package cmd import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" intoto "" "" ) var ( stepName string runDir string materialsPaths []string productsPaths []string noCommand bool ) var runCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "run", Short: "Executes the passed command and records paths and hashes of 'materials'", Long: `Executes the passed command and records paths and hashes of 'materials' (i.e. files before command execution) and 'products' (i.e. files after command execution) and stores them together with other information (executed command, return value, stdout, stderr, ...) to a link metadata file, which is signed with the passed key. Returns nonzero value on failure and zero otherwise.`, Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(0), PreRunE: getKeyCert, RunE: run, } func init() { rootCmd.AddCommand(runCmd) runCmd.Flags().StringVarP( &stepName, "name", "n", "", `Name used to associate the resulting link metadata with the corresponding step defined in an in-toto layout.`, ) runCmd.Flags().StringVarP( &runDir, "run-dir", "r", "", `runDir specifies the working directory of the command. If runDir is the empty string, the command will run in the calling process's current directory. The runDir directory must exist, be writable, and not be a symlink.`, ) runCmd.Flags().StringVarP( &keyPath, "key", "k", "", `Path to a PEM formatted private key file used to sign the resulting link metadata.`, ) runCmd.Flags().StringVarP( &certPath, "cert", "c", "", `Path to a PEM formatted certificate that corresponds with the provided key.`, ) runCmd.Flags().StringArrayVarP( &materialsPaths, "materials", "m", []string{}, `Paths to files or directories, whose paths and hashes are stored in the resulting link metadata before the command is executed. Symlinks are followed.`, ) runCmd.Flags().StringArrayVarP( &productsPaths, "products", "p", []string{}, `Paths to files or directories, whose paths and hashes are stored in the resulting link metadata after the command is executed. Symlinks are followed.`, ) runCmd.Flags().StringVarP( &outDir, "metadata-directory", "d", "./", `Directory to store link metadata`, ) runCmd.Flags().StringArrayVarP( &lStripPaths, "lstrip-paths", "l", []string{}, `Path prefixes used to left-strip artifact paths before storing them to the resulting link metadata. If multiple prefixes are specified, only a single prefix can match the path of any artifact and that is then left-stripped. All prefixes are checked to ensure none of them are a left substring of another.`, ) runCmd.Flags().StringArrayVarP( &exclude, "exclude", "e", []string{}, `Path patterns to match paths that should not be recorded as 0 ‘materials’ or ‘products’. Passed patterns override patterns defined in environment variables or config files. See Config docs for details.`, ) runCmd.MarkFlagRequired("name") runCmd.Flags().BoolVar( &lineNormalization, "normalize-line-endings", false, `Enable line normalization in order to support different operating systems. It is done by replacing all line separators with a new line character.`, ) runCmd.Flags().BoolVarP( &noCommand, "no-command", "x", false, `Indicate that there is no command to be executed for the step.`, ) runCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &followSymlinkDirs, "follow-symlink-dirs", false, `Follow symlinked directories to their targets. Note: this parameter toggles following linked directories only, linked files are always recorded independently of this parameter.`, ) runCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &useDSSE, "use-dsse", false, "Create metadata using DSSE instead of the legacy signature wrapper.", ) runCmd.Flags().StringVar( &spiffeUDS, "spiffe-workload-api-path", "", "UDS path for SPIFFE workload API", ) } func run(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if noCommand && len(args) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("command arguments passed with --no-command/-x flag") } if !noCommand && len(args) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("no command arguments passed, please specify or use --no-command option") } metadata, err := intoto.InTotoRun(stepName, runDir, materialsPaths, productsPaths, args, key, []string{"sha256"}, exclude, lStripPaths, lineNormalization, followSymlinkDirs, useDSSE) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create link metadata: %w", err) } linkName := fmt.Sprintf(intoto.LinkNameFormat, metadata.GetPayload().(intoto.Link).Name, key.KeyID) linkPath := filepath.Join(outDir, linkName) err = metadata.Dump(linkPath) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to write link metadata to %s: %w", linkPath, err) } return nil }