package notmain import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/pem" "flag" "fmt" "log" "net/http" "os" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" bgrpc "" "" "" blog "" "" rapb "" "" bredis "" sapb "" "" ) type Config struct { WFE struct { DebugAddr string `validate:"required,hostname_port"` // ListenAddress is the address:port on which to listen for incoming // HTTP requests. Defaults to ":80". ListenAddress string `validate:"omitempty,hostname_port"` // TLSListenAddress is the address:port on which to listen for incoming // HTTPS requests. If none is provided the WFE will not listen for HTTPS // requests. TLSListenAddress string `validate:"omitempty,hostname_port"` // Timeout is the per-request overall timeout. This should be slightly // lower than the upstream's timeout when making request to the WFE. Timeout config.Duration `validate:"-"` ServerCertificatePath string `validate:"required_with=TLSListenAddress"` ServerKeyPath string `validate:"required_with=TLSListenAddress"` AllowOrigins []string ShutdownStopTimeout config.Duration SubscriberAgreementURL string TLS cmd.TLSConfig RAService *cmd.GRPCClientConfig SAService *cmd.GRPCClientConfig // GetNonceService is a gRPC config which contains a single SRV name // used to lookup nonce-service instances used exclusively for nonce // creation. In a multi-DC deployment this should refer to local // nonce-service instances only. GetNonceService *cmd.GRPCClientConfig // RedeemNonceServices contains a map of nonce-service prefixes to // gRPC configs we want to use to redeem nonces. In a multi-DC deployment // this should contain all nonce-services from all DCs as we want to be // able to redeem nonces generated at any DC. // // DEPRECATED: See RedeemNonceService, below. // TODO (#6610) Remove this after all configs have migrated to // `RedeemNonceService`. RedeemNonceServices map[string]cmd.GRPCClientConfig `validate:"required_without=RedeemNonceService,omitempty,min=1,dive"` // RedeemNonceService is a gRPC config which contains a list of SRV // names used to lookup nonce-service instances used exclusively for // nonce redemption. In a multi-DC deployment this should contain both // local and remote nonce-service instances. RedeemNonceService *cmd.GRPCClientConfig `validate:"required_without=RedeemNonceServices"` // NoncePrefixKey is a secret used for deriving the prefix of each nonce // instance. It should contain 256 bits of random data to be suitable as // an HMAC-SHA256 key (e.g. the output of `openssl rand -hex 32`). In a // multi-DC deployment this value should be the same across all // boulder-wfe and nonce-service instances. NoncePrefixKey cmd.PasswordConfig `validate:"-"` // Chains is a list of lists of certificate filenames. Each inner list is // a chain (starting with the issuing intermediate, followed by one or // more additional certificates, up to and including a root) which we are // willing to serve. Chains that start with a given intermediate will only // be offered for certificates which were issued by the key pair represented // by that intermediate. The first chain representing any given issuing // key pair will be the default for that issuer, served if the client does // not request a specific chain. Chains [][]string `validate:"required,min=1,dive,min=2,dive,required"` Features map[string]bool // DirectoryCAAIdentity is used for the /directory response's "meta" // element's "caaIdentities" field. It should match the VA's "issuerDomain" // configuration value (this value is the one used to enforce CAA) DirectoryCAAIdentity string `validate:"required,fqdn"` // DirectoryWebsite is used for the /directory response's "meta" element's // "website" field. DirectoryWebsite string `validate:"required,url"` // ACMEv2 requests (outside some registration/revocation messages) use a JWS with // a KeyID header containing the full account URL. For new accounts this // will be a KeyID based on the HTTP request's Host header and the ACMEv2 // account path. For legacy ACMEv1 accounts we need to whitelist the account // ID prefix that legacy accounts would have been using based on the Host // header of the WFE1 instance and the legacy 'reg' path component. This // will differ in configuration for production and staging. LegacyKeyIDPrefix string `validate:"required,url"` // GoodKey is an embedded config stanza for the goodkey library. GoodKey goodkey.Config // StaleTimeout determines how old should data be to be accessed via Boulder-specific GET-able APIs StaleTimeout config.Duration `validate:"-"` // AuthorizationLifetimeDays defines how long authorizations will be // considered valid for. The WFE uses this to find the creation date of // authorizations by subtracing this value from the expiry. It should match // the value configured in the RA. AuthorizationLifetimeDays int `validate:"required,min=1,max=397"` // PendingAuthorizationLifetimeDays defines how long authorizations may be in // the pending state before expiry. The WFE uses this to find the creation // date of pending authorizations by subtracting this value from the expiry. // It should match the value configured in the RA. PendingAuthorizationLifetimeDays int `validate:"required,min=1,max=29"` AccountCache *CacheConfig Limiter struct { // Redis contains the configuration necessary to connect to Redis // for rate limiting. This field is required to enable rate // limiting. Redis *bredis.Config `validate:"required_with=Defaults"` // Defaults is a path to a YAML file containing default rate limits. // See: ratelimits/ for details. This field is required to // enable rate limiting. If any individual rate limit is not set, // that limit will be disabled. Defaults string `validate:"required_with=Redis"` // Overrides is a path to a YAML file containing overrides for the // default rate limits. See: ratelimits/ for details. If // this field is not set, all requesters will be subject to the // default rate limits. Overrides string } } Syslog cmd.SyslogConfig OpenTelemetry cmd.OpenTelemetryConfig // OpenTelemetryHTTPConfig configures tracing on incoming HTTP requests OpenTelemetryHTTPConfig cmd.OpenTelemetryHTTPConfig } type CacheConfig struct { Size int TTL config.Duration } // loadChain takes a list of filenames containing pem-formatted certificates, // and returns a chain representing all of those certificates in order. It // ensures that the resulting chain is valid. The final file is expected to be // a root certificate, which the chain will be verified against, but which will // not be included in the resulting chain. func loadChain(certFiles []string) (*issuance.Certificate, []byte, error) { certs, err := issuance.LoadChain(certFiles) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } // Iterate over all certs appending their pem to the buf. var buf bytes.Buffer for _, cert := range certs { buf.Write([]byte("\n")) buf.Write(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: cert.Raw})) } return certs[0], buf.Bytes(), nil } func setupWFE(c Config, scope prometheus.Registerer, clk clock.Clock) (rapb.RegistrationAuthorityClient, sapb.StorageAuthorityReadOnlyClient, nonce.Getter, map[string]nonce.Redeemer, nonce.Redeemer, string) { tlsConfig, err := c.WFE.TLS.Load(scope) cmd.FailOnError(err, "TLS config") raConn, err := bgrpc.ClientSetup(c.WFE.RAService, tlsConfig, scope, clk) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to load credentials and create gRPC connection to RA") rac := rapb.NewRegistrationAuthorityClient(raConn) saConn, err := bgrpc.ClientSetup(c.WFE.SAService, tlsConfig, scope, clk) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to load credentials and create gRPC connection to SA") sac := sapb.NewStorageAuthorityReadOnlyClient(saConn) // TODO(#6610) Refactor these checks. if c.WFE.RedeemNonceService != nil && c.WFE.RedeemNonceServices != nil { cmd.Fail("Only one of 'redeemNonceService' or 'redeemNonceServices' should be configured.") } if c.WFE.RedeemNonceService == nil && c.WFE.RedeemNonceServices == nil { cmd.Fail("One of 'redeemNonceService' or 'redeemNonceServices' must be configured.") } if c.WFE.RedeemNonceService != nil && c.WFE.NoncePrefixKey.PasswordFile == "" { cmd.Fail("'noncePrefixKey' must be configured if 'redeemNonceService' is configured.") } if c.WFE.GetNonceService == nil { cmd.Fail("'getNonceService' must be configured") } var rncKey string if c.WFE.NoncePrefixKey.PasswordFile != "" { rncKey, err = c.WFE.NoncePrefixKey.Pass() cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to load noncePrefixKey") } getNonceConn, err := bgrpc.ClientSetup(c.WFE.GetNonceService, tlsConfig, scope, clk) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to load credentials and create gRPC connection to get nonce service") gnc := nonce.NewGetter(getNonceConn) var rnc nonce.Redeemer var npm map[string]nonce.Redeemer if c.WFE.RedeemNonceService != nil { // Dispatch nonce redemption RPCs dynamically. if c.WFE.RedeemNonceService.SRVResolver != noncebalancer.SRVResolverScheme { cmd.Fail(fmt.Sprintf( "'redeemNonceService.SRVResolver' must be set to %q", noncebalancer.SRVResolverScheme), ) } redeemNonceConn, err := bgrpc.ClientSetup(c.WFE.RedeemNonceService, tlsConfig, scope, clk) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to load credentials and create gRPC connection to redeem nonce service") rnc = nonce.NewRedeemer(redeemNonceConn) } else { // Dispatch nonce redpemption RPCs using a static mapping. // // TODO(#6610) Remove code below and the `npm` mapping. npm = make(map[string]nonce.Redeemer) for prefix, serviceConfig := range c.WFE.RedeemNonceServices { serviceConfig := serviceConfig conn, err := bgrpc.ClientSetup(&serviceConfig, tlsConfig, scope, clk) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to load credentials and create gRPC connection to redeem nonce service") npm[prefix] = nonce.NewRedeemer(conn) } } return rac, sac, gnc, npm, rnc, rncKey } type errorWriter struct { blog.Logger } func (ew errorWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { // log.Logger will append a newline to all messages before calling // Write. Our log checksum checker doesn't like newlines, because // syslog will strip them out so the calculated checksums will // differ. So that we don't hit this corner case for every line // logged from inside net/http.Server we strip the newline before // we get to the checksum generator. p = bytes.TrimRight(p, "\n") ew.Logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf("net/http.Server: %s", string(p))) return } func main() { configFile := flag.String("config", "", "File path to the configuration file for this service") flag.Parse() if *configFile == "" { flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } var c Config err := cmd.ReadConfigFile(*configFile, &c) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Reading JSON config file into config structure") err = features.Set(c.WFE.Features) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to set feature flags") certChains := map[issuance.IssuerNameID][][]byte{} issuerCerts := map[issuance.IssuerNameID]*issuance.Certificate{} if c.WFE.Chains == nil { cmd.Fail("'chains' must be configured") } for _, files := range c.WFE.Chains { issuer, chain, err := loadChain(files) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to load chain") id := issuer.NameID() certChains[id] = append(certChains[id], chain) // This may overwrite a previously-set issuerCert (e.g. if there are two // chains for the same issuer, but with different versions of the same // same intermediate issued by different roots). This is okay, as the // only truly important content here is the public key to verify other // certs. issuerCerts[id] = issuer } stats, logger, oTelShutdown := cmd.StatsAndLogging(c.Syslog, c.OpenTelemetry, c.WFE.DebugAddr) logger.Info(cmd.VersionString()) clk := cmd.Clock() rac, sac, gnc, npm, rnc, npKey := setupWFE(c, stats, clk) kp, err := sagoodkey.NewKeyPolicy(&c.WFE.GoodKey, sac.KeyBlocked) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Unable to create key policy") if c.WFE.StaleTimeout.Duration == 0 { c.WFE.StaleTimeout.Duration = time.Minute * 10 } // Baseline Requirements v1.8.1 section 4.2.1: "any reused data, document, // or completed validation MUST be obtained no more than 398 days prior // to issuing the Certificate". If unconfigured or the configured value is // greater than 397 days, bail out. if c.WFE.AuthorizationLifetimeDays <= 0 || c.WFE.AuthorizationLifetimeDays > 397 { cmd.Fail("authorizationLifetimeDays value must be greater than 0 and less than 398") } authorizationLifetime := time.Duration(c.WFE.AuthorizationLifetimeDays) * 24 * time.Hour // The Baseline Requirements v1.8.1 state that validation tokens "MUST // NOT be used for more than 30 days from its creation". If unconfigured // or the configured value pendingAuthorizationLifetimeDays is greater // than 29 days, bail out. if c.WFE.PendingAuthorizationLifetimeDays <= 0 || c.WFE.PendingAuthorizationLifetimeDays > 29 { cmd.Fail("pendingAuthorizationLifetimeDays value must be greater than 0 and less than 30") } pendingAuthorizationLifetime := time.Duration(c.WFE.PendingAuthorizationLifetimeDays) * 24 * time.Hour var limiter *ratelimits.Limiter var limiterRedis *bredis.Ring if c.WFE.Limiter.Defaults != "" { // Setup rate limiting. limiterRedis, err = bredis.NewRingFromConfig(*c.WFE.Limiter.Redis, stats, logger) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to create Redis ring") source := ratelimits.NewRedisSource(limiterRedis.Ring, clk, stats) limiter, err = ratelimits.NewLimiter(clk, source, c.WFE.Limiter.Defaults, c.WFE.Limiter.Overrides, stats) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to create rate limiter") } var accountGetter wfe2.AccountGetter if c.WFE.AccountCache != nil { accountGetter = wfe2.NewAccountCache(sac, c.WFE.AccountCache.Size, c.WFE.AccountCache.TTL.Duration, clk, stats) } else { accountGetter = sac } wfe, err := wfe2.NewWebFrontEndImpl( stats, clk, kp, certChains, issuerCerts, logger, c.WFE.Timeout.Duration, c.WFE.StaleTimeout.Duration, authorizationLifetime, pendingAuthorizationLifetime, rac, sac, gnc, npm, rnc, npKey, accountGetter, limiter, ) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Unable to create WFE") wfe.SubscriberAgreementURL = c.WFE.SubscriberAgreementURL wfe.AllowOrigins = c.WFE.AllowOrigins wfe.DirectoryCAAIdentity = c.WFE.DirectoryCAAIdentity wfe.DirectoryWebsite = c.WFE.DirectoryWebsite wfe.LegacyKeyIDPrefix = c.WFE.LegacyKeyIDPrefix logger.Infof("WFE using key policy: %#v", kp) logger.Infof("Server running, listening on %s....", c.WFE.ListenAddress) handler := wfe.Handler(stats, c.OpenTelemetryHTTPConfig.Options()...) srv := http.Server{ ReadTimeout: 30 * time.Second, WriteTimeout: 120 * time.Second, IdleTimeout: 120 * time.Second, Addr: c.WFE.ListenAddress, ErrorLog: log.New(errorWriter{logger}, "", 0), Handler: handler, } go func() { err := srv.ListenAndServe() if err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed { cmd.FailOnError(err, "Running HTTP server") } }() tlsSrv := http.Server{ ReadTimeout: 30 * time.Second, WriteTimeout: 120 * time.Second, IdleTimeout: 120 * time.Second, Addr: c.WFE.TLSListenAddress, ErrorLog: log.New(errorWriter{logger}, "", 0), Handler: handler, } if tlsSrv.Addr != "" { go func() { err := tlsSrv.ListenAndServeTLS(c.WFE.ServerCertificatePath, c.WFE.ServerKeyPath) if err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed { cmd.FailOnError(err, "Running TLS server") } }() } // When main is ready to exit (because it has received a shutdown signal), // gracefully shutdown the servers. Calling these shutdown functions causes // ListenAndServe() and ListenAndServeTLS() to immediately return, then waits // for any lingering connection-handling goroutines to finish their work. defer func() { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), c.WFE.ShutdownStopTimeout.Duration) defer cancel() _ = srv.Shutdown(ctx) _ = tlsSrv.Shutdown(ctx) limiterRedis.StopLookups() oTelShutdown(ctx) }() cmd.WaitForSignal() } func init() { cmd.RegisterCommand("boulder-wfe2", main, &cmd.ConfigValidator{Config: &Config{}}) }