package notmain import ( "context" "crypto/ecdsa" "crypto/elliptic" "crypto/rand" "crypto/x509" "errors" "fmt" "math/big" "net" "strings" "testing" "text/template" "time" "" "" corepb "" "" berrors "" blog "" bmail "" "" "" "" sapb "" "" "" isa "" "" "" io_prometheus_client "" "" ) type fakeRegStore struct { RegByID map[int64]*corepb.Registration } func (f fakeRegStore) GetRegistration(ctx context.Context, req *sapb.RegistrationID, _ ...grpc.CallOption) (*corepb.Registration, error) { r, ok := f.RegByID[req.Id] if !ok { return r, berrors.NotFoundError("no registration found for %q", req.Id) } return r, nil } func newFakeRegStore() fakeRegStore { return fakeRegStore{RegByID: make(map[int64]*corepb.Registration)} } const testTmpl = `hi, cert for DNS names {{.DNSNames}} is going to expire in {{.DaysToExpiration}} days ({{.ExpirationDate}})` const testEmailSubject = `email subject for test` const emailARaw = "" const emailBRaw = "" var ( emailA = "mailto:" + emailARaw emailB = "mailto:" + emailBRaw jsonKeyA = []byte(`{ "kty":"RSA", "n":"0vx7agoebGcQSuuPiLJXZptN9nndrQmbXEps2aiAFbWhM78LhWx4cbbfAAtVT86zwu1RK7aPFFxuhDR1L6tSoc_BJECPebWKRXjBZCiFV4n3oknjhMstn64tZ_2W-5JsGY4Hc5n9yBXArwl93lqt7_RN5w6Cf0h4QyQ5v-65YGjQR0_FDW2QvzqY368QQMicAtaSqzs8KJZgnYb9c7d0zgdAZHzu6qMQvRL5hajrn1n91CbOpbISD08qNLyrdkt-bFTWhAI4vMQFh6WeZu0fM4lFd2NcRwr3XPksINHaQ-G_xBniIqbw0Ls1jF44-csFCur-kEgU8awapJzKnqDKgw", "e":"AQAB" }`) jsonKeyB = []byte(`{ "kty":"RSA", "n":"z8bp-jPtHt4lKBqepeKF28g_QAEOuEsCIou6sZ9ndsQsEjxEOQxQ0xNOQezsKa63eogw8YS3vzjUcPP5BJuVzfPfGd5NVUdT-vSSwxk3wvk_jtNqhrpcoG0elRPQfMVsQWmxCAXCVRz3xbcFI8GTe-syynG3l-g1IzYIIZVNI6jdljCZML1HOMTTW4f7uJJ8mM-08oQCeHbr5ejK7O2yMSSYxW03zY-Tj1iVEebROeMv6IEEJNFSS4yM-hLpNAqVuQxFGetwtwjDMC1Drs1dTWrPuUAAjKGrP151z1_dE74M5evpAhZUmpKv1hY-x85DC6N0hFPgowsanmTNNiV75w", "e":"AAEAAQ" }`) jsonKeyC = []byte(`{ "kty":"RSA", "n":"rFH5kUBZrlPj73epjJjyCxzVzZuV--JjKgapoqm9pOuOt20BUTdHqVfC2oDclqM7HFhkkX9OSJMTHgZ7WaVqZv9u1X2yjdx9oVmMLuspX7EytW_ZKDZSzL-sCOFCuQAuYKkLbsdcA3eHBK_lwc4zwdeHFMKIulNvLqckkqYB9s8GpgNXBDIQ8GjR5HuJke_WUNjYHSd8jY1LU9swKWsLQe2YoQUz_ekQvBvBCoaFEtrtRaSJKNLIVDObXFr2TLIiFiM0Em90kK01-eQ7ZiruZTKomll64bRFPoNo4_uwubddg3xTqur2vdF3NyhTrYdvAgTem4uC0PFjEQ1bK_djBQ", "e":"AQAB" }`) tmpl = template.Must(template.New("expiry-email").Parse(testTmpl)) subjTmpl = template.Must(template.New("expiry-email-subject").Parse("Testing: " + defaultExpirationSubject)) ) func TestSendNagsManyCerts(t *testing.T) { mc := mocks.Mailer{} rs := newFakeRegStore() fc := clock.NewFake() staticTmpl := template.Must(template.New("expiry-email-subject-static").Parse(testEmailSubject)) tmpl := template.Must(template.New("expiry-email").Parse( `cert for DNS names {{.TruncatedDNSNames}} is going to expire in {{.DaysToExpiration}} days ({{.ExpirationDate}})`)) m := mailer{ log: blog.NewMock(), mailer: &mc, emailTemplate: tmpl, addressLimiter: &limiter{clk: fc, limit: 4}, // Explicitly override the default subject to use testEmailSubject subjectTemplate: staticTmpl, rs: rs, clk: fc, stats: initStats(metrics.NoopRegisterer), } var certs []*x509.Certificate for i := 0; i < 101; i++ { certs = append(certs, &x509.Certificate{ SerialNumber: big.NewInt(0x0304), NotAfter: fc.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 2), DNSNames: []string{fmt.Sprintf("", i)}, }) } conn, err := m.mailer.Connect() test.AssertNotError(t, err, "connecting SMTP") err = m.sendNags(conn, []string{emailA}, certs) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "sending mail") test.AssertEquals(t, len(mc.Messages), 1) if len(strings.Split(mc.Messages[0].Body, "\n")) > 100 { t.Errorf("Expected mailed message to truncate after 100 domains, got: %q", mc.Messages[0].Body) } } func TestSendNags(t *testing.T) { mc := mocks.Mailer{} rs := newFakeRegStore() fc := clock.NewFake() staticTmpl := template.Must(template.New("expiry-email-subject-static").Parse(testEmailSubject)) log := blog.NewMock() m := mailer{ log: log, mailer: &mc, emailTemplate: tmpl, addressLimiter: &limiter{clk: fc, limit: 4}, // Explicitly override the default subject to use testEmailSubject subjectTemplate: staticTmpl, rs: rs, clk: fc, stats: initStats(metrics.NoopRegisterer), } cert := &x509.Certificate{ SerialNumber: big.NewInt(0x0304), NotAfter: fc.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 2), DNSNames: []string{""}, } conn, err := m.mailer.Connect() test.AssertNotError(t, err, "connecting SMTP") err = m.sendNags(conn, []string{emailA}, []*x509.Certificate{cert}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Failed to send warning messages") test.AssertEquals(t, len(mc.Messages), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, mc.Messages[0], mocks.MailerMessage{ To: emailARaw, Subject: testEmailSubject, Body: fmt.Sprintf(`hi, cert for DNS names is going to expire in 2 days (%s)`, cert.NotAfter.Format(time.DateOnly)), }) mc.Clear() conn, err = m.mailer.Connect() test.AssertNotError(t, err, "connecting SMTP") err = m.sendNags(conn, []string{emailA, emailB}, []*x509.Certificate{cert}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Failed to send warning messages") test.AssertEquals(t, len(mc.Messages), 2) test.AssertEquals(t, mc.Messages[0], mocks.MailerMessage{ To: emailARaw, Subject: testEmailSubject, Body: fmt.Sprintf(`hi, cert for DNS names is going to expire in 2 days (%s)`, cert.NotAfter.Format(time.DateOnly)), }) test.AssertEquals(t, mc.Messages[1], mocks.MailerMessage{ To: emailBRaw, Subject: testEmailSubject, Body: fmt.Sprintf(`hi, cert for DNS names is going to expire in 2 days (%s)`, cert.NotAfter.Format(time.DateOnly)), }) mc.Clear() conn, err = m.mailer.Connect() test.AssertNotError(t, err, "connecting SMTP") err = m.sendNags(conn, []string{}, []*x509.Certificate{cert}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Not an error to pass no email contacts") test.AssertEquals(t, len(mc.Messages), 0) sendLogs := log.GetAllMatching("INFO: attempting send JSON=.*") if len(sendLogs) != 2 { t.Errorf("expected 2 'attempting send' log line, got %d: %s", len(sendLogs), strings.Join(sendLogs, "\n")) } if !strings.Contains(sendLogs[0], `"Rcpt":[""]`) { t.Errorf("expected first 'attempting send' log line to have one address, got %q", sendLogs[0]) } if !strings.Contains(sendLogs[0], `"TruncatedSerials":["000000000000000000000000000000000304"]`) { t.Errorf("expected first 'attempting send' log line to have one serial, got %q", sendLogs[0]) } if !strings.Contains(sendLogs[0], `"DaysToExpiration":2`) { t.Errorf("expected first 'attempting send' log line to have 2 days to expiration, got %q", sendLogs[0]) } if !strings.Contains(sendLogs[0], `"TruncatedDNSNames":[""]`) { t.Errorf("expected first 'attempting send' log line to have 1 domain, '', got %q", sendLogs[0]) } } func TestSendNagsAddressLimited(t *testing.T) { mc := mocks.Mailer{} rs := newFakeRegStore() fc := clock.NewFake() staticTmpl := template.Must(template.New("expiry-email-subject-static").Parse(testEmailSubject)) log := blog.NewMock() m := mailer{ log: log, mailer: &mc, emailTemplate: tmpl, addressLimiter: &limiter{clk: fc, limit: 1}, // Explicitly override the default subject to use testEmailSubject subjectTemplate: staticTmpl, rs: rs, clk: fc, stats: initStats(metrics.NoopRegisterer), } cert := &x509.Certificate{ SerialNumber: big.NewInt(0x0304), NotAfter: fc.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 2), DNSNames: []string{""}, } conn, err := m.mailer.Connect() test.AssertNotError(t, err, "connecting SMTP") // Try sending a message to an over-the-limit address err = m.sendNags(conn, []string{emailA}, []*x509.Certificate{cert}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "sending warning messages") // Expect that no messages were sent because this address was over the limit test.AssertEquals(t, len(mc.Messages), 0) // Try sending a message to an over-the-limit address and an under-the-limit // one. It should only go to the under-the-limit one. err = m.sendNags(conn, []string{emailA, emailB}, []*x509.Certificate{cert}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "sending warning messages to two addresses") test.AssertEquals(t, len(mc.Messages), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, mc.Messages[0], mocks.MailerMessage{ To: emailBRaw, Subject: testEmailSubject, Body: fmt.Sprintf(`hi, cert for DNS names is going to expire in 2 days (%s)`, cert.NotAfter.Format(time.DateOnly)), }) } var serial1 = big.NewInt(0x1336) var serial2 = big.NewInt(0x1337) var serial3 = big.NewInt(0x1338) var serial4 = big.NewInt(0x1339) var serial4String = core.SerialToString(serial4) var serial5 = big.NewInt(0x1340) var serial5String = core.SerialToString(serial5) var serial6 = big.NewInt(0x1341) var serial7 = big.NewInt(0x1342) var serial8 = big.NewInt(0x1343) var serial9 = big.NewInt(0x1344) var testKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey func init() { var err error testKey, err = ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader) if err != nil { panic(err) } } func TestProcessCerts(t *testing.T) { expiresIn := time.Hour * 24 * 7 testCtx := setup(t, []time.Duration{expiresIn}) certs := addExpiringCerts(t, testCtx) err := testCtx.m.processCerts(context.Background(), certs, expiresIn) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "processing certs") // Test that the lastExpirationNagSent was updated for the certificate // corresponding to serial4, which is set up as "already renewed" by // addExpiringCerts. if len(testCtx.log.GetAllMatching("UPDATE certificateStatus.*000000000000000000000000000000001339")) != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected an update to certificateStatus, got these log lines:\n%s", strings.Join(testCtx.log.GetAll(), "\n")) } } // There's an account with an expiring certificate but no email address. We shouldn't examine // that certificate repeatedly; we should mark it as if it had an email sent already. func TestNoContactCertIsNotRenewed(t *testing.T) { expiresIn := time.Hour * 24 * 7 testCtx := setup(t, []time.Duration{expiresIn}) reg, err := makeRegistration(testCtx.ssa, 1, jsonKeyA, nil) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Couldn't store regA") cert, err := makeCertificate( reg.Id, serial1, []string{""}, 23*time.Hour, testCtx.fc) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "creating cert A") err = insertCertificate(cert, time.Time{}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "inserting certificate") err = testCtx.m.findExpiringCertificates(context.Background()) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "finding expired certificates") // We should have sent no mail, because there was no contact address test.AssertEquals(t, len(, 0) // We should have examined exactly one certificate certsExamined := testCtx.m.stats.certificatesExamined test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, certsExamined, prometheus.Labels{}, 1.0) certsAlreadyRenewed := testCtx.m.stats.certificatesAlreadyRenewed test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, certsAlreadyRenewed, prometheus.Labels{}, 0.0) // Run findExpiringCertificates again. The count of examined certificates // should not increase again. err = testCtx.m.findExpiringCertificates(context.Background()) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "finding expired certificates") test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, certsExamined, prometheus.Labels{}, 1.0) test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, certsAlreadyRenewed, prometheus.Labels{}, 0.0) } // An account with no contact info has a certificate that is expiring but has been renewed. // We should only examine that certificate once. func TestNoContactCertIsRenewed(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() testCtx := setup(t, []time.Duration{time.Hour * 24 * 7}) reg, err := makeRegistration(testCtx.ssa, 1, jsonKeyA, []string{}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Couldn't store regA") names := []string{""} cert, err := makeCertificate( reg.Id, serial1, names, 23*time.Hour, testCtx.fc) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "creating cert A") expires := testCtx.fc.Now().Add(23 * time.Hour) err = insertCertificate(cert, time.Time{}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "inserting certificate") setupDBMap, err := sa.DBMapForTest(vars.DBConnSAFullPerms) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "setting up DB") err = setupDBMap.Insert(ctx, &core.FQDNSet{ SetHash: core.HashNames(names), Serial: core.SerialToString(serial2), Issued: testCtx.fc.Now().Add(time.Hour), Expires: expires.Add(time.Hour), }) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "inserting FQDNSet for renewal") err = testCtx.m.findExpiringCertificates(ctx) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "finding expired certificates") // We should have examined exactly one certificate certsExamined := testCtx.m.stats.certificatesExamined test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, certsExamined, prometheus.Labels{}, 1.0) certsAlreadyRenewed := testCtx.m.stats.certificatesAlreadyRenewed test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, certsAlreadyRenewed, prometheus.Labels{}, 1.0) // Run findExpiringCertificates again. The count of examined certificates // should not increase again. err = testCtx.m.findExpiringCertificates(ctx) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "finding expired certificates") test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, certsExamined, prometheus.Labels{}, 1.0) test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, certsAlreadyRenewed, prometheus.Labels{}, 1.0) } func TestProcessCertsParallel(t *testing.T) { expiresIn := time.Hour * 24 * 7 testCtx := setup(t, []time.Duration{expiresIn}) testCtx.m.parallelSends = 2 certs := addExpiringCerts(t, testCtx) err := testCtx.m.processCerts(context.Background(), certs, expiresIn) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "processing certs") // Test that the lastExpirationNagSent was updated for the certificate // corresponding to serial4, which is set up as "already renewed" by // addExpiringCerts. if len(testCtx.log.GetAllMatching("UPDATE certificateStatus.*000000000000000000000000000000001339")) != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected an update to certificateStatus, got these log lines:\n%s", strings.Join(testCtx.log.GetAll(), "\n")) } } type erroringMailClient struct{} func (e erroringMailClient) Connect() (bmail.Conn, error) { return nil, errors.New("whoopsie-doo") } func TestProcessCertsConnectError(t *testing.T) { expiresIn := time.Hour * 24 * 7 testCtx := setup(t, []time.Duration{expiresIn}) testCtx.m.mailer = erroringMailClient{} certs := addExpiringCerts(t, testCtx) // Checking that this terminates rather than deadlocks err := testCtx.m.processCerts(context.Background(), certs, expiresIn) test.AssertError(t, err, "processing certs") } func TestFindExpiringCertificates(t *testing.T) { testCtx := setup(t, []time.Duration{time.Hour * 24, time.Hour * 24 * 4, time.Hour * 24 * 7}) addExpiringCerts(t, testCtx) err := testCtx.m.findExpiringCertificates(context.Background()) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Failed on no certificates") test.AssertEquals(t, len(testCtx.log.GetAllMatching("Searching for certificates that expire between.*")), 3) err = testCtx.m.findExpiringCertificates(context.Background()) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Failed to find expiring certs") // Should get 001 and 003 if len( != 2 { builder := new(strings.Builder) for _, m := range { fmt.Fprintf(builder, "%s\n", m) } t.Fatalf("Expected two messages when finding expiring certificates, got:\n%s", builder.String()) } test.AssertEquals(t,[0], mocks.MailerMessage{ To: emailARaw, // A certificate with only one domain should have only one domain listed in // the subject Subject: "Testing: Let's Encrypt certificate expiration notice for domain \"\"", Body: "hi, cert for DNS names is going to expire in 0 days (1970-01-01)", }) test.AssertEquals(t,[1], mocks.MailerMessage{ To: emailBRaw, // A certificate with two domains should have only one domain listed and an // additional count included Subject: "Testing: Let's Encrypt certificate expiration notice for domain \"\" (and 1 more)", Body: "hi, cert for DNS names\ is going to expire in 7 days (1970-01-08)", }) // Check that regC's only certificate being renewed does not cause a log test.AssertEquals(t, len(testCtx.log.GetAllMatching("no certs given to send nags for")), 0) // A consecutive run shouldn't find anything err = testCtx.m.findExpiringCertificates(context.Background()) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Failed to find expiring certs") test.AssertEquals(t, len(, 0) test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, testCtx.m.stats.sendDelay, prometheus.Labels{"nag_group": "48h0m0s"}, 90000) test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, testCtx.m.stats.sendDelay, prometheus.Labels{"nag_group": "192h0m0s"}, 82800) } func makeRegistration(sac sapb.StorageAuthorityClient, id int64, jsonKey []byte, contacts []string) (*corepb.Registration, error) { var ip [4]byte _, err := rand.Reader.Read(ip[:]) if err != nil { return nil, err } ipText, err := net.IP(ip[:]).MarshalText() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("formatting IP address: %s", err) } reg, err := sac.NewRegistration(context.Background(), &corepb.Registration{ Id: id, Contact: contacts, Key: jsonKey, InitialIP: ipText, }) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("storing registration: %s", err) } return reg, nil } func makeCertificate(regID int64, serial *big.Int, dnsNames []string, expires time.Duration, fc clock.FakeClock) (certDERWithRegID, error) { // Expires in <1d, last nag was the 4d nag template := &x509.Certificate{ NotAfter: fc.Now().Add(expires), DNSNames: dnsNames, SerialNumber: serial, } certDer, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, template, template, &testKey.PublicKey, testKey) if err != nil { return certDERWithRegID{}, err } return certDERWithRegID{ RegID: regID, DER: certDer, }, nil } func insertCertificate(cert certDERWithRegID, lastNagSent time.Time) error { ctx := context.Background() parsedCert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(cert.DER) if err != nil { return err } setupDBMap, err := sa.DBMapForTest(vars.DBConnSAFullPerms) if err != nil { return err } err = setupDBMap.Insert(ctx, &core.Certificate{ RegistrationID: cert.RegID, Serial: core.SerialToString(parsedCert.SerialNumber), Issued: parsedCert.NotBefore, Expires: parsedCert.NotAfter, DER: cert.DER, }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("inserting certificate: %w", err) } return setupDBMap.Insert(ctx, &core.CertificateStatus{ Serial: core.SerialToString(parsedCert.SerialNumber), LastExpirationNagSent: lastNagSent, Status: core.OCSPStatusGood, NotAfter: parsedCert.NotAfter, OCSPLastUpdated: time.Time{}, RevokedDate: time.Time{}, RevokedReason: 0, }) } func addExpiringCerts(t *testing.T, ctx *testCtx) []certDERWithRegID { // Add some expiring certificates and registrations regA, err := makeRegistration(ctx.ssa, 1, jsonKeyA, []string{emailA}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Couldn't store regA") regB, err := makeRegistration(ctx.ssa, 2, jsonKeyB, []string{emailB}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Couldn't store regB") regC, err := makeRegistration(ctx.ssa, 3, jsonKeyC, []string{emailB}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Couldn't store regC") // Expires in <1d, last nag was the 4d nag certA, err := makeCertificate( regA.Id, serial1, []string{""}, 23*time.Hour, ctx.fc) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "creating cert A") // Expires in 3d, already sent 4d nag at 4.5d certB, err := makeCertificate( regA.Id, serial2, []string{""}, 72*time.Hour, ctx.fc) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "creating cert B") // Expires in 7d and change, no nag sent at all yet certC, err := makeCertificate( regB.Id, serial3, []string{"", ""}, (7*24+1)*time.Hour, ctx.fc) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "creating cert C") // Expires in 3d, renewed certDNames := []string{""} certD, err := makeCertificate( regC.Id, serial4, certDNames, 72*time.Hour, ctx.fc) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "creating cert D") fqdnStatusD := &core.FQDNSet{ SetHash: core.HashNames(certDNames), Serial: serial4String, Issued: ctx.fc.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -87), Expires: ctx.fc.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 3), } fqdnStatusDRenewed := &core.FQDNSet{ SetHash: core.HashNames(certDNames), Serial: serial5String, Issued: ctx.fc.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -3), Expires: ctx.fc.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 87), } err = insertCertificate(certA, ctx.fc.Now().Add(-72*time.Hour)) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "inserting certA") err = insertCertificate(certB, ctx.fc.Now().Add(-36*time.Hour)) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "inserting certB") err = insertCertificate(certC, ctx.fc.Now().Add(-36*time.Hour)) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "inserting certC") err = insertCertificate(certD, ctx.fc.Now().Add(-36*time.Hour)) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "inserting certD") setupDBMap, err := sa.DBMapForTest(vars.DBConnSAFullPerms) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "setting up DB") err = setupDBMap.Insert(context.Background(), fqdnStatusD) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Couldn't add fqdnStatusD") err = setupDBMap.Insert(context.Background(), fqdnStatusDRenewed) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Couldn't add fqdnStatusDRenewed") return []certDERWithRegID{certA, certB, certC, certD} } func countGroupsAtCapacity(group string, counter *prometheus.GaugeVec) int { ch := make(chan prometheus.Metric, 10) counter.With(prometheus.Labels{"nag_group": group}).Collect(ch) m := <-ch var iom io_prometheus_client.Metric _ = m.Write(&iom) return int(iom.Gauge.GetValue()) } func TestFindCertsAtCapacity(t *testing.T) { testCtx := setup(t, []time.Duration{time.Hour * 24}) addExpiringCerts(t, testCtx) // Set the limit to 1 so we are "at capacity" with one result testCtx.m.certificatesPerTick = 1 err := testCtx.m.findExpiringCertificates(context.Background()) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Failed to find expiring certs") test.AssertEquals(t, len(, 1) // The "48h0m0s" nag group should have its prometheus stat incremented once. // Note: this is not the 24h0m0s nag as you would expect sending time.Hour // * 24 to setup() for the nag duration. This is because all of the nags are // offset by 24 hours in this test file's setup() function, to mimic a 24h // setting for the "Frequency" field in the JSON config. test.AssertEquals(t, countGroupsAtCapacity("48h0m0s", testCtx.m.stats.nagsAtCapacity), 1) // A consecutive run shouldn't find anything err = testCtx.m.findExpiringCertificates(context.Background()) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Failed to find expiring certs") test.AssertEquals(t, len(, 0) // The "48h0m0s" nag group should now be reporting that it isn't at capacity test.AssertEquals(t, countGroupsAtCapacity("48h0m0s", testCtx.m.stats.nagsAtCapacity), 0) } func TestCertIsRenewed(t *testing.T) { testCtx := setup(t, []time.Duration{time.Hour * 24, time.Hour * 24 * 4, time.Hour * 24 * 7}) reg := satest.CreateWorkingRegistration(t, testCtx.ssa) testCerts := []*struct { Serial *big.Int stringSerial string DNS []string NotBefore time.Time NotAfter time.Time // this field is the test assertion IsRenewed bool }{ { Serial: serial1, DNS: []string{"", ""}, NotBefore: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((-1 * 24) * time.Hour), NotAfter: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((89 * 24) * time.Hour), IsRenewed: true, }, { Serial: serial2, DNS: []string{"", ""}, NotBefore: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((0 * 24) * time.Hour), NotAfter: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((90 * 24) * time.Hour), IsRenewed: false, }, { Serial: serial3, DNS: []string{""}, NotBefore: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((0 * 24) * time.Hour), NotAfter: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((90 * 24) * time.Hour), IsRenewed: false, }, { Serial: serial4, DNS: []string{""}, NotBefore: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((-100 * 24) * time.Hour), NotAfter: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((-10 * 24) * time.Hour), IsRenewed: true, }, { Serial: serial5, DNS: []string{""}, NotBefore: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((-80 * 24) * time.Hour), NotAfter: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((10 * 24) * time.Hour), IsRenewed: true, }, { Serial: serial6, DNS: []string{""}, NotBefore: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((-75 * 24) * time.Hour), NotAfter: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((15 * 24) * time.Hour), IsRenewed: true, }, { Serial: serial7, DNS: []string{""}, NotBefore: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((-1 * 24) * time.Hour), NotAfter: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((89 * 24) * time.Hour), IsRenewed: false, }, { Serial: serial8, DNS: []string{"", ""}, NotBefore: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((-1 * 24) * time.Hour), NotAfter: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((89 * 24) * time.Hour), IsRenewed: false, }, { Serial: serial9, DNS: []string{"", "", ""}, NotBefore: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((0 * 24) * time.Hour), NotAfter: testCtx.fc.Now().Add((90 * 24) * time.Hour), IsRenewed: false, }, } setupDBMap, err := sa.DBMapForTest(vars.DBConnSAFullPerms) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } for _, testData := range testCerts { testData.stringSerial = core.SerialToString(testData.Serial) rawCert := x509.Certificate{ NotBefore: testData.NotBefore, NotAfter: testData.NotAfter, DNSNames: testData.DNS, SerialNumber: testData.Serial, } // Can't use makeCertificate here because we also care about NotBefore certDer, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, &rawCert, &rawCert, &testKey.PublicKey, testKey) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } fqdnStatus := &core.FQDNSet{ SetHash: core.HashNames(testData.DNS), Serial: testData.stringSerial, Issued: testData.NotBefore, Expires: testData.NotAfter, } err = insertCertificate(certDERWithRegID{DER: certDer, RegID: reg.Id}, time.Time{}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't add cert %s", testData.stringSerial)) err = setupDBMap.Insert(context.Background(), fqdnStatus) test.AssertNotError(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't add fqdnStatus %s", testData.stringSerial)) } for _, testData := range testCerts { renewed, err := testCtx.m.certIsRenewed(context.Background(), testData.DNS, testData.NotBefore) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error checking renewal state for %s: %v", testData.stringSerial, err) continue } if renewed != testData.IsRenewed { t.Errorf("for %s: got %v, expected %v", testData.stringSerial, renewed, testData.IsRenewed) } } } func TestLifetimeOfACert(t *testing.T) { testCtx := setup(t, []time.Duration{time.Hour * 24, time.Hour * 24 * 4, time.Hour * 24 * 7}) defer testCtx.cleanUp() regA, err := makeRegistration(testCtx.ssa, 1, jsonKeyA, []string{emailA}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Couldn't store regA") certA, err := makeCertificate( regA.Id, serial1, []string{""}, 0, testCtx.fc) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "making certificate") err = insertCertificate(certA, time.Time{}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "unable to insert Certificate") type lifeTest struct { timeLeft time.Duration numMsgs int context string } tests := []lifeTest{ { timeLeft: 9 * 24 * time.Hour, // 9 days before expiration numMsgs: 0, context: "Expected no emails sent because we are more than 7 days out.", }, { (7*24 + 12) * time.Hour, // 7.5 days before 1, "Sent 1 for 7 day notice.", }, { 7 * 24 * time.Hour, 1, "The 7 day email was already sent.", }, { (4*24 - 1) * time.Hour, // <4 days before, the mailer did not run yesterday 2, "Sent 1 for the 7 day notice, and 1 for the 4 day notice.", }, { 36 * time.Hour, // within 1day + nagMargin 3, "Sent 1 for the 7 day notice, 1 for the 4 day notice, and 1 for the 1 day notice.", }, { 12 * time.Hour, 3, "The 1 day before email was already sent.", }, { -2 * 24 * time.Hour, // 2 days after expiration 3, "No expiration warning emails are sent after expiration", }, } for _, tt := range tests { testCtx.fc.Add(-tt.timeLeft) err = testCtx.m.findExpiringCertificates(context.Background()) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "error calling findExpiringCertificates") if len( != tt.numMsgs { t.Errorf(tt.context+" number of messages: expected %d, got %d", tt.numMsgs, len( } testCtx.fc.Add(tt.timeLeft) } } func TestDontFindRevokedCert(t *testing.T) { expiresIn := 24 * time.Hour testCtx := setup(t, []time.Duration{expiresIn}) regA, err := makeRegistration(testCtx.ssa, 1, jsonKeyA, []string{""}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Couldn't store regA") certA, err := makeCertificate( regA.Id, serial1, []string{""}, expiresIn, testCtx.fc) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "making certificate") err = insertCertificate(certA, time.Time{}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "inserting certificate") ctx := context.Background() setupDBMap, err := sa.DBMapForTest(vars.DBConnSAFullPerms) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "sa.NewDbMap failed") _, err = setupDBMap.ExecContext(ctx, "UPDATE certificateStatus SET status = ? WHERE serial = ?", string(core.OCSPStatusRevoked), core.SerialToString(serial1)) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "revoking certificate") err = testCtx.m.findExpiringCertificates(ctx) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "err from findExpiringCertificates") if len( != 0 { t.Errorf("no emails should have been sent, but sent %d", len( } } func TestDedupOnRegistration(t *testing.T) { expiresIn := 96 * time.Hour testCtx := setup(t, []time.Duration{expiresIn}) regA, err := makeRegistration(testCtx.ssa, 1, jsonKeyA, []string{emailA}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Couldn't store regA") certA, err := makeCertificate( regA.Id, serial1, []string{"", ""}, 72*time.Hour, testCtx.fc) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "making certificate") err = insertCertificate(certA, time.Time{}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "inserting certificate") certB, err := makeCertificate( regA.Id, serial2, []string{"", ""}, 48*time.Hour, testCtx.fc) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "making certificate") err = insertCertificate(certB, time.Time{}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "inserting certificate") expires := testCtx.fc.Now().Add(48 * time.Hour) err = testCtx.m.findExpiringCertificates(context.Background()) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "error calling findExpiringCertificates") if len( > 1 { t.Errorf("num of messages, want %d, got %d", 1, len( } if len( == 0 { t.Fatalf("no messages sent") } domains := "\\" test.AssertEquals(t,[0], mocks.MailerMessage{ To: emailARaw, // A certificate with three domain names should have one in the subject and // a count of '2 more' at the end Subject: "Testing: Let's Encrypt certificate expiration notice for domain \"\" (and 2 more)", Body: fmt.Sprintf(`hi, cert for DNS names %s is going to expire in 2 days (%s)`, domains, expires.Format(time.DateOnly)), }) } type testCtx struct { dbMap *db.WrappedMap ssa sapb.StorageAuthorityClient mc *mocks.Mailer fc clock.FakeClock m *mailer log *blog.Mock cleanUp func() } func setup(t *testing.T, nagTimes []time.Duration) *testCtx { log := blog.NewMock() // We use the test_setup user (which has full permissions to everything) // because the SA we return is used for inserting data to set up the test. dbMap, err := sa.DBMapForTestWithLog(vars.DBConnSAFullPerms, log) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Couldn't connect the database: %s", err) } fc := clock.NewFake() ssa, err := sa.NewSQLStorageAuthority(dbMap, dbMap, nil, 1, 0, fc, log, metrics.NoopRegisterer) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unable to create SQLStorageAuthority: %s", err) } cleanUp := test.ResetBoulderTestDatabase(t) mc := &mocks.Mailer{} offsetNags := make([]time.Duration, len(nagTimes)) for i, t := range nagTimes { offsetNags[i] = t + 24*time.Hour } m := &mailer{ log: log, mailer: mc, emailTemplate: tmpl, subjectTemplate: subjTmpl, dbMap: dbMap, rs: isa.SA{Impl: ssa}, nagTimes: offsetNags, addressLimiter: &limiter{clk: fc, limit: 4}, certificatesPerTick: 100, clk: fc, stats: initStats(metrics.NoopRegisterer), } return &testCtx{ dbMap: dbMap, ssa: isa.SA{Impl: ssa}, mc: mc, fc: fc, m: m, log: log, cleanUp: cleanUp, } } func TestLimiter(t *testing.T) { clk := clock.NewFake() lim := &limiter{clk: clk, limit: 4} fooAtExample := "" test.AssertNotError(t, lim.check(fooAtExample), "expected no error") test.AssertNotError(t, lim.check(fooAtExample), "expected no error") test.AssertNotError(t, lim.check(fooAtExample), "expected no error") test.AssertError(t, lim.check(fooAtExample), "expected an error") clk.Sleep(time.Hour) test.AssertError(t, lim.check(fooAtExample), "expected an error") // Sleep long enough to reset the limit clk.Sleep(24 * time.Hour) test.AssertNotError(t, lim.check(fooAtExample), "expected no error") }