# pgfortune pgfortune is a mock PostgreSQL server that responds to every query with a fortune. ## Installation Install `fortune` and `cowsay`. They should be available in any Unix package manager (apt, yum, brew, etc.) ``` go get -u github.com/jackc/pgproto3/example/pgfortune ``` ## Usage ``` $ pgfortune ``` By default pgfortune listens on and responds to queries with `fortune | cowsay -f elephant`. These are configurable with the `listen` and `response-command` arguments respectively. While `pgfortune` is running connect to it with `psql`. ``` $ psql -h -p 15432 Timing is on. Null display is "∅". Line style is unicode. psql (11.5, server 0.0.0) Type "help" for help. jack@ jack=# select foo; fortune ───────────────────────────────────────────── _________________________________________ ↵ / Ships are safe in harbor, but they were \↵ \ never meant to stay there. /↵ ----------------------------------------- ↵ \ /\ ___ /\ ↵ \ // \/ \/ \\ ↵ (( O O )) ↵ \\ / \ // ↵ \/ | | \/ ↵ | | | | ↵ | | | | ↵ | o | ↵ | | | | ↵ |m| |m| ↵ (1 row) Time: 28.161 ms ```