1# Frequently asked questions
3## I want to use this with a Web Framework
5### Echo
7Consider using [github.com/lestrrat-go/echo-middleware-jwx](github.com/lestrrat-go/echo-middleware-jwx), although as of this writing it has not been widely tested.
9## I get a "no Go files in ..." error
11You are using Go in GOPATH mode. Short answer: use Go modules.
13[A slightly more elaborate version of the answer can be found in github.com/lestrrat-go/backoff FAQ](https://github.com/lestrrat-go/backoff#im-getting-package-githubcomlestrrat-gobackoffv2-no-go-files-in-gosrcgithubcomlestrrat-gobackoffv2)
15And no, I do not intend to support GOPATH mode as of 2021. There are ways to manually workaround it, but do not expect this library to do that for you.
17## Why don't you automatically infer the algorithm for `jws.Verify` ?
19Please read https://auth0.com/blog/critical-vulnerabilities-in-json-web-token-libraries/. Despite this article's publish date, the original had been published sometime around 2015. It's a well known problem with JWS libraries.
21## Why did you change the API?
23Presumably you are asking this because your code broke when we bumped the version and broke backwards compatibility. Then the short answer is: "You wouldn't have had to worry about it if you were properly using go.mod"
25The longer answer is as follows: From time to time, we introduce API changes, because we learn of mistakes in our old ways.
26Maybe we used the wrong terminology. Maybe we made public something that should have been internal. Maybe we intended an API to be used one way, but it was confusing.
28So then we introduce API changes. Sorry if breaks your builds, but it's done because we deem it necessary.
30You should also know that we do not introduce API changes between micro versions.
31And on top of that, Go provides extremely good support for idempodent builds via Go modules.
32If you are in an environment where API changes disrupts your environment, you should definitely migrate to using Go modules now.
35## "Why can't I create my jwk.Key?"
37### 1. You are passing the wrong parameter to `jwk.New()`.
39As stated in the documentation, `jwk.New()` creates different types of keys depending on the type of the input.
41Use `jwk.New()` to construct a JWK from the [*raw* key](./04-jwk.md#raw-key). Use `jwk.Parse()` or `jwk.ParseKey()` to parse a piece of data (`[]byte` and the like) and create the appropriate key type from its contents.
43See ["Using jwk.New()"](./04-jwk.md#using-jwknew) for more details.
45### 2. You are not decoding PEM.
47When you read from a PEM encoded file (e.g. `key.pem`), you cannot just parse it using `jwk.Parse()` as by default we do not expect the data to be PEM encoded. Use `jwk.WithPEM(true)` for this.
49See ["Parse a key or set in PEM format"](./04-jwk.md#parse-a-key-or-a-set-in-pem-format) for more details.
51## "Why is my code to call `jwt.Sign()`/`jws.Verify()` failing?"
53### 1. Your algorithm and key type do not match.
55Any given signature algorithm requires a particular type of key. If the pair is not setup correctly, the operation will fail. Below is a table of general algorithm to key type pair. Note that this table may not be updated regularly. Use common sense and search online to find out if the algorithm/key type you would like to use is not listed in the table.
57| Algorithm Family | Key Type |
59| jwa.HS\*\*\* | Symmetric |
60| jwa.RS\*\*\* | RSA |
61| jwa.ES\*\*\* | Elliptic |
63### 2. You are mixing up when to use private/public keys.
65You sign using a private key. You verify using a public key (although, it is possible to verify using the private key, but is not really a common operation).
67So, for example, a service like Google will sign their JWTs using their private keys which are not publicly available, but will provide the public keys somewhere so that you can verify their JWTs using those public keys.
69### 3. You are parsing the wrong token.
71Often times we have people asking us about github.com/lestrrat-go/jwx/jwt not being able to parse a token... except, they are not JWTs.
73For example, when a provider says they will give you an "access token" ... well, it *may* be a JWT, but often times they are just some sort of string key (which will definitely parse if you pass it to `jwt.Parse`). Sometimes what you really want is stored in a different token, and it may be called an "ID token". Who knows, these things vary between implementation to implemention.
75After all, the only thing we can say is that you should check that you are parsing.
77## Why are you generating so many fields?
79Because a lot of the code is repetitive. For example, maintaining the 15 fields in a JWE header in all parts of the code (getter methods, setter methods, marshaling/unmarshaling) is doable but very very very cumbersome. We think that resources used to watching out for typos and other minor problems that may arise during maintenance is better spent elsewhere by automating generation of consistent code.
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