
Source file src/github.com/jackc/pgx/v5/pgtype/doc.go

Documentation: github.com/jackc/pgx/v5/pgtype

     1  // Package pgtype converts between Go and PostgreSQL values.
     2  /*
     3  The primary type is the Map type. It is a map of PostgreSQL types identified by OID (object ID) to a Codec. A Codec is
     4  responsible for converting between Go and PostgreSQL values. NewMap creates a Map with all supported standard PostgreSQL
     5  types already registered. Additional types can be registered with Map.RegisterType.
     7  Use Map.Scan and Map.Encode to decode PostgreSQL values to Go and encode Go values to PostgreSQL respectively.
     9  Base Type Mapping
    11  pgtype maps between all common base types directly between Go and PostgreSQL. In particular:
    13      Go           PostgreSQL
    14      -----------------------
    15      string        varchar
    16                    text
    18      // Integers are automatically be converted to any other integer type if
    19      // it can be done without overflow or underflow.
    20      int8
    21      int16         smallint
    22      int32         int
    23      int64         bigint
    24      int
    25      uint8
    26      uint16
    27      uint32
    28      uint64
    29      uint
    31      // Floats are strict and do not automatically convert like integers.
    32      float32       float4
    33      float64       float8
    35      time.Time     date
    36                    timestamp
    37                    timestamptz
    39      netip.Addr    inet
    40      netip.Prefix  cidr
    42      []byte        bytea
    44  Null Values
    46  pgtype can map NULLs in two ways. The first is types that can directly represent NULL such as Int4. They work in a
    47  similar fashion to database/sql. The second is to use a pointer to a pointer.
    49      var foo pgtype.Text
    50      var bar *string
    51      err := conn.QueryRow("select foo, bar from widgets where id=$1", 42).Scan(&foo, &bar)
    52      if err != nil {
    53          return err
    54      }
    56  JSON Support
    58  pgtype automatically marshals and unmarshals data from json and jsonb PostgreSQL types.
    60  Extending Existing PostgreSQL Type Support
    62  Generally, all Codecs will support interfaces that can be implemented to enable scanning and encoding. For example,
    63  PointCodec can use any Go type that implements the PointScanner and PointValuer interfaces. So rather than use
    64  pgtype.Point and application can directly use its own point type with pgtype as long as it implements those interfaces.
    66  See example_custom_type_test.go for an example of a custom type for the PostgreSQL point type.
    68  Sometimes pgx supports a PostgreSQL type such as numeric but the Go type is in an external package that does not have
    69  pgx support such as github.com/shopspring/decimal. These types can be registered with pgtype with custom conversion
    70  logic. See https://github.com/jackc/pgx-shopspring-decimal and https://github.com/jackc/pgx-gofrs-uuid for example
    71  integrations.
    73  New PostgreSQL Type Support
    75  pgtype uses the PostgreSQL OID to determine how to encode or decode a value. pgtype supports array, composite, domain,
    76  and enum types. However, any type created in PostgreSQL with CREATE TYPE will receive a new OID. This means that the OID
    77  of each new PostgreSQL type must be registered for pgtype to handle values of that type with the correct Codec.
    79  The pgx.Conn LoadType method can return a *Type for array, composite, domain, and enum types by inspecting the database
    80  metadata. This *Type can then be registered with Map.RegisterType.
    82  For example, the following function could be called after a connection is established:
    84      func RegisterDataTypes(ctx context.Context, conn *pgx.Conn) error {
    85        dataTypeNames := []string{
    86          "foo",
    87          "_foo",
    88          "bar",
    89          "_bar",
    90        }
    92        for _, typeName := range dataTypeNames {
    93          dataType, err := conn.LoadType(ctx, typeName)
    94          if err != nil {
    95            return err
    96          }
    97          conn.TypeMap().RegisterType(dataType)
    98        }
   100        return nil
   101      }
   103  A type cannot be registered unless all types it depends on are already registered. e.g. An array type cannot be
   104  registered until its element type is registered.
   106  ArrayCodec implements support for arrays. If pgtype supports type T then it can easily support []T by registering an
   107  ArrayCodec for the appropriate PostgreSQL OID. In addition, Array[T] type can support multi-dimensional arrays.
   109  CompositeCodec implements support for PostgreSQL composite types. Go structs can be scanned into if the public fields of
   110  the struct are in the exact order and type of the PostgreSQL type or by implementing CompositeIndexScanner and
   111  CompositeIndexGetter.
   113  Domain types are treated as their underlying type if the underlying type and the domain type are registered.
   115  PostgreSQL enums can usually be treated as text. However, EnumCodec implements support for interning strings which can
   116  reduce memory usage.
   118  While pgtype will often still work with unregistered types it is highly recommended that all types be registered due to
   119  an improvement in performance and the elimination of certain edge cases.
   121  If an entirely new PostgreSQL type (e.g. PostGIS types) is used then the application or a library can create a new
   122  Codec. Then the OID / Codec mapping can be registered with Map.RegisterType. There is no difference between a Codec
   123  defined and registered by the application and a Codec built in to pgtype. See any of the Codecs in pgtype for Codec
   124  examples and for examples of type registration.
   126  Encoding Unknown Types
   128  pgtype works best when the OID of the PostgreSQL type is known. But in some cases such as using the simple protocol the
   129  OID is unknown. In this case Map.RegisterDefaultPgType can be used to register an assumed OID for a particular Go type.
   131  Renamed Types
   133  If pgtype does not recognize a type and that type is a renamed simple type simple (e.g. type MyInt32 int32) pgtype acts
   134  as if it is the underlying type. It currently cannot automatically detect the underlying type of renamed structs (eg.g.
   135  type MyTime time.Time).
   137  Compatibility with database/sql
   139  pgtype also includes support for custom types implementing the database/sql.Scanner and database/sql/driver.Valuer
   140  interfaces.
   142  Child Records
   144  pgtype's support for arrays and composite records can be used to load records and their children in a single query.  See
   145  example_child_records_test.go for an example.
   147  Overview of Scanning Implementation
   149  The first step is to use the OID to lookup the correct Codec. If the OID is unavailable, Map will try to find the OID
   150  from previous calls of Map.RegisterDefaultPgType. The Map will call the Codec's PlanScan method to get a plan for
   151  scanning into the Go value. A Codec will support scanning into one or more Go types. Oftentime these Go types are
   152  interfaces rather than explicit types. For example, PointCodec can use any Go type that implements the PointScanner and
   153  PointValuer interfaces.
   155  If a Go value is not supported directly by a Codec then Map will try wrapping it with additional logic and try again.
   156  For example, Int8Codec does not support scanning into a renamed type (e.g. type myInt64 int64). But Map will detect that
   157  myInt64 is a renamed type and create a plan that converts the value to the underlying int64 type and then passes that to
   158  the Codec (see TryFindUnderlyingTypeScanPlan).
   160  These plan wrappers are contained in Map.TryWrapScanPlanFuncs. By default these contain shared logic to handle renamed
   161  types, pointers to pointers, slices, composite types, etc. Additional plan wrappers can be added to seamlessly integrate
   162  types that do not support pgx directly. For example, the before mentioned
   163  https://github.com/jackc/pgx-shopspring-decimal package detects decimal.Decimal values, wraps them in something
   164  implementing NumericScanner and passes that to the Codec.
   166  Map.Scan and Map.Encode are convenience methods that wrap Map.PlanScan and Map.PlanEncode.  Determining how to scan or
   167  encode a particular type may be a time consuming operation. Hence the planning and execution steps of a conversion are
   168  internally separated.
   170  Reducing Compiled Binary Size
   172  pgx.QueryExecModeExec and pgx.QueryExecModeSimpleProtocol require the default PostgreSQL type to be registered for each
   173  Go type used as a query parameter. By default pgx does this for all supported types and their array variants. If an
   174  application does not use those query execution modes or manually registers the default PostgreSQL type for the types it
   175  uses as query parameters it can use the build tag nopgxregisterdefaulttypes. This omits the default type registration
   176  and reduces the compiled binary size by ~2MB.
   177  */
   178  package pgtype

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