// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: // - protoc-gen-go-grpc v1.2.0 // - protoc v3.20.1 // source: publisher.proto package proto import ( context "context" grpc "google.golang.org/grpc" codes "google.golang.org/grpc/codes" status "google.golang.org/grpc/status" ) // This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file // is compatible with the grpc package it is being compiled against. // Requires gRPC-Go v1.32.0 or later. const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion7 // PublisherClient is the client API for Publisher service. // // For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/grpc/?tab=doc#ClientConn.NewStream. type PublisherClient interface { SubmitToSingleCTWithResult(ctx context.Context, in *Request, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Result, error) } type publisherClient struct { cc grpc.ClientConnInterface } func NewPublisherClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) PublisherClient { return &publisherClient{cc} } func (c *publisherClient) SubmitToSingleCTWithResult(ctx context.Context, in *Request, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Result, error) { out := new(Result) err := c.cc.Invoke(ctx, "/Publisher/SubmitToSingleCTWithResult", in, out, opts...) if err != nil { return nil, err } return out, nil } // PublisherServer is the server API for Publisher service. // All implementations must embed UnimplementedPublisherServer // for forward compatibility type PublisherServer interface { SubmitToSingleCTWithResult(context.Context, *Request) (*Result, error) mustEmbedUnimplementedPublisherServer() } // UnimplementedPublisherServer must be embedded to have forward compatible implementations. type UnimplementedPublisherServer struct { } func (UnimplementedPublisherServer) SubmitToSingleCTWithResult(context.Context, *Request) (*Result, error) { return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method SubmitToSingleCTWithResult not implemented") } func (UnimplementedPublisherServer) mustEmbedUnimplementedPublisherServer() {} // UnsafePublisherServer may be embedded to opt out of forward compatibility for this service. // Use of this interface is not recommended, as added methods to PublisherServer will // result in compilation errors. type UnsafePublisherServer interface { mustEmbedUnimplementedPublisherServer() } func RegisterPublisherServer(s grpc.ServiceRegistrar, srv PublisherServer) { s.RegisterService(&Publisher_ServiceDesc, srv) } func _Publisher_SubmitToSingleCTWithResult_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) { in := new(Request) if err := dec(in); err != nil { return nil, err } if interceptor == nil { return srv.(PublisherServer).SubmitToSingleCTWithResult(ctx, in) } info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{ Server: srv, FullMethod: "/Publisher/SubmitToSingleCTWithResult", } handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return srv.(PublisherServer).SubmitToSingleCTWithResult(ctx, req.(*Request)) } return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler) } // Publisher_ServiceDesc is the grpc.ServiceDesc for Publisher service. // It's only intended for direct use with grpc.RegisterService, // and not to be introspected or modified (even as a copy) var Publisher_ServiceDesc = grpc.ServiceDesc{ ServiceName: "Publisher", HandlerType: (*PublisherServer)(nil), Methods: []grpc.MethodDesc{ { MethodName: "SubmitToSingleCTWithResult", Handler: _Publisher_SubmitToSingleCTWithResult_Handler, }, }, Streams: []grpc.StreamDesc{}, Metadata: "publisher.proto", }