
Source file src/github.com/launchdarkly/go-server-sdk-evaluation/v2/ldmodel/model_flag.go

Documentation: github.com/launchdarkly/go-server-sdk-evaluation/v2/ldmodel

     1  package ldmodel
     3  import (
     4  	"github.com/launchdarkly/go-sdk-common/v3/ldattr"
     5  	"github.com/launchdarkly/go-sdk-common/v3/ldcontext"
     6  	"github.com/launchdarkly/go-sdk-common/v3/ldtime"
     7  	"github.com/launchdarkly/go-sdk-common/v3/ldvalue"
     8  )
    10  // FeatureFlag describes an individual feature flag.
    11  //
    12  // The fields of this struct are exported for use by LaunchDarkly internal components. Application code
    13  // should normally not reference FeatureFlag fields directly; flag data normally comes from LaunchDarkly
    14  // SDK endpoints in JSON form and can be deserialized using the DataModelSerialization interface.
    15  type FeatureFlag struct {
    16  	// Key is the unique string key of the feature flag.
    17  	Key string
    18  	// On is true if targeting is turned on for this flag.
    19  	//
    20  	// If On is false, the evaluator always uses OffVariation and ignores all other fields.
    21  	On bool
    22  	// Prerequisites is a list of feature flag conditions that are prerequisites for this flag.
    23  	//
    24  	// If any prerequisite is not met, the flag behaves as if targeting is turned off.
    25  	Prerequisites []Prerequisite
    26  	// Targets contains sets of individually targeted users for the default context kind (user).
    27  	//
    28  	// Targets take precedence over Rules: if a user is matched by any Target, the Rules are ignored.
    29  	// Targets are ignored if targeting is turned off.
    30  	Targets []Target
    31  	// ContextTargets contains sets of individually targeted users for specific context kinds.
    32  	//
    33  	// Targets take precedence over Rules: if a user is matched by any Target, the Rules are ignored.
    34  	// Targets are ignored if targeting is turned off.
    35  	ContextTargets []Target
    36  	// Rules is a list of rules that may match a user.
    37  	//
    38  	// If a user is matched by a Rule, all subsequent Rules in the list are skipped. Rules are ignored
    39  	// if targeting is turned off.
    40  	Rules []FlagRule
    41  	// Fallthrough defines the flag's behavior if targeting is turned on but the user is not matched
    42  	// by any Target or Rule.
    43  	Fallthrough VariationOrRollout
    44  	// OffVariation specifies the variation index to use if targeting is turned off.
    45  	//
    46  	// If this is undefined (ldvalue.OptionalInt{}), Evaluate returns undefined for the variation
    47  	// index and ldvalue.Null() for the value.
    48  	OffVariation ldvalue.OptionalInt
    49  	// Variations is the list of all allowable variations for this flag. The variation index in a
    50  	// Target or Rule is a zero-based index to this list.
    51  	Variations []ldvalue.Value
    52  	// ClientSideAvailability indicates whether a flag is available using each of the client-side
    53  	// authentication methods.
    54  	ClientSideAvailability ClientSideAvailability
    55  	// Salt is a randomized value assigned to this flag when it is created.
    56  	//
    57  	// The hash function used for calculating percentage rollouts uses this as a salt to ensure that
    58  	// rollouts are consistent within each flag but not predictable from one flag to another.
    59  	Salt string
    60  	// TrackEvents is used internally by the SDK analytics event system.
    61  	//
    62  	// This field is true if the current LaunchDarkly account has data export enabled, and has turned on
    63  	// the "send detailed event information for this flag" option for this flag. This tells the SDK to
    64  	// send full event data for each flag evaluation, rather than only aggregate data in a summary event.
    65  	//
    66  	// The go-server-sdk-evaluation package does not implement that behavior; it is only in the data
    67  	// model for use by the SDK.
    68  	TrackEvents bool
    69  	// TrackEventsFallthrough is used internally by the SDK analytics event system.
    70  	//
    71  	// This field is true if the current LaunchDarkly account has experimentation enabled, has associated
    72  	// this flag with an experiment, and has enabled "default rule" for the experiment. This tells the
    73  	// SDK to send full event data for any evaluation where this flag had targeting turned on but the
    74  	// user did not match any targets or rules.
    75  	//
    76  	// The go-server-sdk-evaluation package does not implement that behavior; it is only in the data
    77  	// model for use by the SDK.
    78  	TrackEventsFallthrough bool
    79  	// DebugEventsUntilDate is used internally by the SDK analytics event system.
    80  	//
    81  	// This field is non-zero if debugging for this flag has been turned on temporarily in the
    82  	// LaunchDarkly dashboard. Debugging always is for a limited time, so the field specifies a Unix
    83  	// millisecond timestamp when this mode should expire. Until then, the SDK will send full event data
    84  	// for each evaluation of this flag.
    85  	//
    86  	// The go-server-sdk-evaluation package does not implement that behavior; it is only in the data
    87  	// model for use by the SDK.
    88  	DebugEventsUntilDate ldtime.UnixMillisecondTime
    89  	// Version is an integer that is incremented by LaunchDarkly every time the configuration of the flag is
    90  	// changed.
    91  	Version int
    92  	// Deleted is true if this is not actually a feature flag but rather a placeholder (tombstone) for a
    93  	// deleted flag. This is only relevant in data store implementations. The SDK does not evaluate
    94  	// deleted flags.
    95  	Deleted bool
    96  }
    98  // FlagRule describes a single rule within a feature flag.
    99  //
   100  // A rule consists of a set of ANDed matching conditions (Clause) for a user, along with either a fixed
   101  // variation or a set of rollout percentages to use if the user matches all of the clauses.
   102  type FlagRule struct {
   103  	// VariationRollout properties for a FlagRule define what variation to return if the user matches
   104  	// this rule.
   105  	VariationOrRollout
   106  	// ID is a randomized identifier assigned to each rule when it is created.
   107  	//
   108  	// This is used to populate the RuleID property of ldreason.EvaluationReason.
   109  	ID string
   110  	// Clauses is a list of test conditions that make up the rule. These are ANDed: every Clause must
   111  	// match in order for the FlagRule to match.
   112  	Clauses []Clause
   113  	// TrackEvents is used internally by the SDK analytics event system.
   114  	//
   115  	// This field is true if the current LaunchDarkly account has experimentation enabled, has associated
   116  	// this flag with an experiment, and has enabled this rule for the experiment. This tells the SDK to
   117  	// send full event data for any evaluation that matches this rule.
   118  	//
   119  	// The go-server-sdk-evaluation package does not implement that behavior; it is only in the data
   120  	// model for use by the SDK.
   121  	TrackEvents bool
   122  }
   124  // RolloutKind describes whether a rollout is a simple percentage rollout or represents an experiment. Experiments have
   125  // different behaviour for tracking and variation bucketing.
   126  type RolloutKind string
   128  const (
   129  	// RolloutKindRollout represents a simple percentage rollout. This is the default rollout kind, and will be assumed if
   130  	// not otherwise specified.
   131  	RolloutKindRollout RolloutKind = "rollout"
   132  	// RolloutKindExperiment represents an experiment. Experiments have different behaviour for tracking and variation
   133  	// bucketing.
   134  	RolloutKindExperiment RolloutKind = "experiment"
   135  )
   137  // VariationOrRollout desscribes either a fixed variation or a percentage rollout.
   138  //
   139  // There is a VariationOrRollout for every FlagRule, and also one in FeatureFlag.Fallthrough which is
   140  // used if no rules match.
   141  //
   142  // Invariant: one of the variation or rollout must be non-nil.
   143  type VariationOrRollout struct {
   144  	// Variation specifies the index of the variation to return. It is undefined (ldvalue.OptionalInt{})
   145  	// if no specific variation is defined.
   146  	Variation ldvalue.OptionalInt
   147  	// Rollout specifies a percentage rollout to be used instead of a specific variation. A rollout is
   148  	// only defined if it has a non-empty Variations list.
   149  	Rollout Rollout
   150  }
   152  // Rollout describes how users will be bucketed into variations during a percentage rollout.
   153  type Rollout struct {
   154  	// Kind specifies whether this rollout is a simple percentage rollout or represents an experiment. Experiments have
   155  	// different behaviour for tracking and variation bucketing.
   156  	Kind RolloutKind
   157  	// ContextKind is the context kind that this rollout will use to get any necessary context attributes.
   158  	//
   159  	// LaunchDarkly will normally always set this property, but if it is empty/omitted, it should be
   160  	// treated as ldcontext.DefaultKind. An empty string value here represents the property being unset
   161  	// (so it will be omitted in serialization).
   162  	ContextKind ldcontext.Kind
   163  	// Variations is a list of the variations in the percentage rollout and what percentage of users
   164  	// to include in each.
   165  	//
   166  	// The Weight values of all elements in this list should add up to 100000 (100%). If they do not,
   167  	// the last element in the list will behave as if it includes any leftover percentage (that is, if
   168  	// the weights are [1000, 1000, 1000] they will be treated as if they were [1000, 1000, 98000]).
   169  	Variations []WeightedVariation
   170  	// BucketBy specifies which user attribute should be used to distinguish between users in a rollout.
   171  	// This only works for simple rollouts; it is ignored for experiments.
   172  	//
   173  	// The default (when BucketBy is empty) is ldattr.KeyAttr, the user's primary key. If you wish to
   174  	// treat users with different keys as the same for rollout purposes as long as they have the same
   175  	// "country" attribute, you would set this to "country".
   176  	//
   177  	// Simple rollouts always take the user's "secondary key" attribute into account as well if the user
   178  	// has one. Experiments ignore the secondary key.
   179  	BucketBy ldattr.Ref
   180  	// Seed, if present, specifies the seed for the hashing algorithm this rollout will use to bucket users, so that
   181  	// rollouts with the same Seed will assign the same users to the same buckets.
   182  	// If unspecified, the seed will default to a combination of the flag key and flag-level Salt.
   183  	Seed ldvalue.OptionalInt
   184  }
   186  // IsExperiment returns whether this rollout represents an experiment.
   187  func (r Rollout) IsExperiment() bool {
   188  	return r.Kind == RolloutKindExperiment
   189  }
   191  // Clause describes an individual clause within a FlagRule or SegmentRule.
   192  type Clause struct {
   193  	// ContextKind is the context kind that this clause applies to.
   194  	//
   195  	// LaunchDarkly will normally always set this property, but if it is empty/omitted, it should be
   196  	// treated as ldcontext.DefaultKind. An empty string value here represents the property being unset (so
   197  	// it will be omitted in serialization).
   198  	//
   199  	// If the value of Attribute is "kind", then ContextKind is ignored because the nature of the context kind
   200  	// test is described in a richer way by Operator and Values.
   201  	ContextKind ldcontext.Kind
   202  	// Attribute specifies the context attribute that is being tested.
   203  	//
   204  	// This is required for all Operator types except SegmentMatch. If Op is SegmentMatch then Attribute
   205  	// is ignored (and will normally be an empty ldattr.Ref{}).
   206  	//
   207  	// If the context's value for this attribute is a JSON array, then the test specified in the Clause is
   208  	// repeated for each value in the array until a match is found or there are no more values.
   209  	Attribute ldattr.Ref
   210  	// Op specifies the type of test to perform.
   211  	Op Operator
   212  	// Values is a list of values to be compared to the user attribute.
   213  	//
   214  	// This is interpreted as an OR: if the user attribute matches any of these values with the specified
   215  	// operator, the Clause matches the user.
   216  	//
   217  	// In the special case where Op is OperatorSegmentMtach, there should only be a single Value, which
   218  	// must be a string: the key of the user segment.
   219  	//
   220  	// If the user does not have a value for the specified attribute, the Values are ignored and the
   221  	// Clause is always treated as a non-match.
   222  	Values []ldvalue.Value
   223  	// Negate is true if the specified Operator should be inverted.
   224  	//
   225  	// For instance, this would cause OperatorIn to mean "not equal" rather than "equal". Note that if no
   226  	// tests are performed for this Clause because the user does not have a value for the specified
   227  	// attribute, then Negate will not come into effect (the Clause will just be treated as a non-match).
   228  	Negate bool
   229  	// preprocessed is created by PreprocessFlag() to speed up clause evaluation in scenarios like
   230  	// regex matching.
   231  	preprocessed clausePreprocessedData
   232  }
   234  // WeightedVariation describes a fraction of users who will receive a specific variation.
   235  type WeightedVariation struct {
   236  	// Variation is the index of the variation to be returned if the user is in this bucket. This is
   237  	// always a real variation index; it cannot be undefined.
   238  	Variation int
   239  	// Weight is the proportion of users who should go into this bucket, as an integer from 0 to 100000.
   240  	Weight int
   241  	// Untracked means that users allocated to this variation should not have tracking events sent.
   242  	Untracked bool
   243  }
   245  // Target describes a set of users who will receive a specific variation.
   246  type Target struct {
   247  	// ContextKind is the context kind that this target list applies to.
   248  	//
   249  	// LaunchDarkly will normally always set this property, but if it is empty/omitted, it should be
   250  	// treated as ldcontext.DefaultKind. An empty string value here represents the property being unset (so
   251  	// it will be omitted in serialization).
   252  	ContextKind ldcontext.Kind
   253  	// Values is the set of user keys included in this Target.
   254  	Values []string
   255  	// Variation is the index of the variation to be returned if the user matches one of these keys. This
   256  	// is always a real variation index; it cannot be undefined.
   257  	Variation int
   258  	// preprocessed is created by PreprocessFlag() to speed up target matching.
   259  	preprocessed targetPreprocessedData
   260  }
   262  // Prerequisite describes a requirement that another feature flag return a specific variation.
   263  //
   264  // A prerequisite condition is met if the specified prerequisite flag has targeting turned on and
   265  // returns the specified variation.
   266  type Prerequisite struct {
   267  	// Key is the unique key of the feature flag to be evaluated as a prerequisite.
   268  	Key string
   269  	// Variation is the index of the variation that the prerequisite flag must return in order for
   270  	// the prerequisite condition to be met. If the prerequisite flag has targeting turned on, then
   271  	// the condition is not met even if the flag's OffVariation matches this value. This is always a
   272  	// real variation index; it cannot be undefined.
   273  	Variation int
   274  }
   276  // ClientSideAvailability describes whether a flag is available to client-side SDKs.
   277  //
   278  // This field can be used by a server-side client to determine whether to include an individual flag in
   279  // bootstrapped set of flag data (see https://docs.launchdarkly.com/sdk/client-side/javascript#bootstrapping).
   280  type ClientSideAvailability struct {
   281  	// UsingMobileKey indicates that this flag is available to clients using the mobile key for authorization
   282  	// (includes most desktop and mobile clients).
   283  	UsingMobileKey bool
   284  	// UsingEnvironmentID indicates that this flag is available to clients using the environment id to identify an
   285  	// environment (includes client-side javascript clients).
   286  	UsingEnvironmentID bool
   287  	// Explicit is true if, when serializing this flag, all of the ClientSideAvailability properties should
   288  	// be included. If it is false, then an older schema is used in which this object is entirely omitted,
   289  	// UsingEnvironmentID is stored in a deprecated property, and UsingMobileKey is assumed to be true.
   290  	//
   291  	// This field exists to ensure that flag representations remain consistent when sent and received
   292  	// even though the clientSideAvailability property may not be present in the JSON data. It is false
   293  	// if the flag was deserialized from an older JSON schema that did not include that property.
   294  	//
   295  	// Similarly, when deserializing a flag, if it used the older schema then Explicit will be false and
   296  	// UsingMobileKey will be true.
   297  	Explicit bool
   298  }

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