5 package junit
7 import (
8 "fmt"
9 "testing"
10 "time"
12 "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
13 "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
14 )
16 func TestExamplesInTheWild(t *testing.T) {
17 tests := []struct {
18 title string
19 filename string
20 origin string
21 check func(*testing.T, []Suite)
22 }{
23 {
24 title: "catchsoftware example",
25 filename: "testdata/catchsoftware.xml",
26 origin: "https://help.catchsoftware.com/display/ET/JUnit+Format",
27 check: func(t *testing.T, suites []Suite) {
28 assert.Len(t, suites, 2)
29 assert.Len(t, suites[0].Tests, 0)
30 assert.Len(t, suites[1].Tests, 3)
31 assert.EqualError(t, suites[1].Tests[0].Error, "Assertion failed")
32 },
33 },
34 {
35 title: "cubic example",
36 filename: "testdata/cubic.xml",
37 origin: "https://llg.cubic.org/docs/junit/",
38 check: func(t *testing.T, suites []Suite) {
39 assert.Len(t, suites, 1)
40 assert.Len(t, suites[0].Tests, 1)
41 assert.Equal(t, "STDOUT text", suites[0].SystemOut)
42 assert.Equal(t, "STDERR text", suites[0].SystemErr)
43 assert.Equal(t, "STDOUT text", suites[0].Tests[0].SystemOut)
44 assert.Equal(t, "STDERR text", suites[0].Tests[0].SystemErr)
45 },
46 },
47 {
48 title: "go-junit-report example",
49 filename: "testdata/go-junit-report.xml",
50 origin: "https://github.com/jstemmer/go-junit-report/blob/master/testdata/06-report.xml",
51 check: func(t *testing.T, suites []Suite) {
52 assert.Len(t, suites, 2)
53 assert.Len(t, suites[0].Tests, 2)
54 assert.Len(t, suites[1].Tests, 2)
55 assert.Equal(t, "1.0", suites[0].Properties["go.version"])
56 assert.Equal(t, "1.0", suites[1].Properties["go.version"])
57 assert.EqualError(t, suites[1].Tests[0].Error, "file_test.go:11: Error message\nfile_test.go:11: Longer\n\terror\n\tmessage.")
58 },
59 },
60 {
61 title: "go-junit-report skipped example",
62 filename: "testdata/go-junit-report-skipped.xml",
63 origin: "https://github.com/jstemmer/go-junit-report/blob/master/testdata/03-report.xml",
64 check: func(t *testing.T, suites []Suite) {
65 assert.Len(t, suites, 1)
66 assert.Len(t, suites[0].Tests, 2)
67 assert.Equal(t, "package/name", suites[0].Name)
68 assert.Equal(t, "TestOne", suites[0].Tests[0].Name)
69 assert.Equal(t, "file_test.go:11: Skip message", suites[0].Tests[0].Message)
70 },
71 },
72 {
73 title: "ibm example",
74 filename: "testdata/ibm.xml",
75 origin: "https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSQ2R2_14.2.0/com.ibm.rsar.analysis.codereview.cobol.doc/topics/cac_useresults_junit.html",
76 check: func(t *testing.T, suites []Suite) {
77 assert.Len(t, suites, 1)
78 assert.Len(t, suites[0].Tests, 1)
79 assert.EqualError(t, suites[0].Tests[0].Error, "\nWARNING: Use a program name that matches the source file name\nCategory: COBOL Code Review – Naming Conventions\nFile: /project/PROGRAM.cbl\nLine: 2\n ")
80 },
81 },
82 {
83 title: "jenkinsci example",
84 filename: "testdata/jenkinsci.xml",
85 origin: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/junit-plugin/blob/master/src/test/resources/hudson/tasks/junit/junit-report-1463.xml",
86 check: func(t *testing.T, suites []Suite) {
87 assert.Len(t, suites, 1)
88 assert.Len(t, suites[0].Tests, 6)
89 assert.Equal(t, "\n", suites[0].Properties["line.separator"])
90 assert.Equal(t, `\`, suites[0].Properties["file.separator"])
91 },
92 },
93 {
94 title: "nose2 example",
95 filename: "testdata/nose2.xml",
96 origin: "https://nose2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/plugins/junitxml.html",
97 check: func(t *testing.T, suites []Suite) {
98 assert.Len(t, suites, 1)
99 assert.Len(t, suites[0].Tests, 25)
100 assert.EqualError(t, suites[0].Tests[22].Error, "Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"nose2/tests/functional/support/scenario/tests_in_package/pkg1/test/test_things.py\", line 13, in test_typeerr\n raise TypeError(\"oops\")\nTypeError: oops\n")
101 },
102 },
103 {
104 title: "python junit-xml example",
105 filename: "testdata/python-junit-xml.xml",
106 origin: "https://pypi.org/project/junit-xml/",
107 check: func(t *testing.T, suites []Suite) {
108 assert.Len(t, suites, 1)
109 assert.Len(t, suites[0].Tests, 1)
110 assert.Equal(t, "\n I am stdout!\n ", suites[0].Tests[0].SystemOut)
111 assert.Equal(t, "\n I am stderr!\n ", suites[0].Tests[0].SystemErr)
112 },
113 },
114 {
115 title: "surefire example",
116 filename: "testdata/surefire.xml",
117 origin: "https://gist.github.com/rwbergstrom/6f0193b1a12dca9d358e6043ee6abba4",
118 check: func(t *testing.T, suites []Suite) {
119 assert.Len(t, suites, 1)
120 assert.Len(t, suites[0].Tests, 1)
121 assert.Equal(t, "\n", suites[0].Properties["line.separator"])
122 assert.Equal(t, "Hello, World\n", suites[0].Tests[0].SystemOut)
123 assert.Equal(t, "I'm an error!\n", suites[0].Tests[0].SystemErr)
125 var testcase = Test{
126 Name: "testStdoutStderr",
127 Classname: "com.example.FooTest",
128 Duration: 1234560 * time.Millisecond,
129 Status: StatusFailed,
130 Error: Error{
131 Type: "java.lang.AssertionError",
132 Body: "java.lang.AssertionError\n\tat com.example.FooTest.testStdoutStderr(FooTest.java:13)\n",
133 },
134 Properties: map[string]string{
135 "classname": "com.example.FooTest",
136 "name": "testStdoutStderr",
137 "time": "1,234.56",
138 },
139 SystemOut: "Hello, World\n",
140 SystemErr: "I'm an error!\n",
141 }
143 assert.Equal(t, testcase, suites[0].Tests[0])
144 },
145 },
146 {
147 title: "fastlane example",
148 filename: "testdata/fastlane-trainer.xml",
149 check: func(t *testing.T, suites []Suite) {
150 assert.Len(t, suites, 1)
151 assert.Len(t, suites[0].Tests, 4)
153 var testcase = Test{
154 Name: "testSomething()",
155 Classname: "TestClassSample",
156 Duration: 342 * time.Millisecond,
157 Status: StatusFailed,
158 Message: "XCTAssertTrue failed",
159 Error: Error{
160 Message: "XCTAssertTrue failed",
161 Body: "\n ",
162 },
163 Properties: map[string]string{
164 "classname": "TestClassSample",
165 "name": "testSomething()",
166 "time": "0.342",
167 },
168 }
170 assert.Equal(t, testcase, suites[0].Tests[2])
171 assert.EqualError(t, suites[0].Tests[2].Error, "XCTAssertTrue failed")
172 assert.EqualError(t, suites[0].Tests[3].Error, "NullPointerException")
173 },
174 },
175 {
176 title: "phpunit example",
177 filename: "testdata/phpunit.xml",
178 check: func(t *testing.T, suites []Suite) {
179 assert.Len(t, suites, 1)
180 assert.Len(t, suites[0].Tests, 0)
181 assert.Len(t, suites[0].Suites, 1)
183 suite := suites[0].Suites[0]
184 assert.Len(t, suite.Tests, 1)
185 assert.Len(t, suite.Suites, 2)
187 assert.Equal(t, "SampleTest", suite.Name)
188 assert.Equal(t, "/untitled/tests/SampleTest.php", suite.Properties["file"])
190 var testcase = Test{
191 Name: "testA",
192 Classname: "SampleTest",
193 Duration: 5917 * time.Microsecond,
194 Status: StatusPassed,
195 Properties: map[string]string{
196 "assertions": "1",
197 "class": "SampleTest",
198 "classname": "SampleTest",
199 "file": "/untitled/tests/SampleTest.php",
200 "line": "7",
201 "name": "testA",
202 "time": "0.005917",
203 },
204 }
206 assert.Equal(t, testcase, suite.Tests[0])
208 assert.Len(t, suite.Suites[1].Suites, 0)
209 assert.Len(t, suite.Suites[1].Tests, 3)
210 assert.Equal(t, "testC with data set #0", suite.Suites[1].Tests[0].Name)
213 suites[0].Aggregate()
214 actualTotals := suites[0].Totals
215 expectedTotals := Totals{
216 Tests: 7,
217 Passed: 4,
218 Skipped: 0,
219 Failed: 3,
220 Error: 0,
221 Duration: 8489 * time.Microsecond,
222 }
223 assert.Equal(t, expectedTotals, actualTotals)
224 },
225 },
226 }
228 for index, test := range tests {
229 name := fmt.Sprintf("#%d - %s", index+1, test.title)
231 t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
232 suites, err := IngestFile(test.filename)
233 require.NoError(t, err)
234 test.check(t, suites)
235 })
236 }
237 }
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