Hello, [ Note: This message is from the Let's Encrypt staging environment. It likely is not relevant to any live web site. ] You issued a testing cert (not a live one) from Let's Encrypt staging environment. This mail takes the place of what would normally be a renewal reminder, but instead is demonstrating delivery of renewal notices. Have a nice day! Details: DNS Names: {{.DNSNames}} Expiration Date: {{.ExpirationDate}}) Days to Expiration: {{.DaysToExpiration}} For any questions or support, please visit https://community.letsencrypt.org/. Unfortunately, we can't provide support by email. For details about when we send these emails, please visit https://letsencrypt.org/docs/expiration-emails/. If you want to stop receiving all email from this address, click *|UNSUB:https://mandrillapp.com/unsub|* (Warning: this is a one-click action that cannot be undone) Regards, The Let's Encrypt Team