package notmain import ( "context" "flag" "fmt" "os" "runtime" ct "" "" "" bgrpc "" "" "" pubpb "" ) type Config struct { Publisher struct { cmd.ServiceConfig Features map[string]bool // If this is non-zero, profile blocking events such that one even is // sampled every N nanoseconds. // BlockProfileRate int UserAgent string // Chains is a list of lists of certificate filenames. Each inner list is // a chain, starting with the issuing intermediate, followed by one or // more additional certificates, up to and including a root. Chains [][]string `validate:"min=1,dive,min=2,dive,required"` } Syslog cmd.SyslogConfig OpenTelemetry cmd.OpenTelemetryConfig } func main() { grpcAddr := flag.String("addr", "", "gRPC listen address override") debugAddr := flag.String("debug-addr", "", "Debug server address override") configFile := flag.String("config", "", "File path to the configuration file for this service") flag.Parse() if *configFile == "" { flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } var c Config err := cmd.ReadConfigFile(*configFile, &c) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Reading JSON config file into config structure") err = features.Set(c.Publisher.Features) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to set feature flags") runtime.SetBlockProfileRate(c.Publisher.BlockProfileRate) if *grpcAddr != "" { c.Publisher.GRPC.Address = *grpcAddr } if *debugAddr != "" { c.Publisher.DebugAddr = *debugAddr } if c.Publisher.UserAgent == "" { c.Publisher.UserAgent = "certificate-transparency-go/1.0" } scope, logger, oTelShutdown := cmd.StatsAndLogging(c.Syslog, c.OpenTelemetry, c.Publisher.DebugAddr) defer oTelShutdown(context.Background()) logger.Info(cmd.VersionString()) if c.Publisher.Chains == nil { logger.AuditErr("No chain files provided") os.Exit(1) } bundles := make(map[issuance.IssuerNameID][]ct.ASN1Cert) for _, files := range c.Publisher.Chains { chain, err := issuance.LoadChain(files) cmd.FailOnError(err, "failed to load chain.") issuer := chain[0] id := issuer.NameID() if _, exists := bundles[id]; exists { cmd.Fail(fmt.Sprintf("Got multiple chains configured for issuer %q", issuer.Subject.CommonName)) } bundles[id] = publisher.GetCTBundleForChain(chain) } tlsConfig, err := c.Publisher.TLS.Load(scope) cmd.FailOnError(err, "TLS config") clk := cmd.Clock() pubi := publisher.New(bundles, c.Publisher.UserAgent, logger, scope) start, err := bgrpc.NewServer(c.Publisher.GRPC, logger).Add( &pubpb.Publisher_ServiceDesc, pubi).Build(tlsConfig, scope, clk) cmd.FailOnError(err, "Unable to setup Publisher gRPC server") cmd.FailOnError(start(), "Publisher gRPC service failed") } func init() { cmd.RegisterCommand("boulder-publisher", main, &cmd.ConfigValidator{Config: &Config{}}) }