package ldevents import ( "encoding/json" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" ) // anyEventInput and anyEventOutput only exist to make it a little clearer in the code whether we're referring // to something in the inbox or the outbox. type anyEventInput interface{} type anyEventOutput interface{} type defaultEventProcessor struct { inboxCh chan eventDispatcherMessage inboxFullOnce sync.Once closeOnce sync.Once loggers ldlog.Loggers } type eventDispatcher struct { config EventsConfiguration outbox *eventsOutbox flushCh chan *flushPayload workersGroup *sync.WaitGroup userKeys lruCache lastKnownPastTime ldtime.UnixMillisecondTime deduplicatedContexts int eventsInLastBatch int disabled bool currentTimestampFn func() ldtime.UnixMillisecondTime stateLock sync.Mutex } type flushPayload struct { diagnosticEvent ldvalue.Value events []anyEventOutput summary eventSummary } // Payload of the inboxCh channel. type eventDispatcherMessage interface{} type sendEventMessage struct { event anyEventInput } type flushEventsMessage struct { replyCh chan struct{} } type shutdownEventsMessage struct { replyCh chan struct{} } type syncEventsMessage struct { replyCh chan struct{} } const ( maxFlushWorkers = 5 ) // NewDefaultEventProcessor creates an instance of the default implementation of analytics event processing. func NewDefaultEventProcessor(config EventsConfiguration) EventProcessor { inboxCh := make(chan eventDispatcherMessage, config.Capacity) startEventDispatcher(config, inboxCh) return &defaultEventProcessor{ inboxCh: inboxCh, loggers: config.Loggers, } } func (ep *defaultEventProcessor) RecordEvaluation(ed EvaluationData) { ep.postNonBlockingMessageToInbox(sendEventMessage{event: ed}) } func (ep *defaultEventProcessor) RecordIdentifyEvent(e IdentifyEventData) { ep.postNonBlockingMessageToInbox(sendEventMessage{event: e}) } func (ep *defaultEventProcessor) RecordCustomEvent(e CustomEventData) { ep.postNonBlockingMessageToInbox(sendEventMessage{event: e}) } func (ep *defaultEventProcessor) RecordRawEvent(data json.RawMessage) { ep.postNonBlockingMessageToInbox(sendEventMessage{event: rawEvent{data: data}}) } func (ep *defaultEventProcessor) Flush() { ep.postNonBlockingMessageToInbox(flushEventsMessage{}) } func (ep *defaultEventProcessor) FlushBlocking(timeout time.Duration) bool { replyCh := make(chan struct{}, 1) m := flushEventsMessage{replyCh: replyCh} ep.inboxCh <- m var deadline <-chan time.Time if timeout > 0 { timer := time.NewTimer(timeout) defer timer.Stop() deadline = timer.C } select { case <-m.replyCh: return true case <-deadline: return false } } func (ep *defaultEventProcessor) postNonBlockingMessageToInbox(e eventDispatcherMessage) { select { case ep.inboxCh <- e: return default: // COVERAGE: no way to simulate this condition in unit tests } // If the inbox is full, it means the eventDispatcher is seriously backed up with not-yet-processed events. // This is unlikely, but if it happens, it means the application is probably doing a ton of flag evaluations // across many goroutines-- so if we wait for a space in the inbox, we risk a very serious slowdown of the // app. To avoid that, we'll just drop the event. The log warning about this will only be shown once. ep.inboxFullOnce.Do(func() { // COVERAGE: no way to simulate this condition in unit tests ep.loggers.Warn("Events are being produced faster than they can be processed; some events will be dropped") }) } func (ep *defaultEventProcessor) Close() error { ep.closeOnce.Do(func() { // We put the flush and shutdown messages directly into the channel instead of calling // postNonBlockingMessageToInbox, because we *do* want to block to make sure there is room in the channel; // these aren't analytics events, they are messages that are necessary for an orderly shutdown. ep.inboxCh <- flushEventsMessage{} m := shutdownEventsMessage{replyCh: make(chan struct{})} ep.inboxCh <- m <-m.replyCh }) return nil } func startEventDispatcher( config EventsConfiguration, inboxCh <-chan eventDispatcherMessage, ) { ed := &eventDispatcher{ config: config, outbox: newEventsOutbox(config.Capacity, config.Loggers), flushCh: make(chan *flushPayload, 1), workersGroup: &sync.WaitGroup{}, userKeys: newLruCache(config.UserKeysCapacity), currentTimestampFn: config.currentTimeProvider, } if ed.currentTimestampFn == nil { ed.currentTimestampFn = ldtime.UnixMillisNow } formatter := &eventOutputFormatter{ contextFormatter: newEventContextFormatter(config), config: config, } // Start a fixed-size pool of workers that wait on flushTriggerCh. This is the // maximum number of flushes we can do concurrently. for i := 0; i < maxFlushWorkers; i++ { go runFlushTask(config, formatter, ed.flushCh, ed.workersGroup, ed.handleResult) } if config.DiagnosticsManager != nil { event := config.DiagnosticsManager.CreateInitEvent() ed.sendDiagnosticsEvent(event) } go ed.runMainLoop(inboxCh) } func (ed *eventDispatcher) runMainLoop( inboxCh <-chan eventDispatcherMessage, ) { if err := recover(); err != nil { // COVERAGE: no way to simulate this condition in unit tests ed.config.Loggers.Errorf("Unexpected panic in event processing thread: %+v", err) } flushInterval := ed.config.FlushInterval if flushInterval <= 0 { // COVERAGE: no way to test this logic in unit tests flushInterval = DefaultFlushInterval } userKeysFlushInterval := ed.config.UserKeysFlushInterval if userKeysFlushInterval <= 0 { // COVERAGE: no way to test this logic in unit tests userKeysFlushInterval = DefaultUserKeysFlushInterval } flushTicker := time.NewTicker(flushInterval) usersResetTicker := time.NewTicker(userKeysFlushInterval) var diagnosticsTicker *time.Ticker var diagnosticsTickerCh <-chan time.Time diagnosticsManager := ed.config.DiagnosticsManager if diagnosticsManager != nil { interval := ed.config.DiagnosticRecordingInterval if interval > 0 { if interval < MinimumDiagnosticRecordingInterval { // COVERAGE: no way to test this logic in unit tests interval = DefaultDiagnosticRecordingInterval } } else { if ed.config.forceDiagnosticRecordingInterval > 0 { interval = ed.config.forceDiagnosticRecordingInterval } else { interval = DefaultDiagnosticRecordingInterval } } diagnosticsTicker = time.NewTicker(interval) diagnosticsTickerCh = diagnosticsTicker.C } for { // Drain the response channel with a higher priority than anything else // to ensure that the flush workers don't get blocked. select { case message := <-inboxCh: switch m := message.(type) { case sendEventMessage: ed.processEvent(m.event) case flushEventsMessage: ed.triggerFlush() if m.replyCh != nil { ed.workersGroup.Wait() // Wait for all in-progress flushes to complete m.replyCh <- struct{}{} } case syncEventsMessage: ed.workersGroup.Wait() m.replyCh <- struct{}{} case shutdownEventsMessage: flushTicker.Stop() usersResetTicker.Stop() if diagnosticsTicker != nil { diagnosticsTicker.Stop() } ed.workersGroup.Wait() // Wait for all in-progress flushes to complete close(ed.flushCh) // Causes all idle flush workers to terminate m.replyCh <- struct{}{} return } case <-flushTicker.C: ed.triggerFlush() case <-usersResetTicker.C: ed.userKeys.clear() case <-diagnosticsTickerCh: if diagnosticsManager == nil || !diagnosticsManager.CanSendStatsEvent() { // COVERAGE: no way to test this logic in unit tests break } event := diagnosticsManager.CreateStatsEventAndReset( ed.outbox.droppedEvents, ed.deduplicatedContexts, ed.eventsInLastBatch, ) ed.outbox.droppedEvents = 0 ed.deduplicatedContexts = 0 ed.eventsInLastBatch = 0 ed.sendDiagnosticsEvent(event) } } } func (ed *eventDispatcher) processEvent(evt anyEventInput) { // Decide whether to add the event to the payload. Feature events may be added twice, once for // the event (if tracked) and once for debugging. willAddFullEvent := true var debugEvent anyEventInput inlinedUser := false var eventContext EventInputContext var creationDate ldtime.UnixMillisecondTime switch evt := evt.(type) { case EvaluationData: eventContext = evt.Context creationDate = evt.CreationDate ed.outbox.addToSummary(evt) // add all feature events to summaries willAddFullEvent = evt.RequireFullEvent if ed.shouldDebugEvent(&evt) { de := evt de.debug = true debugEvent = de } case IdentifyEventData: eventContext = evt.Context creationDate = evt.CreationDate inlinedUser = true case CustomEventData: eventContext = evt.Context creationDate = evt.CreationDate default: ed.outbox.addEvent(evt) return } // For each context we haven't seen before, we add an index event before the event that referenced // the context - unless the original event will contain an inline context (e.g. an identify event). alreadySeenUser := ed.userKeys.add(eventContext.context.FullyQualifiedKey()) if !(willAddFullEvent && inlinedUser) { if alreadySeenUser { ed.deduplicatedContexts++ } else { indexEvent := indexEvent{ BaseEvent{CreationDate: creationDate, Context: eventContext}, } ed.outbox.addEvent(indexEvent) } } if willAddFullEvent { ed.outbox.addEvent(evt) } if debugEvent != nil { ed.outbox.addEvent(debugEvent) } } func (ed *eventDispatcher) shouldDebugEvent(evt *EvaluationData) bool { if evt.DebugEventsUntilDate == 0 { return false } // The "last known past time" comes from the last HTTP response we got from the server. // In case the client's time is set wrong, at least we know that any expiration date // earlier than that point is definitely in the past. If there's any discrepancy, we // want to err on the side of cutting off event debugging sooner. ed.stateLock.Lock() // This should be done infrequently since it's only for debug events defer ed.stateLock.Unlock() return evt.DebugEventsUntilDate > ed.lastKnownPastTime && evt.DebugEventsUntilDate > ed.currentTimestampFn() } // Signal that we would like to do a flush as soon as possible. func (ed *eventDispatcher) triggerFlush() { if ed.isDisabled() { ed.outbox.clear() return } // Is there anything to flush? payload := ed.outbox.getPayload() totalEventCount := len( if payload.summary.hasCounters() { totalEventCount++ } if totalEventCount == 0 { ed.eventsInLastBatch = 0 return } ed.workersGroup.Add(1) // Increment the count of active flushes select { case ed.flushCh <- &payload: // If the channel wasn't full, then there is a worker available who will pick up // this flush payload and send it. The event outbox and summary state can now be // cleared from the main goroutine. ed.eventsInLastBatch = totalEventCount ed.outbox.clear() default: // We can't start a flush right now because we're waiting for one of the workers // to pick up the last one. Do not reset the event outbox or summary state. ed.workersGroup.Done() } } func (ed *eventDispatcher) isDisabled() bool { // Since we're using a mutex, we should avoid calling this often. ed.stateLock.Lock() defer ed.stateLock.Unlock() return ed.disabled } func (ed *eventDispatcher) handleResult(result EventSenderResult) { if result.MustShutDown { ed.stateLock.Lock() defer ed.stateLock.Unlock() ed.disabled = true } else if result.TimeFromServer > 0 { ed.stateLock.Lock() defer ed.stateLock.Unlock() ed.lastKnownPastTime = result.TimeFromServer } } func (ed *eventDispatcher) sendDiagnosticsEvent( event ldvalue.Value, ) { payload := flushPayload{diagnosticEvent: event} ed.workersGroup.Add(1) // Increment the count of active flushes select { case ed.flushCh <- &payload: // If the channel wasn't full, then there is a worker available who will pick up // this flush payload and send it. default: // We can't start a flush right now because we're waiting for one of the workers // to pick up the last one. We'll just discard this diagnostic event - presumably // we'll send another one later anyway, and we don't want this kind of nonessential // data to cause any kind of back-pressure. ed.workersGroup.Done() // COVERAGE: no way to simulate this condition in unit tests } } func runFlushTask(config EventsConfiguration, formatter *eventOutputFormatter, flushCh <-chan *flushPayload, workersGroup *sync.WaitGroup, resultFn func(EventSenderResult)) { for { payload, more := <-flushCh if !more { // Channel has been closed - we're shutting down break } if !payload.diagnosticEvent.IsNull() { w := jwriter.NewWriter() payload.diagnosticEvent.WriteToJSONWriter(&w) bytes := w.Bytes() _ = config.EventSender.SendEventData(DiagnosticEventDataKind, bytes, 1) } else { bytes, count := formatter.makeOutputEvents(, payload.summary) if len(bytes) > 0 { result := config.EventSender.SendEventData(AnalyticsEventDataKind, bytes, count) resultFn(result) } } workersGroup.Done() // Decrement the count of in-progress flushes } }