
Text file src/github.com/instrumenta/kubeval/fixtures/list_invalid.yaml

Documentation: github.com/instrumenta/kubeval/fixtures

     1apiVersion: v1
     2kind: List
     4- apiVersion: v1
     5  kind: Service
     6  metadata:
     7    name: redis-master
     8    labels:
     9      app: redis
    10      tier: backend
    11      role: master
    12  spec:
    13    ports:
    14    # the port that this service should serve on
    15    - port: 6379
    16      targetPort: 6379
    17    selector:
    18      app: redis
    19      tier: backend
    20      role: master
    21- apiVersion: v1
    22  kind: ReplicationController
    23  metadata:
    24    name: "bob"
    25  spec:
    26    replicas: asd"
    27    selector:
    28      app: nginx
    29    templates:
    30      metadata:
    31        name: nginx
    32        labels:
    33          app: nginx
    34      spec:
    35        containers:
    36        - name: nginx
    37          image: nginx
    38          ports:
    39          - containerPort: 80

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