# Boulder-Tools Docker Image Utilities In CI and our development environment we do not rely on the Go environment of the host machine, and instead use Go installed in a container. To simplify things we separate all of Boulder's build dependencies into its own `boulder-tools` Docker image. ## Setup To build boulder-tools images, you'll need a Docker set up to do cross-platform builds (we build for both amd64 and arm64 so developers with Apple silicon can use boulder-tools in their dev environment). ### Ubuntu steps: ```sh sudo apt-get install qemu binfmt-support qemu-user-static docker buildx create --use --name=cross ``` After setup, the output of `docker buildx ls` should contain an entry like: ```sh cross0 unix:///var/run/docker.sock running linux/amd64, linux/386, linux/arm64, linux/riscv64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x, linux/mips64le, linux/mips64, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6 ``` If you see an entry like: ```sh cross0 unix:///var/run/docker.sock stopped ``` That's probably fine; the instance will be started when you run `tag_and_upload.sh` (which runs `docker buildx build`). ### macOS steps: Developers running macOS 12 and later with Docker Desktop 4 and later should be able to use boulder-tools without any pre-setup. ## Go Versions Rather than install multiple versions of Go within the same `boulder-tools` container we maintain separate images for each Go version we support. When a new Go version is available we perform several steps to integrate it to our workflow: 1. We add it to the `GO_VERSIONS` array in `tag_and_upload.sh`. 2. We run the `tag_and_upload.sh` script to build, tag, and upload a `boulder-tools` image for each of the `GO_VERSIONS`. 3. We update `.github/workflows/boulder-ci.yml` to add the new image tag(s). 4. We update the remaining `.github/workflows/` yaml files that use a `GO_VERSION` matrix with the new version of Go. 5. We update `docker-compose.yml` to update the default image tag (optional). After some time when we have spot checked the new Go release and coordinated a staging/prod environment upgrade with the operations team we can remove the old `GO_VERSIONS` entries, delete their respective build matrix items, and update `docker-compose.yml`.