package datasource import ( "fmt" "sync" "time" "" intf "" "" "" "" st "" ) // DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl is the internal implementation of DataSourceUpdateSink. It is exported // because the actual implementation type, rather than the interface, is required as a dependency // of other SDK components. type DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl struct { store subsystems.DataStore dataStoreStatusProvider intf.DataStoreStatusProvider dataSourceStatusBroadcaster *internal.Broadcaster[intf.DataSourceStatus] flagChangeEventBroadcaster *internal.Broadcaster[intf.FlagChangeEvent] dependencyTracker *dependencyTracker outageTracker *outageTracker loggers ldlog.Loggers currentStatus intf.DataSourceStatus lastStoreUpdateFailed bool lock sync.Mutex } // NewDataSourceUpdateSinkImpl creates the internal implementation of DataSourceUpdateSink. func NewDataSourceUpdateSinkImpl( store subsystems.DataStore, dataStoreStatusProvider intf.DataStoreStatusProvider, dataSourceStatusBroadcaster *internal.Broadcaster[intf.DataSourceStatus], flagChangeEventBroadcaster *internal.Broadcaster[intf.FlagChangeEvent], logDataSourceOutageAsErrorAfter time.Duration, loggers ldlog.Loggers, ) *DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl { return &DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl{ store: store, dataStoreStatusProvider: dataStoreStatusProvider, dataSourceStatusBroadcaster: dataSourceStatusBroadcaster, flagChangeEventBroadcaster: flagChangeEventBroadcaster, dependencyTracker: newDependencyTracker(), outageTracker: newOutageTracker(logDataSourceOutageAsErrorAfter, loggers), loggers: loggers, currentStatus: intf.DataSourceStatus{ State: intf.DataSourceStateInitializing, StateSince: time.Now(), }, } } //nolint:revive // no doc comment for standard method func (d *DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl) Init(allData []st.Collection) bool { var oldData map[st.DataKind]map[string]st.ItemDescriptor if d.flagChangeEventBroadcaster.HasListeners() { // Query the existing data if any, so that after the update we can send events for whatever was changed oldData = make(map[st.DataKind]map[string]st.ItemDescriptor) for _, kind := range datakinds.AllDataKinds() { if items, err :=; err == nil { m := make(map[string]st.ItemDescriptor) for _, item := range items { m[item.Key] = item.Item } oldData[kind] = m } } } err := updated := d.maybeUpdateError(err) if updated { // We must always update the dependency graph even if we don't currently have any event listeners, because if // listeners are added later, we don't want to have to reread the whole data store to compute the graph d.updateDependencyTrackerFromFullDataSet(allData) // Now, if we previously queried the old data because someone is listening for flag change events, compare // the versions of all items and generate events for those (and any other items that depend on them) if oldData != nil { d.sendChangeEvents(d.computeChangedItemsForFullDataSet(oldData, fullDataSetToMap(allData))) } } return updated } //nolint:revive // no doc comment for standard method func (d *DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl) Upsert( kind st.DataKind, key string, item st.ItemDescriptor, ) bool { updated, err :=, key, item) didNotGetError := d.maybeUpdateError(err) if updated { d.dependencyTracker.updateDependenciesFrom(kind, key, item) if d.flagChangeEventBroadcaster.HasListeners() { affectedItems := make(kindAndKeySet) d.dependencyTracker.addAffectedItems(affectedItems, kindAndKey{kind, key}) d.sendChangeEvents(affectedItems) } } return didNotGetError } func (d *DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl) maybeUpdateError(err error) bool { if err == nil { d.lock.Lock() defer d.lock.Unlock() d.lastStoreUpdateFailed = false return true } d.UpdateStatus( intf.DataSourceStateInterrupted, intf.DataSourceErrorInfo{ Kind: intf.DataSourceErrorKindStoreError, Message: err.Error(), Time: time.Now(), }, ) shouldLog := false d.lock.Lock() shouldLog = !d.lastStoreUpdateFailed d.lastStoreUpdateFailed = true d.lock.Unlock() if shouldLog { d.loggers.Warnf("Unexpected data store error when trying to store an update received from the data source: %s", err) } return false } //nolint:revive // no doc comment for standard method func (d *DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl) UpdateStatus( newState intf.DataSourceState, newError intf.DataSourceErrorInfo, ) { if newState == "" { return } if statusToBroadcast, changed := d.maybeUpdateStatus(newState, newError); changed { d.dataSourceStatusBroadcaster.Broadcast(statusToBroadcast) } } func (d *DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl) maybeUpdateStatus( newState intf.DataSourceState, newError intf.DataSourceErrorInfo, ) (intf.DataSourceStatus, bool) { d.lock.Lock() defer d.lock.Unlock() oldStatus := d.currentStatus if newState == intf.DataSourceStateInterrupted && oldStatus.State == intf.DataSourceStateInitializing { newState = intf.DataSourceStateInitializing // see comment on DataSourceUpdateSink.UpdateStatus } if newState == oldStatus.State && newError.Kind == "" { return intf.DataSourceStatus{}, false } stateSince := oldStatus.StateSince if newState != oldStatus.State { stateSince = time.Now() } lastError := oldStatus.LastError if newError.Kind != "" { lastError = newError } d.currentStatus = intf.DataSourceStatus{ State: newState, StateSince: stateSince, LastError: lastError, } d.outageTracker.trackDataSourceState(newState, newError) return d.currentStatus, true } //nolint:revive // no doc comment for standard method func (d *DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl) GetDataStoreStatusProvider() intf.DataStoreStatusProvider { return d.dataStoreStatusProvider } // GetLastStatus is used internally by SDK components. func (d *DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl) GetLastStatus() intf.DataSourceStatus { d.lock.Lock() defer d.lock.Unlock() return d.currentStatus } func (d *DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl) waitFor(desiredState intf.DataSourceState, timeout time.Duration) bool { d.lock.Lock() if d.currentStatus.State == desiredState { d.lock.Unlock() return true } if d.currentStatus.State == intf.DataSourceStateOff { d.lock.Unlock() return false } statusCh := d.dataSourceStatusBroadcaster.AddListener() defer d.dataSourceStatusBroadcaster.RemoveListener(statusCh) d.lock.Unlock() var deadline <-chan time.Time if timeout > 0 { deadline = time.After(timeout) } for { select { case newStatus := <-statusCh: if newStatus.State == desiredState { return true } if newStatus.State == intf.DataSourceStateOff { return false } case <-deadline: return false } } } func (d *DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl) sendChangeEvents(affectedItems kindAndKeySet) { for item := range affectedItems { if item.kind == datakinds.Features { d.flagChangeEventBroadcaster.Broadcast(intf.FlagChangeEvent{Key: item.key}) } } } func (d *DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl) updateDependencyTrackerFromFullDataSet(allData []st.Collection) { d.dependencyTracker.reset() for _, coll := range allData { for _, item := range coll.Items { d.dependencyTracker.updateDependenciesFrom(coll.Kind, item.Key, item.Item) } } } func fullDataSetToMap(allData []st.Collection) map[st.DataKind]map[string]st.ItemDescriptor { ret := make(map[st.DataKind]map[string]st.ItemDescriptor, len(allData)) for _, coll := range allData { m := make(map[string]st.ItemDescriptor, len(coll.Items)) for _, item := range coll.Items { m[item.Key] = item.Item } ret[coll.Kind] = m } return ret } func (d *DataSourceUpdateSinkImpl) computeChangedItemsForFullDataSet( oldDataMap map[st.DataKind]map[string]st.ItemDescriptor, newDataMap map[st.DataKind]map[string]st.ItemDescriptor, ) kindAndKeySet { affectedItems := make(kindAndKeySet) for _, kind := range datakinds.AllDataKinds() { oldItems := oldDataMap[kind] newItems := newDataMap[kind] allKeys := make([]string, 0, len(oldItems)+len(newItems)) for key := range oldItems { allKeys = append(allKeys, key) } for key := range newItems { if _, found := oldItems[key]; !found { allKeys = append(allKeys, key) } } for _, key := range allKeys { oldItem, haveOld := oldItems[key] newItem, haveNew := newItems[key] if haveOld || haveNew { if !haveOld || !haveNew || oldItem.Version < newItem.Version { d.dependencyTracker.addAffectedItems(affectedItems, kindAndKey{kind, key}) } } } } return affectedItems } type outageTracker struct { outageLoggingTimeout time.Duration loggers ldlog.Loggers inOutage bool errorCounts map[intf.DataSourceErrorInfo]int timeoutCloser chan struct{} lock sync.Mutex } func newOutageTracker(outageLoggingTimeout time.Duration, loggers ldlog.Loggers) *outageTracker { return &outageTracker{ outageLoggingTimeout: outageLoggingTimeout, loggers: loggers, } } func (o *outageTracker) trackDataSourceState(newState intf.DataSourceState, newError intf.DataSourceErrorInfo) { if o.outageLoggingTimeout == 0 { return } o.lock.Lock() defer o.lock.Unlock() if newState == intf.DataSourceStateInterrupted || newError.Kind != "" || (newState == intf.DataSourceStateInitializing && o.inOutage) { // We are in a potentially recoverable outage. If that wasn't the case already, and if we've been // configured with a timeout for logging the outage at a higher level, schedule that timeout. if o.inOutage { // We were already in one - just record this latest error for logging later. o.recordError(newError) } else { // We weren't already in one, so set the timeout and start recording errors. o.inOutage = true o.errorCounts = make(map[intf.DataSourceErrorInfo]int) o.recordError(newError) o.timeoutCloser = make(chan struct{}) go o.awaitTimeout(o.timeoutCloser) } } else { if o.timeoutCloser != nil { close(o.timeoutCloser) o.timeoutCloser = nil } o.inOutage = false } } func (o *outageTracker) recordError(newError intf.DataSourceErrorInfo) { // Accumulate how many times each kind of error has occurred during the outage - use just the basic // properties as the key so the map won't expand indefinitely basicErrorInfo := intf.DataSourceErrorInfo{Kind: newError.Kind, StatusCode: newError.StatusCode} o.errorCounts[basicErrorInfo]++ } func (o *outageTracker) awaitTimeout(closer chan struct{}) { select { case <-closer: return case <-time.After(o.outageLoggingTimeout): break } o.lock.Lock() if !o.inOutage { // COVERAGE: there is no way to make this happen in unit tests; it is a very unlikely race condition o.lock.Unlock() return } errorsDesc := o.describeErrors() o.timeoutCloser = nil o.lock.Unlock() o.loggers.Errorf( "LaunchDarkly data source outage - updates have been unavailable for at least %s with the following errors: %s", o.outageLoggingTimeout, errorsDesc, ) } func (o *outageTracker) describeErrors() string { ret := "" for err, count := range o.errorCounts { if ret != "" { ret += ", " } times := "times" if count == 1 { times = "time" } ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d %s)", err, count, times) } return ret }