package ldcontext import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" "" ) func makeContextUnmarshalUnimportantVariantsParams() []contextSerializationParams { // These are test cases that only apply to unmarshaling, because marshaling will never produce this specific JSON. return []contextSerializationParams{ // explicit null is same as unset for optional string attrs {NewBuilder("my-key").Build(), `{"kind": "user", "key": "my-key", "name": null}`}, // explicit null is same as unset for custom attrs {NewBuilder("my-key").Build(), `{"kind": "user", "key": "my-key", "customAttr": null}`}, // explicit false is same as unset for anonymous {NewBuilder("my-key").Build(), `{"kind": "user", "key": "my-key", "anonymous": false}`}, // _meta: {} is same as no _meta {NewBuilder("my-key").Build(), `{"kind": "user", "key": "my-key", "_meta": {}}`}, // _meta: null is same as no _meta {NewBuilder("my-key").Build(), `{"kind": "user", "key": "my-key", "_meta": null}`}, // privateAttributes: [] is same as no privateAttributes {NewBuilder("my-key").Build(), `{"kind": "user", "key": "my-key", "_meta": {"privateAttributes": null}}`}, // privateAttributes: null is same as no privateAttributes {NewBuilder("my-key").Build(), `{"kind": "user", "key": "my-key", "_meta": {"privateAttributes": null}}`}, // unrecognized properties within _meta are ignored {NewBuilder("my-key").Build(), `{"kind": "user", "key": "my-key", "_meta": {"unknownProp": false}}`}, // redactedAttributes is only a thing in the event output format, not the regular format {NewBuilder("my-key").Build(), `{"kind": "user", "key": "my-key", "_meta": {"redactedAttributes": ["name"]}}`}, // redactedAttributes and privateAttributes should not break deserialization // These test cases were added due to an issue where having both would break deserialization depending on which came first. {NewBuilder("my-key").Private("name").Build(), `{"kind": "user", "key": "my-key", "_meta": {"privateAttributes": ["name"], "redactedAttributes": ["name"]}}`}, {NewBuilder("my-key").Private("name").Build(), `{"kind": "user", "key": "my-key", "_meta": {"redactedAttributes": ["name"], "privateAttributes": ["name"]}}`}, } } func makeContextUnmarshalFromOldUserSchemaParams() []contextSerializationParams { ret := []contextSerializationParams{ {New("key1"), `{"key": "key1"}`}, {NewBuilder("").setAllowEmptyKey(true).Build(), `{"key": ""}`}, // allowed only in old-style user JSON {NewBuilder("key2").Name("my-name").Build(), `{"key": "key2", "name": "my-name"}`}, {NewBuilder("key2").Build(), `{"key": "key2", "name": null}`}, {contextWithSecondary(New("key3"), "value"), `{"key": "key3", "secondary": "value"}`}, {New("key3"), `{"key": "key3", "secondary": null}`}, {NewBuilder("key4").Anonymous(true).Build(), `{"key": "key4", "anonymous": true}`}, {NewBuilder("key4").Build(), `{"key": "key4", "anonymous": false}`}, {NewBuilder("key4").Build(), `{"key": "key4", "anonymous": null}`}, {NewBuilder("key6").Build(), `{"key": "key6", "custom": {}}`}, {NewBuilder("key6").Build(), `{"key": "key6", "custom": null}`}, {NewBuilder("key6").Build(), `{"key": "key6", "custom": {"attr1": null}}`}, {NewBuilder("key6").SetBool("attr1", true).Build(), `{"key": "key6", "custom": {"attr1": true}}`}, {NewBuilder("key6").SetBool("attr1", false).Build(), `{"key": "key6", "custom": {"attr1": false}}`}, {NewBuilder("key6").SetInt("attr1", 123).Build(), `{"key": "key6", "custom": {"attr1": 123}}`}, {NewBuilder("key6").SetFloat64("attr1", 1.5).Build(), `{"key": "key6", "custom": {"attr1": 1.5}}`}, {NewBuilder("key6").SetString("attr1", "xyz").Build(), `{"key": "key6", "custom": {"attr1": "xyz"}}`}, {NewBuilder("key6").SetValue("attr1", ldvalue.ArrayOf(ldvalue.Int(10), ldvalue.Int(20))).Build(), `{"key": "key6", "custom": {"attr1": [10, 20]}}`}, {NewBuilder("key6").SetValue("attr1", ldvalue.ObjectBuild().Set("a", ldvalue.Int(1)).Build()).Build(), `{"key": "key6", "custom": {"attr1": {"a": 1}}}`}, {NewBuilder("key6").Name("x").Private("name", "email").Build(), `{"key": "key6", "name": "x", "privateAttributeNames":["name", "email"]}`}, {NewBuilder("key6").Name("x").Private("name", "email").Build(), `{"key": "key6", "name": "x", "privateAttributeNames":["name", "email"]}`}, {NewBuilder("key6").Name("x").Build(), `{"key": "key6", "name": "x", "privateAttributeNames":[]}`}, {NewBuilder("key6").Name("x").Build(), `{"key": "key6", "name": "x", "privateAttributeNames":null}`}, {NewBuilder("key7").Name("x").Build(), `{"key": "key7", "unknownTopLevelPropIsIgnored": {"a": 1}, "name": "x"}`}, {NewBuilder("key8").Name("x").Build(), `{"key": "key8", "name": "x", "privateAttrs": ["name"]}`}, // privateAttrs is only a thing in the event output format {NewBuilder("key9").Name("x").SetInt("a", 1).Anonymous(true).Build(), `{"key": "key9", "name": "x", "anonymous": true, "custom": ` + `{"kind": ".", "key": ".", "name": ".", "anonymous": false, "_meta": true, "a": 1}}`}, // don't let custom attributes overwrite top-level properties with the same reserved names } for _, attr := range []string{"firstName", "lastName", "email", "country", "avatar", "ip"} { ret = append(ret, contextSerializationParams{ NewBuilder("user-key").SetString(attr, "x").Build(), fmt.Sprintf(`{"key": "user-key", %q: "x"}`, attr), }, contextSerializationParams{ NewBuilder("user-key").Build(), fmt.Sprintf(`{"key": "user-key", %q: null}`, attr), }, ) } for _, customValue := range []ldvalue.Value{ ldvalue.Bool(true), ldvalue.Bool(false), ldvalue.Int(123), ldvalue.Float64(1.5), ldvalue.String("xyz"), ldvalue.ArrayOf(ldvalue.Int(10), ldvalue.Int(20)), ldvalue.ObjectBuild().Set("a", ldvalue.Int(1)).Build(), } { ret = append(ret, contextSerializationParams{ NewBuilder("user-key").SetValue("my-attr", customValue).Build(), fmt.Sprintf(`{"key": "user-key", "custom": {"my-attr": %s}}`, customValue.JSONString()), }, ) } return ret } func makeAllContextUnmarshalingParams() []contextSerializationParams { params := makeContextMarshalingAndUnmarshalingParams() params = append(params, makeContextUnmarshalUnimportantVariantsParams()...) params = append(params, makeContextUnmarshalFromOldUserSchemaParams()...) return params } func makeAllContextUnmarshalingEventOutputFormatParams() []contextSerializationParams { var ret []contextSerializationParams for _, p := range makeAllContextUnmarshalingParams() { transformed := p transformed.json = translateRegularContextJSONToEventOutputJSONAndViceVersa(transformed.json) ret = append(ret, transformed) } return ret } func makeContextUnmarshalingErrorInputs() []string { return []string{ `null`, `false`, `1`, `"x"`, `[]`, `{}`, // wrong type for top-level property `{"kind": null}`, `{"kind": true}`, `{"kind": "org", "key": null}`, `{"kind": "org", "key": true}`, `{"kind": "multi", "org": null}`, `{"kind": "multi", "org": true}`, `{"kind": "org", "key": "my-key", "name": true}`, `{"kind": "org", "key": "my-key", "anonymous": "yes"}}`, `{"kind": "org", "key": "my-key", "anonymous": null}}`, `{"kind": "org"}`, // missing key `{"kind": "user", "key": ""}`, // empty key not allowed in new-style context `{"kind": "", "key": "x"}`, // empty kind not allowed in new-style context `{"kind": "ørg", "key": "x"}`, // illegal kind // wrong type within _meta `{"kind": "org", "key": "my-key", "_meta": true}}`, `{"kind": "org", "key": "my-key", "_meta": {"privateAttributes": true}}}`, `{"kind": "multi"}`, // multi kind with no kinds `{"kind": "multi", "user": {"key": ""}}`, // multi kind where subcontext fails validation `{"kind": "multi", "user": {"key": true}}`, // multi kind where subcontext is malformed `{"kind": "multi", "org": {"key": "x"}, "org": {"key": "y"}}`, // multi kind with repeated kind `{"kind": "multi", "multi": {"user": {"key": "a"}, "org": {"key": "x"}}}`, // multi within multi // wrong types in old user schema `{"key": null}`, `{"key": true}`, `{"key": "my-key", "secondary": true}`, `{"key": "my-key", "anonymous": "x"}`, `{"key": "my-key", "name": true}`, `{"key": "my-key", "firstName": true}`, `{"key": "my-key", "lastName": true}`, `{"key": "my-key", "email": true}`, `{"key": "my-key", "country": true}`, `{"key": "my-key", "avatar": true}`, `{"key": "my-key", "ip": true}`, `{"key": "my-key", "custom": true}`, `{"key": "my-key", "privateAttributeNames": true}`, // missing key in old user schema `{"name": "x"}`, } } func makeContextUnmarshalingEventOutputFormatErrorInputs() []string { var ret []string for _, s := range makeContextUnmarshalingErrorInputs() { ret = append(ret, translateRegularContextJSONToEventOutputJSONAndViceVersa(s)) } return ret } func translateRegularContextJSONToEventOutputJSONAndViceVersa(s string) string { // In the regular test inputs, redactedAttributes and privateAttrs are property names we do *not* // expect to see because they are for the event output format, so the test inputs that reference // them have a "this should be ignored" expectation. s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, `"redactedAttributes"`, ``) s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, `"privateAttrs"`, ``) // old schema s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, `"privateAttributes"`, `"redactedAttributes"`) s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, `"privateAttributeNames"`, `"privateAttrs"`) // old schema //, in the event output format, we use privateAttributes and privateAttributeNames for the // "this should be ignored" cases. s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, ``, `"privateAttributes"`) s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, ``, `"privateAttributeNames"`) return s } func contextUnmarshalingTests( t *testing.T, unmarshalSingleContextFn func(*Context, []byte) error, unmarshalArrayFn func(*[]Context, []byte) error, ) { t.Run("valid data", func(t *testing.T) { for _, p := range makeAllContextUnmarshalingParams() { t.Run(p.json, func(t *testing.T) { var c Context err := unmarshalSingleContextFn(&c, []byte(p.json)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, p.context, c) }) } }) t.Run("error cases", func(t *testing.T) { for _, badJSON := range makeContextUnmarshalingErrorInputs() { t.Run(badJSON, func(t *testing.T) { var c Context err := unmarshalSingleContextFn(&c, []byte(badJSON)) assert.Error(t, err) }) } }) if unmarshalArrayFn != nil { t.Run("within an array", func(t *testing.T) { // This test shows that in our streaming implementations, the unmarshaler leaves the input // stream in the proper state at the end of the object, so it will correctly parse a // subsequent value. invariantSecondContext := New("simple") invariantSecondContextJSON := `{"kind": "user", "key": "simple"}` for _, p := range makeAllContextUnmarshalingParams() { t.Run(p.json, func(t *testing.T) { input := `[ ` + p.json + `, ` + invariantSecondContextJSON + ` ]` var cs []Context err := unmarshalArrayFn(&cs, []byte(input)) assert.NoError(t, err) if assert.Len(t, cs, 2) { assert.Equal(t, p.context, cs[0]) assert.Equal(t, invariantSecondContext, cs[1]) } }) } }) } t.Run("unmarshaling twice", func(t *testing.T) { // This test verifies that if you take an uninitialized Context{}, and unmarshal it from JSON, and // then unmarshal the same instance again, you get the same result (i.e. fields are overwritten // rather than being appended). for _, p := range makeAllContextUnmarshalingParams() { t.Run(p.json, func(t *testing.T) { var c Context err := unmarshalSingleContextFn(&c, []byte(p.json)) // Here we're using an if, rather than an assert, because we already asserted these conditions // in the "valid data" test. If something is really wrong such that it's returning an error or // the Equal test fails, we want that to show up more specifically in that test, rather than // producing confounding results in this one. if err == nil && c.Equal(p.context) { c1 := c require.NoError(t, unmarshalSingleContextFn(&c, []byte(p.json))) assert.Equal(t, c1, c) } }) } }) } func jsonUnmarshalTestFn(c *Context, data []byte) error { return json.Unmarshal(data, c) } func jsonStreamUnmarshalTestFn(c *Context, data []byte) error { r := jreader.NewReader(data) ContextSerialization.UnmarshalFromJSONReader(&r, c) return r.Error() } func jsonStreamUnmarshalArrayTestFn(cs *[]Context, data []byte) error { r := jreader.NewReader(data) for arr := r.Array(); arr.Next(); { var c Context ContextSerialization.UnmarshalFromJSONReader(&r, &c) *cs = append(*cs, c) } return r.Error() } func TestContextJSONUnmarshal(t *testing.T) { contextUnmarshalingTests(t, jsonUnmarshalTestFn, nil) } func TestContextReadFromJSONReader(t *testing.T) { contextUnmarshalingTests(t, jsonStreamUnmarshalTestFn, jsonStreamUnmarshalArrayTestFn) } func TestContextUnmarshalEventOutputFormat(t *testing.T) { t.Run("valid data", func(t *testing.T) { for _, p := range makeAllContextUnmarshalingEventOutputFormatParams() { t.Run(p.json, func(t *testing.T) { r := jreader.NewReader([]byte(p.json)) var c EventOutputContext ContextSerialization.UnmarshalFromJSONReaderEventOutput(&r, &c) assert.NoError(t, r.Error()) assert.Equal(t, p.context, c.Context) }) } }) t.Run("error cases", func(t *testing.T) { for _, badJSON := range makeContextUnmarshalingEventOutputFormatErrorInputs() { t.Run(badJSON, func(t *testing.T) { r := jreader.NewReader([]byte(badJSON)) var c EventOutputContext ContextSerialization.UnmarshalFromJSONReaderEventOutput(&r, &c) assert.Error(t, r.Error()) }) } }) } func TestContextReadKindAndKeyOnly(t *testing.T) { t.Run("valid data", func(t *testing.T) { for _, p := range makeAllContextUnmarshalingParams() { t.Run(p.json, func(t *testing.T) { var fullContext, minimalContext Context r1 := jreader.NewReader([]byte(p.json)) err := ContextSerialization.UnmarshalFromJSONReader(&r1, &fullContext) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, r1.Error()) r2 := jreader.NewReader([]byte(p.json)) err = ContextSerialization.UnmarshalWithKindAndKeyOnly(&r2, &minimalContext) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, r2.Error()) allFull, allMini := fullContext.GetAllIndividualContexts(nil), minimalContext.GetAllIndividualContexts(nil) if assert.Len(t, allMini, len(allFull)) { for i, fc := range allFull { mc := allMini[i] assert.Equal(t, fc.Kind(), mc.Kind()) assert.Equal(t, fc.Key(), mc.Key()) } } assert.Equal(t, fullContext.FullyQualifiedKey(), minimalContext.FullyQualifiedKey()) }) } }) t.Run("error cases", func(t *testing.T) { for _, badJSON := range []string{ // This is a deliberately shorter list than the error cases in the regular unmarshaling tests, // because this method does not validate every property. `null`, `false`, `1`, `"x"`, `[]`, `{}`, // wrong type for kind/key, or individual context was not an object `{"kind": null}`, `{"kind": true}`, `{"kind": "org", "key": null}`, `{"kind": "org", "key": true}`, `{"kind": "multi", "org": null}`, `{"kind": "multi", "org": true}`, `{"kind": "org"}`, // missing key `{"kind": "user", "key": ""}`, // empty key not allowed in new-style context `{"kind": "", "key": "x"}`, // empty kind not allowed in new-style context `{"kind": "ørg", "key": "x"}`, // illegal kind `{"kind": "multi"}`, // multi kind with no kinds `{"kind": "multi", "user": {"key": ""}}`, // multi kind where subcontext fails validation `{"kind": "multi", "user": {"key": true}}`, // multi kind where subcontext is malformed `{"kind": "multi", "org": {"key": "x"}, "org": {"key": "y"}}`, // multi kind with repeated kind // wrong types in old user schema `{"key": null}`, `{"key": true}`, // missing key in old user schema `{"name": "x"}`, } { t.Run(badJSON, func(t *testing.T) { var c Context r := jreader.NewReader([]byte(badJSON)) err := ContextSerialization.UnmarshalWithKindAndKeyOnly(&r, &c) assert.Error(t, err) }) } }) } func contextWithSecondary(c Context, s string) Context { c.secondary = ldvalue.NewOptionalString(s) return c }