[![](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/puddle?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/jackc/puddle) ![Build Status](https://github.com/jackc/puddle/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg) # Puddle Puddle is a tiny generic resource pool library for Go that uses the standard context library to signal cancellation of acquires. It is designed to contain the minimum functionality required for a resource pool. It can be used directly or it can be used as the base for a domain specific resource pool. For example, a database connection pool may use puddle internally and implement health checks and keep-alive behavior without needing to implement any concurrent code of its own. ## Features * Acquire cancellation via context standard library * Statistics API for monitoring pool pressure * No dependencies outside of standard library * High performance * 100% test coverage ## Example Usage ```go constructor := func(context.Context) (interface{}, error) { return net.Dial("tcp", "") } destructor := func(value interface{}) { value.(net.Conn).Close() } maxPoolSize := 10 pool := puddle.NewPool(constructor, destructor, maxPoolSize) // Acquire resource from the pool. res, err := pool.Acquire(context.Background()) if err != nil { // ... } // Use resource. _, err = res.Value().(net.Conn).Write([]byte{1}) if err != nil { // ... } // Release when done. res.Release() ``` ## Status Puddle v1 is complete. No changes are planned. * Bug reports and fixes are welcome. * New features will not be accepted if they can be feasibly implemented in a wrapper. * Performance optimizations will not be accepted unless the performance issue rises to the level of a bug. ## License MIT