1# Change log
3All notable changes to the project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org).
5## [2.0.1] - 2023-03-01
6### Changed:
7- Bumped go-sdk-common to v3.0.1.
9## [2.0.0] - 2022-12-01
10This major version release of `go-sdk-events` corresponds to the upcoming v6.0.0 release of the LaunchDarkly Go SDK (`go-server-sdk`), and cannot be used with earlier SDK versions. As before, this package is intended for internal use by the Go SDK, and by LaunchDarkly services; other use is unsupported.
12### Added:
13- `EventProcessor.FlushBlocking`
14- `EventProcessor.RecordRawEvent`
15- `EventInputContext`
16- `NewServerSideEventSender`
17- `PreserializedContext`
18- `SendEventDataWithRetry`
20### Changed:
21- The minimum Go version is now 1.18.
22- The package now uses a regular import path (`github.com/launchdarkly/go-sdk-events/v2`) rather than a `gopkg.in` path (`gopkg.in/launchdarkly/go-sdk-events.v1`).
23- The dependency on `gopkg.in/launchdarkly/go-sdk-common.v2` has been changed to `github.com/launchdarkly/go-sdk-common/v3`.
24- Events now use the `ldcontext.Context` type rather than `lduser.User`.
25- Private attributes can now be designated with the `ldattr.Ref` type, which allows redaction of either a full attribute or a property within a JSON object value.
26- There is a new JSON schema for analytics events. The HTTP headers for event payloads now report the schema version as 4.
27- Renamed `FeatureRequestEvent`, `IdentifyEvent`, and `CustomEvent` to `EvaluationData`, `IdentifyEventData`, and `CustomEventData`, to clarify that they are inputs affecting events rather than the events themselves.
29### Removed:
30- All alias event functionality
31- `EventsConfiguration.InlineUsersInEvents`
32- `FlagEventProperties`
33- `NewDefaultEventSender`
35## [1.1.1] - 2021-06-03
36### Fixed:
37- Updated `go-jsonstream` and `go-sdk-common` dependencies to latest patch versions for JSON parsing fixes. Those patches should not affect `go-sdk-events` since it does not _parse_ JSON, but this ensures that the latest release has the most correct transitive dependencies.
39## [1.1.0] - 2021-01-21
40### Added:
41- Added support for a new analytics event type, "alias", which will be used in a future version of the SDK.
43## [1.0.1] - 2020-12-17
44### Changed:
45- The library now uses [`go-jsonstream`](https://github.com/launchdarkly/go-jsonstream) for generating JSON output.
47## [1.0.0] - 2020-09-18
48Initial release of this analytics event support code that will be used with versions 5.0.0 and above of the LaunchDarkly Server-Side SDK for Go.
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