package notmain import ( "context" "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "io" "os" "testing" "text/template" "time" "" "" blog "" "" "" ) func TestIntervalOK(t *testing.T) { // Test a number of intervals know to be OK, ensure that no error is // produced when calling `ok()`. okCases := []struct { testInterval interval }{ {interval{}}, {interval{start: "aa", end: "\xFF"}}, {interval{end: "aa"}}, {interval{start: "aa", end: "bb"}}, } for _, testcase := range okCases { err := testcase.testInterval.ok() test.AssertNotError(t, err, "valid interval produced ok() error") } badInterval := interval{start: "bb", end: "aa"} err := badInterval.ok() test.AssertError(t, err, "bad interval was considered ok") } func setupMakeRecipientList(t *testing.T, contents string) string { entryFile, err := os.CreateTemp("", "") test.AssertNotError(t, err, "couldn't create temp file") _, err = entryFile.WriteString(contents) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "couldn't write contents to temp file") err = entryFile.Close() test.AssertNotError(t, err, "couldn't close temp file") return entryFile.Name() } func TestReadRecipientList(t *testing.T) { contents := `id, domainName, date 10,,2018-11-21 23,,2018-11-22` entryFile := setupMakeRecipientList(t, contents) defer os.Remove(entryFile) list, _, err := readRecipientsList(entryFile, ',') test.AssertNotError(t, err, "received an error for a valid CSV file") expected := []recipient{ {id: 10, Data: map[string]string{"date": "2018-11-21", "domainName": ""}}, {id: 23, Data: map[string]string{"date": "2018-11-22", "domainName": ""}}, } test.AssertDeepEquals(t, list, expected) contents = `id domainName date 10 2018-11-21 23 2018-11-22` entryFile = setupMakeRecipientList(t, contents) defer os.Remove(entryFile) list, _, err = readRecipientsList(entryFile, '\t') test.AssertNotError(t, err, "received an error for a valid TSV file") test.AssertDeepEquals(t, list, expected) } func TestReadRecipientListNoExtraColumns(t *testing.T) { contents := `id 10 23` entryFile := setupMakeRecipientList(t, contents) defer os.Remove(entryFile) _, _, err := readRecipientsList(entryFile, ',') test.AssertNotError(t, err, "received an error for a valid CSV file") } func TestReadRecipientsListFileNoExist(t *testing.T) { _, _, err := readRecipientsList("doesNotExist", ',') test.AssertError(t, err, "expected error for a file that doesn't exist") } func TestReadRecipientListWithEmptyColumnInHeader(t *testing.T) { contents := `id, domainName,,date 10,,2018-11-21 23,` entryFile := setupMakeRecipientList(t, contents) defer os.Remove(entryFile) _, _, err := readRecipientsList(entryFile, ',') test.AssertError(t, err, "failed to error on CSV file with trailing delimiter in header") test.AssertDeepEquals(t, err, errors.New("header contains an empty column")) } func TestReadRecipientListWithProblems(t *testing.T) { contents := `id, domainName, date 10,,2018-11-21 23,, 10,,2018-11-22 42,, 24,,2018-11-21 24,,2018-11-21 ` entryFile := setupMakeRecipientList(t, contents) defer os.Remove(entryFile) recipients, probs, err := readRecipientsList(entryFile, ',') test.AssertNotError(t, err, "received an error for a valid CSV file") test.AssertEquals(t, probs, "ID(s) [23 42] contained empty columns and ID(s) [10 24] were skipped as duplicates") test.AssertEquals(t, len(recipients), 4) // Ensure trailing " and " is trimmed from single problem. contents = `id, domainName, date 23,, 10,,2018-11-21 42,, ` entryFile = setupMakeRecipientList(t, contents) defer os.Remove(entryFile) _, probs, err = readRecipientsList(entryFile, ',') test.AssertNotError(t, err, "received an error for a valid CSV file") test.AssertEquals(t, probs, "ID(s) [23 42] contained empty columns") } func TestReadRecipientListWithEmptyLine(t *testing.T) { contents := `id, domainName, date 10,,2018-11-21 23,,2018-11-22` entryFile := setupMakeRecipientList(t, contents) defer os.Remove(entryFile) _, _, err := readRecipientsList(entryFile, ',') test.AssertNotError(t, err, "received an error for a valid CSV file") } func TestReadRecipientListWithMismatchedColumns(t *testing.T) { contents := `id, domainName, date 10,,2018-11-21 23,` entryFile := setupMakeRecipientList(t, contents) defer os.Remove(entryFile) _, _, err := readRecipientsList(entryFile, ',') test.AssertError(t, err, "failed to error on CSV file with mismatched columns") } func TestReadRecipientListWithDuplicateIDs(t *testing.T) { contents := `id, domainName, date 10,,2018-11-21 10,,2018-11-22` entryFile := setupMakeRecipientList(t, contents) defer os.Remove(entryFile) _, _, err := readRecipientsList(entryFile, ',') test.AssertNotError(t, err, "received an error for a valid CSV file") } func TestReadRecipientListWithUnparsableID(t *testing.T) { contents := `id, domainName, date 10,,2018-11-21 twenty,,2018-11-22` entryFile := setupMakeRecipientList(t, contents) defer os.Remove(entryFile) _, _, err := readRecipientsList(entryFile, ',') test.AssertError(t, err, "expected error for CSV file that contains an unparsable registration ID") } func TestReadRecipientListWithoutIDHeader(t *testing.T) { contents := `notId, domainName, date 10,,2018-11-21 twenty,,2018-11-22` entryFile := setupMakeRecipientList(t, contents) defer os.Remove(entryFile) _, _, err := readRecipientsList(entryFile, ',') test.AssertError(t, err, "expected error for CSV file missing header field `id`") } func TestReadRecipientListWithNoRecords(t *testing.T) { contents := `id, domainName, date ` entryFile := setupMakeRecipientList(t, contents) defer os.Remove(entryFile) _, _, err := readRecipientsList(entryFile, ',') test.AssertError(t, err, "expected error for CSV file containing only a header") } func TestReadRecipientListWithNoHeaderOrRecords(t *testing.T) { contents := `` entryFile := setupMakeRecipientList(t, contents) defer os.Remove(entryFile) _, _, err := readRecipientsList(entryFile, ',') test.AssertError(t, err, "expected error for CSV file containing only a header") test.AssertErrorIs(t, err, io.EOF) } func TestMakeMessageBody(t *testing.T) { emailTemplate := `{{range . }} {{ }} {{ .Data.domainName }} {{end}}` m := &mailer{ log: blog.UseMock(), mailer: &mocks.Mailer{}, emailTemplate: template.Must(template.New("email").Parse(emailTemplate)).Option("missingkey=error"), sleepInterval: 0, targetRange: interval{end: "\xFF"}, clk: clock.NewFake(), recipients: nil, dbMap: mockEmailResolver{}, } recipients := []recipient{ {id: 10, Data: map[string]string{"date": "2018-11-21", "domainName": ""}}, {id: 23, Data: map[string]string{"date": "2018-11-22", "domainName": ""}}, } expectedMessageBody := ` 2018-11-21 2018-11-22 ` // Ensure that a very basic template with 2 recipients can be successfully // executed. messageBody, err := m.makeMessageBody(recipients) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to execute a valid template") test.AssertEquals(t, messageBody, expectedMessageBody) // With no recipients we should get an empty body error. recipients = []recipient{} _, err = m.makeMessageBody(recipients) test.AssertError(t, err, "should have errored on empty body") // With a missing key we should get an informative templating error. recipients = []recipient{{id: 10, Data: map[string]string{"domainName": ""}}} _, err = m.makeMessageBody(recipients) test.AssertEquals(t, err.Error(), "template: email:2:8: executing \"email\" at <>: map has no entry for key \"date\"") } func TestSleepInterval(t *testing.T) { const sleepLen = 10 mc := &mocks.Mailer{} dbMap := mockEmailResolver{} tmpl := template.Must(template.New("letter").Parse("an email body")) recipients := []recipient{{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}} // Set up a mock mailer that sleeps for `sleepLen` seconds and only has one // goroutine to process results m := &mailer{ log: blog.UseMock(), mailer: mc, emailTemplate: tmpl, sleepInterval: sleepLen * time.Second, parallelSends: 1, targetRange: interval{start: "", end: "\xFF"}, clk: clock.NewFake(), recipients: recipients, dbMap: dbMap, } // Call run() - this should sleep `sleepLen` per destination address // After it returns, we expect (sleepLen * number of destinations) seconds has // elapsed err := test.AssertNotError(t, err, "error calling mailer run()") expectedEnd := clock.NewFake() expectedEnd.Add(time.Second * time.Duration(sleepLen*len(recipients))) test.AssertEquals(t, m.clk.Now(), expectedEnd.Now()) // Set up a mock mailer that doesn't sleep at all m = &mailer{ log: blog.UseMock(), mailer: mc, emailTemplate: tmpl, sleepInterval: 0, targetRange: interval{end: "\xFF"}, clk: clock.NewFake(), recipients: recipients, dbMap: dbMap, } // Call run() - this should blast through all destinations without sleep // After it returns, we expect no clock time to have elapsed on the fake clock err = test.AssertNotError(t, err, "error calling mailer run()") expectedEnd = clock.NewFake() test.AssertEquals(t, m.clk.Now(), expectedEnd.Now()) } func TestMailIntervals(t *testing.T) { const testSubject = "Test Subject" dbMap := mockEmailResolver{} tmpl := template.Must(template.New("letter").Parse("an email body")) recipients := []recipient{{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}} mc := &mocks.Mailer{} // Create a mailer with a checkpoint interval larger than any of the // destination email addresses. m := &mailer{ log: blog.UseMock(), mailer: mc, dbMap: dbMap, subject: testSubject, recipients: recipients, emailTemplate: tmpl, targetRange: interval{start: "\xFF", end: "\xFF\xFF"}, sleepInterval: 0, clk: clock.NewFake(), } // Run the mailer. It should produce an error about the interval start mc.Clear() err := test.AssertError(t, err, "expected error") test.AssertEquals(t, len(mc.Messages), 0) // Create a mailer with a negative sleep interval m = &mailer{ log: blog.UseMock(), mailer: mc, dbMap: dbMap, subject: testSubject, recipients: recipients, emailTemplate: tmpl, targetRange: interval{}, sleepInterval: -10, clk: clock.NewFake(), } // Run the mailer. It should produce an error about the sleep interval mc.Clear() err = test.AssertEquals(t, len(mc.Messages), 0) test.AssertEquals(t, err.Error(), "sleep interval (-10) is < 0") // Create a mailer with an interval starting with a specific email address. // It should send email to that address and others alphabetically higher. m = &mailer{ log: blog.UseMock(), mailer: mc, dbMap: dbMap, subject: testSubject, recipients: []recipient{{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id: 4}}, emailTemplate: tmpl, targetRange: interval{start: "", end: "\xFF"}, sleepInterval: 0, clk: clock.NewFake(), } // Run the mailer. Two messages should have been produced, one to // (beginning of the range), // and one to mc.Clear() err = test.AssertNotError(t, err, "run() produced an error") test.AssertEquals(t, len(mc.Messages), 2) test.AssertEquals(t, mocks.MailerMessage{ To: "", Subject: testSubject, Body: "an email body", }, mc.Messages[0]) test.AssertEquals(t, mocks.MailerMessage{ To: "", Subject: testSubject, Body: "an email body", }, mc.Messages[1]) // Create a mailer with a checkpoint interval ending before // "" m = &mailer{ log: blog.UseMock(), mailer: mc, dbMap: dbMap, subject: testSubject, recipients: []recipient{{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id: 4}}, emailTemplate: tmpl, targetRange: interval{end: ""}, sleepInterval: 0, clk: clock.NewFake(), } // Run the mailer. Two messages should have been produced, one to // (ID 1), one to (ID 2) mc.Clear() err = test.AssertNotError(t, err, "run() produced an error") test.AssertEquals(t, len(mc.Messages), 2) test.AssertEquals(t, mocks.MailerMessage{ To: "", Subject: testSubject, Body: "an email body", }, mc.Messages[0]) test.AssertEquals(t, mocks.MailerMessage{ To: "", Subject: testSubject, Body: "an email body", }, mc.Messages[1]) } func TestParallelism(t *testing.T) { const testSubject = "Test Subject" dbMap := mockEmailResolver{} tmpl := template.Must(template.New("letter").Parse("an email body")) recipients := []recipient{{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id: 4}} mc := &mocks.Mailer{} // Create a mailer with 10 parallel workers. m := &mailer{ log: blog.UseMock(), mailer: mc, dbMap: dbMap, subject: testSubject, recipients: recipients, emailTemplate: tmpl, targetRange: interval{end: "\xFF"}, sleepInterval: 0, parallelSends: 10, clk: clock.NewFake(), } mc.Clear() err := test.AssertNotError(t, err, "run() produced an error") // The fake clock should have advanced 9 seconds, one for each parallel // goroutine after the first doing its polite 1-second sleep at startup. expectedEnd := clock.NewFake() expectedEnd.Add(9 * time.Second) test.AssertEquals(t, m.clk.Now(), expectedEnd.Now()) // A message should have been sent to all four addresses. test.AssertEquals(t, len(mc.Messages), 4) expectedAddresses := []string{ "", "", "", "", } for _, msg := range mc.Messages { test.AssertSliceContains(t, expectedAddresses, msg.To) } } func TestMessageContentStatic(t *testing.T) { // Create a mailer with fixed content const ( testSubject = "Test Subject" ) dbMap := mockEmailResolver{} mc := &mocks.Mailer{} m := &mailer{ log: blog.UseMock(), mailer: mc, dbMap: dbMap, subject: testSubject, recipients: []recipient{{id: 1}}, emailTemplate: template.Must(template.New("letter").Parse("an email body")), targetRange: interval{end: "\xFF"}, sleepInterval: 0, clk: clock.NewFake(), } // Run the mailer, one message should have been created with the content // expected err := test.AssertNotError(t, err, "error calling mailer run()") test.AssertEquals(t, len(mc.Messages), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, mocks.MailerMessage{ To: "", Subject: testSubject, Body: "an email body", }, mc.Messages[0]) } // Send mail with a variable interpolated. func TestMessageContentInterpolated(t *testing.T) { recipients := []recipient{ { id: 1, Data: map[string]string{ "validationMethod": "eyeballing it", }, }, } dbMap := mockEmailResolver{} mc := &mocks.Mailer{} m := &mailer{ log: blog.UseMock(), mailer: mc, dbMap: dbMap, subject: "Test Subject", recipients: recipients, emailTemplate: template.Must(template.New("letter").Parse( `issued by {{range .}}{{ .Data.validationMethod }}{{end}}`)), targetRange: interval{end: "\xFF"}, sleepInterval: 0, clk: clock.NewFake(), } // Run the mailer, one message should have been created with the content // expected err := test.AssertNotError(t, err, "error calling mailer run()") test.AssertEquals(t, len(mc.Messages), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, mocks.MailerMessage{ To: "", Subject: "Test Subject", Body: "issued by eyeballing it", }, mc.Messages[0]) } // Send mail with a variable interpolated multiple times for accounts that share // an email address. func TestMessageContentInterpolatedMultiple(t *testing.T) { recipients := []recipient{ { id: 200, Data: map[string]string{ "domain": "", }, }, { id: 201, Data: map[string]string{ "domain": "", }, }, { id: 202, Data: map[string]string{ "domain": "", }, }, { id: 203, Data: map[string]string{ "domain": "", }, }, } dbMap := mockEmailResolver{} mc := &mocks.Mailer{} m := &mailer{ log: blog.UseMock(), mailer: mc, dbMap: dbMap, subject: "Test Subject", recipients: recipients, emailTemplate: template.Must(template.New("letter").Parse( `issued for: {{range .}}{{ .Data.domain }} {{end}}Thanks`)), targetRange: interval{end: "\xFF"}, sleepInterval: 0, clk: clock.NewFake(), } // Run the mailer, one message should have been created with the content // expected err := test.AssertNotError(t, err, "error calling mailer run()") test.AssertEquals(t, len(mc.Messages), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, mocks.MailerMessage{ To: "", Subject: "Test Subject", Body: `issued for: Thanks`, }, mc.Messages[0]) } // the `mockEmailResolver` implements the `dbSelector` interface from // `notify-mailer/main.go` to allow unit testing without using a backing // database type mockEmailResolver struct{} // the `mockEmailResolver` select method treats the requested reg ID as an index // into a list of anonymous structs func (bs mockEmailResolver) SelectOne(ctx context.Context, output interface{}, _ string, args ...interface{}) error { // The "dbList" is just a list of contact records in memory dbList := []contactQueryResult{ { ID: 1, Contact: []byte(`[""]`), }, { ID: 2, Contact: []byte(`[""]`), }, { ID: 3, Contact: []byte(`[""]`), }, { ID: 4, Contact: []byte(`[""]`), }, { ID: 5, Contact: []byte(`[""]`), }, { ID: 6, Contact: []byte(`[""]`), }, { ID: 7, Contact: []byte(`["mailto:***********"]`), }, { ID: 200, Contact: []byte(`[""]`), }, { ID: 201, Contact: []byte(`[""]`), }, { ID: 202, Contact: []byte(`[""]`), }, { ID: 203, Contact: []byte(`[""]`), }, { ID: 204, Contact: []byte(`[""]`), }, } // Play the type cast game so that we can dig into the arguments map and get // out an int64 `id` parameter. argsRaw := args[0] argsMap, ok := argsRaw.(map[string]interface{}) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("incorrect args type %T", args) } idRaw := argsMap["id"] id, ok := idRaw.(int64) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("incorrect args ID type %T", id) } // Play the type cast game to get a `*contactQueryResult` so we can write // the result from the db list. outputPtr, ok := output.(*contactQueryResult) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("incorrect output type %T", output) } for _, v := range dbList { if v.ID == id { *outputPtr = v } } if outputPtr.ID == 0 { return db.ErrDatabaseOp{ Op: "select one", Table: "registrations", Err: sql.ErrNoRows, } } return nil } func TestResolveEmails(t *testing.T) { // Start with three reg. IDs. Note: the IDs have been matched with fake // results in the `db` slice in `mockEmailResolver`'s `SelectOne`. If you add // more test cases here you must also add the corresponding DB result in the // mock. recipients := []recipient{ { id: 1, }, { id: 2, }, { id: 3, }, // This registration ID deliberately doesn't exist in the mock data to make // sure this case is handled gracefully { id: 999, }, // This registration ID deliberately returns an invalid email to make sure any // invalid contact info that slipped into the DB once upon a time will be ignored { id: 7, }, { id: 200, }, { id: 201, }, { id: 202, }, { id: 203, }, { id: 204, }, } tmpl := template.Must(template.New("letter").Parse("an email body")) dbMap := mockEmailResolver{} mc := &mocks.Mailer{} m := &mailer{ log: blog.UseMock(), mailer: mc, dbMap: dbMap, subject: "Test", recipients: recipients, emailTemplate: tmpl, targetRange: interval{end: "\xFF"}, sleepInterval: 0, clk: clock.NewFake(), } addressesToRecipients, err := m.resolveAddresses(context.Background()) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to resolveEmailAddresses") expected := []string{ "", "", "", "", } test.AssertEquals(t, len(addressesToRecipients), len(expected)) for _, address := range expected { if _, ok := addressesToRecipients[address]; !ok { t.Errorf("missing entry in addressesToRecipients: %q", address) } } }