1import base64
2import os
3import urllib
4import time
5import re
6import random
7import json
8import requests
9import socket
10import tempfile
11import shutil
12import atexit
13import errno
14import subprocess
16import challtestsrv
18challSrv = challtestsrv.ChallTestServer()
19tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
22def stop():
23 shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
25config_dir = os.environ.get('BOULDER_CONFIG_DIR', '')
26if config_dir == '':
27 raise Exception("BOULDER_CONFIG_DIR was not set")
28CONFIG_NEXT = config_dir.startswith("test/config-next")
30def temppath(name):
31 """Creates and returns a closed file inside the tempdir."""
32 f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
33 dir=tempdir,
34 suffix='.{0}'.format(name),
35 mode='w+',
36 delete=False
37 )
38 f.close()
39 return f
41def fakeclock(date):
42 return date.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S UTC %Y")
44def get_future_output(cmd, date):
45 return subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
46 env={'FAKECLOCK': fakeclock(date)}).decode()
48def random_domain():
49 """Generate a random domain for testing (to avoid rate limiting)."""
50 return "rand.%x.xyz" % random.randrange(2**32)
52def run(cmd, **kwargs):
53 return subprocess.check_call(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, **kwargs)
55def fetch_ocsp(request_bytes, url):
56 """Fetch an OCSP response using POST, GET, and GET with URL encoding.
58 Returns a tuple of the responses.
59 """
60 ocsp_req_b64 = base64.b64encode(request_bytes).decode()
62 # Make the OCSP request three different ways: by POST, by GET, and by GET with
63 # URL-encoded parameters. All three should have an identical response.
64 get_response = requests.get("%s/%s" % (url, ocsp_req_b64)).content
65 get_encoded_response = requests.get("%s/%s" % (url, urllib.parse.quote(ocsp_req_b64, safe = ""))).content
66 post_response = requests.post("%s/" % (url), data=request_bytes).content
68 return (post_response, get_response, get_encoded_response)
70def make_ocsp_req(cert_file, issuer_file):
71 """Return the bytes of an OCSP request for the given certificate file."""
72 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tempdir) as f:
73 run(["openssl", "ocsp", "-no_nonce",
74 "-issuer", issuer_file,
75 "-cert", cert_file,
76 "-reqout", f.name])
77 ocsp_req = f.read()
78 return ocsp_req
80def ocsp_verify(cert_file, issuer_file, ocsp_response):
81 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tempdir, delete=False) as f:
82 f.write(ocsp_response)
83 f.close()
84 output = subprocess.check_output([
85 'openssl', 'ocsp', '-no_nonce',
86 '-issuer', issuer_file,
87 '-cert', cert_file,
88 '-verify_other', issuer_file,
89 '-CAfile', '/hierarchy/root-cert-rsa.pem',
90 '-respin', f.name], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode()
91 # OpenSSL doesn't always return non-zero when response verify fails, so we
92 # also look for the string "Response Verify Failure"
93 verify_failure = "Response Verify Failure"
94 if re.search(verify_failure, output):
95 print(output)
96 raise(Exception("OCSP verify failure"))
97 return output
99def verify_ocsp(cert_file, issuer_file, url, status="revoked", reason=None):
100 ocsp_request = make_ocsp_req(cert_file, issuer_file)
101 responses = fetch_ocsp(ocsp_request, url)
103 # Verify all responses are the same
104 for resp in responses:
105 if resp != responses[0]:
106 raise(Exception("OCSP responses differed: %s vs %s" %(
107 base64.b64encode(responses[0]), base64.b64encode(resp))))
109 # Check response is for the correct certificate and is correct
110 # status
111 resp = responses[0]
112 verify_output = ocsp_verify(cert_file, issuer_file, resp)
113 if status is not None:
114 if not re.search("%s: %s" % (cert_file, status), verify_output):
115 print(verify_output)
116 raise(Exception("OCSP response wasn't '%s'" % status))
117 if reason is not None:
118 if not re.search("Reason: %s" % reason, verify_output):
119 print(verify_output)
120 raise(Exception("OCSP response wasn't '%s'" % reason))
121 return verify_output
123def reset_akamai_purges():
124 requests.post("http://localhost:6789/debug/reset-purges", data="{}")
126def verify_akamai_purge():
127 deadline = time.time() + .4
128 while True:
129 time.sleep(0.05)
130 if time.time() > deadline:
131 raise(Exception("Timed out waiting for Akamai purge"))
132 response = requests.get("http://localhost:6789/debug/get-purges")
133 purgeData = response.json()
134 if len(purgeData["V3"]) == 0:
135 continue
136 break
137 reset_akamai_purges()
139twenty_days_ago_functions = [ ]
141def register_twenty_days_ago(f):
142 """Register a function to be run during "setup_twenty_days_ago." This allows
143 test cases to define their own custom setup.
144 """
145 twenty_days_ago_functions.append(f)
147def setup_twenty_days_ago():
148 """Do any setup that needs to happen 20 day in the past, for tests that
149 will run in the 'present'.
150 """
151 for f in twenty_days_ago_functions:
152 f()
154six_months_ago_functions = []
156def register_six_months_ago(f):
157 six_months_ago_functions.append(f)
159def setup_six_months_ago():
160 [f() for f in six_months_ago_functions]
162def waitport(port, prog, perTickCheck=None):
163 """Wait until a port on localhost is open."""
164 for _ in range(1000):
165 try:
166 time.sleep(0.1)
167 if perTickCheck is not None and not perTickCheck():
168 return False
169 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
170 s.connect(('localhost', port))
171 s.close()
172 return True
173 except socket.error as e:
174 if e.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED:
175 print("Waiting for debug port %d (%s)" % (port, prog))
176 else:
177 raise
178 raise(Exception("timed out waiting for debug port %d (%s)" % (port, prog)))
180def waithealth(prog, addr):
181 subprocess.check_call([
182 './bin/health-checker',
183 '-addr', addr,
184 '-config', os.path.join(config_dir, 'health-checker.json')])
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