
Source file src/github.com/jackc/pgx/v5/pgxpool/pool.go

Documentation: github.com/jackc/pgx/v5/pgxpool

     1  package pgxpool
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"math/rand"
     7  	"runtime"
     8  	"strconv"
     9  	"sync"
    10  	"sync/atomic"
    11  	"time"
    13  	"github.com/jackc/pgx/v5"
    14  	"github.com/jackc/pgx/v5/pgconn"
    15  	"github.com/jackc/puddle/v2"
    16  )
    18  var defaultMaxConns = int32(4)
    19  var defaultMinConns = int32(0)
    20  var defaultMaxConnLifetime = time.Hour
    21  var defaultMaxConnIdleTime = time.Minute * 30
    22  var defaultHealthCheckPeriod = time.Minute
    24  type connResource struct {
    25  	conn       *pgx.Conn
    26  	conns      []Conn
    27  	poolRows   []poolRow
    28  	poolRowss  []poolRows
    29  	maxAgeTime time.Time
    30  }
    32  func (cr *connResource) getConn(p *Pool, res *puddle.Resource[*connResource]) *Conn {
    33  	if len(cr.conns) == 0 {
    34  		cr.conns = make([]Conn, 128)
    35  	}
    37  	c := &cr.conns[len(cr.conns)-1]
    38  	cr.conns = cr.conns[0 : len(cr.conns)-1]
    40  	c.res = res
    41  	c.p = p
    43  	return c
    44  }
    46  func (cr *connResource) getPoolRow(c *Conn, r pgx.Row) *poolRow {
    47  	if len(cr.poolRows) == 0 {
    48  		cr.poolRows = make([]poolRow, 128)
    49  	}
    51  	pr := &cr.poolRows[len(cr.poolRows)-1]
    52  	cr.poolRows = cr.poolRows[0 : len(cr.poolRows)-1]
    54  	pr.c = c
    55  	pr.r = r
    57  	return pr
    58  }
    60  func (cr *connResource) getPoolRows(c *Conn, r pgx.Rows) *poolRows {
    61  	if len(cr.poolRowss) == 0 {
    62  		cr.poolRowss = make([]poolRows, 128)
    63  	}
    65  	pr := &cr.poolRowss[len(cr.poolRowss)-1]
    66  	cr.poolRowss = cr.poolRowss[0 : len(cr.poolRowss)-1]
    68  	pr.c = c
    69  	pr.r = r
    71  	return pr
    72  }
    74  // Pool allows for connection reuse.
    75  type Pool struct {
    76  	// 64 bit fields accessed with atomics must be at beginning of struct to guarantee alignment for certain 32-bit
    77  	// architectures. See BUGS section of https://pkg.go.dev/sync/atomic and https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/1288.
    78  	newConnsCount        int64
    79  	lifetimeDestroyCount int64
    80  	idleDestroyCount     int64
    82  	p                     *puddle.Pool[*connResource]
    83  	config                *Config
    84  	beforeConnect         func(context.Context, *pgx.ConnConfig) error
    85  	afterConnect          func(context.Context, *pgx.Conn) error
    86  	beforeAcquire         func(context.Context, *pgx.Conn) bool
    87  	afterRelease          func(*pgx.Conn) bool
    88  	beforeClose           func(*pgx.Conn)
    89  	minConns              int32
    90  	maxConns              int32
    91  	maxConnLifetime       time.Duration
    92  	maxConnLifetimeJitter time.Duration
    93  	maxConnIdleTime       time.Duration
    94  	healthCheckPeriod     time.Duration
    96  	healthCheckChan chan struct{}
    98  	closeOnce sync.Once
    99  	closeChan chan struct{}
   100  }
   102  // Config is the configuration struct for creating a pool. It must be created by [ParseConfig] and then it can be
   103  // modified.
   104  type Config struct {
   105  	ConnConfig *pgx.ConnConfig
   107  	// BeforeConnect is called before a new connection is made. It is passed a copy of the underlying pgx.ConnConfig and
   108  	// will not impact any existing open connections.
   109  	BeforeConnect func(context.Context, *pgx.ConnConfig) error
   111  	// AfterConnect is called after a connection is established, but before it is added to the pool.
   112  	AfterConnect func(context.Context, *pgx.Conn) error
   114  	// BeforeAcquire is called before a connection is acquired from the pool. It must return true to allow the
   115  	// acquisition or false to indicate that the connection should be destroyed and a different connection should be
   116  	// acquired.
   117  	BeforeAcquire func(context.Context, *pgx.Conn) bool
   119  	// AfterRelease is called after a connection is released, but before it is returned to the pool. It must return true to
   120  	// return the connection to the pool or false to destroy the connection.
   121  	AfterRelease func(*pgx.Conn) bool
   123  	// BeforeClose is called right before a connection is closed and removed from the pool.
   124  	BeforeClose func(*pgx.Conn)
   126  	// MaxConnLifetime is the duration since creation after which a connection will be automatically closed.
   127  	MaxConnLifetime time.Duration
   129  	// MaxConnLifetimeJitter is the duration after MaxConnLifetime to randomly decide to close a connection.
   130  	// This helps prevent all connections from being closed at the exact same time, starving the pool.
   131  	MaxConnLifetimeJitter time.Duration
   133  	// MaxConnIdleTime is the duration after which an idle connection will be automatically closed by the health check.
   134  	MaxConnIdleTime time.Duration
   136  	// MaxConns is the maximum size of the pool. The default is the greater of 4 or runtime.NumCPU().
   137  	MaxConns int32
   139  	// MinConns is the minimum size of the pool. After connection closes, the pool might dip below MinConns. A low
   140  	// number of MinConns might mean the pool is empty after MaxConnLifetime until the health check has a chance
   141  	// to create new connections.
   142  	MinConns int32
   144  	// HealthCheckPeriod is the duration between checks of the health of idle connections.
   145  	HealthCheckPeriod time.Duration
   147  	createdByParseConfig bool // Used to enforce created by ParseConfig rule.
   148  }
   150  // Copy returns a deep copy of the config that is safe to use and modify.
   151  // The only exception is the tls.Config:
   152  // according to the tls.Config docs it must not be modified after creation.
   153  func (c *Config) Copy() *Config {
   154  	newConfig := new(Config)
   155  	*newConfig = *c
   156  	newConfig.ConnConfig = c.ConnConfig.Copy()
   157  	return newConfig
   158  }
   160  // ConnString returns the connection string as parsed by pgxpool.ParseConfig into pgxpool.Config.
   161  func (c *Config) ConnString() string { return c.ConnConfig.ConnString() }
   163  // New creates a new Pool. See [ParseConfig] for information on connString format.
   164  func New(ctx context.Context, connString string) (*Pool, error) {
   165  	config, err := ParseConfig(connString)
   166  	if err != nil {
   167  		return nil, err
   168  	}
   170  	return NewWithConfig(ctx, config)
   171  }
   173  // NewWithConfig creates a new Pool. config must have been created by [ParseConfig].
   174  func NewWithConfig(ctx context.Context, config *Config) (*Pool, error) {
   175  	// Default values are set in ParseConfig. Enforce initial creation by ParseConfig rather than setting defaults from
   176  	// zero values.
   177  	if !config.createdByParseConfig {
   178  		panic("config must be created by ParseConfig")
   179  	}
   181  	p := &Pool{
   182  		config:                config,
   183  		beforeConnect:         config.BeforeConnect,
   184  		afterConnect:          config.AfterConnect,
   185  		beforeAcquire:         config.BeforeAcquire,
   186  		afterRelease:          config.AfterRelease,
   187  		beforeClose:           config.BeforeClose,
   188  		minConns:              config.MinConns,
   189  		maxConns:              config.MaxConns,
   190  		maxConnLifetime:       config.MaxConnLifetime,
   191  		maxConnLifetimeJitter: config.MaxConnLifetimeJitter,
   192  		maxConnIdleTime:       config.MaxConnIdleTime,
   193  		healthCheckPeriod:     config.HealthCheckPeriod,
   194  		healthCheckChan:       make(chan struct{}, 1),
   195  		closeChan:             make(chan struct{}),
   196  	}
   198  	var err error
   199  	p.p, err = puddle.NewPool(
   200  		&puddle.Config[*connResource]{
   201  			Constructor: func(ctx context.Context) (*connResource, error) {
   202  				atomic.AddInt64(&p.newConnsCount, 1)
   203  				connConfig := p.config.ConnConfig.Copy()
   205  				// Connection will continue in background even if Acquire is canceled. Ensure that a connect won't hang forever.
   206  				if connConfig.ConnectTimeout <= 0 {
   207  					connConfig.ConnectTimeout = 2 * time.Minute
   208  				}
   210  				if p.beforeConnect != nil {
   211  					if err := p.beforeConnect(ctx, connConfig); err != nil {
   212  						return nil, err
   213  					}
   214  				}
   216  				conn, err := pgx.ConnectConfig(ctx, connConfig)
   217  				if err != nil {
   218  					return nil, err
   219  				}
   221  				if p.afterConnect != nil {
   222  					err = p.afterConnect(ctx, conn)
   223  					if err != nil {
   224  						conn.Close(ctx)
   225  						return nil, err
   226  					}
   227  				}
   229  				jitterSecs := rand.Float64() * config.MaxConnLifetimeJitter.Seconds()
   230  				maxAgeTime := time.Now().Add(config.MaxConnLifetime).Add(time.Duration(jitterSecs) * time.Second)
   232  				cr := &connResource{
   233  					conn:       conn,
   234  					conns:      make([]Conn, 64),
   235  					poolRows:   make([]poolRow, 64),
   236  					poolRowss:  make([]poolRows, 64),
   237  					maxAgeTime: maxAgeTime,
   238  				}
   240  				return cr, nil
   241  			},
   242  			Destructor: func(value *connResource) {
   243  				ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
   244  				conn := value.conn
   245  				if p.beforeClose != nil {
   246  					p.beforeClose(conn)
   247  				}
   248  				conn.Close(ctx)
   249  				select {
   250  				case <-conn.PgConn().CleanupDone():
   251  				case <-ctx.Done():
   252  				}
   253  				cancel()
   254  			},
   255  			MaxSize: config.MaxConns,
   256  		},
   257  	)
   258  	if err != nil {
   259  		return nil, err
   260  	}
   262  	go func() {
   263  		p.createIdleResources(ctx, int(p.minConns))
   264  		p.backgroundHealthCheck()
   265  	}()
   267  	return p, nil
   268  }
   270  // ParseConfig builds a Config from connString. It parses connString with the same behavior as [pgx.ParseConfig] with the
   271  // addition of the following variables:
   272  //
   273  //   - pool_max_conns: integer greater than 0
   274  //   - pool_min_conns: integer 0 or greater
   275  //   - pool_max_conn_lifetime: duration string
   276  //   - pool_max_conn_idle_time: duration string
   277  //   - pool_health_check_period: duration string
   278  //   - pool_max_conn_lifetime_jitter: duration string
   279  //
   280  // See Config for definitions of these arguments.
   281  //
   282  //	# Example DSN
   283  //	user=jack password=secret host=pg.example.com port=5432 dbname=mydb sslmode=verify-ca pool_max_conns=10
   284  //
   285  //	# Example URL
   286  //	postgres://jack:secret@pg.example.com:5432/mydb?sslmode=verify-ca&pool_max_conns=10
   287  func ParseConfig(connString string) (*Config, error) {
   288  	connConfig, err := pgx.ParseConfig(connString)
   289  	if err != nil {
   290  		return nil, err
   291  	}
   293  	config := &Config{
   294  		ConnConfig:           connConfig,
   295  		createdByParseConfig: true,
   296  	}
   298  	if s, ok := config.ConnConfig.Config.RuntimeParams["pool_max_conns"]; ok {
   299  		delete(connConfig.Config.RuntimeParams, "pool_max_conns")
   300  		n, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32)
   301  		if err != nil {
   302  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse pool_max_conns: %w", err)
   303  		}
   304  		if n < 1 {
   305  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("pool_max_conns too small: %d", n)
   306  		}
   307  		config.MaxConns = int32(n)
   308  	} else {
   309  		config.MaxConns = defaultMaxConns
   310  		if numCPU := int32(runtime.NumCPU()); numCPU > config.MaxConns {
   311  			config.MaxConns = numCPU
   312  		}
   313  	}
   315  	if s, ok := config.ConnConfig.Config.RuntimeParams["pool_min_conns"]; ok {
   316  		delete(connConfig.Config.RuntimeParams, "pool_min_conns")
   317  		n, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32)
   318  		if err != nil {
   319  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse pool_min_conns: %w", err)
   320  		}
   321  		config.MinConns = int32(n)
   322  	} else {
   323  		config.MinConns = defaultMinConns
   324  	}
   326  	if s, ok := config.ConnConfig.Config.RuntimeParams["pool_max_conn_lifetime"]; ok {
   327  		delete(connConfig.Config.RuntimeParams, "pool_max_conn_lifetime")
   328  		d, err := time.ParseDuration(s)
   329  		if err != nil {
   330  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid pool_max_conn_lifetime: %w", err)
   331  		}
   332  		config.MaxConnLifetime = d
   333  	} else {
   334  		config.MaxConnLifetime = defaultMaxConnLifetime
   335  	}
   337  	if s, ok := config.ConnConfig.Config.RuntimeParams["pool_max_conn_idle_time"]; ok {
   338  		delete(connConfig.Config.RuntimeParams, "pool_max_conn_idle_time")
   339  		d, err := time.ParseDuration(s)
   340  		if err != nil {
   341  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid pool_max_conn_idle_time: %w", err)
   342  		}
   343  		config.MaxConnIdleTime = d
   344  	} else {
   345  		config.MaxConnIdleTime = defaultMaxConnIdleTime
   346  	}
   348  	if s, ok := config.ConnConfig.Config.RuntimeParams["pool_health_check_period"]; ok {
   349  		delete(connConfig.Config.RuntimeParams, "pool_health_check_period")
   350  		d, err := time.ParseDuration(s)
   351  		if err != nil {
   352  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid pool_health_check_period: %w", err)
   353  		}
   354  		config.HealthCheckPeriod = d
   355  	} else {
   356  		config.HealthCheckPeriod = defaultHealthCheckPeriod
   357  	}
   359  	if s, ok := config.ConnConfig.Config.RuntimeParams["pool_max_conn_lifetime_jitter"]; ok {
   360  		delete(connConfig.Config.RuntimeParams, "pool_max_conn_lifetime_jitter")
   361  		d, err := time.ParseDuration(s)
   362  		if err != nil {
   363  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid pool_max_conn_lifetime_jitter: %w", err)
   364  		}
   365  		config.MaxConnLifetimeJitter = d
   366  	}
   368  	return config, nil
   369  }
   371  // Close closes all connections in the pool and rejects future Acquire calls. Blocks until all connections are returned
   372  // to pool and closed.
   373  func (p *Pool) Close() {
   374  	p.closeOnce.Do(func() {
   375  		close(p.closeChan)
   376  		p.p.Close()
   377  	})
   378  }
   380  func (p *Pool) isExpired(res *puddle.Resource[*connResource]) bool {
   381  	return time.Now().After(res.Value().maxAgeTime)
   382  }
   384  func (p *Pool) triggerHealthCheck() {
   385  	go func() {
   386  		// Destroy is asynchronous so we give it time to actually remove itself from
   387  		// the pool otherwise we might try to check the pool size too soon
   388  		time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
   389  		select {
   390  		case p.healthCheckChan <- struct{}{}:
   391  		default:
   392  		}
   393  	}()
   394  }
   396  func (p *Pool) backgroundHealthCheck() {
   397  	ticker := time.NewTicker(p.healthCheckPeriod)
   398  	defer ticker.Stop()
   399  	for {
   400  		select {
   401  		case <-p.closeChan:
   402  			return
   403  		case <-p.healthCheckChan:
   404  			p.checkHealth()
   405  		case <-ticker.C:
   406  			p.checkHealth()
   407  		}
   408  	}
   409  }
   411  func (p *Pool) checkHealth() {
   412  	for {
   413  		// If checkMinConns failed we don't destroy any connections since we couldn't
   414  		// even get to minConns
   415  		if err := p.checkMinConns(); err != nil {
   416  			// Should we log this error somewhere?
   417  			break
   418  		}
   419  		if !p.checkConnsHealth() {
   420  			// Since we didn't destroy any connections we can stop looping
   421  			break
   422  		}
   423  		// Technically Destroy is asynchronous but 500ms should be enough for it to
   424  		// remove it from the underlying pool
   425  		select {
   426  		case <-p.closeChan:
   427  			return
   428  		case <-time.After(500 * time.Millisecond):
   429  		}
   430  	}
   431  }
   433  // checkConnsHealth will check all idle connections, destroy a connection if
   434  // it's idle or too old, and returns true if any were destroyed
   435  func (p *Pool) checkConnsHealth() bool {
   436  	var destroyed bool
   437  	totalConns := p.Stat().TotalConns()
   438  	resources := p.p.AcquireAllIdle()
   439  	for _, res := range resources {
   440  		// We're okay going under minConns if the lifetime is up
   441  		if p.isExpired(res) && totalConns >= p.minConns {
   442  			atomic.AddInt64(&p.lifetimeDestroyCount, 1)
   443  			res.Destroy()
   444  			destroyed = true
   445  			// Since Destroy is async we manually decrement totalConns.
   446  			totalConns--
   447  		} else if res.IdleDuration() > p.maxConnIdleTime && totalConns > p.minConns {
   448  			atomic.AddInt64(&p.idleDestroyCount, 1)
   449  			res.Destroy()
   450  			destroyed = true
   451  			// Since Destroy is async we manually decrement totalConns.
   452  			totalConns--
   453  		} else {
   454  			res.ReleaseUnused()
   455  		}
   456  	}
   457  	return destroyed
   458  }
   460  func (p *Pool) checkMinConns() error {
   461  	// TotalConns can include ones that are being destroyed but we should have
   462  	// sleep(500ms) around all of the destroys to help prevent that from throwing
   463  	// off this check
   464  	toCreate := p.minConns - p.Stat().TotalConns()
   465  	if toCreate > 0 {
   466  		return p.createIdleResources(context.Background(), int(toCreate))
   467  	}
   468  	return nil
   469  }
   471  func (p *Pool) createIdleResources(parentCtx context.Context, targetResources int) error {
   472  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(parentCtx)
   473  	defer cancel()
   475  	errs := make(chan error, targetResources)
   477  	for i := 0; i < targetResources; i++ {
   478  		go func() {
   479  			err := p.p.CreateResource(ctx)
   480  			// Ignore ErrNotAvailable since it means that the pool has become full since we started creating resource.
   481  			if err == puddle.ErrNotAvailable {
   482  				err = nil
   483  			}
   484  			errs <- err
   485  		}()
   486  	}
   488  	var firstError error
   489  	for i := 0; i < targetResources; i++ {
   490  		err := <-errs
   491  		if err != nil && firstError == nil {
   492  			cancel()
   493  			firstError = err
   494  		}
   495  	}
   497  	return firstError
   498  }
   500  // Acquire returns a connection (*Conn) from the Pool
   501  func (p *Pool) Acquire(ctx context.Context) (*Conn, error) {
   502  	for {
   503  		res, err := p.p.Acquire(ctx)
   504  		if err != nil {
   505  			return nil, err
   506  		}
   508  		cr := res.Value()
   510  		if res.IdleDuration() > time.Second {
   511  			err := cr.conn.Ping(ctx)
   512  			if err != nil {
   513  				res.Destroy()
   514  				continue
   515  			}
   516  		}
   518  		if p.beforeAcquire == nil || p.beforeAcquire(ctx, cr.conn) {
   519  			return cr.getConn(p, res), nil
   520  		}
   522  		res.Destroy()
   523  	}
   524  }
   526  // AcquireFunc acquires a *Conn and calls f with that *Conn. ctx will only affect the Acquire. It has no effect on the
   527  // call of f. The return value is either an error acquiring the *Conn or the return value of f. The *Conn is
   528  // automatically released after the call of f.
   529  func (p *Pool) AcquireFunc(ctx context.Context, f func(*Conn) error) error {
   530  	conn, err := p.Acquire(ctx)
   531  	if err != nil {
   532  		return err
   533  	}
   534  	defer conn.Release()
   536  	return f(conn)
   537  }
   539  // AcquireAllIdle atomically acquires all currently idle connections. Its intended use is for health check and
   540  // keep-alive functionality. It does not update pool statistics.
   541  func (p *Pool) AcquireAllIdle(ctx context.Context) []*Conn {
   542  	resources := p.p.AcquireAllIdle()
   543  	conns := make([]*Conn, 0, len(resources))
   544  	for _, res := range resources {
   545  		cr := res.Value()
   546  		if p.beforeAcquire == nil || p.beforeAcquire(ctx, cr.conn) {
   547  			conns = append(conns, cr.getConn(p, res))
   548  		} else {
   549  			res.Destroy()
   550  		}
   551  	}
   553  	return conns
   554  }
   556  // Reset closes all connections, but leaves the pool open. It is intended for use when an error is detected that would
   557  // disrupt all connections (such as a network interruption or a server state change).
   558  //
   559  // It is safe to reset a pool while connections are checked out. Those connections will be closed when they are returned
   560  // to the pool.
   561  func (p *Pool) Reset() {
   562  	p.p.Reset()
   563  }
   565  // Config returns a copy of config that was used to initialize this pool.
   566  func (p *Pool) Config() *Config { return p.config.Copy() }
   568  // Stat returns a pgxpool.Stat struct with a snapshot of Pool statistics.
   569  func (p *Pool) Stat() *Stat {
   570  	return &Stat{
   571  		s:                    p.p.Stat(),
   572  		newConnsCount:        atomic.LoadInt64(&p.newConnsCount),
   573  		lifetimeDestroyCount: atomic.LoadInt64(&p.lifetimeDestroyCount),
   574  		idleDestroyCount:     atomic.LoadInt64(&p.idleDestroyCount),
   575  	}
   576  }
   578  // Exec acquires a connection from the Pool and executes the given SQL.
   579  // SQL can be either a prepared statement name or an SQL string.
   580  // Arguments should be referenced positionally from the SQL string as $1, $2, etc.
   581  // The acquired connection is returned to the pool when the Exec function returns.
   582  func (p *Pool) Exec(ctx context.Context, sql string, arguments ...any) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) {
   583  	c, err := p.Acquire(ctx)
   584  	if err != nil {
   585  		return pgconn.CommandTag{}, err
   586  	}
   587  	defer c.Release()
   589  	return c.Exec(ctx, sql, arguments...)
   590  }
   592  // Query acquires a connection and executes a query that returns pgx.Rows.
   593  // Arguments should be referenced positionally from the SQL string as $1, $2, etc.
   594  // See pgx.Rows documentation to close the returned Rows and return the acquired connection to the Pool.
   595  //
   596  // If there is an error, the returned pgx.Rows will be returned in an error state.
   597  // If preferred, ignore the error returned from Query and handle errors using the returned pgx.Rows.
   598  //
   599  // For extra control over how the query is executed, the types QuerySimpleProtocol, QueryResultFormats, and
   600  // QueryResultFormatsByOID may be used as the first args to control exactly how the query is executed. This is rarely
   601  // needed. See the documentation for those types for details.
   602  func (p *Pool) Query(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...any) (pgx.Rows, error) {
   603  	c, err := p.Acquire(ctx)
   604  	if err != nil {
   605  		return errRows{err: err}, err
   606  	}
   608  	rows, err := c.Query(ctx, sql, args...)
   609  	if err != nil {
   610  		c.Release()
   611  		return errRows{err: err}, err
   612  	}
   614  	return c.getPoolRows(rows), nil
   615  }
   617  // QueryRow acquires a connection and executes a query that is expected
   618  // to return at most one row (pgx.Row). Errors are deferred until pgx.Row's
   619  // Scan method is called. If the query selects no rows, pgx.Row's Scan will
   620  // return ErrNoRows. Otherwise, pgx.Row's Scan scans the first selected row
   621  // and discards the rest. The acquired connection is returned to the Pool when
   622  // pgx.Row's Scan method is called.
   623  //
   624  // Arguments should be referenced positionally from the SQL string as $1, $2, etc.
   625  //
   626  // For extra control over how the query is executed, the types QuerySimpleProtocol, QueryResultFormats, and
   627  // QueryResultFormatsByOID may be used as the first args to control exactly how the query is executed. This is rarely
   628  // needed. See the documentation for those types for details.
   629  func (p *Pool) QueryRow(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...any) pgx.Row {
   630  	c, err := p.Acquire(ctx)
   631  	if err != nil {
   632  		return errRow{err: err}
   633  	}
   635  	row := c.QueryRow(ctx, sql, args...)
   636  	return c.getPoolRow(row)
   637  }
   639  func (p *Pool) SendBatch(ctx context.Context, b *pgx.Batch) pgx.BatchResults {
   640  	c, err := p.Acquire(ctx)
   641  	if err != nil {
   642  		return errBatchResults{err: err}
   643  	}
   645  	br := c.SendBatch(ctx, b)
   646  	return &poolBatchResults{br: br, c: c}
   647  }
   649  // Begin acquires a connection from the Pool and starts a transaction. Unlike database/sql, the context only affects the begin command. i.e. there is no
   650  // auto-rollback on context cancellation. Begin initiates a transaction block without explicitly setting a transaction mode for the block (see BeginTx with TxOptions if transaction mode is required).
   651  // *pgxpool.Tx is returned, which implements the pgx.Tx interface.
   652  // Commit or Rollback must be called on the returned transaction to finalize the transaction block.
   653  func (p *Pool) Begin(ctx context.Context) (pgx.Tx, error) {
   654  	return p.BeginTx(ctx, pgx.TxOptions{})
   655  }
   657  // BeginTx acquires a connection from the Pool and starts a transaction with pgx.TxOptions determining the transaction mode.
   658  // Unlike database/sql, the context only affects the begin command. i.e. there is no auto-rollback on context cancellation.
   659  // *pgxpool.Tx is returned, which implements the pgx.Tx interface.
   660  // Commit or Rollback must be called on the returned transaction to finalize the transaction block.
   661  func (p *Pool) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, txOptions pgx.TxOptions) (pgx.Tx, error) {
   662  	c, err := p.Acquire(ctx)
   663  	if err != nil {
   664  		return nil, err
   665  	}
   667  	t, err := c.BeginTx(ctx, txOptions)
   668  	if err != nil {
   669  		c.Release()
   670  		return nil, err
   671  	}
   673  	return &Tx{t: t, c: c}, nil
   674  }
   676  func (p *Pool) CopyFrom(ctx context.Context, tableName pgx.Identifier, columnNames []string, rowSrc pgx.CopyFromSource) (int64, error) {
   677  	c, err := p.Acquire(ctx)
   678  	if err != nil {
   679  		return 0, err
   680  	}
   681  	defer c.Release()
   683  	return c.Conn().CopyFrom(ctx, tableName, columnNames, rowSrc)
   684  }
   686  // Ping acquires a connection from the Pool and executes an empty sql statement against it.
   687  // If the sql returns without error, the database Ping is considered successful, otherwise, the error is returned.
   688  func (p *Pool) Ping(ctx context.Context) error {
   689  	c, err := p.Acquire(ctx)
   690  	if err != nil {
   691  		return err
   692  	}
   693  	defer c.Release()
   694  	return c.Ping(ctx)
   695  }

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