package db import ( "context" "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestErrDatabaseOpError(t *testing.T) { testErr := errors.New("computers are cancelled") testCases := []struct { name string err error expected string }{ { name: "error with table", err: ErrDatabaseOp{ Op: "test", Table: "testTable", Err: testErr, }, expected: fmt.Sprintf("failed to test testTable: %s", testErr), }, { name: "error with no table", err: ErrDatabaseOp{ Op: "test", Err: testErr, }, expected: fmt.Sprintf("failed to test: %s", testErr), }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { test.AssertEquals(t, tc.err.Error(), tc.expected) }) } } func TestIsNoRows(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string err ErrDatabaseOp expectedNoRows bool }{ { name: "underlying err is sql.ErrNoRows", err: ErrDatabaseOp{ Op: "test", Table: "testTable", Err: fmt.Errorf("some wrapper around %w", sql.ErrNoRows), }, expectedNoRows: true, }, { name: "underlying err is not sql.ErrNoRows", err: ErrDatabaseOp{ Op: "test", Table: "testTable", Err: fmt.Errorf("some wrapper around %w", errors.New("lots of rows. too many rows.")), }, expectedNoRows: false, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { test.AssertEquals(t, IsNoRows(tc.err), tc.expectedNoRows) }) } } func TestIsDuplicate(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string err ErrDatabaseOp expectDuplicate bool }{ { name: "underlying err has duplicate prefix", err: ErrDatabaseOp{ Op: "test", Table: "testTable", Err: fmt.Errorf("some wrapper around %w", &mysql.MySQLError{Number: 1062}), }, expectDuplicate: true, }, { name: "underlying err doesn't have duplicate prefix", err: ErrDatabaseOp{ Op: "test", Table: "testTable", Err: fmt.Errorf("some wrapper around %w", &mysql.MySQLError{Number: 1234}), }, expectDuplicate: false, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { test.AssertEquals(t, IsDuplicate(tc.err), tc.expectDuplicate) }) } } func TestTableFromQuery(t *testing.T) { // A sample of example queries logged by the SA during Boulder // unit/integration tests. testCases := []struct { query string expectedTable string }{ { query: "SELECT id, jwk, jwk_sha256, contact, agreement, initialIP, createdAt, LockCol, status FROM registrations WHERE jwk_sha256 = ?", expectedTable: "registrations", }, { query: "\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT orderID, registrationID\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM orderFqdnSets\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE setHash = ?\n\t\t\t\t\tAND expires > ?\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY expires ASC\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", expectedTable: "orderFqdnSets", }, { query: "SELECT id, identifierType, identifierValue, registrationID, status, expires, challenges, attempted, token, validationError, validationRecord FROM authz2 WHERE\n\t\t\tregistrationID = :regID AND\n\t\t\tstatus = :status AND\n\t\t\texpires > :validUntil AND\n\t\t\tidentifierType = :dnsType AND\n\t\t\tidentifierValue = :ident\n\t\t\tORDER BY expires ASC\n\t\t\tLIMIT 1 ", expectedTable: "authz2", }, { query: "insert into `registrations` (`id`,`jwk`,`jw k_sha256`,`contact`,`agreement`,`initialIp`,`createdAt`,`LockCol`,`status`) values (null,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);", expectedTable: "`registrations`", }, { query: "update `registrations` set `jwk`=?, `jwk_sh a256`=?, `contact`=?, `agreement`=?, `initialIp`=?, `createdAt`=?, `LockCol` =?, `status`=? where `id`=? and `LockCol`=?;", expectedTable: "`registrations`", }, { query: "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM registrations WHERE initialIP = ? AND ? < createdAt AND createdAt <= ?", expectedTable: "registrations", }, { query: "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE registrationID = ? AND created >= ? AND created < ?", expectedTable: "orders", }, { query: " SELECT id, identifierType, identifierValue, registrationID, status, expires, challenges, attempted, token, validationError, validationRecord FROM authz2 WHERE registrationID = ? AND status IN (?,?) AND expires > ? AND identifierType = ? AND identifierValue IN (?)", expectedTable: "authz2", }, { query: "insert into `authz2` (`id`,`identifierType`,`identifierValue`,`registrationID`,`status`,`expires`,`challenges`,`attempted`,`token`,`validationError`,`validationRecord`) values (null,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);", expectedTable: "`authz2`", }, { query: "insert into `orders` (`ID`,`RegistrationID`,`Expires`,`Created`,`Error`,`CertificateSerial`,`BeganProcessing`) values (null,?,?,?,?,?,?)", expectedTable: "`orders`", }, { query: "insert into `orderToAuthz2` (`OrderID`,`AuthzID`) values (?,?);", expectedTable: "`orderToAuthz2`", }, { query: "insert into `requestedNames` (`ID`,`OrderID`,`ReversedName`) values (?,?,?);", expectedTable: "`requestedNames`", }, { query: "UPDATE authz2 SET status = :status, attempted = :attempted, validationRecord = :validationRecord, validationError = :validationError, expires = :expires WHERE id = :id AND status = :pending", expectedTable: "authz2", }, { query: "insert into `precertificates` (`ID`,`Serial`,`RegistrationID`,`DER`,`Issued`,`Expires`) values (null,?,?,?,?,?);", expectedTable: "`precertificates`", }, { query: "INSERT INTO certificateStatus (serial, status, ocspLastUpdated, revokedDate, revokedReason, lastExpirationNagSent, ocspResponse, notAfter, isExpired, issuerID) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", expectedTable: "certificateStatus", }, { query: "INSERT INTO issuedNames (reversedName, serial, notBefore, renewal) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);", expectedTable: "issuedNames", }, { query: "insert into `certificates` (`registrationID`,`serial`,`digest`,`der`,`issued`,`expires`) values (?,?,?,?,?,?);", expectedTable: "`certificates`", }, { query: "INSERT INTO certificatesPerName (eTLDPlusOne, time, count) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE count=count+1;", expectedTable: "certificatesPerName", }, { query: "insert into `fqdnSets` (`ID`,`SetHash`,`Serial`,`Issued`,`Expires`) values (null,?,?,?,?);", expectedTable: "`fqdnSets`", }, { query: "UPDATE orders SET certificateSerial = ? WHERE id = ? AND beganProcessing = true", expectedTable: "orders", }, { query: "DELETE FROM orderFqdnSets WHERE orderID = ?", expectedTable: "orderFqdnSets", }, { query: "insert into `serials` (`ID`,`Serial`,`RegistrationID`,`Created`,`Expires`) values (null,?,?,?,?);", expectedTable: "`serials`", }, { query: "UPDATE orders SET beganProcessing = ? WHERE id = ? AND beganProcessing = ?", expectedTable: "orders", }, } for i, tc := range testCases { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("testCases.%d", i), func(t *testing.T) { table := tableFromQuery(tc.query) test.AssertEquals(t, table, tc.expectedTable) }) } } func testDbMap(t *testing.T) *WrappedMap { // NOTE(@cpu): We avoid using sa.NewDBMapFromConfig here because it would // create a cyclic dependency. The `sa` package depends on `db` for // `WithTransaction`. The `db` package can't depend on the `sa` for creating // a DBMap. Since we only need a map for simple unit tests we can make our // own dbMap by hand (how artisanal). var config *mysql.Config config, err := mysql.ParseDSN(vars.DBConnSA) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "parsing DBConnSA DSN") dbConn, err := sql.Open("mysql", config.FormatDSN()) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "opening DB connection") dialect := borp.MySQLDialect{Engine: "InnoDB", Encoding: "UTF8"} // NOTE(@cpu): We avoid giving a sa.BoulderTypeConverter to the DbMap field to // avoid the cyclic dep. We don't need to convert any types in the db tests. dbMap := &borp.DbMap{Db: dbConn, Dialect: dialect, TypeConverter: nil} return &WrappedMap{dbMap: dbMap} } func TestWrappedMap(t *testing.T) { mustDbErr := func(err error) ErrDatabaseOp { t.Helper() var dbOpErr ErrDatabaseOp test.AssertErrorWraps(t, err, &dbOpErr) return dbOpErr } ctx := context.Background() testWrapper := func(dbMap Executor) { reg := &core.Registration{} // Test wrapped Get _, err := dbMap.Get(ctx, reg) test.AssertError(t, err, "expected err Getting Registration w/o type converter") dbOpErr := mustDbErr(err) test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Op, "get") test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Table, "*core.Registration") test.AssertError(t, dbOpErr.Err, "expected non-nil underlying err") // Test wrapped Insert err = dbMap.Insert(ctx, reg) test.AssertError(t, err, "expected err Inserting Registration w/o type converter") dbOpErr = mustDbErr(err) test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Op, "insert") test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Table, "*core.Registration") test.AssertError(t, dbOpErr.Err, "expected non-nil underlying err") // Test wrapped Update _, err = dbMap.Update(ctx, reg) test.AssertError(t, err, "expected err Updating Registration w/o type converter") dbOpErr = mustDbErr(err) test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Op, "update") test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Table, "*core.Registration") test.AssertError(t, dbOpErr.Err, "expected non-nil underlying err") // Test wrapped Delete _, err = dbMap.Delete(ctx, reg) test.AssertError(t, err, "expected err Deleting Registration w/o type converter") dbOpErr = mustDbErr(err) test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Op, "delete") test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Table, "*core.Registration") test.AssertError(t, dbOpErr.Err, "expected non-nil underlying err") // Test wrapped Select with a bogus query _, err = dbMap.Select(ctx, reg, "blah") test.AssertError(t, err, "expected err Selecting Registration w/o type converter") dbOpErr = mustDbErr(err) test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Op, "select") test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Table, "*core.Registration (unknown table)") test.AssertError(t, dbOpErr.Err, "expected non-nil underlying err") // Test wrapped Select with a valid query _, err = dbMap.Select(ctx, reg, "SELECT id, contact FROM registrationzzz WHERE id > 1;") test.AssertError(t, err, "expected err Selecting Registration w/o type converter") dbOpErr = mustDbErr(err) test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Op, "select") test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Table, "registrationzzz") test.AssertError(t, dbOpErr.Err, "expected non-nil underlying err") // Test wrapped SelectOne with a bogus query err = dbMap.SelectOne(ctx, reg, "blah") test.AssertError(t, err, "expected err SelectOne-ing Registration w/o type converter") dbOpErr = mustDbErr(err) test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Op, "select one") test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Table, "*core.Registration (unknown table)") test.AssertError(t, dbOpErr.Err, "expected non-nil underlying err") // Test wrapped SelectOne with a valid query err = dbMap.SelectOne(ctx, reg, "SELECT contact FROM doesNotExist WHERE id=1;") test.AssertError(t, err, "expected err SelectOne-ing Registration w/o type converter") dbOpErr = mustDbErr(err) test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Op, "select one") test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Table, "doesNotExist") test.AssertError(t, dbOpErr.Err, "expected non-nil underlying err") // Test wrapped Exec _, err = dbMap.ExecContext(ctx, "INSERT INTO whatever (id) VALUES (?) WHERE id = ?", 10) test.AssertError(t, err, "expected err Exec-ing bad query") dbOpErr = mustDbErr(err) test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Op, "exec") test.AssertEquals(t, dbOpErr.Table, "whatever") test.AssertError(t, dbOpErr.Err, "expected non-nil underlying err") } // Create a test wrapped map. It won't have a type converted registered. dbMap := testDbMap(t) // A top level WrappedMap should operate as expected with respect to wrapping // database errors. testWrapper(dbMap) // Using Begin to start a transaction with the dbMap should return a // transaction that continues to operate in the expected fashion. tx, err := dbMap.BeginTx(ctx) defer func() { _ = tx.Rollback() }() test.AssertNotError(t, err, "unexpected error beginning transaction") testWrapper(tx) }