// Copyright 2015 Huan Du. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package xstrings import ( "sort" "strings" "testing" ) func TestToSnakeCaseAndToKebabCase(t *testing.T) { cases := _M{ "HTTPServer": "http_server", "_camelCase": "_camel_case", "NoHTTPS": "no_https", "Wi_thF": "wi_th_f", "_AnotherTES_TCaseP": "_another_tes_t_case_p", "ALL": "all", "_HELLO_WORLD_": "_hello_world_", "HELLO_WORLD": "hello_world", "HELLO____WORLD": "hello____world", "TW": "tw", "_C": "_c", "http2xx": "http_2xx", "HTTP2XX": "http2_xx", "HTTP20xOK": "http_20x_ok", "HTTP20xStatus": "http_20x_status", "HTTP-20xStatus": "http_20x_status", "a": "a", "Duration2m3s": "duration_2m3s", "Bld4Floor3rd": "bld4_floor_3rd", " _-_ ": "_____", "a1b2c3d": "a_1b2c3d", "A//B%%2c": "a//b%%2c", "HTTP状态码404/502Error": "http_状态码404/502_error", "中文(字符)": "中文(字符)", "混合ABCWords与123数字456": "混合_abc_words_与123_数字456", " sentence case ": "__sentence_case__", " Mixed-hyphen case _and SENTENCE_case and UPPER-case": "_mixed_hyphen_case__and_sentence_case_and_upper_case", "FROM CamelCase to snake/kebab-case": "from_camel_case_to_snake/kebab_case", "": "", "Abc\uFFFDE\uFFFDf\uFFFDd\uFFFD2\uFFFD00z\uFFFDZZ\uFFFDZZ": "abc_\uFFFDe\uFFFDf\uFFFDd_\uFFFD2\uFFFD00z_\uFFFDzz\uFFFDzz", "\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD": "\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD", "abc_123_def": "abc_123_def", } runTestCases(t, ToSnakeCase, cases) for k, v := range cases { cases[k] = strings.Replace(v, "_", "-", -1) } runTestCases(t, ToKebabCase, cases) } func TestToCamelCase(t *testing.T) { runTestCases(t, ToCamelCase, _M{ "http_server": "HttpServer", "_camel_case": "_CamelCase", "no_https": "NoHttps", "_complex__case_": "_Complex_Case_", " complex -case ": " Complex Case ", "all": "All", "GOLANG_IS_GREAT": "GOLANGISGREAT", "GOLANG": "GOLANG", "a": "A", "好": "好", "FROM CamelCase to snake/kebab-case": "FROMCamelCaseToSnake/kebabCase", "": "", }) } func TestSwapCase(t *testing.T) { runTestCases(t, SwapCase, _M{ "swapCase": "SWAPcASE", "Θ~λa云Ξπ": "θ~ΛA云ξΠ", "a": "A", "": "", }) } func TestFirstRuneToUpper(t *testing.T) { runTestCases(t, FirstRuneToUpper, _M{ "hello, world!": "Hello, world!", "Hello, world!": "Hello, world!", "你好,世界!": "你好,世界!", "a": "A", "": "", }) } func TestFirstRuneToLower(t *testing.T) { runTestCases(t, FirstRuneToLower, _M{ "hello, world!": "hello, world!", "Hello, world!": "hello, world!", "你好,世界!": "你好,世界!", "a": "a", "A": "a", "": "", }) } func TestShuffle(t *testing.T) { // It seems there is no reliable way to test shuffled string. // Runner just make sure shuffled string has the same runes as origin string. runner := func(str string) string { s := Shuffle(str) slice := sort.StringSlice(strings.Split(s, "")) slice.Sort() return strings.Join(slice, "") } runTestCases(t, runner, _M{ "": "", "facgbheidjk": "abcdefghijk", "尝试中文": "中尝文试", "zh英文hun排": "hhnuz排文英", }) } type testShuffleSource int // A generated random number sequance just for testing. var testShuffleTable = []int64{ 1874068156324778273, 3328451335138149956, 5263531936693774911, 7955079406183515637, 2703501726821866378, 2740103009342231109, 6941261091797652072, 1905388747193831650, 7981306761429961588, 6426100070888298971, 4831389563158288344, 261049867304784443, 1460320609597786623, 5600924393587988459, 8995016276575641803, 732830328053361739, 5486140987150761883, 545291762129038907, 6382800227808658932, 2781055864473387780, 1598098976185383115, 4990765271833742716, 5018949295715050020, 2568779411109623071, 3902890183311134652, 4893789450120281907, 2338498362660772719, 2601737961087659062, 7273596521315663110, 3337066551442961397, 8121576815539813105, 2740376916591569721, 8249030965139585917, 898860202204764712, 9010467728050264449, 685213522303989579, 2050257992909156333, 6281838661429879825, 2227583514184312746, 2873287401706343734, } func (src *testShuffleSource) Int63() int64 { n := testShuffleTable[int(*src)%len(testShuffleTable)] (*src)++ return n } func (*testShuffleSource) Seed(int64) {} func TestShuffleSource(t *testing.T) { runner := func(str string) string { var src testShuffleSource return ShuffleSource(str, &src) } runTestCases(t, runner, _M{ "": "", "facgbheidjk": "bkgfijached", "尝试中文怎么样": "怎试么中样尝文", "zh英文hun排": "zuhh文n英排", }) } func TestSuccessor(t *testing.T) { runTestCases(t, Successor, _M{ "": "", "abcd": "abce", "THX1138": "THX1139", "<>": "<>", "1999zzz": "2000aaa", "ZZZ9999": "AAAA0000", "***": "**+", "来点中文试试": "来点中文试诖", "中cZ英ZZ文zZ混9zZ9杂99进z位": "中dA英AA文aA混0aA0杂00进a位", }) }