
Source file src/github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/cmd/bad-key-revoker/main.go

Documentation: github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/cmd/bad-key-revoker

     1  package notmain
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"context"
     6  	"crypto/x509"
     7  	"flag"
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"html/template"
    10  	netmail "net/mail"
    11  	"os"
    12  	"strings"
    13  	"time"
    15  	"github.com/jmhodges/clock"
    16  	"github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus"
    17  	"golang.org/x/crypto/ocsp"
    18  	"google.golang.org/grpc"
    19  	"google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/emptypb"
    21  	"github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/cmd"
    22  	"github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/config"
    23  	"github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/core"
    24  	"github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/db"
    25  	bgrpc "github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/grpc"
    26  	blog "github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/log"
    27  	"github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/mail"
    28  	rapb "github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/ra/proto"
    29  	"github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/sa"
    30  )
    32  const blockedKeysGaugeLimit = 1000
    34  var keysToProcess = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
    35  	Name: "bad_keys_to_process",
    36  	Help: fmt.Sprintf("A gauge of blockedKeys rows to process (max: %d)", blockedKeysGaugeLimit),
    37  })
    38  var keysProcessed = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
    39  	Name: "bad_keys_processed",
    40  	Help: "A counter of blockedKeys rows processed labelled by processing state",
    41  }, []string{"state"})
    42  var certsRevoked = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
    43  	Name: "bad_keys_certs_revoked",
    44  	Help: "A counter of certificates associated with rows in blockedKeys that have been revoked",
    45  })
    46  var mailErrors = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
    47  	Name: "bad_keys_mail_errors",
    48  	Help: "A counter of email send errors",
    49  })
    51  // revoker is an interface used to reduce the scope of a RA gRPC client
    52  // to only the single method we need to use, this makes testing significantly
    53  // simpler
    54  type revoker interface {
    55  	AdministrativelyRevokeCertificate(ctx context.Context, in *rapb.AdministrativelyRevokeCertificateRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
    56  }
    58  type badKeyRevoker struct {
    59  	dbMap               *db.WrappedMap
    60  	maxRevocations      int
    61  	serialBatchSize     int
    62  	raClient            revoker
    63  	mailer              mail.Mailer
    64  	emailSubject        string
    65  	emailTemplate       *template.Template
    66  	logger              blog.Logger
    67  	clk                 clock.Clock
    68  	backoffIntervalBase time.Duration
    69  	backoffIntervalMax  time.Duration
    70  	backoffFactor       float64
    71  	backoffTicker       int
    72  }
    74  // uncheckedBlockedKey represents a row in the blockedKeys table
    75  type uncheckedBlockedKey struct {
    76  	KeyHash   []byte
    77  	RevokedBy int64
    78  }
    80  func (ubk uncheckedBlockedKey) String() string {
    81  	return fmt.Sprintf("[revokedBy: %d, keyHash: %x]",
    82  		ubk.RevokedBy, ubk.KeyHash)
    83  }
    85  func (bkr *badKeyRevoker) countUncheckedKeys(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
    86  	var count int
    87  	err := bkr.dbMap.SelectOne(
    88  		ctx,
    89  		&count,
    90  		`SELECT COUNT(*)
    91  		FROM (SELECT 1 FROM blockedKeys
    92  		WHERE extantCertificatesChecked = false
    93  		LIMIT ?) AS a`,
    94  		blockedKeysGaugeLimit,
    95  	)
    96  	return count, err
    97  }
    99  func (bkr *badKeyRevoker) selectUncheckedKey(ctx context.Context) (uncheckedBlockedKey, error) {
   100  	var row uncheckedBlockedKey
   101  	err := bkr.dbMap.SelectOne(
   102  		ctx,
   103  		&row,
   104  		`SELECT keyHash, revokedBy
   105  		FROM blockedKeys
   106  		WHERE extantCertificatesChecked = false
   107  		LIMIT 1`,
   108  	)
   109  	return row, err
   110  }
   112  // unrevokedCertificate represents a yet to be revoked certificate
   113  type unrevokedCertificate struct {
   114  	ID             int
   115  	Serial         string
   116  	DER            []byte
   117  	RegistrationID int64
   118  	Status         core.OCSPStatus
   119  	IsExpired      bool
   120  }
   122  func (uc unrevokedCertificate) String() string {
   123  	return fmt.Sprintf("id=%d serial=%s regID=%d status=%s expired=%t",
   124  		uc.ID, uc.Serial, uc.RegistrationID, uc.Status, uc.IsExpired)
   125  }
   127  // findUnrevoked looks for all unexpired, currently valid certificates which have a specific SPKI hash,
   128  // by looking first at the keyHashToSerial table and then the certificateStatus and certificates tables.
   129  // If the number of certificates it finds is larger than bkr.maxRevocations it'll error out.
   130  func (bkr *badKeyRevoker) findUnrevoked(ctx context.Context, unchecked uncheckedBlockedKey) ([]unrevokedCertificate, error) {
   131  	var unrevokedCerts []unrevokedCertificate
   132  	initialID := 0
   133  	for {
   134  		var batch []struct {
   135  			ID         int
   136  			CertSerial string
   137  		}
   138  		_, err := bkr.dbMap.Select(
   139  			ctx,
   140  			&batch,
   141  			"SELECT id, certSerial FROM keyHashToSerial WHERE keyHash = ? AND id > ? AND certNotAfter > ? ORDER BY id LIMIT ?",
   142  			unchecked.KeyHash,
   143  			initialID,
   144  			bkr.clk.Now(),
   145  			bkr.serialBatchSize,
   146  		)
   147  		if err != nil {
   148  			return nil, err
   149  		}
   150  		if len(batch) == 0 {
   151  			break
   152  		}
   153  		initialID = batch[len(batch)-1].ID
   154  		for _, serial := range batch {
   155  			var unrevokedCert unrevokedCertificate
   156  			// NOTE: This has a `LIMIT 1` because the certificateStatus and precertificates
   157  			// tables do not have a UNIQUE KEY on serial (for partitioning reasons). So it's
   158  			// possible we could get multiple results for a single serial number, but they
   159  			// would be duplicates.
   160  			err = bkr.dbMap.SelectOne(
   161  				ctx,
   162  				&unrevokedCert,
   163  				`SELECT cs.id, cs.serial, c.registrationID, c.der, cs.status, cs.isExpired
   164  				FROM certificateStatus AS cs
   165  				JOIN precertificates AS c
   166  				ON cs.serial = c.serial
   167  				WHERE cs.serial = ?
   168  				LIMIT 1`,
   169  				serial.CertSerial,
   170  			)
   171  			if err != nil {
   172  				return nil, err
   173  			}
   174  			if unrevokedCert.IsExpired || unrevokedCert.Status == core.OCSPStatusRevoked {
   175  				continue
   176  			}
   177  			unrevokedCerts = append(unrevokedCerts, unrevokedCert)
   178  		}
   179  	}
   180  	if len(unrevokedCerts) > bkr.maxRevocations {
   181  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("too many certificates to revoke associated with %x: got %d, max %d", unchecked.KeyHash, len(unrevokedCerts), bkr.maxRevocations)
   182  	}
   183  	return unrevokedCerts, nil
   184  }
   186  // markRowChecked updates a row in the blockedKeys table to mark a keyHash
   187  // as having been checked for extant unrevoked certificates.
   188  func (bkr *badKeyRevoker) markRowChecked(ctx context.Context, unchecked uncheckedBlockedKey) error {
   189  	_, err := bkr.dbMap.ExecContext(ctx, "UPDATE blockedKeys SET extantCertificatesChecked = true WHERE keyHash = ?", unchecked.KeyHash)
   190  	return err
   191  }
   193  // resolveContacts builds a map of id -> email addresses
   194  func (bkr *badKeyRevoker) resolveContacts(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) (map[int64][]string, error) {
   195  	idToEmail := map[int64][]string{}
   196  	for _, id := range ids {
   197  		var emails struct {
   198  			Contact []string
   199  		}
   200  		err := bkr.dbMap.SelectOne(ctx, &emails, "SELECT contact FROM registrations WHERE id = ?", id)
   201  		if err != nil {
   202  			// ErrNoRows is not acceptable here since there should always be a
   203  			// row for the registration, even if there are no contacts
   204  			return nil, err
   205  		}
   206  		if len(emails.Contact) != 0 {
   207  			for _, email := range emails.Contact {
   208  				idToEmail[id] = append(idToEmail[id], strings.TrimPrefix(email, "mailto:"))
   209  			}
   210  		} else {
   211  			// if the account has no contacts add a placeholder empty contact
   212  			// so that we don't skip any certificates
   213  			idToEmail[id] = append(idToEmail[id], "")
   214  			continue
   215  		}
   216  	}
   217  	return idToEmail, nil
   218  }
   220  var maxSerials = 100
   222  // sendMessage sends a single email to the provided address with the revoked
   223  // serials
   224  func (bkr *badKeyRevoker) sendMessage(addr string, serials []string) error {
   225  	conn, err := bkr.mailer.Connect()
   226  	if err != nil {
   227  		return err
   228  	}
   229  	defer func() {
   230  		_ = conn.Close()
   231  	}()
   232  	mutSerials := make([]string, len(serials))
   233  	copy(mutSerials, serials)
   234  	if len(mutSerials) > maxSerials {
   235  		more := len(mutSerials) - maxSerials
   236  		mutSerials = mutSerials[:maxSerials]
   237  		mutSerials = append(mutSerials, fmt.Sprintf("and %d more certificates.", more))
   238  	}
   239  	message := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
   240  	err = bkr.emailTemplate.Execute(message, mutSerials)
   241  	if err != nil {
   242  		return err
   243  	}
   244  	err = conn.SendMail([]string{addr}, bkr.emailSubject, message.String())
   245  	if err != nil {
   246  		return err
   247  	}
   248  	return nil
   249  }
   251  // revokeCerts revokes all the certificates associated with a particular key hash and sends
   252  // emails to the users that issued the certificates. Emails are not sent to the user which
   253  // requested revocation of the original certificate which marked the key as compromised.
   254  func (bkr *badKeyRevoker) revokeCerts(revokerEmails []string, emailToCerts map[string][]unrevokedCertificate) error {
   255  	revokerEmailsMap := map[string]bool{}
   256  	for _, email := range revokerEmails {
   257  		revokerEmailsMap[email] = true
   258  	}
   260  	alreadyRevoked := map[int]bool{}
   261  	for email, certs := range emailToCerts {
   262  		var revokedSerials []string
   263  		for _, cert := range certs {
   264  			revokedSerials = append(revokedSerials, cert.Serial)
   265  			if alreadyRevoked[cert.ID] {
   266  				continue
   267  			}
   268  			_, err := bkr.raClient.AdministrativelyRevokeCertificate(context.Background(), &rapb.AdministrativelyRevokeCertificateRequest{
   269  				Cert:      cert.DER,
   270  				Serial:    cert.Serial,
   271  				Code:      int64(ocsp.KeyCompromise),
   272  				AdminName: "bad-key-revoker",
   273  			})
   274  			if err != nil {
   275  				return err
   276  			}
   277  			certsRevoked.Inc()
   278  			alreadyRevoked[cert.ID] = true
   279  		}
   280  		// don't send emails to the person who revoked the certificate
   281  		if revokerEmailsMap[email] || email == "" {
   282  			continue
   283  		}
   284  		err := bkr.sendMessage(email, revokedSerials)
   285  		if err != nil {
   286  			mailErrors.Inc()
   287  			bkr.logger.Errf("failed to send message to %q: %s", email, err)
   288  			continue
   289  		}
   290  	}
   291  	return nil
   292  }
   294  // invoke processes a single key in the blockedKeys table and returns whether
   295  // there were any rows to process or not.
   296  func (bkr *badKeyRevoker) invoke(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
   297  	// Gather a count of rows to be processed.
   298  	uncheckedCount, err := bkr.countUncheckedKeys(ctx)
   299  	if err != nil {
   300  		return false, err
   301  	}
   303  	// Set the gauge to the number of rows to be processed (max:
   304  	// blockedKeysGaugeLimit).
   305  	keysToProcess.Set(float64(uncheckedCount))
   307  	if uncheckedCount >= blockedKeysGaugeLimit {
   308  		bkr.logger.AuditInfof("found >= %d unchecked blocked keys left to process", uncheckedCount)
   309  	} else {
   310  		bkr.logger.AuditInfof("found %d unchecked blocked keys left to process", uncheckedCount)
   311  	}
   313  	// select a row to process
   314  	unchecked, err := bkr.selectUncheckedKey(ctx)
   315  	if err != nil {
   316  		if db.IsNoRows(err) {
   317  			return true, nil
   318  		}
   319  		return false, err
   320  	}
   321  	bkr.logger.AuditInfo(fmt.Sprintf("found unchecked block key to work on: %s", unchecked))
   323  	// select all unrevoked, unexpired serials associated with the blocked key hash
   324  	unrevokedCerts, err := bkr.findUnrevoked(ctx, unchecked)
   325  	if err != nil {
   326  		bkr.logger.AuditInfo(fmt.Sprintf("finding unrevoked certificates related to %s: %s",
   327  			unchecked, err))
   328  		return false, err
   329  	}
   330  	if len(unrevokedCerts) == 0 {
   331  		bkr.logger.AuditInfo(fmt.Sprintf("found no certificates that need revoking related to %s, marking row as checked", unchecked))
   332  		// mark row as checked
   333  		err = bkr.markRowChecked(ctx, unchecked)
   334  		if err != nil {
   335  			return false, err
   336  		}
   337  		return false, nil
   338  	}
   340  	// build a map of registration ID -> certificates, and collect a
   341  	// list of unique registration IDs
   342  	ownedBy := map[int64][]unrevokedCertificate{}
   343  	var ids []int64
   344  	for _, cert := range unrevokedCerts {
   345  		if ownedBy[cert.RegistrationID] == nil {
   346  			ids = append(ids, cert.RegistrationID)
   347  		}
   348  		ownedBy[cert.RegistrationID] = append(ownedBy[cert.RegistrationID], cert)
   349  	}
   350  	// if the account that revoked the original certificate isn't an owner of any
   351  	// extant certificates, still add them to ids so that we can resolve their
   352  	// email and avoid sending emails later. If RevokedBy == 0 it was a row
   353  	// inserted by admin-revoker with a dummy ID, since there won't be a registration
   354  	// to look up, don't bother adding it to ids.
   355  	if _, present := ownedBy[unchecked.RevokedBy]; !present && unchecked.RevokedBy != 0 {
   356  		ids = append(ids, unchecked.RevokedBy)
   357  	}
   358  	// get contact addresses for the list of IDs
   359  	idToEmails, err := bkr.resolveContacts(ctx, ids)
   360  	if err != nil {
   361  		return false, err
   362  	}
   364  	// build a map of email -> certificates, this de-duplicates accounts with
   365  	// the same email addresses
   366  	emailsToCerts := map[string][]unrevokedCertificate{}
   367  	for id, emails := range idToEmails {
   368  		for _, email := range emails {
   369  			emailsToCerts[email] = append(emailsToCerts[email], ownedBy[id]...)
   370  		}
   371  	}
   373  	revokerEmails := idToEmails[unchecked.RevokedBy]
   374  	bkr.logger.AuditInfo(fmt.Sprintf("revoking certs. revoked emails=%v, emailsToCerts=%s",
   375  		revokerEmails, emailsToCerts))
   377  	// revoke each certificate and send emails to their owners
   378  	err = bkr.revokeCerts(idToEmails[unchecked.RevokedBy], emailsToCerts)
   379  	if err != nil {
   380  		return false, err
   381  	}
   383  	// mark the key as checked
   384  	err = bkr.markRowChecked(ctx, unchecked)
   385  	if err != nil {
   386  		return false, err
   387  	}
   388  	return false, nil
   389  }
   391  type Config struct {
   392  	BadKeyRevoker struct {
   393  		DB        cmd.DBConfig
   394  		DebugAddr string `validate:"hostname_port"`
   396  		TLS       cmd.TLSConfig
   397  		RAService *cmd.GRPCClientConfig
   399  		// MaximumRevocations specifies the maximum number of certificates associated with
   400  		// a key hash that bad-key-revoker will attempt to revoke. If the number of certificates
   401  		// is higher than MaximumRevocations bad-key-revoker will error out and refuse to
   402  		// progress until this is addressed.
   403  		MaximumRevocations int `validate:"gte=0"`
   404  		// FindCertificatesBatchSize specifies the maximum number of serials to select from the
   405  		// keyHashToSerial table at once
   406  		FindCertificatesBatchSize int `validate:"required"`
   408  		// Interval specifies the minimum duration bad-key-revoker
   409  		// should sleep between attempting to find blockedKeys rows to
   410  		// process when there is an error or no work to do.
   411  		Interval config.Duration `validate:"-"`
   413  		// BackoffIntervalMax specifies a maximum duration the backoff
   414  		// algorithm will wait before retrying in the event of error
   415  		// or no work to do.
   416  		BackoffIntervalMax config.Duration `validate:"-"`
   418  		Mailer struct {
   419  			cmd.SMTPConfig
   420  			// Path to a file containing a list of trusted root certificates for use
   421  			// during the SMTP connection (as opposed to the gRPC connections).
   422  			SMTPTrustedRootFile string
   424  			From          string `validate:"required"`
   425  			EmailSubject  string `validate:"required"`
   426  			EmailTemplate string `validate:"required"`
   427  		}
   428  	}
   430  	Syslog        cmd.SyslogConfig
   431  	OpenTelemetry cmd.OpenTelemetryConfig
   432  }
   434  func main() {
   435  	configPath := flag.String("config", "", "File path to the configuration file for this service")
   436  	flag.Parse()
   438  	if *configPath == "" {
   439  		flag.Usage()
   440  		os.Exit(1)
   441  	}
   442  	var config Config
   443  	err := cmd.ReadConfigFile(*configPath, &config)
   444  	cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed reading config file")
   446  	scope, logger, oTelShutdown := cmd.StatsAndLogging(config.Syslog, config.OpenTelemetry, config.BadKeyRevoker.DebugAddr)
   447  	defer oTelShutdown(context.Background())
   448  	logger.Info(cmd.VersionString())
   449  	clk := cmd.Clock()
   451  	scope.MustRegister(keysProcessed)
   452  	scope.MustRegister(certsRevoked)
   453  	scope.MustRegister(mailErrors)
   455  	dbMap, err := sa.InitWrappedDb(config.BadKeyRevoker.DB, scope, logger)
   456  	cmd.FailOnError(err, "While initializing dbMap")
   458  	tlsConfig, err := config.BadKeyRevoker.TLS.Load(scope)
   459  	cmd.FailOnError(err, "TLS config")
   461  	conn, err := bgrpc.ClientSetup(config.BadKeyRevoker.RAService, tlsConfig, scope, clk)
   462  	cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to load credentials and create gRPC connection to RA")
   463  	rac := rapb.NewRegistrationAuthorityClient(conn)
   465  	var smtpRoots *x509.CertPool
   466  	if config.BadKeyRevoker.Mailer.SMTPTrustedRootFile != "" {
   467  		pem, err := os.ReadFile(config.BadKeyRevoker.Mailer.SMTPTrustedRootFile)
   468  		cmd.FailOnError(err, "Loading trusted roots file")
   469  		smtpRoots = x509.NewCertPool()
   470  		if !smtpRoots.AppendCertsFromPEM(pem) {
   471  			cmd.FailOnError(nil, "Failed to parse root certs PEM")
   472  		}
   473  	}
   475  	fromAddress, err := netmail.ParseAddress(config.BadKeyRevoker.Mailer.From)
   476  	cmd.FailOnError(err, fmt.Sprintf("Could not parse from address: %s", config.BadKeyRevoker.Mailer.From))
   478  	smtpPassword, err := config.BadKeyRevoker.Mailer.PasswordConfig.Pass()
   479  	cmd.FailOnError(err, "Failed to load SMTP password")
   480  	mailClient := mail.New(
   481  		config.BadKeyRevoker.Mailer.Server,
   482  		config.BadKeyRevoker.Mailer.Port,
   483  		config.BadKeyRevoker.Mailer.Username,
   484  		smtpPassword,
   485  		smtpRoots,
   486  		*fromAddress,
   487  		logger,
   488  		scope,
   489  		1*time.Second,    // reconnection base backoff
   490  		5*60*time.Second, // reconnection maximum backoff
   491  	)
   493  	if config.BadKeyRevoker.Mailer.EmailSubject == "" {
   494  		cmd.Fail("BadKeyRevoker.Mailer.EmailSubject must be populated")
   495  	}
   496  	templateBytes, err := os.ReadFile(config.BadKeyRevoker.Mailer.EmailTemplate)
   497  	cmd.FailOnError(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed to read email template %q: %s", config.BadKeyRevoker.Mailer.EmailTemplate, err))
   498  	emailTemplate, err := template.New("email").Parse(string(templateBytes))
   499  	cmd.FailOnError(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse email template %q: %s", config.BadKeyRevoker.Mailer.EmailTemplate, err))
   501  	bkr := &badKeyRevoker{
   502  		dbMap:               dbMap,
   503  		maxRevocations:      config.BadKeyRevoker.MaximumRevocations,
   504  		serialBatchSize:     config.BadKeyRevoker.FindCertificatesBatchSize,
   505  		raClient:            rac,
   506  		mailer:              mailClient,
   507  		emailSubject:        config.BadKeyRevoker.Mailer.EmailSubject,
   508  		emailTemplate:       emailTemplate,
   509  		logger:              logger,
   510  		clk:                 clk,
   511  		backoffIntervalMax:  config.BadKeyRevoker.BackoffIntervalMax.Duration,
   512  		backoffIntervalBase: config.BadKeyRevoker.Interval.Duration,
   513  		backoffFactor:       1.3,
   514  	}
   516  	// If `BackoffIntervalMax` was not set via the config, set it to 60
   517  	// seconds. This will avoid a tight loop on error but not be an
   518  	// excessive delay if the config value was not deliberately set.
   519  	if bkr.backoffIntervalMax == 0 {
   520  		bkr.backoffIntervalMax = time.Second * 60
   521  	}
   523  	// If `Interval` was not set via the config then set
   524  	// `bkr.backoffIntervalBase` to a default 1 second.
   525  	if bkr.backoffIntervalBase == 0 {
   526  		bkr.backoffIntervalBase = time.Second
   527  	}
   529  	// Run bad-key-revoker in a loop. Backoff if no work or errors.
   530  	for {
   531  		noWork, err := bkr.invoke(context.Background())
   532  		if err != nil {
   533  			keysProcessed.WithLabelValues("error").Inc()
   534  			logger.AuditErrf("failed to process blockedKeys row: %s", err)
   535  			// Calculate and sleep for a backoff interval
   536  			bkr.backoff()
   537  			continue
   538  		}
   539  		if noWork {
   540  			logger.Info("no work to do")
   541  			// Calculate and sleep for a backoff interval
   542  			bkr.backoff()
   543  		} else {
   544  			keysProcessed.WithLabelValues("success").Inc()
   545  			// Successfully processed, reset backoff.
   546  			bkr.backoffReset()
   547  		}
   548  	}
   549  }
   551  // backoff increments the backoffTicker, calls core.RetryBackoff to
   552  // calculate a new backoff duration, then logs the backoff and sleeps for
   553  // the calculated duration.
   554  func (bkr *badKeyRevoker) backoff() {
   555  	bkr.backoffTicker++
   556  	backoffDur := core.RetryBackoff(
   557  		bkr.backoffTicker,
   558  		bkr.backoffIntervalBase,
   559  		bkr.backoffIntervalMax,
   560  		bkr.backoffFactor,
   561  	)
   562  	bkr.logger.Infof("backoff trying again in %.2f seconds", backoffDur.Seconds())
   563  	bkr.clk.Sleep(backoffDur)
   564  }
   566  // reset sets the backoff ticker and duration to zero.
   567  func (bkr *badKeyRevoker) backoffReset() {
   568  	bkr.backoffTicker = 0
   569  }
   571  func init() {
   572  	cmd.RegisterCommand("bad-key-revoker", main, &cmd.ConfigValidator{Config: &Config{}})
   573  }

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