#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eux if [[ "${PGVERSION-}" =~ ^[0-9.]+$ ]] then sudo apt-get remove -y --purge postgresql libpq-dev libpq5 postgresql-client-common postgresql-common sudo rm -rf /var/lib/postgresql wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add - sudo sh -c "echo deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main $PGVERSION >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/postgresql.list" sudo apt-get update -qq sudo apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install postgresql-$PGVERSION postgresql-server-dev-$PGVERSION postgresql-contrib-$PGVERSION sudo chmod 777 /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/pg_hba.conf echo "local all postgres trust" > /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/pg_hba.conf echo "local all all trust" >> /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/pg_hba.conf echo "host all pgx_md5 md5" >> /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/pg_hba.conf echo "host all pgx_pw password" >> /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/pg_hba.conf echo "hostssl all pgx_ssl md5" >> /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/pg_hba.conf echo "host replication pgx_replication md5" >> /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/pg_hba.conf echo "host pgx_test pgx_replication md5" >> /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/pg_hba.conf sudo chmod 777 /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/postgresql.conf if $(dpkg --compare-versions $PGVERSION ge 9.6) ; then echo "wal_level='logical'" >> /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/postgresql.conf echo "max_wal_senders=5" >> /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/postgresql.conf echo "max_replication_slots=5" >> /etc/postgresql/$PGVERSION/main/postgresql.conf fi sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart # The tricky test user, below, has to actually exist so that it can be used in a test # of aclitem formatting. It turns out aclitems cannot contain non-existing users/roles. psql -U postgres -c 'create database pgx_test' psql -U postgres pgx_test -c 'create extension hstore' psql -U postgres pgx_test -c 'create domain uint64 as numeric(20,0)' psql -U postgres -c "create user pgx_ssl SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'secret'" psql -U postgres -c "create user pgx_md5 SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'secret'" psql -U postgres -c "create user pgx_pw SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'secret'" psql -U postgres -c "create user `whoami`" psql -U postgres -c "create user pgx_replication with replication password 'secret'" psql -U postgres -c "create user \" tricky, ' } \"\" \\ test user \" superuser password 'secret'" fi if [[ "${PGVERSION-}" =~ ^cockroach ]] then wget -qO- https://binaries.cockroachdb.com/cockroach-v22.1.8.linux-amd64.tgz | tar xvz sudo mv cockroach-v22.1.8.linux-amd64/cockroach /usr/local/bin/ cockroach start-single-node --insecure --background --listen-addr=localhost cockroach sql --insecure -e 'create database pgx_test' fi if [ "${CRATEVERSION-}" != "" ] then docker run \ -p "6543:5432" \ -d \ crate:"$CRATEVERSION" \ crate \ -Cnetwork.host= \ -Ctransport.host=localhost \ -Clicense.enterprise=false fi