # Create a broken HTTP redirect similar to a sort we see frequently "in the wild" challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token) redirect = "http://{0}.well-known/acme-challenge/bad-bad-bad".format(d) challSrv.add_http_redirect( challengePath, redirect) # Expect the specialized error message expectedError = " Fetching {0}: Invalid host in redirect target \"{1}.well-known\". Check webserver config for missing '/' in redirect target.".format(redirect, d) # NOTE(@cpu): Can't use chisel2.expect_problem here because it doesn't let # us interrogate the detail message easily. try: chisel2.auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01") except acme_errors.ValidationError as e: for authzr in e.failed_authzrs: c = chisel2.get_chall(authzr, challenges.HTTP01) error = c.error if error is None or error.typ != "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection": raise(Exception("Expected connection prob, got %s" % (error.__str__()))) if error.detail != expectedError: raise(Exception("Expected prob detail %s, got %s" % (expectedError, error.detail))) challSrv.remove_http_redirect(challengePath) def test_failed_validation_limit(): """ Fail a challenge repeatedly for the same domain, with the same account. Once we reach the rate limit we should get a rateLimitedError. Note that this depends on the specific threshold configured in rate-limit-policies.yml. This also incidentally tests a fix for https://github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/issues/4329. We expect to get ValidationErrors, eventually followed by a rate limit error. """ domain = "fail." + random_domain() csr_pem = chisel2.make_csr([domain]) client = chisel2.make_client() threshold = 3 for _ in range(threshold): order = client.new_order(csr_pem) chall = order.authorizations[0].body.challenges[0] client.answer_challenge(chall, chall.response(client.net.key)) try: client.poll_and_finalize(order) except errors.ValidationError as e: pass chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rateLimited", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue([domain], client=client)) def test_http_challenge_loop_redirect(): client = chisel2.make_client() # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token d, chall = rand_http_chall(client) token = chall.encode("token") # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to itself challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token) challSrv.add_http_redirect( challengePath, "http://{0}{1}".format(d, challengePath)) # Issuing for the the name should fail because of the challenge domains's # redirect loop. chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01")) challSrv.remove_http_redirect(challengePath) def test_http_challenge_badport_redirect(): client = chisel2.make_client() # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token d, chall = rand_http_chall(client) token = chall.encode("token") # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to a host with # an invalid port. challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token) challSrv.add_http_redirect( challengePath, "http://{0}:1337{1}".format(d, challengePath)) # Issuing for the name should fail because of the challenge domain's # invalid port redirect. chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01")) challSrv.remove_http_redirect(challengePath) def test_http_challenge_badhost_redirect(): client = chisel2.make_client() # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token d, chall = rand_http_chall(client) token = chall.encode("token") # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to a bare IP # hostname. challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token) challSrv.add_http_redirect( challengePath, "{0}".format(challengePath)) # Issuing for the name should cause a connection error because the redirect # domain name is an IP address. chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01")) challSrv.remove_http_redirect(challengePath) def test_http_challenge_badproto_redirect(): client = chisel2.make_client() # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token d, chall = rand_http_chall(client) token = chall.encode("token") # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to whacky # non-http/https protocol URL. challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token) challSrv.add_http_redirect( challengePath, "gopher://{0}{1}".format(d, challengePath)) # Issuing for the name should cause a connection error because the redirect # domain name is an IP address. chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01")) challSrv.remove_http_redirect(challengePath) def test_http_challenge_http_redirect(): client = chisel2.make_client() # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token d, chall = rand_http_chall(client) token = chall.encode("token") # Calculate its keyauth so we can add it in a special non-standard location # for the redirect result resp = chall.response(client.net.key) keyauth = resp.key_authorization challSrv.add_http01_response("http-redirect", keyauth) # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to some other # token path where we have registered the key authorization. challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token) redirectPath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/http-redirect?params=are&important=to¬=lose" challSrv.add_http_redirect( challengePath, "http://{0}{1}".format(d, redirectPath)) chisel2.auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01") challSrv.remove_http_redirect(challengePath) challSrv.remove_http01_response("http-redirect") history = challSrv.http_request_history(d) challSrv.clear_http_request_history(d) # There should have been at least two GET requests made to the # challtestsrv. There may have been more if remote VAs were configured. if len(history) < 2: raise(Exception("Expected at least 2 HTTP request events on challtestsrv, found {1}".format(len(history)))) initialRequests = [] redirectedRequests = [] for request in history: # All requests should have been over HTTP if request['HTTPS'] is True: raise(Exception("Expected all requests to be HTTP")) # Initial requests should have the expected initial HTTP-01 URL for the challenge if request['URL'] == challengePath: initialRequests.append(request) # Redirected requests should have the expected redirect path URL with all # its parameters elif request['URL'] == redirectPath: redirectedRequests.append(request) else: raise(Exception("Unexpected request URL {0} in challtestsrv history: {1}".format(request['URL'], request))) # There should have been at least 1 initial HTTP-01 validation request. if len(initialRequests) < 1: raise(Exception("Expected {0} initial HTTP-01 request events on challtestsrv, found {1}".format(validation_attempts, len(initialRequests)))) # There should have been at least 1 redirected HTTP request for each VA if len(redirectedRequests) < 1: raise(Exception("Expected {0} redirected HTTP-01 request events on challtestsrv, found {1}".format(validation_attempts, len(redirectedRequests)))) def test_http_challenge_https_redirect(): client = chisel2.make_client() # Create an authz for a random domain and get its HTTP-01 challenge token d, chall = rand_http_chall(client) token = chall.encode("token") # Calculate its keyauth so we can add it in a special non-standard location # for the redirect result resp = chall.response(client.net.key) keyauth = resp.key_authorization challSrv.add_http01_response("https-redirect", keyauth) # Create a HTTP redirect from the challenge's validation path to an HTTPS # path with some parameters challengePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/{0}".format(token) redirectPath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/https-redirect?params=are&important=to¬=lose" challSrv.add_http_redirect( challengePath, "https://{0}{1}".format(d, redirectPath)) # Also add an A record for the domain pointing to the interface that the # HTTPS HTTP-01 challtestsrv is bound. challSrv.add_a_record(d, [""]) try: chisel2.auth_and_issue([d], client=client, chall_type="http-01") except errors.ValidationError as e: problems = [] for authzr in e.failed_authzrs: for chall in authzr.body.challenges: error = chall.error if error: problems.append(error.__str__()) raise(Exception("validation problem: %s" % "; ".join(problems))) challSrv.remove_http_redirect(challengePath) challSrv.remove_a_record(d) history = challSrv.http_request_history(d) challSrv.clear_http_request_history(d) # There should have been at least two GET requests made to the challtestsrv by the VA if len(history) < 2: raise(Exception("Expected 2 HTTP request events on challtestsrv, found {0}".format(len(history)))) initialRequests = [] redirectedRequests = [] for request in history: # Initial requests should have the expected initial HTTP-01 URL for the challenge if request['URL'] == challengePath: initialRequests.append(request) # Redirected requests should have the expected redirect path URL with all # its parameters elif request['URL'] == redirectPath: redirectedRequests.append(request) else: raise(Exception("Unexpected request URL {0} in challtestsrv history: {1}".format(request['URL'], request))) # There should have been at least 1 initial HTTP-01 validation request. if len(initialRequests) < 1: raise(Exception("Expected {0} initial HTTP-01 request events on challtestsrv, found {1}".format(validation_attempts, len(initialRequests)))) # All initial requests should have been over HTTP for r in initialRequests: if r['HTTPS'] is True: raise(Exception("Expected all initial requests to be HTTP, got %s" % r)) # There should have been at least 1 redirected HTTP request for each VA if len(redirectedRequests) < 1: raise(Exception("Expected {0} redirected HTTP-01 request events on challtestsrv, found {1}".format(validation_attempts, len(redirectedRequests)))) # All the redirected requests should have been over HTTPS with the correct # SNI value for r in redirectedRequests: if r['HTTPS'] is False: raise(Exception("Expected all redirected requests to be HTTPS")) if r['ServerName'] != d: raise(Exception("Expected all redirected requests to have ServerName {0} got \"{1}\"".format(d, r['ServerName']))) class SlowHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): try: # Sleeptime needs to be larger than the RA->VA timeout (20s at the # time of writing) sleeptime = 22 print("SlowHTTPRequestHandler: sleeping for {0}s\n".format(sleeptime)) time.sleep(sleeptime) self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(b"this is not an ACME key authorization") except: pass class SlowHTTPServer(HTTPServer): # Override handle_error so we don't print a misleading stack trace when the # VA terminates the connection due to timeout. def handle_error(self, request, client_address): pass def test_http_challenge_timeout(): """ test_http_challenge_timeout tests that the VA times out challenge requests to a slow HTTP server appropriately. """ # Start a simple python HTTP server on port 80 in its own thread. # NOTE(@cpu): The pebble-challtestsrv binds for HTTP-01 # challenges so we must use the address for the throw away # server for this test and add a mock DNS entry that directs the VA to it. httpd = SlowHTTPServer(("", 80), SlowHTTPRequestHandler) thread = threading.Thread(target = httpd.serve_forever) thread.daemon = False thread.start() # Pick a random domain hostname = random_domain() # Add A record for the domains to ensure the VA's requests are directed # to the interface that we bound the HTTPServer to. challSrv.add_a_record(hostname, [""]) start = datetime.datetime.utcnow() end = 0 try: # We expect a connection timeout error to occur chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue([hostname], chall_type="http-01")) end = datetime.datetime.utcnow() finally: # Shut down the HTTP server gracefully and join on its thread. httpd.shutdown() httpd.server_close() thread.join() delta = end - start # Expected duration should be the RA->VA timeout plus some padding (At # present the timeout is 20s so adding 2s of padding = 22s) expectedDuration = 22 if delta.total_seconds() == 0 or delta.total_seconds() > expectedDuration: raise(Exception("expected timeout to occur in under {0} seconds. Took {1}".format(expectedDuration, delta.total_seconds()))) def test_tls_alpn_challenge(): # Pick two random domains domains = [random_domain(),random_domain()] # Add A records for these domains to ensure the VA's requests are directed # to the interface that the challtestsrv has bound for TLS-ALPN-01 challenge # responses for host in domains: challSrv.add_a_record(host, [""]) chisel2.auth_and_issue(domains, chall_type="tls-alpn-01") for host in domains: challSrv.remove_a_record(host) def test_overlapping_wildcard(): """ Test issuance for a random domain and a wildcard version of the same domain using DNS-01. This should result in *two* distinct authorizations. """ domain = random_domain() domains = [ domain, "*."+domain ] client = chisel2.make_client(None) csr_pem = chisel2.make_csr(domains) order = client.new_order(csr_pem) authzs = order.authorizations if len(authzs) != 2: raise(Exception("order for %s had %d authorizations, expected 2" % (domains, len(authzs)))) cleanup = chisel2.do_dns_challenges(client, authzs) try: order = client.poll_and_finalize(order) finally: cleanup() def test_highrisk_blocklist(): """ Test issuance for a subdomain of a HighRiskBlockedNames entry. It should fail with a policy error. """ # We include "example.org" in `test/hostname-policy.yaml` in the # HighRiskBlockedNames list so issuing for "foo.example.org" should be # blocked. domain = "foo.example.org" # We expect this to produce a policy problem chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rejectedIdentifier", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue([domain], chall_type="dns-01")) def test_wildcard_exactblacklist(): """ Test issuance for a wildcard that would cover an exact blacklist entry. It should fail with a policy error. """ # We include "highrisk.le-test.hoffman-andrews.com" in `test/hostname-policy.yaml` # Issuing for "*.le-test.hoffman-andrews.com" should be blocked domain = "*.le-test.hoffman-andrews.com" # We expect this to produce a policy problem chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rejectedIdentifier", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue([domain], chall_type="dns-01")) def test_wildcard_authz_reuse(): """ Test that an authorization for a base domain obtained via HTTP-01 isn't reused when issuing a wildcard for that base domain later on. """ # Create one client to reuse across multiple issuances client = chisel2.make_client(None) # Pick a random domain to issue for domains = [ random_domain() ] csr_pem = chisel2.make_csr(domains) # Submit an order for the name order = client.new_order(csr_pem) # Complete the order via an HTTP-01 challenge cleanup = chisel2.do_http_challenges(client, order.authorizations) try: order = client.poll_and_finalize(order) finally: cleanup() # Now try to issue a wildcard for the random domain domains[0] = "*." + domains[0] csr_pem = chisel2.make_csr(domains) order = client.new_order(csr_pem) # We expect all of the returned authorizations to be pending status for authz in order.authorizations: if authz.body.status != Status("pending"): raise(Exception("order for %s included a non-pending authorization (status: %s) from a previous HTTP-01 order" % ((domains), str(authz.body.status)))) def test_bad_overlap_wildcard(): chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue(["*.example.com", "www.example.com"])) def test_duplicate_orders(): """ Test that the same client issuing for the same domain names twice in a row works without error. """ client = chisel2.make_client(None) domains = [ random_domain() ] chisel2.auth_and_issue(domains, client=client) chisel2.auth_and_issue(domains, client=client) def test_order_reuse_failed_authz(): """ Test that creating an order for a domain name, failing an authorization in that order, and submitting another new order request for the same name doesn't reuse a failed authorizaton in the new order. """ client = chisel2.make_client(None) domains = [ random_domain() ] csr_pem = chisel2.make_csr(domains) order = client.new_order(csr_pem) firstOrderURI = order.uri # Pick the first authz's first challenge, doesn't matter what type it is chall_body = order.authorizations[0].body.challenges[0] # Answer it, but with nothing set up to solve the challenge request client.answer_challenge(chall_body, chall_body.response(client.net.key)) deadline = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=60) authzFailed = False try: # Poll the order's authorizations until they are non-pending, a timeout # occurs, or there is an invalid authorization status. client.poll_authorizations(order, deadline) except acme_errors.ValidationError as e: # We expect there to be a ValidationError from one of the authorizations # being invalid. authzFailed = True # If the poll ended and an authz's status isn't invalid then we reached the # deadline, fail the test if not authzFailed: raise(Exception("timed out waiting for order %s to become invalid" % firstOrderURI)) # Make another order with the same domains order = client.new_order(csr_pem) # It should not be the same order as before if order.uri == firstOrderURI: raise(Exception("new-order for %s returned a , now-invalid, order" % domains)) # We expect all of the returned authorizations to be pending status for authz in order.authorizations: if authz.body.status != Status("pending"): raise(Exception("order for %s included a non-pending authorization (status: %s) from a previous order" % ((domains), str(authz.body.status)))) # We expect the new order can be fulfilled cleanup = chisel2.do_http_challenges(client, order.authorizations) try: order = client.poll_and_finalize(order) finally: cleanup() def test_order_finalize_early(): """ Test that finalizing an order before its fully authorized results in the order having an error set and the status being invalid. """ # Create a client client = chisel2.make_client(None) # Create a random domain and a csr domains = [ random_domain() ] csr_pem = chisel2.make_csr(domains) # Create an order for the domain order = client.new_order(csr_pem) deadline = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=5) # Finalizing an order early should generate an orderNotReady error. chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:orderNotReady", lambda: client.finalize_order(order, deadline)) def test_revoke_by_account_unspecified(): client = chisel2.make_client() cert_file = temppath('test_revoke_by_account_0.pem') order = chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain()], client=client, cert_output=cert_file.name) cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, order.fullchain_pem) reset_akamai_purges() client.revoke(josepy.ComparableX509(cert), 0) verify_ocsp(cert_file.name, "/hierarchy/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", "http://localhost:4002", "revoked") verify_akamai_purge() def test_revoke_by_account_with_reason(): client = chisel2.make_client(None) cert_file = temppath('test_revoke_by_account_1.pem') order = chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain()], client=client, cert_output=cert_file.name) cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, order.fullchain_pem) reset_akamai_purges() # Requesting revocation for keyCompromise should work, but not block the # key. client.revoke(josepy.ComparableX509(cert), 1) verify_ocsp(cert_file.name, "/hierarchy/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", "http://localhost:4002", "revoked", "keyCompromise") verify_akamai_purge() def test_revoke_by_authz(): domains = [random_domain()] cert_file = temppath('test_revoke_by_authz.pem') order = chisel2.auth_and_issue(domains, cert_output=cert_file.name) cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, order.fullchain_pem) # create a new client and re-authz client = chisel2.make_client(None) chisel2.auth_and_issue(domains, client=client) reset_akamai_purges() # Even though we requested reason 1 ("keyCompromise"), the result should be # 5 ("cessationOfOperation") due to the authorization method. client.revoke(josepy.ComparableX509(cert), 1) verify_ocsp(cert_file.name, "/hierarchy/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", "http://localhost:4002", "revoked", "cessationOfOperation") verify_akamai_purge() def test_revoke_by_privkey(): domains = [random_domain()] # We have to make our own CSR so that we can hold on to the private key # for revocation later. key = rsa.generate_private_key(65537, 2048, default_backend()) key_pem = key.private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption() ) csr_pem = acme_crypto_util.make_csr(key_pem, domains, False) # We have to do our own issuance because we made our own CSR. issue_client = chisel2.make_client(None) order = issue_client.new_order(csr_pem) cleanup = chisel2.do_http_challenges(issue_client, order.authorizations) try: order = issue_client.poll_and_finalize(order) finally: cleanup() cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, order.fullchain_pem) cert_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tempdir, suffix='.test_revoke_by_privkey.pem', mode='w+', delete=False) cert_file.write(OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate( OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert).decode()) cert_file.close() # Create a new client with the cert key as the account key. We don't # register a server-side account with this client, as we don't need one. revoke_client = chisel2.uninitialized_client(key=josepy.JWKRSA(key=key)) reset_akamai_purges() # Even though we requested reason 0 ("unspecified"), the result should be # 1 ("keyCompromise") due to the authorization method. revoke_client.revoke(josepy.ComparableX509(cert), 0) verify_ocsp(cert_file.name, "/hierarchy/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", "http://localhost:4002", "revoked", "keyCompromise") verify_akamai_purge() def test_double_revocation(): domains = [random_domain()] # We have to make our own CSR so that we can hold on to the private key # for revocation later. key = rsa.generate_private_key(65537, 2048, default_backend()) key_pem = key.private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption() ) csr_pem = acme_crypto_util.make_csr(key_pem, domains, False) # We have to do our own issuance because we made our own CSR. sub_client = chisel2.make_client(None) order = sub_client.new_order(csr_pem) cleanup = chisel2.do_http_challenges(sub_client, order.authorizations) try: order = sub_client.poll_and_finalize(order) finally: cleanup() cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, order.fullchain_pem) cert_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tempdir, suffix='.test_double_revoke.pem', mode='w+', delete=False) cert_file.write(OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate( OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert).decode()) cert_file.close() # Create a new client with the cert key as the account key. We don't # register a server-side account with this client, as we don't need one. cert_client = chisel2.uninitialized_client(key=josepy.JWKRSA(key=key)) reset_akamai_purges() # First revoke for any reason. sub_client.revoke(josepy.ComparableX509(cert), 0) verify_ocsp(cert_file.name, "/hierarchy/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", "http://localhost:4002", "revoked") verify_akamai_purge() # Re-revocation for anything other than keyCompromise should fail. try: sub_client.revoke(josepy.ComparableX509(cert), 3) except messages.Error: pass else: raise(Exception("Re-revoked for a bad reason")) # Re-revocation for keyCompromise should work, as long as it is done # via the cert key to demonstrate said compromise. reset_akamai_purges() cert_client.revoke(josepy.ComparableX509(cert), 1) verify_ocsp(cert_file.name, "/hierarchy/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", "http://localhost:4002", "revoked", "keyCompromise") verify_akamai_purge() # A subsequent attempt should fail, because the cert is already revoked # for keyCompromise. try: cert_client.revoke(josepy.ComparableX509(cert), 1) except messages.Error: pass else: raise(Exception("Re-revoked already keyCompromise'd cert")) # The same is true even when using the cert key. try: cert_client.revoke(josepy.ComparableX509(cert), 1) except messages.Error: pass else: raise(Exception("Re-revoked already keyCompromise'd cert")) def test_sct_embedding(): order = chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain()]) print(order.fullchain_pem.encode()) cert = parse_cert(order) # make sure there is no poison extension try: cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(x509.ObjectIdentifier("")) raise(Exception("certificate contains CT poison extension")) except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # do nothing pass # make sure there is a SCT list extension try: sctList = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(x509.ObjectIdentifier("")) except x509.ExtensionNotFound: raise(Exception("certificate doesn't contain SCT list extension")) if len(sctList.value) != 2: raise(Exception("SCT list contains wrong number of SCTs")) for sct in sctList.value: if sct.version != x509.certificate_transparency.Version.v1: raise(Exception("SCT contains wrong version")) if sct.entry_type != x509.certificate_transparency.LogEntryType.PRE_CERTIFICATE: raise(Exception("SCT contains wrong entry type")) def test_only_return_existing_reg(): client = chisel2.uninitialized_client() email = "test@not-example.com" client.new_account(messages.NewRegistration.from_data(email=email, terms_of_service_agreed=True)) client = chisel2.uninitialized_client(key=client.net.key) class extendedAcct(dict): def json_dumps(self, indent=None): return json.dumps(self) acct = extendedAcct({ "termsOfServiceAgreed": True, "contact": [email], "onlyReturnExisting": True }) resp = client.net.post(client.directory['newAccount'], acct) if resp.status_code != 200: raise(Exception("incorrect response returned for onlyReturnExisting")) other_client = chisel2.uninitialized_client() newAcct = extendedAcct({ "termsOfServiceAgreed": True, "contact": [email], "onlyReturnExisting": True }) chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:accountDoesNotExist", lambda: other_client.net.post(other_client.directory['newAccount'], newAcct)) def BouncerHTTPRequestHandler(redirect, guestlist): """ BouncerHTTPRequestHandler returns a BouncerHandler class that acts like a club bouncer in front of another server. The bouncer will respond to GET requests by looking up the allowed number of requests in the guestlist for the User-Agent making the request. If there is at least one guestlist spot for that UA it will be redirected to the real server and the guestlist will be decremented. Once the guestlist spots for a UA are expended requests will get a bogus result and have to stand outside in the cold """ class BouncerHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def do_HEAD(self): # This is used by wait_for_server self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() def do_GET(self): ua = self.headers['User-Agent'] guestlistAllows = BouncerHandler.guestlist.get(ua, 0) # If there is still space on the guestlist for this UA then redirect # the request and decrement the guestlist. if guestlistAllows > 0: BouncerHandler.guestlist[ua] -= 1 self.log_message("BouncerHandler UA {0} is on the Guestlist. {1} requests remaining.".format(ua, BouncerHandler.guestlist[ua])) self.send_response(302) self.send_header("Location", BouncerHandler.redirect) self.end_headers() # Otherwise return a bogus result else: self.log_message("BouncerHandler UA {0} has no requests on the Guestlist. Sending request to the curb".format(ua)) self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(u"(• ◡ •) <( VIPs only! )".encode()) BouncerHandler.guestlist = guestlist BouncerHandler.redirect = redirect return BouncerHandler def wait_for_server(addr): while True: try: # NOTE(@cpu): Using HEAD here instead of GET because the # BouncerHandler modifies its state for GET requests. status = requests.head(addr).status_code if status == 200: return except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: pass time.sleep(0.5) def multiva_setup(client, guestlist): """ Setup a testing domain and backing multiva server setup. This will block until the server is ready. The returned cleanup function should be used to stop the server. The first bounceFirst requests to the server will be sent to the real challtestsrv for a good answer, the rest will get a bad answer. Domain name is randomly chosen with random_domain(). """ hostname = random_domain() csr_pem = chisel2.make_csr([hostname]) order = client.new_order(csr_pem) authz = order.authorizations[0] chall = None for c in authz.body.challenges: if isinstance(c.chall, challenges.HTTP01): chall = c.chall if chall is None: raise(Exception("No HTTP-01 challenge found for random domain authz")) token = chall.encode("token") # Calculate the challenge's keyauth so we can add a good keyauth response on # the real challtestsrv that we redirect VIP requests to. resp = chall.response(client.net.key) keyauth = resp.key_authorization challSrv.add_http01_response(token, keyauth) # Add an A record for the domains to ensure the VA's requests are directed # to the interface that we bound the HTTPServer to. challSrv.add_a_record(hostname, [""]) # Add an A record for the redirect target that sends it to the real chall # test srv for a valid HTTP-01 response. redirHostname = "pebble-challtestsrv.example.com" challSrv.add_a_record(redirHostname, [""]) # Start a simple python HTTP server on port 80 in its own thread. # NOTE(@cpu): The pebble-challtestsrv binds for HTTP-01 # challenges so we must use the address for the throw away # server for this test and add a mock DNS entry that directs the VA to it. redirect = "http://{0}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{1}".format( redirHostname, token) httpd = HTTPServer(("", 80), BouncerHTTPRequestHandler(redirect, guestlist)) thread = threading.Thread(target = httpd.serve_forever) thread.daemon = False thread.start() def cleanup(): # Remove the challtestsrv mocks challSrv.remove_a_record(hostname) challSrv.remove_a_record(redirHostname) challSrv.remove_http01_response(token) # Shut down the HTTP server gracefully and join on its thread. httpd.shutdown() httpd.server_close() thread.join() return hostname, cleanup def test_http_multiva_threshold_pass(): client = chisel2.make_client() # Configure a guestlist that will pass the multiVA threshold test by # allowing the primary VA and one remote. guestlist = {"boulder": 1, "boulder-remote-b": 1} hostname, cleanup = multiva_setup(client, guestlist) try: # With the maximum number of allowed remote VA failures the overall # challenge should still succeed. chisel2.auth_and_issue([hostname], client=client, chall_type="http-01") finally: cleanup() def test_http_multiva_primary_fail_remote_pass(): client = chisel2.make_client() # Configure a guestlist that will fail the primary VA check but allow the # remote VAs guestlist = {"boulder": 0, "boulder-remote-a": 1, "boulder-remote-b": 1} hostname, cleanup = multiva_setup(client, guestlist) foundException = False try: # The overall validation should fail even if the remotes are allowed # because the primary VA result cannot be overridden. chisel2.auth_and_issue([hostname], client=client, chall_type="http-01") except acme_errors.ValidationError as e: # NOTE(@cpu): Chisel2's expect_problem doesn't work in this case so this # test needs to unpack an `acme_errors.ValidationError` on its own. It # might be possible to clean this up in the future. if len(e.failed_authzrs) != 1: raise(Exception("expected one failed authz, found {0}".format(len(e.failed_authzrs)))) challs = e.failed_authzrs[0].body.challenges httpChall = None for chall_body in challs: if isinstance(chall_body.chall, challenges.HTTP01): httpChall = chall_body if httpChall is None: raise(Exception("no HTTP-01 challenge in failed authz")) if httpChall.error.typ != "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized": raise(Exception("expected unauthorized prob, found {0}".format(httpChall.error.typ))) foundException = True finally: cleanup() if foundException is False: raise(Exception("Overall validation did not fail")) def test_http_multiva_threshold_fail(): client = chisel2.make_client() # Configure a guestlist that will fail the multiVA threshold test by # only allowing the primary VA. guestlist = {"boulder": 1} hostname, cleanup = multiva_setup(client, guestlist) failed_authzrs = [] try: chisel2.auth_and_issue([hostname], client=client, chall_type="http-01") except acme_errors.ValidationError as e: # NOTE(@cpu): Chisel2's expect_problem doesn't work in this case so this # test needs to unpack an `acme_errors.ValidationError` on its own. It # might be possible to clean this up in the future. failed_authzrs = e.failed_authzrs finally: cleanup() if len(failed_authzrs) != 1: raise(Exception("expected one failed authz, found {0}".format(len(failed_authzrs)))) challs = failed_authzrs[0].body.challenges httpChall = None for chall_body in challs: if isinstance(chall_body.chall, challenges.HTTP01): httpChall = chall_body if httpChall is None: raise(Exception("no HTTP-01 challenge in failed authz")) if httpChall.error.typ != "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized": raise(Exception("expected unauthorized prob, found {0}".format(httpChall.error.typ))) if not httpChall.error.detail.startswith("During secondary validation: "): raise(Exception("expected 'During secondary validation' problem detail, found {0}".format(httpChall.error.detail))) class FakeH2ServerHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): """ FakeH2ServerHandler is a TCP socket handler that writes data representing an initial HTTP/2 SETTINGS frame as a response to all received data. """ def handle(self): # Read whatever the HTTP request was so that the response isn't seen as # unsolicited. self.data = self.request.recv(1024).strip() # Blast some HTTP/2 bytes onto the socket # Truncated example data from taken from the community forum: # https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/le-validation-error-if-server-is-in-google-infrastructure/51841 self.request.sendall(b"\x00\x00\x12\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00") def wait_for_tcp_server(addr, port): """ wait_for_tcp_server attempts to make a TCP connection to the given address/port every 0.5s until it succeeds. """ while True: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: sock.connect((addr, port)) sock.sendall(b"\n") return except socket.error: time.sleep(0.5) pass def test_http2_http01_challenge(): """ test_http2_http01_challenge tests that an HTTP-01 challenge made to a HTTP/2 server fails with a specific error message for this case. """ client = chisel2.make_client() hostname = "fake.h2.example.com" # Add an A record for the test server to ensure the VA's requests are directed # to the interface that we bind the FakeH2ServerHandler to. challSrv.add_a_record(hostname, [""]) # Allow socket address reuse on the base TCPServer class. Failing to do this # causes subsequent integration tests to fail with "Address in use" errors even # though this test _does_ call shutdown() and server_close(). Even though the # server was shut-down Python's socket will be in TIME_WAIT because of prev. client # connections. Having the TCPServer set SO_REUSEADDR on the socket solves # the problem. socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True # Create, start, and wait for a fake HTTP/2 server. server = socketserver.TCPServer(("", 80), FakeH2ServerHandler) thread = threading.Thread(target = server.serve_forever) thread.daemon = False thread.start() wait_for_tcp_server("", 80) # Issuing an HTTP-01 challenge for this hostname should produce a connection # problem with an error specific to the HTTP/2 misconfiguration. expectedError = "Server is speaking HTTP/2 over HTTP" try: chisel2.auth_and_issue([hostname], client=client, chall_type="http-01") except acme_errors.ValidationError as e: for authzr in e.failed_authzrs: c = chisel2.get_chall(authzr, challenges.HTTP01) error = c.error if error is None or error.typ != "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection": raise(Exception("Expected connection prob, got %s" % (error.__str__()))) if not error.detail.endswith(expectedError): raise(Exception("Expected prob detail ending in %s, got %s" % (expectedError, error.detail))) finally: server.shutdown() server.server_close() thread.join() def test_new_order_policy_errs(): """ Test that creating an order with policy blocked identifiers returns a problem with subproblems. """ client = chisel2.make_client(None) # 'in-addr.arpa' is present in `test/hostname-policy.yaml`'s # HighRiskBlockedNames list. csr_pem = chisel2.make_csr(["out-addr.in-addr.arpa", "between-addr.in-addr.arpa"]) # With two policy blocked names in the order we expect to get back a top # level rejectedIdentifier with a detail message that references # subproblems. # # TODO(@cpu): After https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues/7046 is # implemented in the upstream `acme` module this test should also ensure the # subproblems are properly represented. ok = False try: order = client.new_order(csr_pem) except messages.Error as e: ok = True if e.typ != "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rejectedIdentifier": raise(Exception("Expected rejectedIdentifier type problem, got {0}".format(e.typ))) if e.detail != 'Error creating new order :: Cannot issue for "between-addr.in-addr.arpa": The ACME server refuses to issue a certificate for this domain name, because it is forbidden by policy (and 1 more problems. Refer to sub-problems for more information.)': raise(Exception("Order problem detail did not match expected")) if not ok: raise(Exception("Expected problem, got no error")) def test_long_san_no_cn(): if CONFIG_NEXT: return try: chisel2.auth_and_issue(["".join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for x in range(61)) + ".com"]) # if we get to this raise the auth_and_issue call didn't fail, so fail the test raise(Exception("Issuance didn't fail when the only SAN in a certificate was longer than the max CN length")) except messages.Error as e: if e.typ != "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rejectedIdentifier": raise(Exception("Expected malformed type problem, got {0}".format(e.typ))) if e.detail != "NewOrder request did not include a SAN short enough to fit in CN": raise(Exception("Problem detail did not match expected")) def test_delete_unused_challenges(): order = chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain()], chall_type="dns-01") a = order.authorizations[0] if len(a.body.challenges) != 1: raise(Exception("too many challenges (%d) left after validation" % len(a.body.challenges))) if not isinstance(a.body.challenges[0].chall, challenges.DNS01): raise(Exception("wrong challenge type left after validation")) # intentionally fail a challenge client = chisel2.make_client() csr_pem = chisel2.make_csr([random_domain()]) order = client.new_order(csr_pem) c = chisel2.get_chall(order.authorizations[0], challenges.DNS01) client.answer_challenge(c, c.response(client.net.key)) for _ in range(5): a, _ = client.poll(order.authorizations[0]) if a.body.status == Status("invalid"): break time.sleep(1) if len(a.body.challenges) != 1: raise(Exception("too many challenges (%d) left after failed validation" % len(a.body.challenges))) if not isinstance(a.body.challenges[0].chall, challenges.DNS01): raise(Exception("wrong challenge type left after validation")) def test_auth_deactivation_v2(): client = chisel2.make_client(None) csr_pem = chisel2.make_csr([random_domain()]) order = client.new_order(csr_pem) resp = client.deactivate_authorization(order.authorizations[0]) if resp.body.status is not messages.STATUS_DEACTIVATED: raise(Exception("unexpected authorization status")) order = chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain()], client=client) resp = client.deactivate_authorization(order.authorizations[0]) if resp.body.status is not messages.STATUS_DEACTIVATED: raise(Exception("unexpected authorization status")) def test_ocsp(): cert_file = temppath('test_ocsp.pem') chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain()], cert_output=cert_file.name) verify_ocsp(cert_file.name, "/hierarchy/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", "http://localhost:4002", "good") def test_ct_submission(): hostname = random_domain() chisel2.auth_and_issue([hostname]) # These should correspond to the configured logs in ra.json. log_groups = [ ["http://boulder.service.consul:4600/submissions", "http://boulder.service.consul:4601/submissions", "http://boulder.service.consul:4602/submissions", "http://boulder.service.consul:4603/submissions"], ["http://boulder.service.consul:4604/submissions", "http://boulder.service.consul:4605/submissions"], ["http://boulder.service.consul:4606/submissions"], ["http://boulder.service.consul:4607/submissions"], ["http://boulder.service.consul:4608/submissions"], ["http://boulder.service.consul:4609/submissions"], ] # These should correspond to the logs with `submitFinal` in ra.json. final_logs = [ "http://boulder.service.consul:4600/submissions", "http://boulder.service.consul:4601/submissions", "http://boulder.service.consul:4606/submissions", "http://boulder.service.consul:4609/submissions", ] # We'd like to enforce strict limits here (exactly 1 submission per group, # exactly two submissions overall) but the async nature of the race system # means we can't -- a slowish submission to one log in a group could trigger # a very fast submission to a different log in the same group, and then both # submissions could succeed at the same time. Although the Go code will only # use one of the SCTs, both logs will still have been submitted to, and it # will show up here. total_count = 0 for i in range(len(log_groups)): group_count = 0 for j in range(len(log_groups[i])): log = log_groups[i][j] count = int(requests.get(log + "?hostnames=%s" % hostname).text) threshold = 1 if log in final_logs: threshold += 1 if count > threshold: raise(Exception("Got %d submissions for log %s, expected at most %d" % (count, log, threshold))) group_count += count total_count += group_count if total_count < 2: raise(Exception("Got %d total submissions, expected at least 2" % total_count)) def check_ocsp_basic_oid(cert_file, issuer_file, url): """ This function checks if an OCSP response was successful, but doesn't verify the signature or timestamp. This is useful when simulating the past, so we don't incorrectly reject a response for being in the past. """ ocsp_request = make_ocsp_req(cert_file, issuer_file) responses = fetch_ocsp(ocsp_request, url) # An unauthorized response (for instance, if the OCSP responder doesn't know # about this cert) will just be 30 03 0A 01 06. A "good" or "revoked" # response will contain, among other things, the id-pkix-ocsp-basic OID # identifying the response type. We look for that OID to confirm we got a # successful response. expected = bytearray.fromhex("06 09 2B 06 01 05 05 07 30 01 01") for resp in responses: if not expected in bytearray(resp): raise(Exception("Did not receive successful OCSP response: %s doesn't contain %s" % (base64.b64encode(resp), base64.b64encode(expected)))) ocsp_exp_unauth_setup_data = {} @register_six_months_ago def ocsp_exp_unauth_setup(): client = chisel2.make_client(None) cert_file = temppath('ocsp_exp_unauth_setup.pem') order = chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain()], client=client, cert_output=cert_file.name) cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, order.fullchain_pem) # Since our servers are pretending to be in the past, but the openssl cli # isn't, we'll get an expired OCSP response. Just check that it exists; # don't do the full verification (which would fail). check_ocsp_basic_oid(cert_file.name, "/hierarchy/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", "http://localhost:4002") global ocsp_exp_unauth_setup_data ocsp_exp_unauth_setup_data['cert_file'] = cert_file.name def test_ocsp_exp_unauth(): tries = 0 if 'cert_file' not in ocsp_exp_unauth_setup_data: raise Exception("ocsp_exp_unauth_setup didn't run") cert_file = ocsp_exp_unauth_setup_data['cert_file'] last_error = "" while tries < 5: try: verify_ocsp(cert_file, "/hierarchy/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", "http://localhost:4002", "XXX") raise(Exception("Unexpected return from verify_ocsp")) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as cpe: last_error = cpe.output if cpe.output == b"Responder Error: unauthorized (6)\n": break except e: last_error = e pass tries += 1 time.sleep(0.25) else: raise(Exception("timed out waiting for unauthorized OCSP response for expired certificate. Last error: {}".format(last_error))) def test_blocked_key_account(): # Only config-next has a blocked keys file configured. if not CONFIG_NEXT: return with open("test/test-ca.key", "rb") as key_file: key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(key_file.read(), password=None, backend=default_backend()) # Create a client with the JWK set to a blocked private key jwk = josepy.JWKRSA(key=key) client = chisel2.uninitialized_client(jwk) email = "test@not-example.com" # Try to create an account testPass = False try: client.new_account(messages.NewRegistration.from_data(email=email, terms_of_service_agreed=True)) except acme_errors.Error as e: if e.typ != "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badPublicKey": raise(Exception("problem did not have correct error type, had {0}".format(e.typ))) if e.detail != "public key is forbidden": raise(Exception("problem did not have correct error detail, had {0}".format(e.detail))) testPass = True if testPass is False: raise(Exception("expected account creation to fail with Error when using blocked key")) def test_blocked_key_cert(): # Only config-next has a blocked keys file configured. if not CONFIG_NEXT: return with open("test/test-ca.key", "r") as f: pemBytes = f.read() domains = [random_domain(), random_domain()] csr = acme_crypto_util.make_csr(pemBytes, domains, False) client = chisel2.make_client(None) order = client.new_order(csr) authzs = order.authorizations testPass = False cleanup = chisel2.do_http_challenges(client, authzs) try: order = client.poll_and_finalize(order) except acme_errors.Error as e: if e.typ != "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badCSR": raise(Exception("problem did not have correct error type, had {0}".format(e.typ))) if e.detail != "Error finalizing order :: invalid public key in CSR: public key is forbidden": raise(Exception("problem did not have correct error detail, had {0}".format(e.detail))) testPass = True if testPass is False: raise(Exception("expected cert creation to fail with Error when using blocked key")) def test_expiration_mailer(): email_addr = "integration.%x@letsencrypt.org" % random.randrange(2**16) order = chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain()], email=email_addr) cert = parse_cert(order) # Check that the expiration mailer sends a reminder expiry = cert.not_valid_after no_reminder = expiry + datetime.timedelta(days=-31) first_reminder = expiry + datetime.timedelta(days=-13) last_reminder = expiry + datetime.timedelta(days=-2) requests.post("http://localhost:9381/clear", data='') for time in (no_reminder, first_reminder, last_reminder): print(get_future_output( ["./bin/boulder", "expiration-mailer", "--config", "%s/expiration-mailer.json" % config_dir], time)) resp = requests.get("http://localhost:9381/count?to=%s" % email_addr) mailcount = int(resp.text) if mailcount != 2: raise(Exception("\nExpiry mailer failed: expected 2 emails, got %d" % mailcount)) caa_recheck_setup_data = {} @register_twenty_days_ago def caa_recheck_setup(): client = chisel2.make_client() # Issue a certificate with the clock set back, and save the authzs to check # later that they are valid (200). They should however require rechecking for # CAA purposes. numNames = 10 # Generate numNames subdomains of a random domain base_domain = random_domain() domains = [ "{0}.{1}".format(str(n),base_domain) for n in range(numNames) ] order = chisel2.auth_and_issue(domains, client=client) global caa_recheck_setup_data caa_recheck_setup_data = { 'client': client, 'authzs': order.authorizations, } def test_recheck_caa(): """Request issuance for a domain where we have a old cached authz from when CAA was good. We'll set a new CAA record forbidding issuance; the CAA should recheck CAA and reject the request. """ if 'authzs' not in caa_recheck_setup_data: raise(Exception("CAA authzs not prepared for test_caa")) domains = [] for a in caa_recheck_setup_data['authzs']: response = caa_recheck_setup_data['client']._post(a.uri, None) if response.status_code != 200: raise(Exception("Unexpected response for CAA authz: ", response.status_code)) domain = a.body.identifier.value domains.append(domain) # Set a forbidding CAA record on just one domain challSrv.add_caa_issue(domains[3], ";") # Request issuance for the previously-issued domain name, which should # now be denied due to CAA. chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:caa", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue(domains, client=caa_recheck_setup_data['client'])) def test_caa_good(): domain = random_domain() challSrv.add_caa_issue(domain, "happy-hacker-ca.invalid") chisel2.auth_and_issue([domain]) def test_caa_reject(): domain = random_domain() challSrv.add_caa_issue(domain, "sad-hacker-ca.invalid") chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:caa", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue([domain])) def test_caa_extensions(): goodCAA = "happy-hacker-ca.invalid" client = chisel2.make_client() caa_account_uri = client.net.account.uri caa_records = [ {"domain": "accounturi.good-caa-reserved.com", "value":"{0}; accounturi={1}".format(goodCAA, caa_account_uri)}, {"domain": "dns-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com", "value": "{0}; validationmethods=dns-01".format(goodCAA)}, {"domain": "http-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com", "value": "{0}; validationmethods=http-01".format(goodCAA)}, {"domain": "dns-01-or-http01.good-caa-reserved.com", "value": "{0}; validationmethods=dns-01,http-01".format(goodCAA)}, ] for policy in caa_records: challSrv.add_caa_issue(policy["domain"], policy["value"]) chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:caa", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue(["dns-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com"], chall_type="http-01")) chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:caa", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue(["http-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com"], chall_type="dns-01")) ## Note: the additional names are to avoid rate limiting... chisel2.auth_and_issue(["dns-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com", "www.dns-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com"], chall_type="dns-01") chisel2.auth_and_issue(["http-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com", "www.http-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com"], chall_type="http-01") chisel2.auth_and_issue(["dns-01-or-http-01.good-caa-reserved.com", "dns-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com"], chall_type="dns-01") chisel2.auth_and_issue(["dns-01-or-http-01.good-caa-reserved.com", "http-01-only.good-caa-reserved.com"], chall_type="http-01") ## CAA should fail with an arbitrary account, but succeed with the CAA client. chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:caa", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue(["accounturi.good-caa-reserved.com"])) chisel2.auth_and_issue(["accounturi.good-caa-reserved.com"], client=client) def test_new_account(): """ Test creating new accounts with no email, empty email, one email, and a tuple of multiple emails. """ for contact in (None, (), ("mailto:single@chisel.com",), ("mailto:one@chisel.com", "mailto:two@chisel.com")): # We don't use `chisel2.make_client` or `messages.NewRegistration.from_data` # here because they do too much client-side processing to make the # contact addresses look "nice". client = chisel2.uninitialized_client() result = client.new_account(messages.NewRegistration(contact=contact, terms_of_service_agreed=True)) actual = result.body.contact if contact is not None and contact != actual: raise(Exception("New Account failed: expected contact %s, got %s" % (contact, actual))) def test_account_update(): """ Create a new ACME client/account with one contact email. Then update the account to a different contact emails. """ for contact in (None, (), ("mailto:single@chisel.com",), ("mailto:one@chisel.com", "mailto:two@chisel.com")): # We don't use `chisel2.update_email` or `messages.NewRegistration.from_data` # here because they do too much client-side processing to make the # contact addresses look "nice". print() client = chisel2.make_client() update = client.net.account.update(body=client.net.account.body.update(contact=contact)) result = client.update_registration(update) actual = result.body.contact if contact is not None and contact != actual: raise(Exception("New Account failed: expected contact %s, got %s" % (contact, actual))) def test_renewal_exemption(): """ Under a single domain, issue two certificates for different subdomains of the same name, then renewals of each of them. Since the certificatesPerName rate limit in testing is 2 per 90 days, and the renewals should not be counted under the renewal exemption, each of these issuances should succeed. Then do one last issuance (for a third subdomain of the same name) that we expect to be rate limited, just to check that the rate limit is actually 2, and we are testing what we think we are testing. See https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/ for more details. """ base_domain = random_domain() # First issuance chisel2.auth_and_issue(["www." + base_domain]) # First Renewal chisel2.auth_and_issue(["www." + base_domain]) # Issuance of a different cert chisel2.auth_and_issue(["blog." + base_domain]) # Renew that one chisel2.auth_and_issue(["blog." + base_domain]) # Final, failed issuance, for another different cert chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rateLimited", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue(["mail." + base_domain])) def test_certificates_per_name(): chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rateLimited", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain() + ".lim.it"])) def test_oversized_csr(): # Number of names is chosen to be one greater than the configured RA/CA maxNames numNames = 101 # Generate numNames subdomains of a random domain base_domain = random_domain() domains = [ "{0}.{1}".format(str(n),base_domain) for n in range(numNames) ] # We expect issuing for these domains to produce a malformed error because # there are too many names in the request. chisel2.expect_problem("urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed", lambda: chisel2.auth_and_issue(domains)) def parse_cert(order): return x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(order.fullchain_pem.encode(), default_backend()) def test_admin_revoker_cert(): cert_file = temppath('test_admin_revoker_cert.pem') order = chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain()], cert_output=cert_file.name) parsed_cert = parse_cert(order) # Revoke certificate by serial reset_akamai_purges() run(["./bin/boulder", "admin-revoker", "serial-revoke", "--config", "%s/admin-revoker.json" % config_dir, '%x' % parsed_cert.serial_number, '1']) # Wait for OCSP response to indicate revocation took place verify_ocsp(cert_file.name, "/hierarchy/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", "http://localhost:4002", "revoked") verify_akamai_purge() def test_admin_revoker_batched(): serialFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tempdir, suffix='.test_admin_revoker_batched.serials.hex', mode='w+', delete=False) cert_files = [ temppath('test_admin_revoker_batched.%d.pem' % x) for x in range(3) ] for cert_file in cert_files: order = chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain()], cert_output=cert_file.name) serialFile.write("%x\n" % parse_cert(order).serial_number) serialFile.close() run(["./bin/boulder", "admin-revoker", "batched-serial-revoke", "--config", "%s/admin-revoker.json" % config_dir, serialFile.name, '0', '2']) for cert_file in cert_files: verify_ocsp(cert_file.name, "/hierarchy/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", "http://localhost:4002", "revoked") def test_sct_embedding(): order = chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain()]) cert = parse_cert(order) # make sure there is no poison extension try: cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(x509.ObjectIdentifier("")) raise(Exception("certificate contains CT poison extension")) except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # do nothing pass # make sure there is a SCT list extension try: sctList = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(x509.ObjectIdentifier("")) except x509.ExtensionNotFound: raise(Exception("certificate doesn't contain SCT list extension")) if len(sctList.value) != 2: raise(Exception("SCT list contains wrong number of SCTs")) for sct in sctList.value: if sct.version != x509.certificate_transparency.Version.v1: raise(Exception("SCT contains wrong version")) if sct.entry_type != x509.certificate_transparency.LogEntryType.PRE_CERTIFICATE: raise(Exception("SCT contains wrong entry type")) delta = sct.timestamp - datetime.datetime.now() if abs(delta) > datetime.timedelta(hours=1): raise(Exception("Delta between SCT timestamp and now was too great " "%s vs %s (%s)" % (sct.timestamp, datetime.datetime.now(), delta))) def test_auth_deactivation(): client = chisel2.make_client(None) d = random_domain() csr_pem = chisel2.make_csr([d]) order = client.new_order(csr_pem) resp = client.deactivate_authorization(order.authorizations[0]) if resp.body.status is not messages.STATUS_DEACTIVATED: raise Exception("unexpected authorization status") order = chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain()], client=client) resp = client.deactivate_authorization(order.authorizations[0]) if resp.body.status is not messages.STATUS_DEACTIVATED: raise Exception("unexpected authorization status") def get_ocsp_response_and_reason(cert_file, issuer_file, url): """Returns the ocsp response output and revocation reason.""" output = verify_ocsp(cert_file, issuer_file, url, None) m = re.search('Reason: (\w+)', output) reason = m.group(1) if m is not None else "" return output, reason ocsp_resigning_setup_data = {} @register_twenty_days_ago def ocsp_resigning_setup(): """Issue and then revoke a cert in the past. Useful setup for test_ocsp_resigning, which needs to check that the revocation reason is still correctly set after re-signing and old OCSP response. """ client = chisel2.make_client(None) cert_file = temppath('ocsp_resigning_setup.pem') order = chisel2.auth_and_issue([random_domain()], client=client, cert_output=cert_file.name) cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate( OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, order.fullchain_pem) # Revoke for reason 5: cessationOfOperation client.revoke(josepy.ComparableX509(cert), 5) ocsp_response, reason = get_ocsp_response_and_reason( cert_file.name, "/hierarchy/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", "http://localhost:4002") global ocsp_resigning_setup_data ocsp_resigning_setup_data = { 'cert_file': cert_file.name, 'response': ocsp_response, 'reason': reason } def test_ocsp_resigning(): """Check that, after re-signing an OCSP, the reason is still set.""" if 'response' not in ocsp_resigning_setup_data: raise Exception("ocsp_resigning_setup didn't run") tries = 0 while tries < 5: resp, reason = get_ocsp_response_and_reason( ocsp_resigning_setup_data['cert_file'], "/hierarchy/intermediate-cert-rsa-a.pem", "http://localhost:4002") if resp != ocsp_resigning_setup_data['response']: break tries += 1 time.sleep(0.25) else: raise(Exception("timed out waiting for re-signed OCSP response for certificate")) if reason != ocsp_resigning_setup_data['reason']: raise(Exception("re-signed ocsp response has different reason %s expected %s" % ( reason, ocsp_resigning_setup_data['reason']))) if reason != "cessationOfOperation": raise(Exception("re-signed ocsp response has wrong reason %s" % reason))