# boulder-observer A modular configuration driven approach to black box monitoring with Prometheus. * [boulder-observer](#boulder-observer) * [Usage](#usage) * [Options](#options) * [Starting the boulder-observer daemon](#starting-the-boulder-observer-daemon) * [Configuration](#configuration) * [Root](#root) * [Schema](#schema) * [Example](#example) * [Monitors](#monitors) * [Schema](#schema-1) * [Example](#example-1) * [Probers](#probers) * [DNS](#dns) * [Schema](#schema-2) * [Example](#example-2) * [HTTP](#http) * [Schema](#schema-3) * [Example](#example-3) * [CRL](#crl) * [Schema](#schema-4) * [Example](#example-4) * [TLS](#tls) * [Schema](#schema-5) * [Example](#example-5) * [Metrics](#metrics) * [Global Metrics](#global-metrics) * [obs_monitors](#obs_monitors) * [obs_observations](#obs_observations) * [CRL Metrics](#crl-metrics) * [obs_crl_this_update](#obs_crl_this_update) * [obs_crl_next_update](#obs_crl_next_update) * [obs_crl_revoked_cert_count](#obs_crl_revoked_cert_count) * [TLS Metrics](#tls-metrics) * [obs_crl_this_update](#obs_tls_not_after) * [obs_crl_next_update](#obs_tls_reason) * [Development](#development) * [Starting Prometheus locally](#starting-prometheus-locally) * [Viewing metrics locally](#viewing-metrics-locally) ## Usage ### Options ```shell $ ./boulder-observer -help -config string Path to boulder-observer configuration file (default "config.yml") ``` ### Starting the boulder-observer daemon ```shell $ ./boulder-observer -config test/config-next/observer.yml I152525 boulder-observer _KzylQI Versions: main=(Unspecified Unspecified) Golang=(go1.16.2) BuildHost=(Unspecified) I152525 boulder-observer q_D84gk Initializing boulder-observer daemon from config: test/config-next/observer.yml I152525 boulder-observer 7aq68AQ all monitors passed validation I152527 boulder-observer yaefiAw kind=[HTTP] success=[true] duration=[0.130097] name=[https://letsencrypt.org-[200]] I152527 boulder-observer 65CuDAA kind=[HTTP] success=[true] duration=[0.148633] name=[http://letsencrypt.org/foo-[200 404]] I152530 boulder-observer idi4rwE kind=[DNS] success=[false] duration=[0.000093] name=[[2606:4700:4700::1111]:53-udp-A-google.com-recurse] I152530 boulder-observer prOnrw8 kind=[DNS] success=[false] duration=[0.000242] name=[[2606:4700:4700::1111]:53-tcp-A-google.com-recurse] I152530 boulder-observer 6uXugQw kind=[DNS] success=[true] duration=[0.022962] name=[] I152530 boulder-observer to7h-wo kind=[DNS] success=[true] duration=[0.029860] name=[owen.ns.cloudflare.com:53-udp-A-letsencrypt.org-no-recurse] I152530 boulder-observer ovDorAY kind=[DNS] success=[true] duration=[0.033820] name=[owen.ns.cloudflare.com:53-tcp-A-letsencrypt.org-no-recurse] ... ``` ## Configuration Configuration is provided via a YAML file. ### Root #### Schema `debugaddr`: The Prometheus scrape port prefixed with a single colon (e.g. `:8040`). `buckets`: List of floats representing Prometheus histogram buckets (e.g `[.001, .002, .005, .01, .02, .05, .1, .2, .5, 1, 2, 5, 10]`) `syslog`: Map of log levels, see schema below. - `stdoutlevel`: Log level for stdout, see legend below. - `sysloglevel`:Log level for stdout, see legend below. `0`: *EMERG* `1`: *ALERT* `2`: *CRIT* `3`: *ERR* `4`: *WARN* `5`: *NOTICE* `6`: *INFO* `7`: *DEBUG* `monitors`: List of monitors, see [monitors](#monitors) for schema. #### Example ```yaml debugaddr: :8040 buckets: [.001, .002, .005, .01, .02, .05, .1, .2, .5, 1, 2, 5, 10] syslog: stdoutlevel: 6 sysloglevel: 6 - ... ``` ### Monitors #### Schema `period`: Interval between probing attempts (e.g. `1s` `1m` `1h`). `kind`: Kind of prober to use, see [probers](#probers) for schema. `settings`: Map of prober settings, see [probers](#probers) for schema. #### Example ```yaml monitors: - period: 5s kind: DNS settings: ... ``` ### Probers #### DNS ##### Schema `protocol`: Protocol to use, options are: `udp` or `tcp`. `server`: Hostname, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address surrounded with brackets + port of the DNS server to send the query to (e.g. `example.com:53`, ``, or `[2606:4700:4700::1111]:53`). `recurse`: Bool indicating if recursive resolution is desired. `query_name`: Name to query (e.g. `example.com`). `query_type`: Record type to query, options are: `A`, `AAAA`, `TXT`, or `CAA`. ##### Example ```yaml monitors: - period: 5s kind: DNS settings: protocol: tcp server: [2606:4700:4700::1111]:53 recurse: false query_name: letsencrypt.org query_type: A ``` #### HTTP ##### Schema `url`: Scheme + Hostname to send a request to (e.g. `https://example.com`). `rcodes`: List of expected HTTP response codes. `useragent`: String to set HTTP header User-Agent. If no useragent string is provided it will default to `letsencrypt/boulder-observer-http-client`. ##### Example ```yaml monitors: - period: 2s kind: HTTP settings: url: http://letsencrypt.org/FOO rcodes: [200, 404] useragent: letsencrypt/boulder-observer-http-client ``` #### CRL ##### Schema `url`: Scheme + Hostname to grab the CRL from (e.g. `http://x1.c.lencr.org/`). ##### Example ```yaml monitors: - period: 1h kind: CRL settings: url: http://x1.c.lencr.org/ ``` #### TLS ##### Schema `hostname`: Hostname to run TLS check on (e.g. `valid-isrgrootx1.letsencrypt.org`). `rootOrg`: Organization to check against the root certificate Organization (e.g. `Internet Security Research Group`). `rootCN`: Name to check against the root certificate Common Name (e.g. `ISRG Root X1`). If not provided, root comparison will be skipped. `response`: Expected site response; must be one of: `valid`, `revoked` or `expired`. ##### Example ```yaml monitors: - period: 1h kind: TLS settings: hostname: valid-isrgrootx1.letsencrypt.org rootOrg: "Internet Security Research Group" rootCN: "ISRG Root X1" response: valid ``` ## Metrics Observer provides the following metrics. ### Global Metrics These metrics will always be available. #### obs_monitors Count of configured monitors. **Labels:** `kind`: Kind of Prober the monitor is configured to use. `valid`: Bool indicating whether settings provided could be validated for the `kind` of Prober specified. #### obs_observations **Labels:** `name`: Name of the monitor. `kind`: Kind of prober the monitor is configured to use. `duration`: Duration of the probing in seconds. `success`: Bool indicating whether the result of the probe attempt was successful. **Bucketed response times:** This is configurable, see `buckets` under [root/schema](#schema). ### CRL Metrics These metrics will be available whenever a valid CRL prober is configured. #### obs_crl_this_update Unix timestamp value (in seconds) of the thisUpdate field for a CRL. **Labels:** `url`: Url of the CRL **Example Usage:** This is a sample rule that alerts when a CRL has a thisUpdate timestamp in the future, signalling that something may have gone wrong during its creation: ```yaml - alert: CRLThisUpdateInFuture expr: obs_crl_this_update{url="http://x1.c.lencr.org/"} > time() labels: severity: critical annotations: description: 'CRL thisUpdate is in the future' ``` #### obs_crl_next_update Unix timestamp value (in seconds) of the nextUpdate field for a CRL. **Labels:** `url`: Url of the CRL **Example Usage:** This is a sample rule that alerts when a CRL has a nextUpdate timestamp in the past, signalling that the CRL was not updated on time: ```yaml - alert: CRLNextUpdateInPast expr: obs_crl_next_update{url="http://x1.c.lencr.org/"} < time() labels: severity: critical annotations: description: 'CRL nextUpdate is in the past' ``` Another potentially useful rule would be to notify when nextUpdate is within X days from the current time, as a reminder that the update is coming up soon. #### obs_crl_revoked_cert_count Count of revoked certificates in a CRL. **Labels:** `url`: Url of the CRL ### TLS Metrics These metrics will be available whenever a valid TLS prober is configured. #### obs_tls_not_after Unix timestamp value (in seconds) of the notAfter field for a subscriber certificate. **Labels:** `hostname`: Hostname of the site of the subscriber certificate **Example Usage:** This is a sample rule that alerts when a site has a notAfter timestamp indicating that the certificate will expire within the next 20 days: ```yaml - alert: CertExpiresSoonWarning annotations: description: "The certificate at {{ $labels.hostname }} expires within 20 days, on: {{ $value | humanizeTimestamp }}" expr: (obs_tls_not_after{hostname=~"^[^e][a-zA-Z]*-isrgrootx[12][.]letsencrypt[.]org"}) <= time() + 1728000 for: 60m labels: severity: warning ``` #### obs_tls_reason This is a count that increments by one for each resulting reason of a TSL check. The reason is `nil` if the TLS Prober returns `true` and one of the following otherwise: `internalError`, `ocspError`, `rootDidNotMatch`, `responseDidNotMatch`. **Labels:** `hostname`: Hostname of the site of the subscriber certificate `reason`: The reason for TLS Probe returning false, and `nil` if it returns true **Example Usage:** This is a sample rule that alerts when TLS Prober returns false, providing insight on the reason for failure. ```yaml - alert: TLSCertCheckFailed annotations: description: "The TLS probe for {{ $labels.hostname }} failed for reason: {{ $labels.reason }}. This potentially violents CP 2.2." expr: (rate(obs_observations_count{success="false",name=~"[a-zA-Z]*-isrgrootx[12][.]letsencrypt[.]org"}[5m])) > 0 for: 5m labels: severity: critical ``` ## Development ### Starting Prometheus locally Please note, this assumes you've installed a local Prometheus binary. ```shell prometheus --config.file=boulder/test/prometheus/prometheus.yml ``` ### Viewing metrics locally When developing with a local Prometheus instance you can use this link to view metrics: [link](