package cmd import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "os" "os/exec" "runtime" "strings" "testing" "time" "" blog "" "" "" ) var ( validPAConfig = []byte(`{ "dbConnect": "dummyDBConnect", "enforcePolicyWhitelist": false, "challenges": { "http-01": true } }`) invalidPAConfig = []byte(`{ "dbConnect": "dummyDBConnect", "enforcePolicyWhitelist": false, "challenges": { "nonsense": true } }`) noChallengesPAConfig = []byte(`{ "dbConnect": "dummyDBConnect", "enforcePolicyWhitelist": false }`) emptyChallengesPAConfig = []byte(`{ "dbConnect": "dummyDBConnect", "enforcePolicyWhitelist": false, "challenges": {} }`) ) func TestPAConfigUnmarshal(t *testing.T) { var pc1 PAConfig err := json.Unmarshal(validPAConfig, &pc1) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Failed to unmarshal PAConfig") test.AssertNotError(t, pc1.CheckChallenges(), "Flagged valid challenges as bad") var pc2 PAConfig err = json.Unmarshal(invalidPAConfig, &pc2) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Failed to unmarshal PAConfig") test.AssertError(t, pc2.CheckChallenges(), "Considered invalid challenges as good") var pc3 PAConfig err = json.Unmarshal(noChallengesPAConfig, &pc3) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Failed to unmarshal PAConfig") test.AssertError(t, pc3.CheckChallenges(), "Disallow empty challenges map") var pc4 PAConfig err = json.Unmarshal(emptyChallengesPAConfig, &pc4) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Failed to unmarshal PAConfig") test.AssertError(t, pc4.CheckChallenges(), "Disallow empty challenges map") } func TestMysqlLogger(t *testing.T) { log := blog.UseMock() mLog := mysqlLogger{log} testCases := []struct { args []interface{} expected string }{ { []interface{}{nil}, `ERR: [AUDIT] [mysql] `, }, { []interface{}{""}, `ERR: [AUDIT] [mysql] `, }, { []interface{}{"Sup ", 12345, " Sup sup"}, `ERR: [AUDIT] [mysql] Sup 12345 Sup sup`, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { // mysqlLogger proxies blog.AuditLogger to provide a Print() method mLog.Print(tc.args...) logged := log.GetAll() // Calling Print should produce the expected output test.AssertEquals(t, len(logged), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, logged[0], tc.expected) log.Clear() } } func TestCaptureStdlibLog(t *testing.T) { logger := blog.UseMock() oldDest := log.Writer() defer func() { log.SetOutput(oldDest) }() log.SetOutput(logWriter{logger}) log.Print("thisisatest") results := logger.GetAllMatching("thisisatest") if len(results) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Expected logger to receive 'thisisatest', got: %s", strings.Join(logger.GetAllMatching(".*"), "\n")) } } func TestVersionString(t *testing.T) { core.BuildID = "TestBuildID" core.BuildTime = "RightNow!" core.BuildHost = "Localhost" versionStr := VersionString() expected := fmt.Sprintf("Versions: cmd.test=(TestBuildID RightNow!) Golang=(%s) BuildHost=(Localhost)", runtime.Version()) test.AssertEquals(t, versionStr, expected) } func TestReadConfigFile(t *testing.T) { err := ReadConfigFile("", nil) test.AssertError(t, err, "ReadConfigFile('') did not error") type config struct { NotifyMailer struct { DB DBConfig SMTPConfig } Syslog SyslogConfig } var c config err = ReadConfigFile("../test/config/notify-mailer.json", &c) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "ReadConfigFile(../test/config/notify-mailer.json) errored") test.AssertEquals(t, c.NotifyMailer.SMTPConfig.Server, "localhost") } func TestLogWriter(t *testing.T) { mock := blog.UseMock() lw := logWriter{mock} _, _ = lw.Write([]byte("hi\n")) lines := mock.GetAllMatching(".*") test.AssertEquals(t, len(lines), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, lines[0], "INFO: hi") } func TestGRPCLoggerWarningFilter(t *testing.T) { m := blog.NewMock() l := grpcLogger{m} l.Warningln("asdf", "qwer") lines := m.GetAllMatching(".*") test.AssertEquals(t, len(lines), 1) m = blog.NewMock() l = grpcLogger{m} l.Warningln("Server.processUnaryRPC failed to write status: connection error: desc = \"transport is closing\"") lines = m.GetAllMatching(".*") test.AssertEquals(t, len(lines), 0) } func Test_newVersionCollector(t *testing.T) { // 'buildTime' core.BuildTime = core.Unspecified version := newVersionCollector() // Default 'Unspecified' should emit 'Unspecified'. test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, version, prometheus.Labels{"buildTime": core.Unspecified}, 1) // Parsable UnixDate should emit UnixTime. now := time.Now().UTC() core.BuildTime = now.Format(time.UnixDate) version = newVersionCollector() test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, version, prometheus.Labels{"buildTime": now.Format(time.RFC3339)}, 1) // Unparsable timestamp should emit 'Unsparsable'. core.BuildTime = "outta time" version = newVersionCollector() test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, version, prometheus.Labels{"buildTime": "Unparsable"}, 1) // 'buildId' expectedBuildID := "TestBuildId" core.BuildID = expectedBuildID version = newVersionCollector() test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, version, prometheus.Labels{"buildId": expectedBuildID}, 1) // 'goVersion' test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, version, prometheus.Labels{"goVersion": runtime.Version()}, 1) } func loadConfigFile(t *testing.T, path string) *os.File { cf, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return cf } func TestFailedConfigValidation(t *testing.T) { type FooConfig struct { VitalValue string `yaml:"vitalValue" validate:"required"` VoluntarilyVoid string `yaml:"voluntarilyVoid"` VisciouslyVetted string `yaml:"visciouslyVetted" validate:"omitempty,endswith=baz"` } // Violates 'endswith' tag JSON. cf := loadConfigFile(t, "testdata/1_missing_endswith.json") defer cf.Close() err := ValidateJSONConfig(&ConfigValidator{&FooConfig{}, nil}, cf) test.AssertError(t, err, "Expected validation error") test.AssertContains(t, err.Error(), "'endswith'") // Violates 'endswith' tag YAML. cf = loadConfigFile(t, "testdata/1_missing_endswith.yaml") defer cf.Close() err = ValidateYAMLConfig(&ConfigValidator{&FooConfig{}, nil}, cf) test.AssertError(t, err, "Expected validation error") test.AssertContains(t, err.Error(), "'endswith'") // Violates 'required' tag JSON. cf = loadConfigFile(t, "testdata/2_missing_required.json") defer cf.Close() err = ValidateJSONConfig(&ConfigValidator{&FooConfig{}, nil}, cf) test.AssertError(t, err, "Expected validation error") test.AssertContains(t, err.Error(), "'required'") // Violates 'required' tag YAML. cf = loadConfigFile(t, "testdata/2_missing_required.yaml") defer cf.Close() err = ValidateYAMLConfig(&ConfigValidator{&FooConfig{}, nil}, cf) test.AssertError(t, err, "Expected validation error") test.AssertContains(t, err.Error(), "'required'") } func TestFailExit(t *testing.T) { // Test that when Fail is called with a `defer AuditPanic()`, // the program exits with a non-zero exit code and logs // the result (but not stack trace). // Inspired by if os.Getenv("TIME_TO_DIE") == "1" { defer AuditPanic() Fail("tears in the rain") return } // gosec points out that os.Args[0] is tainted, but we only run this as a test // so we are not worried about it containing an untrusted value. //nolint:gosec cmd := exec.Command(os.Args[0], "") cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "TIME_TO_DIE=1") output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() test.AssertError(t, err, "running a failing program") test.AssertContains(t, string(output), "[AUDIT] tears in the rain") // "goroutine" usually shows up in stack traces, so we check it // to make sure we didn't print a stack trace. test.AssertNotContains(t, string(output), "goroutine") } func testPanicStackTraceHelper() { var x *int *x = 1 } func TestPanicStackTrace(t *testing.T) { // Test that when a nil pointer dereference is hit after a // `defer AuditPanic()`, the program exits with a non-zero // exit code and prints the result (but not stack trace). // Inspired by if os.Getenv("AT_THE_DISCO") == "1" { defer AuditPanic() testPanicStackTraceHelper() return } // gosec points out that os.Args[0] is tainted, but we only run this as a test // so we are not worried about it containing an untrusted value. //nolint:gosec cmd := exec.Command(os.Args[0], "") cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "AT_THE_DISCO=1") output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() test.AssertError(t, err, "running a failing program") test.AssertContains(t, string(output), "nil pointer dereference") test.AssertContains(t, string(output), "Stack Trace") test.AssertContains(t, string(output), "cmd/shell_test.go:") }