package ttlcache import ( "container/list" "context" "fmt" "sync" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" ) func TestMain(m *testing.M) { goleak.VerifyTestMain(m) } func Test_New(t *testing.T) { c := New[string, string]( WithTTL[string, string](time.Hour), WithCapacity[string, string](1), ) require.NotNil(t, c) assert.NotNil(t, c.stopCh) assert.NotNil(t, c.items.values) assert.NotNil(t, c.items.lru) assert.NotNil(t, c.items.expQueue) assert.NotNil(t, c.items.timerCh) assert.NotNil(t, assert.NotNil(t, assert.Equal(t, time.Hour, c.options.ttl) assert.Equal(t, uint64(1), c.options.capacity) } func Test_Cache_updateExpirations(t *testing.T) { oldExp, newExp := time.Now().Add(time.Hour), time.Now().Add(time.Minute) cc := map[string]struct { TimerChValue time.Duration Fresh bool EmptyQueue bool OldExpiresAt time.Time NewExpiresAt time.Time Result time.Duration }{ "Update with fresh item and zero new and non zero old expiresAt fields": { Fresh: true, OldExpiresAt: oldExp, }, "Update with non fresh item and zero new and non zero old expiresAt fields": { OldExpiresAt: oldExp, }, "Update with fresh item and matching new and old expiresAt fields": { Fresh: true, OldExpiresAt: oldExp, NewExpiresAt: oldExp, }, "Update with non fresh item and matching new and old expiresAt fields": { OldExpiresAt: oldExp, NewExpiresAt: oldExp, }, "Update with non zero new expiresAt field and empty queue": { Fresh: true, EmptyQueue: true, NewExpiresAt: newExp, Result: time.Until(newExp), }, "Update with fresh item and non zero new and zero old expiresAt fields": { Fresh: true, NewExpiresAt: newExp, Result: time.Until(newExp), }, "Update with non fresh item and non zero new and zero old expiresAt fields": { NewExpiresAt: newExp, Result: time.Until(newExp), }, "Update with fresh item and non zero new and old expiresAt fields": { Fresh: true, OldExpiresAt: oldExp, NewExpiresAt: newExp, Result: time.Until(newExp), }, "Update with non fresh item and non zero new and old expiresAt fields": { OldExpiresAt: oldExp, NewExpiresAt: newExp, Result: time.Until(newExp), }, "Update with full timerCh (lesser value), fresh item and non zero new and old expiresAt fields": { TimerChValue: time.Second, Fresh: true, OldExpiresAt: oldExp, NewExpiresAt: newExp, Result: time.Second, }, "Update with full timerCh (lesser value), non fresh item and non zero new and old expiresAt fields": { TimerChValue: time.Second, OldExpiresAt: oldExp, NewExpiresAt: newExp, Result: time.Second, }, "Update with full timerCh (greater value), fresh item and non zero new and old expiresAt fields": { TimerChValue: time.Hour, Fresh: true, OldExpiresAt: oldExp, NewExpiresAt: newExp, Result: time.Until(newExp), }, "Update with full timerCh (greater value), non fresh item and non zero new and old expiresAt fields": { TimerChValue: time.Hour, OldExpiresAt: oldExp, NewExpiresAt: newExp, Result: time.Until(newExp), }, } for cn, c := range cc { c := c t.Run(cn, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() cache := prepCache(time.Hour) if c.TimerChValue > 0 { cache.items.timerCh <- c.TimerChValue } elem := &list.Element{ Value: &Item[string, string]{ expiresAt: c.NewExpiresAt, }, } if !c.EmptyQueue { cache.items.expQueue.push(&list.Element{ Value: &Item[string, string]{ expiresAt: c.OldExpiresAt, }, }) if !c.Fresh { elem = &list.Element{ Value: &Item[string, string]{ expiresAt: c.OldExpiresAt, }, } cache.items.expQueue.push(elem) elem.Value.(*Item[string, string]).expiresAt = c.NewExpiresAt } } cache.updateExpirations(c.Fresh, elem) var res time.Duration select { case res = <-cache.items.timerCh: default: } assert.InDelta(t, c.Result, res, float64(time.Second)) }) } } func Test_Cache_set(t *testing.T) { const newKey, existingKey, evictedKey = "newKey123", "existingKey", "evicted" cc := map[string]struct { Capacity uint64 Key string TTL time.Duration Metrics Metrics ExpectFns bool }{ "Set with existing key and custom TTL": { Key: existingKey, TTL: time.Minute, }, "Set with existing key and NoTTL": { Key: existingKey, TTL: NoTTL, }, "Set with existing key and DefaultTTL": { Key: existingKey, TTL: DefaultTTL, }, "Set with existing key and PreviousOrDefaultTTL": { Key: existingKey, TTL: PreviousOrDefaultTTL, }, "Set with new key and eviction caused by small capacity": { Capacity: 3, Key: newKey, TTL: DefaultTTL, Metrics: Metrics{ Insertions: 1, Evictions: 1, }, ExpectFns: true, }, "Set with new key and no eviction caused by large capacity": { Capacity: 10, Key: newKey, TTL: DefaultTTL, Metrics: Metrics{ Insertions: 1, }, ExpectFns: true, }, "Set with new key and custom TTL": { Key: newKey, TTL: time.Minute, Metrics: Metrics{ Insertions: 1, }, ExpectFns: true, }, "Set with new key and NoTTL": { Key: newKey, TTL: NoTTL, Metrics: Metrics{ Insertions: 1, }, ExpectFns: true, }, "Set with new key and DefaultTTL": { Key: newKey, TTL: DefaultTTL, Metrics: Metrics{ Insertions: 1, }, ExpectFns: true, }, "Set with new key and PreviousOrDefaultTTL": { Key: newKey, TTL: PreviousOrDefaultTTL, Metrics: Metrics{ Insertions: 1, }, ExpectFns: true, }, } for cn, c := range cc { c := c t.Run(cn, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var ( insertFnsCalls int evictionFnsCalls int ) // calculated based on how addToCache sets ttl existingKeyTTL := time.Hour + time.Minute cache := prepCache(time.Hour, evictedKey, existingKey, "test3") cache.options.capacity = c.Capacity cache.options.ttl = time.Minute * 20[1] = func(item *Item[string, string]) { assert.Equal(t, newKey, item.key) insertFnsCalls++ }[2] =[1][1] = func(r EvictionReason, item *Item[string, string]) { assert.Equal(t, EvictionReasonCapacityReached, r) assert.Equal(t, evictedKey, item.key) evictionFnsCalls++ }[2] =[1] total := 3 if c.Key == newKey && (c.Capacity == 0 || c.Capacity >= 4) { total++ } item := cache.set(c.Key, "value123", c.TTL) if c.ExpectFns { assert.Equal(t, 2, insertFnsCalls) if c.Capacity > 0 && c.Capacity < 4 { assert.Equal(t, 2, evictionFnsCalls) } } assert.Same(t, cache.items.values[c.Key].Value.(*Item[string, string]), item) assert.Len(t, cache.items.values, total) assert.Equal(t, c.Key, item.key) assert.Equal(t, "value123", item.value) assert.Equal(t, c.Key, cache.items.lru.Front().Value.(*Item[string, string]).key) assert.Equal(t, c.Metrics, cache.metrics) if c.Capacity > 0 && c.Capacity < 4 { assert.NotEqual(t, evictedKey, cache.items.lru.Back().Value.(*Item[string, string]).key) } switch { case c.TTL == DefaultTTL: assert.Equal(t, cache.options.ttl, item.ttl) assert.WithinDuration(t, time.Now(), item.expiresAt, cache.options.ttl) assert.Equal(t, c.Key, cache.items.expQueue[0].Value.(*Item[string, string]).key) case c.TTL > DefaultTTL: assert.Equal(t, c.TTL, item.ttl) assert.WithinDuration(t, time.Now(), item.expiresAt, c.TTL) assert.Equal(t, c.Key, cache.items.expQueue[0].Value.(*Item[string, string]).key) case c.TTL == PreviousOrDefaultTTL: expectedTTL := cache.options.ttl if c.Key == existingKey { expectedTTL = existingKeyTTL } assert.Equal(t, expectedTTL, item.ttl) assert.WithinDuration(t, time.Now(), item.expiresAt, expectedTTL) default: assert.Equal(t, c.TTL, item.ttl) assert.Zero(t, item.expiresAt) assert.NotEqual(t, c.Key, cache.items.expQueue[0].Value.(*Item[string, string]).key) } }) } } func Test_Cache_get(t *testing.T) { const existingKey, notFoundKey, expiredKey = "existing", "notfound", "expired" cc := map[string]struct { Key string Touch bool WithTTL bool }{ "Retrieval of non-existent item": { Key: notFoundKey, }, "Retrieval of expired item": { Key: expiredKey, }, "Retrieval of existing item without update": { Key: existingKey, }, "Retrieval of existing item with touch and non zero TTL": { Key: existingKey, Touch: true, WithTTL: true, }, "Retrieval of existing item with touch and zero TTL": { Key: existingKey, Touch: true, }, } for cn, c := range cc { c := c t.Run(cn, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() cache := prepCache(time.Hour, existingKey, "test2", "test3") addToCache(cache, time.Nanosecond, expiredKey) time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) // force expiration oldItem := cache.items.values[existingKey].Value.(*Item[string, string]) oldQueueIndex := oldItem.queueIndex oldExpiresAt := oldItem.expiresAt if c.WithTTL { oldItem.ttl = time.Hour * 30 } else { oldItem.ttl = 0 } elem := cache.get(c.Key, c.Touch) if c.Key == notFoundKey { assert.Nil(t, elem) return } if c.Key == expiredKey { assert.True(t, time.Now().After(cache.items.values[expiredKey].Value.(*Item[string, string]).expiresAt)) assert.Nil(t, elem) return } require.NotNil(t, elem) item := elem.Value.(*Item[string, string]) if c.Touch && c.WithTTL { assert.True(t, item.expiresAt.After(oldExpiresAt)) assert.NotEqual(t, oldQueueIndex, item.queueIndex) } else { assert.True(t, item.expiresAt.Equal(oldExpiresAt)) assert.Equal(t, oldQueueIndex, item.queueIndex) } assert.Equal(t, c.Key, cache.items.lru.Front().Value.(*Item[string, string]).key) }) } } func Test_Cache_evict(t *testing.T) { var ( key1FnsCalls int key2FnsCalls int key3FnsCalls int key4FnsCalls int ) cache := prepCache(time.Hour, "1", "2", "3", "4")[1] = func(r EvictionReason, item *Item[string, string]) { assert.Equal(t, EvictionReasonDeleted, r) switch item.key { case "1": key1FnsCalls++ case "2": key2FnsCalls++ case "3": key3FnsCalls++ case "4": key4FnsCalls++ } }[2] =[1] // delete only specified cache.evict(EvictionReasonDeleted, cache.items.lru.Back(), cache.items.lru.Back().Prev()) assert.Equal(t, 2, key1FnsCalls) assert.Equal(t, 2, key2FnsCalls) assert.Zero(t, key3FnsCalls) assert.Zero(t, key4FnsCalls) assert.Len(t, cache.items.values, 2) assert.NotContains(t, cache.items.values, "1") assert.NotContains(t, cache.items.values, "2") assert.Equal(t, uint64(2), cache.metrics.Evictions) // delete all key1FnsCalls, key2FnsCalls = 0, 0 cache.metrics.Evictions = 0 cache.evict(EvictionReasonDeleted) assert.Zero(t, key1FnsCalls) assert.Zero(t, key2FnsCalls) assert.Equal(t, 2, key3FnsCalls) assert.Equal(t, 2, key4FnsCalls) assert.Empty(t, cache.items.values) assert.NotContains(t, cache.items.values, "3") assert.NotContains(t, cache.items.values, "4") assert.Equal(t, uint64(2), cache.metrics.Evictions) } func Test_Cache_Set(t *testing.T) { cache := prepCache(time.Hour, "test1", "test2", "test3") item := cache.Set("hello", "value123", time.Minute) require.NotNil(t, item) assert.Same(t, item, cache.items.values["hello"].Value) item = cache.Set("test1", "value123", time.Minute) require.NotNil(t, item) assert.Same(t, item, cache.items.values["test1"].Value) } func Test_Cache_Get(t *testing.T) { const notFoundKey, foundKey = "notfound", "test1" cc := map[string]struct { Key string DefaultOptions options[string, string] CallOptions []Option[string, string] Metrics Metrics Result *Item[string, string] }{ "Get without loader when item is not found": { Key: notFoundKey, Metrics: Metrics{ Misses: 1, }, }, "Get with default loader that returns non nil value when item is not found": { Key: notFoundKey, DefaultOptions: options[string, string]{ loader: LoaderFunc[string, string](func(_ *Cache[string, string], _ string) *Item[string, string] { return &Item[string, string]{key: "test"} }), }, Metrics: Metrics{ Misses: 1, }, Result: &Item[string, string]{key: "test"}, }, "Get with default loader that returns nil value when item is not found": { Key: notFoundKey, DefaultOptions: options[string, string]{ loader: LoaderFunc[string, string](func(_ *Cache[string, string], _ string) *Item[string, string] { return nil }), }, Metrics: Metrics{ Misses: 1, }, }, "Get with call loader that returns non nil value when item is not found": { Key: notFoundKey, DefaultOptions: options[string, string]{ loader: LoaderFunc[string, string](func(_ *Cache[string, string], _ string) *Item[string, string] { return &Item[string, string]{key: "test"} }), }, CallOptions: []Option[string, string]{ WithLoader[string, string](LoaderFunc[string, string](func(_ *Cache[string, string], _ string) *Item[string, string] { return &Item[string, string]{key: "hello"} })), }, Metrics: Metrics{ Misses: 1, }, Result: &Item[string, string]{key: "hello"}, }, "Get with call loader that returns nil value when item is not found": { Key: notFoundKey, DefaultOptions: options[string, string]{ loader: LoaderFunc[string, string](func(_ *Cache[string, string], _ string) *Item[string, string] { return &Item[string, string]{key: "test"} }), }, CallOptions: []Option[string, string]{ WithLoader[string, string](LoaderFunc[string, string](func(_ *Cache[string, string], _ string) *Item[string, string] { return nil })), }, Metrics: Metrics{ Misses: 1, }, }, "Get when TTL extension is disabled by default and item is found": { Key: foundKey, DefaultOptions: options[string, string]{ disableTouchOnHit: true, }, Metrics: Metrics{ Hits: 1, }, }, "Get when TTL extension is disabled and item is found": { Key: foundKey, CallOptions: []Option[string, string]{ WithDisableTouchOnHit[string, string](), }, Metrics: Metrics{ Hits: 1, }, }, "Get when item is found": { Key: foundKey, Metrics: Metrics{ Hits: 1, }, }, } for cn, c := range cc { c := c t.Run(cn, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() cache := prepCache(time.Minute, foundKey, "test2", "test3") oldExpiresAt := cache.items.values[foundKey].Value.(*Item[string, string]).expiresAt cache.options = c.DefaultOptions res := cache.Get(c.Key, c.CallOptions...) if c.Key == foundKey { c.Result = cache.items.values[foundKey].Value.(*Item[string, string]) assert.Equal(t, foundKey, cache.items.lru.Front().Value.(*Item[string, string]).key) } assert.Equal(t, c.Metrics, cache.metrics) if !assert.Equal(t, c.Result, res) || res == nil || res.ttl == 0 { return } applyOptions(&c.DefaultOptions, c.CallOptions...) if c.DefaultOptions.disableTouchOnHit { assert.Equal(t, oldExpiresAt, res.expiresAt) return } assert.True(t, oldExpiresAt.Before(res.expiresAt)) assert.WithinDuration(t, time.Now(), res.expiresAt, res.ttl) }) } } func Test_Cache_Delete(t *testing.T) { var fnsCalls int cache := prepCache(time.Hour, "1", "2", "3", "4")[1] = func(r EvictionReason, item *Item[string, string]) { assert.Equal(t, EvictionReasonDeleted, r) fnsCalls++ }[2] =[1] // not found cache.Delete("1234") assert.Zero(t, fnsCalls) assert.Len(t, cache.items.values, 4) // success cache.Delete("1") assert.Equal(t, 2, fnsCalls) assert.Len(t, cache.items.values, 3) assert.NotContains(t, cache.items.values, "1") } func Test_Cache_Has(t *testing.T) { cc := map[string]struct { keys []string searchKey string has bool }{ "Empty cache": { keys: []string{}, searchKey: "key1", has: false, }, "Key exists": { keys: []string{"key1", "key2", "key3"}, searchKey: "key2", has: true, }, "Key doesn't exist": { keys: []string{"key1", "key2", "key3"}, searchKey: "key4", has: false, }, } for name, tc := range cc { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { c := prepCache(NoTTL, tc.keys...) has := c.Has(tc.searchKey) assert.Equal(t, tc.has, has) }) } } func Test_Cache_GetOrSet(t *testing.T) { cache := prepCache(time.Hour) item, retrieved := cache.GetOrSet("test", "1", WithTTL[string, string](time.Minute)) require.NotNil(t, item) assert.Same(t, item, cache.items.values["test"].Value) assert.False(t, retrieved) item, retrieved = cache.GetOrSet("test", "1", WithTTL[string, string](time.Minute)) require.NotNil(t, item) assert.Same(t, item, cache.items.values["test"].Value) assert.True(t, retrieved) item, retrieved = cache.GetOrSet("test2", "1", WithTTL[string, string](time.Microsecond)) require.NotNil(t, item) assert.Same(t, item, cache.items.values["test2"].Value) assert.False(t, retrieved) time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) item, retrieved = cache.GetOrSet("test2", "2", WithTTL[string, string](time.Minute)) require.NotNil(t, item) assert.Same(t, item, cache.items.values["test2"].Value) assert.False(t, retrieved) } func Test_Cache_GetAndDelete(t *testing.T) { cache := prepCache(time.Hour, "test1", "test2", "test3") listItem := cache.items.lru.Front() require.NotNil(t, listItem) assert.Same(t, listItem, cache.items.values["test3"]) item, present := cache.GetAndDelete("test3") require.NotNil(t, item) assert.Nil(t, cache.items.values["test3"]) assert.True(t, present) item, present = cache.GetAndDelete("test3") require.Nil(t, item) assert.Nil(t, cache.items.values["test3"]) assert.False(t, present) loadedItem := &Item[string, string]{key: "test"} item, present = cache.GetAndDelete( "test3", WithLoader[string, string]( LoaderFunc[string, string](func(_ *Cache[string, string], _ string) *Item[string, string] { return loadedItem }), ), ) require.NotNil(t, item) assert.Nil(t, cache.items.values["test3"]) assert.True(t, present) assert.Same(t, item, loadedItem) } func Test_Cache_DeleteAll(t *testing.T) { var ( key1FnsCalls int key2FnsCalls int key3FnsCalls int key4FnsCalls int ) cache := prepCache(time.Hour, "1", "2", "3", "4")[1] = func(r EvictionReason, item *Item[string, string]) { assert.Equal(t, EvictionReasonDeleted, r) switch item.key { case "1": key1FnsCalls++ case "2": key2FnsCalls++ case "3": key3FnsCalls++ case "4": key4FnsCalls++ } }[2] =[1] cache.DeleteAll() assert.Empty(t, cache.items.values) assert.Equal(t, 2, key1FnsCalls) assert.Equal(t, 2, key2FnsCalls) assert.Equal(t, 2, key3FnsCalls) assert.Equal(t, 2, key4FnsCalls) } func Test_Cache_DeleteExpired(t *testing.T) { var ( key1FnsCalls int key2FnsCalls int ) cache := prepCache(time.Hour)[1] = func(r EvictionReason, item *Item[string, string]) { assert.Equal(t, EvictionReasonExpired, r) switch item.key { case "5": key1FnsCalls++ case "6": key2FnsCalls++ } }[2] =[1] // one item addToCache(cache, time.Nanosecond, "5") cache.DeleteExpired() assert.Empty(t, cache.items.values) assert.NotContains(t, cache.items.values, "5") assert.Equal(t, 2, key1FnsCalls) key1FnsCalls = 0 // empty cache.DeleteExpired() assert.Empty(t, cache.items.values) // non empty addToCache(cache, time.Hour, "1", "2", "3", "4") addToCache(cache, time.Nanosecond, "5") addToCache(cache, time.Nanosecond, "6") // we need multiple calls to avoid adding time.Minute to ttl time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) // force expiration cache.DeleteExpired() assert.Len(t, cache.items.values, 4) assert.NotContains(t, cache.items.values, "5") assert.NotContains(t, cache.items.values, "6") assert.Equal(t, 2, key1FnsCalls) assert.Equal(t, 2, key2FnsCalls) } func Test_Cache_Touch(t *testing.T) { cache := prepCache(time.Hour, "1", "2") oldExpiresAt := cache.items.values["1"].Value.(*Item[string, string]).expiresAt cache.Touch("1") newExpiresAt := cache.items.values["1"].Value.(*Item[string, string]).expiresAt assert.True(t, newExpiresAt.After(oldExpiresAt)) assert.Equal(t, "1", cache.items.lru.Front().Value.(*Item[string, string]).key) } func Test_Cache_Len(t *testing.T) { cache := prepCache(time.Hour, "1", "2") assert.Equal(t, 2, cache.Len()) } func Test_Cache_Keys(t *testing.T) { cache := prepCache(time.Hour, "1", "2", "3") assert.ElementsMatch(t, []string{"1", "2", "3"}, cache.Keys()) } func Test_Cache_Items(t *testing.T) { cache := prepCache(time.Hour, "1", "2", "3") items := cache.Items() require.Len(t, items, 3) require.Contains(t, items, "1") assert.Equal(t, "1", items["1"].key) require.Contains(t, items, "2") assert.Equal(t, "2", items["2"].key) require.Contains(t, items, "3") assert.Equal(t, "3", items["3"].key) } func Test_Cache_Range(t *testing.T) { c := prepCache(DefaultTTL, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5") var results []string c.Range(func(item *Item[string, string]) bool { results = append(results, item.Key()) return item.Key() != "4" }) assert.Equal(t, []string{"5", "4"}, results) emptyCache := New[string, string]() assert.NotPanics(t, func() { emptyCache.Range(func(item *Item[string, string]) bool { return false }) }) } func Test_Cache_Metrics(t *testing.T) { cache := Cache[string, string]{ metrics: Metrics{Evictions: 10}, } assert.Equal(t, Metrics{Evictions: 10}, cache.Metrics()) } func Test_Cache_Start(t *testing.T) { cache := prepCache(0) cache.stopCh = make(chan struct{}) addToCache(cache, time.Nanosecond, "1") time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) // force expiration fn := func(r EvictionReason, _ *Item[string, string]) { go func() { assert.Equal(t, EvictionReasonExpired, r) cache.metricsMu.RLock() v := cache.metrics.Evictions cache.metricsMu.RUnlock() switch v { case 1: addToCache(cache, time.Nanosecond, "2") cache.options.ttl = time.Hour cache.items.timerCh <- time.Millisecond case 2: addToCache(cache, time.Second, "3") addToCache(cache, NoTTL, "4") cache.items.timerCh <- time.Millisecond default: close(cache.stopCh) } }() }[1] = fn cache.Start() } func Test_Cache_Stop(t *testing.T) { cache := Cache[string, string]{ stopCh: make(chan struct{}, 1), } cache.Stop() assert.Len(t, cache.stopCh, 1) } func Test_Cache_OnInsertion(t *testing.T) { checkCh := make(chan struct{}) resCh := make(chan struct{}) cache := prepCache(time.Hour) del1 := cache.OnInsertion(func(_ context.Context, _ *Item[string, string]) { checkCh <- struct{}{} }) del2 := cache.OnInsertion(func(_ context.Context, _ *Item[string, string]) { checkCh <- struct{}{} }) require.Len(t,, 2) assert.Equal(t, uint64(2),[0](nil) go func() { del1() resCh <- struct{}{} }() assert.Never(t, func() bool { select { case <-resCh: return true default: return false } }, time.Millisecond*200, time.Millisecond*100) assert.Eventually(t, func() bool { select { case <-checkCh: return true default: return false } }, time.Millisecond*500, time.Millisecond*250) assert.Eventually(t, func() bool { select { case <-resCh: return true default: return false } }, time.Millisecond*500, time.Millisecond*250) require.Len(t,, 1) assert.NotContains(t,, uint64(0)) assert.Contains(t,, uint64(1))[1](nil) go func() { del2() resCh <- struct{}{} }() assert.Never(t, func() bool { select { case <-resCh: return true default: return false } }, time.Millisecond*200, time.Millisecond*100) assert.Eventually(t, func() bool { select { case <-checkCh: return true default: return false } }, time.Millisecond*500, time.Millisecond*250) assert.Eventually(t, func() bool { select { case <-resCh: return true default: return false } }, time.Millisecond*500, time.Millisecond*250) assert.Empty(t, assert.NotContains(t,, uint64(1)) } func Test_Cache_OnEviction(t *testing.T) { checkCh := make(chan struct{}) resCh := make(chan struct{}) cache := prepCache(time.Hour) del1 := cache.OnEviction(func(_ context.Context, _ EvictionReason, _ *Item[string, string]) { checkCh <- struct{}{} }) del2 := cache.OnEviction(func(_ context.Context, _ EvictionReason, _ *Item[string, string]) { checkCh <- struct{}{} }) require.Len(t,, 2) assert.Equal(t, uint64(2),[0](0, nil) go func() { del1() resCh <- struct{}{} }() assert.Never(t, func() bool { select { case <-resCh: return true default: return false } }, time.Millisecond*200, time.Millisecond*100) assert.Eventually(t, func() bool { select { case <-checkCh: return true default: return false } }, time.Millisecond*500, time.Millisecond*250) assert.Eventually(t, func() bool { select { case <-resCh: return true default: return false } }, time.Millisecond*500, time.Millisecond*250) require.Len(t,, 1) assert.NotContains(t,, uint64(0)) assert.Contains(t,, uint64(1))[1](0, nil) go func() { del2() resCh <- struct{}{} }() assert.Never(t, func() bool { select { case <-resCh: return true default: return false } }, time.Millisecond*200, time.Millisecond*100) assert.Eventually(t, func() bool { select { case <-checkCh: return true default: return false } }, time.Millisecond*500, time.Millisecond*250) assert.Eventually(t, func() bool { select { case <-resCh: return true default: return false } }, time.Millisecond*500, time.Millisecond*250) assert.Empty(t, assert.NotContains(t,, uint64(1)) } func Test_LoaderFunc_Load(t *testing.T) { var called bool fn := LoaderFunc[string, string](func(_ *Cache[string, string], _ string) *Item[string, string] { called = true return nil }) assert.Nil(t, fn(nil, "")) assert.True(t, called) } func Test_NewSuppressedLoader(t *testing.T) { var called bool loader := LoaderFunc[string, string](func(_ *Cache[string, string], _ string) *Item[string, string] { called = true return nil }) // uses the provided loader and group parameters group := &singleflight.Group{} sl := NewSuppressedLoader[string, string](loader, group) require.NotNil(t, sl) require.NotNil(t, sl.loader) sl.loader.Load(nil, "") assert.True(t, called) assert.Equal(t, group, // uses the provided loader and automatically creates a new instance // of *singleflight.Group as nil parameter is passed called = false sl = NewSuppressedLoader[string, string](loader, nil) require.NotNil(t, sl) require.NotNil(t, sl.loader) sl.loader.Load(nil, "") assert.True(t, called) assert.NotNil(t, group, } func Test_SuppressedLoader_Load(t *testing.T) { var ( mu sync.Mutex loadCalls int releaseCh = make(chan struct{}) res *Item[string, string] ) l := SuppressedLoader[string, string]{ loader: LoaderFunc[string, string](func(_ *Cache[string, string], _ string) *Item[string, string] { mu.Lock() loadCalls++ mu.Unlock() <-releaseCh if res == nil { return nil } res1 := *res return &res1 }), group: &singleflight.Group{}, } var ( wg sync.WaitGroup item1, item2 *Item[string, string] ) cache := prepCache(time.Hour) // nil result wg.Add(2) go func() { item1 = l.Load(cache, "test") wg.Done() }() go func() { item2 = l.Load(cache, "test") wg.Done() }() time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100) // wait for goroutines to halt releaseCh <- struct{}{} wg.Wait() require.Nil(t, item1) require.Nil(t, item2) assert.Equal(t, 1, loadCalls) // non nil result res = &Item[string, string]{key: "test"} loadCalls = 0 wg.Add(2) go func() { item1 = l.Load(cache, "test") wg.Done() }() go func() { item2 = l.Load(cache, "test") wg.Done() }() time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100) // wait for goroutines to halt releaseCh <- struct{}{} wg.Wait() require.Same(t, item1, item2) assert.Equal(t, "test", item1.key) assert.Equal(t, 1, loadCalls) } func prepCache(ttl time.Duration, keys ...string) *Cache[string, string] { c := &Cache[string, string]{} c.options.ttl = ttl c.items.values = make(map[string]*list.Element) c.items.lru = list.New() c.items.expQueue = newExpirationQueue[string, string]() c.items.timerCh = make(chan time.Duration, 1) = make(map[uint64]func(EvictionReason, *Item[string, string])) = make(map[uint64]func(*Item[string, string])) addToCache(c, ttl, keys...) return c } func addToCache(c *Cache[string, string], ttl time.Duration, keys ...string) { for i, key := range keys { item := newItem( key, fmt.Sprint("value of", key), ttl+time.Duration(i)*time.Minute, false, ) elem := c.items.lru.PushFront(item) c.items.values[key] = elem c.items.expQueue.push(elem) } }