
Text file src/github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/test/integration-test.py

Documentation: github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/test

     1#!/usr/bin/env python3
     2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
     4This file contains basic infrastructure for running the integration test cases.
     5Most test cases are in v2_integration.py. There are a few exceptions: Test cases
     6that don't test either the v1 or v2 API are in this file, and test cases that
     7have to run at a specific point in the cycle (e.g. after all other test cases)
     8are also in this file.
    10import argparse
    11import datetime
    12import inspect
    13import json
    14import os
    15import random
    16import re
    17import requests
    18import subprocess
    19import shlex
    20import signal
    21import time
    23import startservers
    25import v2_integration
    26from helpers import *
    28from acme import challenges
    30# Set the environment variable RACE to anything other than 'true' to disable
    31# race detection. This significantly speeds up integration testing cycles
    32# locally.
    33race_detection = True
    34if os.environ.get('RACE', 'true') != 'true':
    35    race_detection = False
    37def run_go_tests(filterPattern=None):
    38    """
    39    run_go_tests launches the Go integration tests. The go test command must
    40    return zero or an exception will be raised. If the filterPattern is provided
    41    it is used as the value of the `--test.run` argument to the go test command.
    42    """
    43    cmdLine = ["go", "test"]
    44    if filterPattern is not None and filterPattern != "":
    45        cmdLine = cmdLine + ["--test.run", filterPattern]
    46    cmdLine = cmdLine + ["-tags", "integration", "-count=1", "-race", "./test/integration"]
    47    subprocess.check_call(cmdLine, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    49exit_status = 1
    51def main():
    52    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run integration tests')
    53    parser.add_argument('--chisel', dest="run_chisel", action="store_true",
    54                        help="run integration tests using chisel")
    55    parser.add_argument('--gotest', dest="run_go", action="store_true",
    56                        help="run Go integration tests")
    57    parser.add_argument('--filter', dest="test_case_filter", action="store",
    58                        help="Regex filter for test cases")
    59    # allow any ACME client to run custom command for integration
    60    # testing (without having to implement its own busy-wait loop)
    61    parser.add_argument('--custom', metavar="CMD", help="run custom command")
    62    parser.set_defaults(run_chisel=False, test_case_filter="", skip_setup=False)
    63    args = parser.parse_args()
    65    if not (args.run_chisel or args.custom  or args.run_go is not None):
    66        raise(Exception("must run at least one of the letsencrypt or chisel tests with --chisel, --gotest, or --custom"))
    68    if not startservers.install(race_detection=race_detection):
    69        raise(Exception("failed to build"))
    71    # Setup issuance hierarchy
    72    startservers.setupHierarchy()
    74    if not args.test_case_filter:
    75        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    77        six_months_ago = now+datetime.timedelta(days=-30*6)
    78        if not startservers.start(fakeclock=fakeclock(six_months_ago)):
    79            raise(Exception("startservers failed (mocking six months ago)"))
    80        setup_six_months_ago()
    81        startservers.stop()
    83        twenty_days_ago = now+datetime.timedelta(days=-20)
    84        if not startservers.start(fakeclock=fakeclock(twenty_days_ago)):
    85            raise(Exception("startservers failed (mocking twenty days ago)"))
    86        setup_twenty_days_ago()
    87        startservers.stop()
    89    if not startservers.start(fakeclock=None):
    90        raise(Exception("startservers failed"))
    92    if args.run_chisel:
    93        run_chisel(args.test_case_filter)
    95    if args.run_go:
    96        run_go_tests(args.test_case_filter)
    98    if args.custom:
    99        run(args.custom.split())
   101    # Skip the last-phase checks when the test case filter is one, because that
   102    # means we want to quickly iterate on a single test case.
   103    if not args.test_case_filter:
   104        run_cert_checker()
   105        check_balance()
   107    if not startservers.check():
   108        raise(Exception("startservers.check failed"))
   110    # This test is flaky, so it's temporarily disabled.
   111    # TODO(#4583): Re-enable this test.
   112    #check_slow_queries()
   114    global exit_status
   115    exit_status = 0
   117def check_slow_queries():
   118    """Checks that we haven't run any slow queries during the integration test.
   120    This depends on flags set on mysqld in docker-compose.yml.
   122    We skip the boulder_sa_test database because we manually run a bunch of
   123    non-indexed queries in unittests. We skip actions by the setup and root
   124    users because they're known to be non-indexed. Similarly we skip the
   125    cert_checker, mailer, and janitor's work because they are known to be
   126    slow (though we should eventually improve these).
   127    The SELECT ... IN () on the authz2 table shows up in the slow query log
   128    a lot. Presumably when there are a lot of entries in the IN() argument
   129    and the table is small, it's not efficient to use the index. But we
   130    should dig into this more.
   131    """
   132    query = """
   133        SELECT * FROM mysql.slow_log
   134            WHERE db != 'boulder_sa_test'
   135            AND user_host NOT LIKE "test_setup%"
   136            AND user_host NOT LIKE "root%"
   137            AND user_host NOT LIKE "cert_checker%"
   138            AND user_host NOT LIKE "mailer%"
   139            AND user_host NOT LIKE "janitor%"
   140            AND sql_text NOT LIKE 'SELECT status, expires FROM authz2 WHERE id IN %'
   141            AND sql_text NOT LIKE '%LEFT JOIN orderToAuthz2 %'
   142        \G
   143    """
   144    output = subprocess.check_output(
   145      ["mysql", "-h", "boulder-proxysql", "-e", query],
   146      stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode()
   147    if len(output) > 0:
   148        print(output)
   149        raise Exception("Found slow queries in the slow query log")
   151def run_chisel(test_case_filter):
   152    for key, value in inspect.getmembers(v2_integration):
   153      if callable(value) and key.startswith('test_') and re.search(test_case_filter, key):
   154        value()
   155    for key, value in globals().items():
   156      if callable(value) and key.startswith('test_') and re.search(test_case_filter, key):
   157        value()
   159def check_balance():
   160    """Verify that gRPC load balancing across backends is working correctly.
   162    Fetch metrics from each backend and ensure the grpc_server_handled_total
   163    metric is present, which means that backend handled at least one request.
   164    """
   165    addresses = [
   166        "sa1.service.consul:8003",
   167        "sa2.service.consul:8103",
   168        "publisher1.service.consul:8009",
   169        "publisher2.service.consul:8109",
   170        "va1.service.consul:8004",
   171        "va2.service.consul:8104",
   172        "ca1.service.consul:8001",
   173        "ca2.service.consul:8104",
   174        "ra1.service.consul:8002",
   175        "ra2.service.consul:8102",
   176    ]
   177    for address in addresses:
   178        metrics = requests.get("http://%s/metrics" % address)
   179        if not "grpc_server_handled_total" in metrics.text:
   180            raise(Exception("no gRPC traffic processed by %s; load balancing problem?")
   181                % address)
   183def run_cert_checker():
   184    run(["./bin/boulder", "cert-checker", "-config", "%s/cert-checker.json" % config_dir])
   186if __name__ == "__main__":
   187    main()

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