package notmain import ( "context" "crypto/rand" "fmt" "html/template" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" "" "" "" blog "" "" rapb "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func randHash(t *testing.T) []byte { t.Helper() h := make([]byte, 32) _, err := rand.Read(h) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to read rand") return h } func insertBlockedRow(t *testing.T, dbMap *db.WrappedMap, fc clock.Clock, hash []byte, by int64, checked bool) { t.Helper() _, err := dbMap.ExecContext(context.Background(), `INSERT INTO blockedKeys (keyHash, added, source, revokedBy, extantCertificatesChecked) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`, hash, fc.Now(), 1, by, checked, ) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to add test row") } func TestSelectUncheckedRows(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() dbMap, err := sa.DBMapForTest(vars.DBConnSAFullPerms) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed setting up db client") defer test.ResetBoulderTestDatabase(t)() fc := clock.NewFake() bkr := &badKeyRevoker{ dbMap: dbMap, logger: blog.NewMock(), clk: fc, } hashA, hashB, hashC := randHash(t), randHash(t), randHash(t) insertBlockedRow(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, 1, true) count, err := bkr.countUncheckedKeys(ctx) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "countUncheckedKeys failed") test.AssertEquals(t, count, 0) _, err = bkr.selectUncheckedKey(ctx) test.AssertError(t, err, "selectUncheckedKey didn't fail with no rows to process") test.Assert(t, db.IsNoRows(err), "returned error is not sql.ErrNoRows") insertBlockedRow(t, dbMap, fc, hashB, 1, false) insertBlockedRow(t, dbMap, fc, hashC, 1, false) count, err = bkr.countUncheckedKeys(ctx) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "countUncheckedKeys failed") test.AssertEquals(t, count, 2) row, err := bkr.selectUncheckedKey(ctx) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "selectUncheckKey failed") test.AssertByteEquals(t, row.KeyHash, hashB) test.AssertEquals(t, row.RevokedBy, int64(1)) } func insertRegistration(t *testing.T, dbMap *db.WrappedMap, fc clock.Clock, addrs ...string) int64 { t.Helper() jwkHash := make([]byte, 32) _, err := rand.Read(jwkHash) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to read rand") contactStr := "[]" if len(addrs) > 0 { contacts := []string{} for _, addr := range addrs { contacts = append(contacts, fmt.Sprintf(`"mailto:%s"`, addr)) } contactStr = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(contacts, ",")) } res, err := dbMap.ExecContext( context.Background(), "INSERT INTO registrations (jwk, jwk_sha256, contact, agreement, initialIP, createdAt, status, LockCol) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", []byte{}, fmt.Sprintf("%x", jwkHash), contactStr, "yes", []byte{}, fc.Now(), string(core.StatusValid), 0, ) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to insert test registrations row") regID, err := res.LastInsertId() test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to get registration ID") return regID } type ExpiredStatus bool const ( Expired = ExpiredStatus(true) Unexpired = ExpiredStatus(false) Revoked = core.OCSPStatusRevoked Unrevoked = core.OCSPStatusGood ) func insertGoodCert(t *testing.T, dbMap *db.WrappedMap, fc clock.Clock, keyHash []byte, serial string, regID int64) { insertCert(t, dbMap, fc, keyHash, serial, regID, Unexpired, Unrevoked) } func insertCert(t *testing.T, dbMap *db.WrappedMap, fc clock.Clock, keyHash []byte, serial string, regID int64, expiredStatus ExpiredStatus, status core.OCSPStatus) { t.Helper() ctx := context.Background() expiresOffset := 0 * time.Second if !expiredStatus { expiresOffset = 90*24*time.Hour - 1*time.Second // 90 days exclusive } _, err := dbMap.ExecContext( ctx, `INSERT IGNORE INTO keyHashToSerial (keyHash, certNotAfter, certSerial) VALUES (?, ?, ?)`, keyHash, fc.Now().Add(expiresOffset), serial, ) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to insert test keyHashToSerial row") _, err = dbMap.ExecContext( ctx, "INSERT INTO certificateStatus (serial, status, isExpired, ocspLastUpdated, revokedDate, revokedReason, lastExpirationNagSent) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", serial, status, expiredStatus, fc.Now(), time.Time{}, 0, time.Time{}, ) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to insert test certificateStatus row") _, err = dbMap.ExecContext( ctx, "INSERT INTO precertificates (serial, registrationID, der, issued, expires) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", serial, regID, []byte{1, 2, 3}, fc.Now(), fc.Now().Add(expiresOffset), ) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to insert test certificateStatus row") _, err = dbMap.ExecContext( ctx, "INSERT INTO certificates (serial, registrationID, der, digest, issued, expires) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", serial, regID, []byte{1, 2, 3}, []byte{}, fc.Now(), fc.Now().Add(expiresOffset), ) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to insert test certificates row") } // Test that we produce an error when a serial from the keyHashToSerial table // does not have a corresponding entry in the certificateStatus and // precertificates table. func TestFindUnrevokedNoRows(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() dbMap, err := sa.DBMapForTest(vars.DBConnSAFullPerms) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed setting up db client") defer test.ResetBoulderTestDatabase(t)() fc := clock.NewFake() hashA := randHash(t) _, err = dbMap.ExecContext( ctx, "INSERT INTO keyHashToSerial (keyHash, certNotAfter, certSerial) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", hashA, fc.Now().Add(90*24*time.Hour-1*time.Second), // 90 days exclusive "zz", ) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to insert test keyHashToSerial row") bkr := &badKeyRevoker{dbMap: dbMap, serialBatchSize: 1, maxRevocations: 10, clk: fc} _, err = bkr.findUnrevoked(ctx, uncheckedBlockedKey{KeyHash: hashA}) test.Assert(t, db.IsNoRows(err), "expected NoRows error") } func TestFindUnrevoked(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() dbMap, err := sa.DBMapForTest(vars.DBConnSAFullPerms) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed setting up db client") defer test.ResetBoulderTestDatabase(t)() fc := clock.NewFake() regID := insertRegistration(t, dbMap, fc) bkr := &badKeyRevoker{dbMap: dbMap, serialBatchSize: 1, maxRevocations: 10, clk: fc} hashA := randHash(t) // insert valid, unexpired insertCert(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, "ff", regID, Unexpired, Unrevoked) // insert valid, unexpired, duplicate insertCert(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, "ff", regID, Unexpired, Unrevoked) // insert valid, expired insertCert(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, "ee", regID, Expired, Unrevoked) // insert revoked insertCert(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, "dd", regID, Unexpired, Revoked) rows, err := bkr.findUnrevoked(ctx, uncheckedBlockedKey{KeyHash: hashA}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "findUnrevoked failed") test.AssertEquals(t, len(rows), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, rows[0].Serial, "ff") test.AssertEquals(t, rows[0].RegistrationID, int64(1)) test.AssertByteEquals(t, rows[0].DER, []byte{1, 2, 3}) bkr.maxRevocations = 0 _, err = bkr.findUnrevoked(ctx, uncheckedBlockedKey{KeyHash: hashA}) test.AssertError(t, err, "findUnrevoked didn't fail with 0 maxRevocations") test.AssertEquals(t, err.Error(), fmt.Sprintf("too many certificates to revoke associated with %x: got 1, max 0", hashA)) } func TestResolveContacts(t *testing.T) { dbMap, err := sa.DBMapForTest(vars.DBConnSAFullPerms) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed setting up db client") defer test.ResetBoulderTestDatabase(t)() fc := clock.NewFake() bkr := &badKeyRevoker{dbMap: dbMap, clk: fc} regIDA := insertRegistration(t, dbMap, fc) regIDB := insertRegistration(t, dbMap, fc, "", "") regIDC := insertRegistration(t, dbMap, fc, "") regIDD := insertRegistration(t, dbMap, fc, "") idToEmail, err := bkr.resolveContacts(context.Background(), []int64{regIDA, regIDB, regIDC, regIDD}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "resolveContacts failed") test.AssertDeepEquals(t, idToEmail, map[int64][]string{ regIDA: {""}, regIDB: {"", ""}, regIDC: {""}, regIDD: {""}, }) } var testTemplate = template.Must(template.New("testing").Parse("{{range .}}{{.}}\n{{end}}")) func TestSendMessage(t *testing.T) { mm := &mocks.Mailer{} fc := clock.NewFake() bkr := &badKeyRevoker{mailer: mm, emailSubject: "testing", emailTemplate: testTemplate, clk: fc} maxSerials = 2 err := bkr.sendMessage("", []string{"a", "b", "c"}) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "sendMessages failed") test.AssertEquals(t, len(mm.Messages), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, mm.Messages[0].To, "") test.AssertEquals(t, mm.Messages[0].Subject, bkr.emailSubject) test.AssertEquals(t, mm.Messages[0].Body, "a\nb\nand 1 more certificates.\n") } type mockRevoker struct { revoked int mu sync.Mutex } func (mr *mockRevoker) AdministrativelyRevokeCertificate(ctx context.Context, in *rapb.AdministrativelyRevokeCertificateRequest, _ ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error) { defer mr.revoked++ return nil, nil } func TestRevokeCerts(t *testing.T) { dbMap, err := sa.DBMapForTest(vars.DBConnSAFullPerms) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed setting up db client") defer test.ResetBoulderTestDatabase(t)() fc := clock.NewFake() mm := &mocks.Mailer{} mr := &mockRevoker{} bkr := &badKeyRevoker{dbMap: dbMap, raClient: mr, mailer: mm, emailSubject: "testing", emailTemplate: testTemplate, clk: fc} err = bkr.revokeCerts([]string{"", ""}, map[string][]unrevokedCertificate{ "": {{ID: 0, Serial: "ff"}}, "": {{ID: 0, Serial: "ff"}}, "": {{ID: 1, Serial: "ee"}}, }) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "revokeCerts failed") test.AssertEquals(t, len(mm.Messages), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, mm.Messages[0].To, "") test.AssertEquals(t, mm.Messages[0].Subject, bkr.emailSubject) test.AssertEquals(t, mm.Messages[0].Body, "ee\n") } func TestCertificateAbsent(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() dbMap, err := sa.DBMapForTest(vars.DBConnSAFullPerms) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed setting up db client") defer test.ResetBoulderTestDatabase(t)() fc := clock.NewFake() // populate DB with all the test data regIDA := insertRegistration(t, dbMap, fc, "") hashA := randHash(t) insertBlockedRow(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, regIDA, false) // Add an entry to keyHashToSerial but not to certificateStatus or certificate // status, and expect an error. _, err = dbMap.ExecContext( ctx, "INSERT INTO keyHashToSerial (keyHash, certNotAfter, certSerial) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", hashA, fc.Now().Add(90*24*time.Hour-1*time.Second), // 90 days exclusive "ffaaee", ) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to insert test keyHashToSerial row") bkr := &badKeyRevoker{ dbMap: dbMap, maxRevocations: 1, serialBatchSize: 1, raClient: &mockRevoker{}, mailer: &mocks.Mailer{}, emailSubject: "testing", emailTemplate: testTemplate, logger: blog.NewMock(), clk: fc, } _, err = bkr.invoke(ctx) test.AssertError(t, err, "expected error when row in keyHashToSerial didn't have a matching cert") } func TestInvoke(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() dbMap, err := sa.DBMapForTest(vars.DBConnSAFullPerms) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed setting up db client") defer test.ResetBoulderTestDatabase(t)() fc := clock.NewFake() mm := &mocks.Mailer{} mr := &mockRevoker{} bkr := &badKeyRevoker{ dbMap: dbMap, maxRevocations: 10, serialBatchSize: 1, raClient: mr, mailer: mm, emailSubject: "testing", emailTemplate: testTemplate, logger: blog.NewMock(), clk: fc, } // populate DB with all the test data regIDA := insertRegistration(t, dbMap, fc, "") regIDB := insertRegistration(t, dbMap, fc, "") regIDC := insertRegistration(t, dbMap, fc, "", "") regIDD := insertRegistration(t, dbMap, fc) hashA := randHash(t) insertBlockedRow(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, regIDC, false) insertGoodCert(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, "ff", regIDA) insertGoodCert(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, "ee", regIDB) insertGoodCert(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, "dd", regIDC) insertGoodCert(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, "cc", regIDD) noWork, err := bkr.invoke(ctx) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "invoke failed") test.AssertEquals(t, noWork, false) test.AssertEquals(t, mr.revoked, 4) test.AssertEquals(t, len(mm.Messages), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, mm.Messages[0].To, "") test.AssertMetricWithLabelsEquals(t, keysToProcess, prometheus.Labels{}, 1) var checked struct { ExtantCertificatesChecked bool } err = dbMap.SelectOne(ctx, &checked, "SELECT extantCertificatesChecked FROM blockedKeys WHERE keyHash = ?", hashA) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to select row from blockedKeys") test.AssertEquals(t, checked.ExtantCertificatesChecked, true) // add a row with no associated valid certificates hashB := randHash(t) insertBlockedRow(t, dbMap, fc, hashB, regIDC, false) insertCert(t, dbMap, fc, hashB, "bb", regIDA, Expired, Revoked) noWork, err = bkr.invoke(ctx) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "invoke failed") test.AssertEquals(t, noWork, false) checked.ExtantCertificatesChecked = false err = dbMap.SelectOne(ctx, &checked, "SELECT extantCertificatesChecked FROM blockedKeys WHERE keyHash = ?", hashB) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed to select row from blockedKeys") test.AssertEquals(t, checked.ExtantCertificatesChecked, true) noWork, err = bkr.invoke(ctx) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "invoke failed") test.AssertEquals(t, noWork, true) } func TestInvokeRevokerHasNoExtantCerts(t *testing.T) { // This test checks that when the user who revoked the initial // certificate that added the row to blockedKeys doesn't have any // extant certificates themselves their contact email is still // resolved and we avoid sending any emails to accounts that // share the same email. dbMap, err := sa.DBMapForTest(vars.DBConnSAFullPerms) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "failed setting up db client") defer test.ResetBoulderTestDatabase(t)() fc := clock.NewFake() mm := &mocks.Mailer{} mr := &mockRevoker{} bkr := &badKeyRevoker{dbMap: dbMap, maxRevocations: 10, serialBatchSize: 1, raClient: mr, mailer: mm, emailSubject: "testing", emailTemplate: testTemplate, logger: blog.NewMock(), clk: fc, } // populate DB with all the test data regIDA := insertRegistration(t, dbMap, fc, "") regIDB := insertRegistration(t, dbMap, fc, "") regIDC := insertRegistration(t, dbMap, fc, "") hashA := randHash(t) insertBlockedRow(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, regIDA, false) insertGoodCert(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, "ee", regIDB) insertGoodCert(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, "dd", regIDB) insertGoodCert(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, "cc", regIDC) insertGoodCert(t, dbMap, fc, hashA, "bb", regIDC) noWork, err := bkr.invoke(context.Background()) test.AssertNotError(t, err, "invoke failed") test.AssertEquals(t, noWork, false) test.AssertEquals(t, mr.revoked, 4) test.AssertEquals(t, len(mm.Messages), 1) test.AssertEquals(t, mm.Messages[0].To, "") } func TestBackoffPolicy(t *testing.T) { fc := clock.NewFake() mocklog := blog.NewMock() bkr := &badKeyRevoker{ clk: fc, backoffIntervalMax: time.Second * 60, backoffIntervalBase: time.Second * 1, backoffFactor: 1.3, logger: mocklog, } // Backoff once. Check to make sure the backoff is logged. bkr.backoff() resultLog := mocklog.GetAllMatching("INFO: backoff trying again in") if len(resultLog) == 0 { t.Fatalf("no backoff loglines found") } // Make sure `backoffReset` resets the ticker. bkr.backoffReset() test.AssertEquals(t, bkr.backoffTicker, 0) }