
Source file src/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/huff0.go

Documentation: github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0

     1  // Package huff0 provides fast huffman encoding as used in zstd.
     2  //
     3  // See README.md at https://github.com/klauspost/compress/tree/master/huff0 for details.
     4  package huff0
     6  import (
     7  	"errors"
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"math"
    10  	"math/bits"
    11  	"sync"
    13  	"github.com/klauspost/compress/fse"
    14  )
    16  const (
    17  	maxSymbolValue = 255
    19  	// zstandard limits tablelog to 11, see:
    20  	// https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#huffman-tree-description
    21  	tableLogMax     = 11
    22  	tableLogDefault = 11
    23  	minTablelog     = 5
    24  	huffNodesLen    = 512
    26  	// BlockSizeMax is maximum input size for a single block uncompressed.
    27  	BlockSizeMax = 1<<18 - 1
    28  )
    30  var (
    31  	// ErrIncompressible is returned when input is judged to be too hard to compress.
    32  	ErrIncompressible = errors.New("input is not compressible")
    34  	// ErrUseRLE is returned from the compressor when the input is a single byte value repeated.
    35  	ErrUseRLE = errors.New("input is single value repeated")
    37  	// ErrTooBig is return if input is too large for a single block.
    38  	ErrTooBig = errors.New("input too big")
    40  	// ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded is return if input is too large for a single block.
    41  	ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded = errors.New("maximum output size exceeded")
    42  )
    44  type ReusePolicy uint8
    46  const (
    47  	// ReusePolicyAllow will allow reuse if it produces smaller output.
    48  	ReusePolicyAllow ReusePolicy = iota
    50  	// ReusePolicyPrefer will re-use aggressively if possible.
    51  	// This will not check if a new table will produce smaller output,
    52  	// except if the current table is impossible to use or
    53  	// compressed output is bigger than input.
    54  	ReusePolicyPrefer
    56  	// ReusePolicyNone will disable re-use of tables.
    57  	// This is slightly faster than ReusePolicyAllow but may produce larger output.
    58  	ReusePolicyNone
    60  	// ReusePolicyMust must allow reuse and produce smaller output.
    61  	ReusePolicyMust
    62  )
    64  type Scratch struct {
    65  	count [maxSymbolValue + 1]uint32
    67  	// Per block parameters.
    68  	// These can be used to override compression parameters of the block.
    69  	// Do not touch, unless you know what you are doing.
    71  	// Out is output buffer.
    72  	// If the scratch is re-used before the caller is done processing the output,
    73  	// set this field to nil.
    74  	// Otherwise the output buffer will be re-used for next Compression/Decompression step
    75  	// and allocation will be avoided.
    76  	Out []byte
    78  	// OutTable will contain the table data only, if a new table has been generated.
    79  	// Slice of the returned data.
    80  	OutTable []byte
    82  	// OutData will contain the compressed data.
    83  	// Slice of the returned data.
    84  	OutData []byte
    86  	// MaxDecodedSize will set the maximum allowed output size.
    87  	// This value will automatically be set to BlockSizeMax if not set.
    88  	// Decoders will return ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded is this limit is exceeded.
    89  	MaxDecodedSize int
    91  	srcLen int
    93  	// MaxSymbolValue will override the maximum symbol value of the next block.
    94  	MaxSymbolValue uint8
    96  	// TableLog will attempt to override the tablelog for the next block.
    97  	// Must be <= 11 and >= 5.
    98  	TableLog uint8
   100  	// Reuse will specify the reuse policy
   101  	Reuse ReusePolicy
   103  	// WantLogLess allows to specify a log 2 reduction that should at least be achieved,
   104  	// otherwise the block will be returned as incompressible.
   105  	// The reduction should then at least be (input size >> WantLogLess)
   106  	// If WantLogLess == 0 any improvement will do.
   107  	WantLogLess uint8
   109  	symbolLen      uint16 // Length of active part of the symbol table.
   110  	maxCount       int    // count of the most probable symbol
   111  	clearCount     bool   // clear count
   112  	actualTableLog uint8  // Selected tablelog.
   113  	prevTableLog   uint8  // Tablelog for previous table
   114  	prevTable      cTable // Table used for previous compression.
   115  	cTable         cTable // compression table
   116  	dt             dTable // decompression table
   117  	nodes          []nodeElt
   118  	tmpOut         [4][]byte
   119  	fse            *fse.Scratch
   120  	decPool        sync.Pool // *[4][256]byte buffers.
   121  	huffWeight     [maxSymbolValue + 1]byte
   122  }
   124  // TransferCTable will transfer the previously used compression table.
   125  func (s *Scratch) TransferCTable(src *Scratch) {
   126  	if cap(s.prevTable) < len(src.prevTable) {
   127  		s.prevTable = make(cTable, 0, maxSymbolValue+1)
   128  	}
   129  	s.prevTable = s.prevTable[:len(src.prevTable)]
   130  	copy(s.prevTable, src.prevTable)
   131  	s.prevTableLog = src.prevTableLog
   132  }
   134  func (s *Scratch) prepare(in []byte) (*Scratch, error) {
   135  	if len(in) > BlockSizeMax {
   136  		return nil, ErrTooBig
   137  	}
   138  	if s == nil {
   139  		s = &Scratch{}
   140  	}
   141  	if s.MaxSymbolValue == 0 {
   142  		s.MaxSymbolValue = maxSymbolValue
   143  	}
   144  	if s.TableLog == 0 {
   145  		s.TableLog = tableLogDefault
   146  	}
   147  	if s.TableLog > tableLogMax || s.TableLog < minTablelog {
   148  		return nil, fmt.Errorf(" invalid tableLog %d (%d -> %d)", s.TableLog, minTablelog, tableLogMax)
   149  	}
   150  	if s.MaxDecodedSize <= 0 || s.MaxDecodedSize > BlockSizeMax {
   151  		s.MaxDecodedSize = BlockSizeMax
   152  	}
   153  	if s.clearCount && s.maxCount == 0 {
   154  		for i := range s.count {
   155  			s.count[i] = 0
   156  		}
   157  		s.clearCount = false
   158  	}
   159  	if cap(s.Out) == 0 {
   160  		s.Out = make([]byte, 0, len(in))
   161  	}
   162  	s.Out = s.Out[:0]
   164  	s.OutTable = nil
   165  	s.OutData = nil
   166  	if cap(s.nodes) < huffNodesLen+1 {
   167  		s.nodes = make([]nodeElt, 0, huffNodesLen+1)
   168  	}
   169  	s.nodes = s.nodes[:0]
   170  	if s.fse == nil {
   171  		s.fse = &fse.Scratch{}
   172  	}
   173  	s.srcLen = len(in)
   175  	return s, nil
   176  }
   178  type cTable []cTableEntry
   180  func (c cTable) write(s *Scratch) error {
   181  	var (
   182  		// precomputed conversion table
   183  		bitsToWeight [tableLogMax + 1]byte
   184  		huffLog      = s.actualTableLog
   185  		// last weight is not saved.
   186  		maxSymbolValue = uint8(s.symbolLen - 1)
   187  		huffWeight     = s.huffWeight[:256]
   188  	)
   189  	const (
   190  		maxFSETableLog = 6
   191  	)
   192  	// convert to weight
   193  	bitsToWeight[0] = 0
   194  	for n := uint8(1); n < huffLog+1; n++ {
   195  		bitsToWeight[n] = huffLog + 1 - n
   196  	}
   198  	// Acquire histogram for FSE.
   199  	hist := s.fse.Histogram()
   200  	hist = hist[:256]
   201  	for i := range hist[:16] {
   202  		hist[i] = 0
   203  	}
   204  	for n := uint8(0); n < maxSymbolValue; n++ {
   205  		v := bitsToWeight[c[n].nBits] & 15
   206  		huffWeight[n] = v
   207  		hist[v]++
   208  	}
   210  	// FSE compress if feasible.
   211  	if maxSymbolValue >= 2 {
   212  		huffMaxCnt := uint32(0)
   213  		huffMax := uint8(0)
   214  		for i, v := range hist[:16] {
   215  			if v == 0 {
   216  				continue
   217  			}
   218  			huffMax = byte(i)
   219  			if v > huffMaxCnt {
   220  				huffMaxCnt = v
   221  			}
   222  		}
   223  		s.fse.HistogramFinished(huffMax, int(huffMaxCnt))
   224  		s.fse.TableLog = maxFSETableLog
   225  		b, err := fse.Compress(huffWeight[:maxSymbolValue], s.fse)
   226  		if err == nil && len(b) < int(s.symbolLen>>1) {
   227  			s.Out = append(s.Out, uint8(len(b)))
   228  			s.Out = append(s.Out, b...)
   229  			return nil
   230  		}
   231  		// Unable to compress (RLE/uncompressible)
   232  	}
   233  	// write raw values as 4-bits (max : 15)
   234  	if maxSymbolValue > (256 - 128) {
   235  		// should not happen : likely means source cannot be compressed
   236  		return ErrIncompressible
   237  	}
   238  	op := s.Out
   239  	// special case, pack weights 4 bits/weight.
   240  	op = append(op, 128|(maxSymbolValue-1))
   241  	// be sure it doesn't cause msan issue in final combination
   242  	huffWeight[maxSymbolValue] = 0
   243  	for n := uint16(0); n < uint16(maxSymbolValue); n += 2 {
   244  		op = append(op, (huffWeight[n]<<4)|huffWeight[n+1])
   245  	}
   246  	s.Out = op
   247  	return nil
   248  }
   250  func (c cTable) estTableSize(s *Scratch) (sz int, err error) {
   251  	var (
   252  		// precomputed conversion table
   253  		bitsToWeight [tableLogMax + 1]byte
   254  		huffLog      = s.actualTableLog
   255  		// last weight is not saved.
   256  		maxSymbolValue = uint8(s.symbolLen - 1)
   257  		huffWeight     = s.huffWeight[:256]
   258  	)
   259  	const (
   260  		maxFSETableLog = 6
   261  	)
   262  	// convert to weight
   263  	bitsToWeight[0] = 0
   264  	for n := uint8(1); n < huffLog+1; n++ {
   265  		bitsToWeight[n] = huffLog + 1 - n
   266  	}
   268  	// Acquire histogram for FSE.
   269  	hist := s.fse.Histogram()
   270  	hist = hist[:256]
   271  	for i := range hist[:16] {
   272  		hist[i] = 0
   273  	}
   274  	for n := uint8(0); n < maxSymbolValue; n++ {
   275  		v := bitsToWeight[c[n].nBits] & 15
   276  		huffWeight[n] = v
   277  		hist[v]++
   278  	}
   280  	// FSE compress if feasible.
   281  	if maxSymbolValue >= 2 {
   282  		huffMaxCnt := uint32(0)
   283  		huffMax := uint8(0)
   284  		for i, v := range hist[:16] {
   285  			if v == 0 {
   286  				continue
   287  			}
   288  			huffMax = byte(i)
   289  			if v > huffMaxCnt {
   290  				huffMaxCnt = v
   291  			}
   292  		}
   293  		s.fse.HistogramFinished(huffMax, int(huffMaxCnt))
   294  		s.fse.TableLog = maxFSETableLog
   295  		b, err := fse.Compress(huffWeight[:maxSymbolValue], s.fse)
   296  		if err == nil && len(b) < int(s.symbolLen>>1) {
   297  			sz += 1 + len(b)
   298  			return sz, nil
   299  		}
   300  		// Unable to compress (RLE/uncompressible)
   301  	}
   302  	// write raw values as 4-bits (max : 15)
   303  	if maxSymbolValue > (256 - 128) {
   304  		// should not happen : likely means source cannot be compressed
   305  		return 0, ErrIncompressible
   306  	}
   307  	// special case, pack weights 4 bits/weight.
   308  	sz += 1 + int(maxSymbolValue/2)
   309  	return sz, nil
   310  }
   312  // estimateSize returns the estimated size in bytes of the input represented in the
   313  // histogram supplied.
   314  func (c cTable) estimateSize(hist []uint32) int {
   315  	nbBits := uint32(7)
   316  	for i, v := range c[:len(hist)] {
   317  		nbBits += uint32(v.nBits) * hist[i]
   318  	}
   319  	return int(nbBits >> 3)
   320  }
   322  // minSize returns the minimum possible size considering the shannon limit.
   323  func (s *Scratch) minSize(total int) int {
   324  	nbBits := float64(7)
   325  	fTotal := float64(total)
   326  	for _, v := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] {
   327  		n := float64(v)
   328  		if n > 0 {
   329  			nbBits += math.Log2(fTotal/n) * n
   330  		}
   331  	}
   332  	return int(nbBits) >> 3
   333  }
   335  func highBit32(val uint32) (n uint32) {
   336  	return uint32(bits.Len32(val) - 1)
   337  }

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