
Source file src/github.com/jackc/pgx/v4/extended_query_builder.go

Documentation: github.com/jackc/pgx/v4

     1  package pgx
     3  import (
     4  	"database/sql/driver"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"reflect"
     8  	"github.com/jackc/pgtype"
     9  )
    11  type extendedQueryBuilder struct {
    12  	paramValues     [][]byte
    13  	paramValueBytes []byte
    14  	paramFormats    []int16
    15  	resultFormats   []int16
    16  }
    18  func (eqb *extendedQueryBuilder) AppendParam(ci *pgtype.ConnInfo, oid uint32, arg interface{}) error {
    19  	f := chooseParameterFormatCode(ci, oid, arg)
    20  	eqb.paramFormats = append(eqb.paramFormats, f)
    22  	v, err := eqb.encodeExtendedParamValue(ci, oid, f, arg)
    23  	if err != nil {
    24  		return err
    25  	}
    26  	eqb.paramValues = append(eqb.paramValues, v)
    28  	return nil
    29  }
    31  func (eqb *extendedQueryBuilder) AppendResultFormat(f int16) {
    32  	eqb.resultFormats = append(eqb.resultFormats, f)
    33  }
    35  // Reset readies eqb to build another query.
    36  func (eqb *extendedQueryBuilder) Reset() {
    37  	eqb.paramValues = eqb.paramValues[0:0]
    38  	eqb.paramValueBytes = eqb.paramValueBytes[0:0]
    39  	eqb.paramFormats = eqb.paramFormats[0:0]
    40  	eqb.resultFormats = eqb.resultFormats[0:0]
    42  	if cap(eqb.paramValues) > 64 {
    43  		eqb.paramValues = make([][]byte, 0, 64)
    44  	}
    46  	if cap(eqb.paramValueBytes) > 256 {
    47  		eqb.paramValueBytes = make([]byte, 0, 256)
    48  	}
    50  	if cap(eqb.paramFormats) > 64 {
    51  		eqb.paramFormats = make([]int16, 0, 64)
    52  	}
    53  	if cap(eqb.resultFormats) > 64 {
    54  		eqb.resultFormats = make([]int16, 0, 64)
    55  	}
    56  }
    58  func (eqb *extendedQueryBuilder) encodeExtendedParamValue(ci *pgtype.ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, arg interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
    59  	if arg == nil {
    60  		return nil, nil
    61  	}
    63  	refVal := reflect.ValueOf(arg)
    64  	argIsPtr := refVal.Kind() == reflect.Ptr
    66  	if argIsPtr && refVal.IsNil() {
    67  		return nil, nil
    68  	}
    70  	if eqb.paramValueBytes == nil {
    71  		eqb.paramValueBytes = make([]byte, 0, 128)
    72  	}
    74  	var err error
    75  	var buf []byte
    76  	pos := len(eqb.paramValueBytes)
    78  	if arg, ok := arg.(string); ok {
    79  		return []byte(arg), nil
    80  	}
    82  	if formatCode == TextFormatCode {
    83  		if arg, ok := arg.(pgtype.TextEncoder); ok {
    84  			buf, err = arg.EncodeText(ci, eqb.paramValueBytes)
    85  			if err != nil {
    86  				return nil, err
    87  			}
    88  			if buf == nil {
    89  				return nil, nil
    90  			}
    91  			eqb.paramValueBytes = buf
    92  			return eqb.paramValueBytes[pos:], nil
    93  		}
    94  	} else if formatCode == BinaryFormatCode {
    95  		if arg, ok := arg.(pgtype.BinaryEncoder); ok {
    96  			buf, err = arg.EncodeBinary(ci, eqb.paramValueBytes)
    97  			if err != nil {
    98  				return nil, err
    99  			}
   100  			if buf == nil {
   101  				return nil, nil
   102  			}
   103  			eqb.paramValueBytes = buf
   104  			return eqb.paramValueBytes[pos:], nil
   105  		}
   106  	}
   108  	if argIsPtr {
   109  		// We have already checked that arg is not pointing to nil,
   110  		// so it is safe to dereference here.
   111  		arg = refVal.Elem().Interface()
   112  		return eqb.encodeExtendedParamValue(ci, oid, formatCode, arg)
   113  	}
   115  	if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForOID(oid); ok {
   116  		value := dt.Value
   117  		err := value.Set(arg)
   118  		if err != nil {
   119  			{
   120  				if arg, ok := arg.(driver.Valuer); ok {
   121  					v, err := callValuerValue(arg)
   122  					if err != nil {
   123  						return nil, err
   124  					}
   125  					return eqb.encodeExtendedParamValue(ci, oid, formatCode, v)
   126  				}
   127  			}
   129  			return nil, err
   130  		}
   132  		return eqb.encodeExtendedParamValue(ci, oid, formatCode, value)
   133  	}
   135  	// There is no data type registered for the destination OID, but maybe there is data type registered for the arg
   136  	// type. If so use it's text encoder (if available).
   137  	if dt, ok := ci.DataTypeForValue(arg); ok {
   138  		value := dt.Value
   139  		if textEncoder, ok := value.(pgtype.TextEncoder); ok {
   140  			err := value.Set(arg)
   141  			if err != nil {
   142  				return nil, err
   143  			}
   145  			buf, err = textEncoder.EncodeText(ci, eqb.paramValueBytes)
   146  			if err != nil {
   147  				return nil, err
   148  			}
   149  			if buf == nil {
   150  				return nil, nil
   151  			}
   152  			eqb.paramValueBytes = buf
   153  			return eqb.paramValueBytes[pos:], nil
   154  		}
   155  	}
   157  	if strippedArg, ok := stripNamedType(&refVal); ok {
   158  		return eqb.encodeExtendedParamValue(ci, oid, formatCode, strippedArg)
   159  	}
   160  	return nil, SerializationError(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot encode %T into oid %v - %T must implement Encoder or be converted to a string", arg, oid, arg))
   161  }

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