
Text file src/github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/cmd/ceremony/README.md

Documentation: github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/cmd/ceremony

     1# `ceremony`
     4ceremony --config path/to/config.yml
     7`ceremony` is a tool designed for Certificate Authority specific key and certificate ceremonies. The main design principle is that unlike most ceremony tooling there is a single user input, a configuration file, which is required to complete a root, intermediate, or key ceremony. The goal is to make ceremonies as simple as possible and allow for simple verification of a single file, instead of verification of a large number of independent commands.
     9`ceremony` has these modes:
    10* `root` - generates a signing key on HSM and creates a self-signed root certificate that uses the generated key, outputting a PEM public key, and a PEM certificate. After generating such a root for public trust purposes, it should be submitted to [as many root programs as is possible/practical](https://github.com/daknob/root-programs).
    11* `intermediate` - creates a intermediate certificate and signs it using a signing key already on a HSM, outputting a PEM certificate
    12* `cross-csr` - creates a CSR for signing by a third party, outputting a PEM CSR.
    13* `cross-certificate` - issues a certificate for one root, signed by another root. This is distinct from an intermediate because there is no path length constraint and there are no EKUs.
    14* `ocsp-signer` - creates a delegated OCSP signing certificate and signs it using a signing key already on a HSM, outputting a PEM certificate
    15* `crl-signer` - creates a delegated CRL signing certificate and signs it using a signing key already on a HSM, outputting a PEM certificate
    16* `key` - generates a signing key on HSM, outputting a PEM public key
    17* `ocsp-response` - creates a OCSP response for the provided certificate and signs it using a signing key already on a HSM, outputting a base64 encoded response
    18* `crl` - creates a CRL with the IDP extension and `onlyContainsCACerts = true` from the provided profile and signs it using a signing key already on a HSM, outputting a PEM CRL
    20These modes are set in the `ceremony-type` field of the configuration file.
    22This tool always generates key pairs such that the public and private key are both stored on the device with the same label. Ceremony types that use a key on a device ask for a "signing key label". During setup this label is used to find the public key of a keypair. Once the public key is loaded, the private key is looked up by CKA\_ID.
    24## Configuration format
    26`ceremony` uses YAML for its configuration file, mainly as it allows for commenting. Each ceremony type has a different set of configuration fields.
    28### Root ceremony
    30- `ceremony-type`: string describing the ceremony type, `root`.
    31- `pkcs11`: object containing PKCS#11 related fields.
    32    | Field | Description |
    33    | --- | --- |
    34    | `module` | Path to the PKCS#11 module to use to communicate with a HSM. |
    35    | `pin` | Specifies the login PIN, should only be provided if the HSM device requires one to interact with the slot. |
    36    | `store-key-in-slot` | Specifies which HSM object slot the generated signing key should be stored in. |
    37    | `store-key-with-label` | Specifies the HSM object label for the generated signing key. Both public and private key objects are stored with this label. |
    38- `key`: object containing key generation related fields.
    39    | Field | Description |
    40    | --- | --- |
    41    | `type` | Specifies the type of key to be generated, either `rsa` or `ecdsa`. If `rsa` the generated key will have an exponent of 65537 and a modulus length specified by `rsa-mod-length`. If `ecdsa` the curve is specified by `ecdsa-curve`. |
    42    | `ecdsa-curve` | Specifies the ECDSA curve to use when generating key, either `P-224`, `P-256`, `P-384`, or `P-521`. |
    43    | `rsa-mod-length` | Specifies the length of the RSA modulus, either `2048` or `4096`.
    44- `outputs`: object containing paths to write outputs.
    45    | Field | Description |
    46    | --- | --- |
    47    | `public-key-path` | Path to store generated PEM public key. |
    48    | `certificate-path` | Path to store signed PEM certificate. |
    49- `certificate-profile`: object containing profile for certificate to generate. Fields are documented [below](#certificate-profile-format).
    54ceremony-type: root
    56    module: /usr/lib/opensc-pkcs11.so
    57    store-key-in-slot: 0
    58    store-key-with-label: root signing key
    60    type: ecdsa
    61    ecdsa-curve: P-384
    63    public-key-path: /home/user/root-signing-pub.pem
    64    certificate-path: /home/user/root-cert.pem
    66    signature-algorithm: ECDSAWithSHA384
    67    common-name: CA intermediate
    68    organization: good guys
    69    country: US
    70    not-before: 2020-01-01 12:00:00
    71    not-after: 2040-01-01 12:00:00
    72    key-usages:
    73        - Cert Sign
    74        - CRL Sign
    77This config generates a ECDSA P-384 key in the HSM with the object label `root signing key` and uses this key to sign a self-signed certificate. The public key for the key generated is written to `/home/user/root-signing-pub.pem` and the certificate is written to `/home/user/root-cert.pem`.
    79### Intermediate or Cross-Certificate ceremony
    81- `ceremony-type`: string describing the ceremony type, `intermediate` or `cross-certificate`.
    82- `pkcs11`: object containing PKCS#11 related fields.
    83    | Field | Description |
    84    | --- | --- |
    85    | `module` | Path to the PKCS#11 module to use to communicate with a HSM. |
    86    | `pin` | Specifies the login PIN, should only be provided if the HSM device requires one to interact with the slot. |
    87    | `signing-key-slot` | Specifies which HSM object slot the signing key is in. |
    88    | `signing-key-label` | Specifies the HSM object label for the signing keypair's public key. |
    89- `inputs`: object containing paths for inputs
    90    | Field | Description |
    91    | --- | --- |
    92    | `public-key-path` | Path to PEM subject public key for certificate. |
    93    | `issuer-certificate-path` | Path to PEM issuer certificate. |
    94- `outputs`: object containing paths to write outputs.
    95    | Field | Description |
    96    | --- | --- |
    97    | `certificate-path` | Path to store signed PEM certificate. |
    98- `certificate-profile`: object containing profile for certificate to generate. Fields are documented [below](#certificate-profile-format).
   103ceremony-type: intermediate
   105    module: /usr/lib/opensc-pkcs11.so
   106    signing-key-slot: 0
   107    signing-key-label: root signing key
   109    public-key-path: /home/user/intermediate-signing-pub.pem
   110    issuer-certificate-path: /home/user/root-cert.pem
   112    certificate-path: /home/user/intermediate-cert.pem
   114    signature-algorithm: ECDSAWithSHA384
   115    common-name: CA root
   116    organization: good guys
   117    country: US
   118    not-before: 2020-01-01 12:00:00
   119    not-after: 2040-01-01 12:00:00
   120    ocsp-url: http://good-guys.com/ocsp
   121    crl-url:  http://good-guys.com/crl
   122    issuer-url:  http://good-guys.com/root
   123    policies:
   124        - oid: 1.2.3
   125        - oid: 4.5.6
   126          cps-uri: "http://example.com/cps"
   127    key-usages:
   128        - Digital Signature
   129        - Cert Sign
   130        - CRL Sign
   133This config generates an intermediate certificate signed by a key in the HSM, identified by the object label `root signing key` and the object ID `ffff`. The subject key used is taken from `/home/user/intermediate-signing-pub.pem` and the issuer is `/home/user/root-cert.pem`, the resulting certificate is written to `/home/user/intermediate-cert.pem`.
   135Note: Intermediate certificates always include the extended key usages id-kp-serverAuth as required by of the CABF Baseline Requirements. Since we also include id-kp-clientAuth in end-entity certificates in boulder we also include it in intermediates, if this changes we may remove this inclusion.
   137### Cross-CSR ceremony
   139- `ceremony-type`: string describing the ceremony type, `cross-csr`.
   140- `pkcs11`: object containing PKCS#11 related fields.
   141    | Field | Description |
   142    | --- | --- |
   143    | `module` | Path to the PKCS#11 module to use to communicate with a HSM. |
   144    | `pin` | Specifies the login PIN, should only be provided if the HSM device requires one to interact with the slot. |
   145    | `signing-key-slot` | Specifies which HSM object slot the signing key is in. |
   146    | `signing-key-label` | Specifies the HSM object label for the signing keypair's public key. |
   147- `inputs`: object containing paths for inputs
   148    | Field | Description |
   149    | --- | --- |
   150    | `public-key-path` | Path to PEM subject public key for certificate. |
   151- `outputs`: object containing paths to write outputs.
   152    | Field | Description |
   153    | --- | --- |
   154    | `csr-path` | Path to store PEM CSR for cross-signing, optional. |
   155- `certificate-profile`: object containing profile for certificate to generate. Fields are documented [below](#certificate-profile-format). Should only include Subject related fields `common-name`, `organization`, `country`.
   160ceremony-type: cross-csr
   162    module: /usr/lib/opensc-pkcs11.so
   163    signing-key-slot: 0
   164    signing-key-label: intermediate signing key
   166    public-key-path: /home/user/intermediate-signing-pub.pem
   168    csr-path: /home/user/csr.pem
   170    common-name: CA root
   171    organization: good guys
   172    country: US
   175This config generates a CSR signed by a key in the HSM, identified by the object label `intermediate signing key`, and writes it to `/home/user/csr.pem`.
   177### OCSP Signing Certificate ceremony
   179- `ceremony-type`: string describing the ceremony type, `ocsp-signer`.
   180- `pkcs11`: object containing PKCS#11 related fields.
   181    | Field | Description |
   182    | --- | --- |
   183    | `module` | Path to the PKCS#11 module to use to communicate with a HSM. |
   184    | `pin` | Specifies the login PIN, should only be provided if the HSM device requires one to interact with the slot. |
   185    | `signing-key-slot` | Specifies which HSM object slot the signing key is in. |
   186    | `signing-key-label` | Specifies the HSM object label for the signing keypair's public key. |
   187- `inputs`: object containing paths for inputs
   188    | Field | Description |
   189    | --- | --- |
   190    | `public-key-path` | Path to PEM subject public key for certificate. |
   191    | `issuer-certificate-path` | Path to PEM issuer certificate. |
   192- `outputs`: object containing paths to write outputs.
   193    | Field | Description |
   194    | --- | --- |
   195    | `certificate-path` | Path to store signed PEM certificate. |
   196- `certificate-profile`: object containing profile for certificate to generate. Fields are documented [below](#certificate-profile-format). The key-usages, ocsp-url, and crl-url fields must not be set.
   198When generating an OCSP signing certificate the key usages field will be set to just Digital Signature and an EKU extension will be included with the id-kp-OCSPSigning usage. Additionally an id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck extension will be included in the certificate.
   203ceremony-type: ocsp-signer
   205    module: /usr/lib/opensc-pkcs11.so
   206    signing-key-slot: 0
   207    signing-key-label: intermediate signing key
   209    public-key-path: /home/user/ocsp-signer-signing-pub.pem
   210    issuer-certificate-path: /home/user/intermediate-cert.pem
   212    certificate-path: /home/user/ocsp-signer-cert.pem
   214    signature-algorithm: ECDSAWithSHA384
   215    common-name: CA OCSP signer
   216    organization: good guys
   217    country: US
   218    not-before: 2020-01-01 12:00:00
   219    not-after: 2040-01-01 12:00:00
   220    issuer-url:  http://good-guys.com/root
   223This config generates a delegated OCSP signing certificate signed by a key in the HSM, identified by the object label `intermediate signing key` and the object ID `ffff`. The subject key used is taken from `/home/user/ocsp-signer-signing-pub.pem` and the issuer is `/home/user/intermediate-cert.pem`, the resulting certificate is written to `/home/user/ocsp-signer-cert.pem`.
   225### CRL Signing Certificate ceremony
   227- `ceremony-type`: string describing the ceremony type, `crl-signer`.
   228- `pkcs11`: object containing PKCS#11 related fields.
   229    | Field | Description |
   230    | --- | --- |
   231    | `module` | Path to the PKCS#11 module to use to communicate with a HSM. |
   232    | `pin` | Specifies the login PIN, should only be provided if the HSM device requires one to interact with the slot. |
   233    | `signing-key-slot` | Specifies which HSM object slot the signing key is in. |
   234    | `signing-key-label` | Specifies the HSM object label for the signing keypair's public key. |
   235- `inputs`: object containing paths for inputs
   236    | Field | Description |
   237    | --- | --- |
   238    | `public-key-path` | Path to PEM subject public key for certificate. |
   239    | `issuer-certificate-path` | Path to PEM issuer certificate. |
   240- `outputs`: object containing paths to write outputs.
   241    | Field | Description |
   242    | --- | --- |
   243    | `certificate-path` | Path to store signed PEM certificate. |
   244- `certificate-profile`: object containing profile for certificate to generate. Fields are documented [below](#certificate-profile-format). The key-usages, ocsp-url, and crl-url fields must not be set.
   246When generating a CRL signing certificate the key usages field will be set to just CRL Sign.
   251ceremony-type: crl-signer
   253    module: /usr/lib/opensc-pkcs11.so
   254    signing-key-slot: 0
   255    signing-key-label: intermediate signing key
   257    public-key-path: /home/user/crl-signer-signing-pub.pem
   258    issuer-certificate-path: /home/user/intermediate-cert.pem
   260    certificate-path: /home/user/crl-signer-cert.pem
   262    signature-algorithm: ECDSAWithSHA384
   263    common-name: CA CRL signer
   264    organization: good guys
   265    country: US
   266    not-before: 2020-01-01 12:00:00
   267    not-after: 2040-01-01 12:00:00
   268    issuer-url:  http://good-guys.com/root
   271This config generates a delegated CRL signing certificate signed by a key in the HSM, identified by the object label `intermediate signing key` and the object ID `ffff`. The subject key used is taken from `/home/user/crl-signer-signing-pub.pem` and the issuer is `/home/user/intermediate-cert.pem`, the resulting certificate is written to `/home/user/crl-signer-cert.pem`.
   273### Key ceremony
   275- `ceremony-type`: string describing the ceremony type, `key`.
   276- `pkcs11`: object containing PKCS#11 related fields.
   277    | Field | Description |
   278    | --- | --- |
   279    | `module` | Path to the PKCS#11 module to use to communicate with a HSM. |
   280    | `pin` | Specifies the login PIN, should only be provided if the HSM device requires one to interact with the slot. |
   281    | `store-key-in-slot` | Specifies which HSM object slot the generated signing key should be stored in. |
   282    | `store-key-with-label` | Specifies the HSM object label for the generated signing key. Both public and private key objects are stored with this label. |
   283- `key`: object containing key generation related fields.
   284    | Field | Description |
   285    | --- | --- |
   286    | `type` | Specifies the type of key to be generated, either `rsa` or `ecdsa`. If `rsa` the generated key will have an exponent of 65537 and a modulus length specified by `rsa-mod-length`. If `ecdsa` the curve is specified by `ecdsa-curve`. |
   287    | `ecdsa-curve` | Specifies the ECDSA curve to use when generating key, either `P-224`, `P-256`, `P-384`, or `P-521`. |
   288    | `rsa-mod-length` | Specifies the length of the RSA modulus, either `2048` or `4096`.
   289- `outputs`: object containing paths to write outputs.
   290    | Field | Description |
   291    | --- | --- |
   292    | `public-key-path` | Path to store generated PEM public key. |
   297ceremony-type: key
   299    module: /usr/lib/opensc-pkcs11.so
   300    store-key-in-slot: 0
   301    store-key-with-label: intermediate signing key
   303    type: ecdsa
   304    ecdsa-curve: P-384
   306    public-key-path: /home/user/intermediate-signing-pub.pem
   309This config generates an ECDSA P-384 key in the HSM with the object label `intermediate signing key`. The public key is written to `/home/user/intermediate-signing-pub.pem`.
   311### OCSP Response ceremony
   313- `ceremony-type`: string describing the ceremony type, `ocsp-response`.
   314- `pkcs11`: object containing PKCS#11 related fields.
   315    | Field | Description |
   316    | --- | --- |
   317    | `module` | Path to the PKCS#11 module to use to communicate with a HSM. |
   318    | `pin` | Specifies the login PIN, should only be provided if the HSM device requires one to interact with the slot. |
   319    | `signing-key-slot` | Specifies which HSM object slot the signing key is in. |
   320    | `signing-key-label` | Specifies the HSM object label for the signing keypair's public key. |
   321- `inputs`: object containing paths for inputs
   322    | Field | Description |
   323    | --- | --- |
   324    | `certificate-path` | Path to PEM certificate to create a response for. |
   325    | `issuer-certificate-path` | Path to PEM issuer certificate. |
   326    | `delegated-issuer-certificate-path` | Path to PEM delegated issuer certificate, if one is being used. |
   327- `outputs`: object containing paths to write outputs.
   328    | Field | Description |
   329    | --- | --- |
   330    | `response-path` | Path to store signed base64 encoded response. |
   331- `ocsp-profile`: object containing profile for the OCSP response.
   332    | Field | Description |
   333    | --- | --- |
   334    | `this-update` | Specifies the OCSP response thisUpdate date, in the format `2006-01-02 15:04:05`. The time will be interpreted as UTC. |
   335    | `next-update` | Specifies the OCSP response nextUpdate date, in the format `2006-01-02 15:04:05`. The time will be interpreted as UTC. |
   336    | `status` | Specifies the OCSP response status, either `good` or `revoked`. |
   341ceremony-type: ocsp-response
   343    module: /usr/lib/opensc-pkcs11.so
   344    signing-key-slot: 0
   345    signing-key-label: root signing key
   347    certificate-path: /home/user/certificate.pem
   348    issuer-certificate-path: /home/user/root-cert.pem
   350    response-path: /home/user/ocsp-resp.b64
   352    this-update: 2020-01-01 12:00:00
   353    next-update: 2021-01-01 12:00:00
   354    status: good
   357This config generates a OCSP response signed by a key in the HSM, identified by the object label `root signing key` and object ID `ffff`. The response will be for the certificate in `/home/user/certificate.pem`, and will be written to `/home/user/ocsp-resp.b64`.
   359### CRL ceremony
   361- `ceremony-type`: string describing the ceremony type, `crl`.
   362- `pkcs11`: object containing PKCS#11 related fields.
   363    | Field | Description |
   364    | --- | --- |
   365    | `module` | Path to the PKCS#11 module to use to communicate with a HSM. |
   366    | `pin` | Specifies the login PIN, should only be provided if the HSM device requires one to interact with the slot. |
   367    | `signing-key-slot` | Specifies which HSM object slot the signing key is in. |
   368    | `signing-key-label` | Specifies the HSM object label for the signing keypair's public key. |
   369- `inputs`: object containing paths for inputs
   370    | Field | Description |
   371    | --- | --- |
   372    | `issuer-certificate-path` | Path to PEM issuer certificate. |
   373- `outputs`: object containing paths to write outputs.
   374    | Field | Description |
   375    | --- | --- |
   376    | `crl-path` | Path to store signed PEM CRL. |
   377- `crl-profile`: object containing profile for the CRL.
   378    | Field | Description |
   379    | --- | --- |
   380    | `this-update` | Specifies the CRL thisUpdate date, in the format `2006-01-02 15:04:05`. The time will be interpreted as UTC. |
   381    | `next-update` | Specifies the CRL nextUpdate date, in the format `2006-01-02 15:04:05`. The time will be interpreted as UTC. |
   382    | `number` | Specifies the CRL number. Each CRL should have a unique monotonically increasing number. |
   383    | `revoked-certificates` | Specifies any revoked certificates that should be included in the CRL. May be empty. If present it should be a list of objects with the fields `certificate-path`, containing the path to the revoked certificate, `revocation-date`, containing the date the certificate was revoked, in the format `2006-01-02 15:04:05`, and `revocation-reason`, containing a non-zero CRLReason code for the revocation taken from RFC 5280. |
   388ceremony-type: crl
   390    module: /usr/lib/opensc-pkcs11.so
   391    signing-key-slot: 0
   392    signing-key-label: root signing key
   394    issuer-certificate-path: /home/user/root-cert.pem
   396    crl-path: /home/user/crl.pem
   398    this-update: 2020-01-01 12:00:00
   399    next-update: 2021-01-01 12:00:00
   400    number: 80
   401    revoked-certificates:
   402        - certificate-path: /home/user/revoked-cert.pem
   403          revocation-date: 2019-12-31 12:00:00
   406This config generates a CRL that must only contain subordinate CA certificates signed by a key in the HSM, identified by the object label `root signing key` and object ID `ffff`. The CRL will have the number `80` and will contain revocation information for the certificate `/home/user/revoked-cert.pem`. Each of the revoked certificates provided are checked to ensure they have the `IsCA` flag set to `true`.
   408### Certificate profile format
   410The certificate profile defines a restricted set of fields that are used to generate root and intermediate certificates.
   412| Field | Description |
   413| --- | --- |
   414| `signature-algorithm` | Specifies the signing algorithm to use, one of `SHA256WithRSA`, `SHA384WithRSA`, `SHA512WithRSA`, `ECDSAWithSHA256`, `ECDSAWithSHA384`, `ECDSAWithSHA512` |
   415| `common-name` | Specifies the subject commonName |
   416| `organization` | Specifies the subject organization |
   417| `country` | Specifies the subject country |
   418| `not-before` | Specifies the certificate notBefore date, in the format `2006-01-02 15:04:05`. The time will be interpreted as UTC. |
   419| `not-after` | Specifies the certificate notAfter date, in the format `2006-01-02 15:04:05`. The time will be interpreted as UTC. |
   420| `ocsp-url` | Specifies the AIA OCSP responder URL |
   421| `crl-url` | Specifies the cRLDistributionPoints URL |
   422| `issuer-url` | Specifies the AIA caIssuer URL |
   423| `policies` | Specifies contents of a certificatePolicies extension. Should contain a list of policies with the fields `oid`, indicating the policy OID, and a `cps-uri` field, containing the CPS URI to use, if the policy should contain a id-qt-cps qualifier. Only single CPS values are supported. |
   424| `key-usages` | Specifies list of key usage bits should be set, list can contain `Digital Signature`, `CRL Sign`, and `Cert Sign` |

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