linters: disable-all: true enable: - errcheck - gofmt - gosec - gosimple - govet - ineffassign - misspell - typecheck - unconvert - unparam - unused # TODO(#6202): Re-enable 'wastedassign' linter linters-settings: errcheck: exclude-functions: - (net/http.ResponseWriter).Write - (net.Conn).Write - encoding/binary.Write - io.Write - net/http.Write - os.Remove - gosimple: # S1029: Range over the string directly checks: ["all", "-S1029"] govet: settings: printf: funcs: - ( - ( - ( - ( - ( - ( - ( - ( gosec: excludes: # TODO: Identify, fix, and remove violations of most of these rules - G101 # Potential hardcoded credentials - G102 # Binds to all network interfaces - G107 # Potential HTTP request made with variable url - G201 # SQL string formatting - G202 # SQL string concatenation - G306 # Expect WriteFile permissions to be 0600 or less - G401 # Use of weak cryptographic primitive - G402 # TLS InsecureSkipVerify set true. - G403 # RSA keys should be at least 2048 bits - G404 # Use of weak random number generator (math/rand instead of crypto/rand) - G501 # Blacklisted import `crypto/md5`: weak cryptographic primitive - G505 # Blacklisted import `crypto/sha1`: weak cryptographic primitive