package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var ( importPrefix = flag.String("import_prefix", "", "prefix to be added to go package paths for imported proto files") file = flag.String("file", "-", "where to load data from") allowDeleteBody = flag.Bool("allow_delete_body", false, "unless set, HTTP DELETE methods may not have a body") grpcAPIConfiguration = flag.String("grpc_api_configuration", "", "path to file which describes the gRPC API Configuration in YAML format") allowMerge = flag.Bool("allow_merge", false, "if set, generation one OpenAPI file out of multiple protos") mergeFileName = flag.String("merge_file_name", "apidocs", "target OpenAPI file name prefix after merge") useJSONNamesForFields = flag.Bool("json_names_for_fields", true, "if disabled, the original proto name will be used for generating OpenAPI definitions") repeatedPathParamSeparator = flag.String("repeated_path_param_separator", "csv", "configures how repeated fields should be split. Allowed values are `csv`, `pipes`, `ssv` and `tsv`") versionFlag = flag.Bool("version", false, "print the current version") _ = flag.Bool("allow_repeated_fields_in_body", true, "allows to use repeated field in `body` and `response_body` field of `google.api.http` annotation option. DEPRECATED: the value is ignored and always behaves as `true`.") includePackageInTags = flag.Bool("include_package_in_tags", false, "if unset, the gRPC service name is added to the `Tags` field of each operation. If set and the `package` directive is shown in the proto file, the package name will be prepended to the service name") useFQNForOpenAPIName = flag.Bool("fqn_for_openapi_name", false, "if set, the object's OpenAPI names will use the fully qualified names from the proto definition (ie my.package.MyMessage.MyInnerMessage). DEPRECATED: prefer `openapi_naming_strategy=fqn`") openAPINamingStrategy = flag.String("openapi_naming_strategy", "", "use the given OpenAPI naming strategy. Allowed values are `legacy`, `fqn`, `simple`. If unset, either `legacy` or `fqn` are selected, depending on the value of the `fqn_for_openapi_name` flag") useGoTemplate = flag.Bool("use_go_templates", false, "if set, you can use Go templates in protofile comments") goTemplateArgs = utilities.StringArrayFlag(flag.CommandLine, "go_template_args", "provide a custom value that can override a key in the Go template. Requires the `use_go_templates` option to be set") ignoreComments = flag.Bool("ignore_comments", false, "if set, all protofile comments are excluded from output") removeInternalComments = flag.Bool("remove_internal_comments", false, "if set, removes all substrings in comments that start with `(--` and end with `--)` as specified in") disableDefaultErrors = flag.Bool("disable_default_errors", false, "if set, disables generation of default errors. This is useful if you have defined custom error handling") enumsAsInts = flag.Bool("enums_as_ints", false, "whether to render enum values as integers, as opposed to string values") simpleOperationIDs = flag.Bool("simple_operation_ids", false, "whether to remove the service prefix in the operationID generation. Can introduce duplicate operationIDs, use with caution.") proto3OptionalNullable = flag.Bool("proto3_optional_nullable", false, "whether Proto3 Optional fields should be marked as x-nullable") openAPIConfiguration = flag.String("openapi_configuration", "", "path to file which describes the OpenAPI Configuration in YAML format") generateUnboundMethods = flag.Bool("generate_unbound_methods", false, "generate swagger metadata even for RPC methods that have no HttpRule annotation") recursiveDepth = flag.Int("recursive-depth", 1000, "maximum recursion count allowed for a field type") omitEnumDefaultValue = flag.Bool("omit_enum_default_value", false, "if set, omit default enum value") outputFormat = flag.String("output_format", string(genopenapi.FormatJSON), fmt.Sprintf("output content format. Allowed values are: `%s`, `%s`", genopenapi.FormatJSON, genopenapi.FormatYAML)) visibilityRestrictionSelectors = utilities.StringArrayFlag(flag.CommandLine, "visibility_restriction_selectors", "list of `google.api.VisibilityRule` visibility labels to include in the generated output when a visibility annotation is defined. Repeat this option to supply multiple values. Elements without visibility annotations are unaffected by this setting.") disableServiceTags = flag.Bool("disable_service_tags", false, "if set, disables generation of service tags. This is useful if you do not want to expose the names of your backend grpc services.") disableDefaultResponses = flag.Bool("disable_default_responses", false, "if set, disables generation of default responses. Useful if you have to support custom response codes that are not 200.") useAllOfForRefs = flag.Bool("use_allof_for_refs", false, "if set, will use allOf as container for $ref to preserve same-level properties.") allowPatchFeature = flag.Bool("allow_patch_feature", true, "whether to hide update_mask fields in PATCH requests from the generated swagger file.") preserveRPCOrder = flag.Bool("preserve_rpc_order", false, "if true, will ensure the order of paths emitted in openapi swagger files mirror the order of RPC methods found in proto files. If false, emitted paths will be ordered alphabetically.") _ = flag.Bool("logtostderr", false, "Legacy glog compatibility. This flag is a no-op, you can safely remove it") ) // Variables set by goreleaser at build time var ( version = "dev" commit = "unknown" date = "unknown" ) func main() { flag.Parse() if *versionFlag { fmt.Printf("Version %v, commit %v, built at %v\n", version, commit, date) os.Exit(0) } reg := descriptor.NewRegistry() if grpclog.V(1) { grpclog.Info("Processing code generator request") } f := os.Stdin if *file != "-" { var err error f, err = os.Open(*file) if err != nil { grpclog.Fatal(err) } } if grpclog.V(1) { grpclog.Info("Parsing code generator request") } req, err := codegenerator.ParseRequest(f) if err != nil { grpclog.Fatal(err) } if grpclog.V(1) { grpclog.Info("Parsed code generator request") } pkgMap := make(map[string]string) if req.Parameter != nil { if err := parseReqParam(req.GetParameter(), flag.CommandLine, pkgMap); err != nil { grpclog.Fatalf("Error parsing flags: %v", err) } } reg.SetPrefix(*importPrefix) reg.SetAllowDeleteBody(*allowDeleteBody) reg.SetAllowMerge(*allowMerge) reg.SetMergeFileName(*mergeFileName) reg.SetUseJSONNamesForFields(*useJSONNamesForFields) flag.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) { if f.Name == "allow_repeated_fields_in_body" { grpclog.Warning("The `allow_repeated_fields_in_body` flag is deprecated and will always behave as `true`.") } }) reg.SetIncludePackageInTags(*includePackageInTags) reg.SetUseFQNForOpenAPIName(*useFQNForOpenAPIName) // Set the naming strategy either directly from the flag, or via the value of the legacy fqn_for_openapi_name // flag. namingStrategy := *openAPINamingStrategy if *useFQNForOpenAPIName { if namingStrategy != "" { grpclog.Fatal("The deprecated `fqn_for_openapi_name` flag must remain unset if `openapi_naming_strategy` is set.") } grpclog.Warning("The `fqn_for_openapi_name` flag is deprecated. Please use `openapi_naming_strategy=fqn` instead.") namingStrategy = "fqn" } else if namingStrategy == "" { namingStrategy = "legacy" } if strategyFn := genopenapi.LookupNamingStrategy(namingStrategy); strategyFn == nil { emitError(fmt.Errorf("invalid naming strategy %q", namingStrategy)) return } if *useGoTemplate && *ignoreComments { emitError(fmt.Errorf("`ignore_comments` and `use_go_templates` are mutually exclusive and cannot be enabled at the same time")) return } reg.SetUseGoTemplate(*useGoTemplate) reg.SetIgnoreComments(*ignoreComments) reg.SetRemoveInternalComments(*removeInternalComments) if len(*goTemplateArgs) > 0 && !*useGoTemplate { emitError(fmt.Errorf("`go_template_args` requires `use_go_templates` to be enabled")) return } reg.SetGoTemplateArgs(*goTemplateArgs) reg.SetOpenAPINamingStrategy(namingStrategy) reg.SetEnumsAsInts(*enumsAsInts) reg.SetDisableDefaultErrors(*disableDefaultErrors) reg.SetSimpleOperationIDs(*simpleOperationIDs) reg.SetProto3OptionalNullable(*proto3OptionalNullable) reg.SetGenerateUnboundMethods(*generateUnboundMethods) reg.SetRecursiveDepth(*recursiveDepth) reg.SetOmitEnumDefaultValue(*omitEnumDefaultValue) reg.SetVisibilityRestrictionSelectors(*visibilityRestrictionSelectors) reg.SetDisableServiceTags(*disableServiceTags) reg.SetDisableDefaultResponses(*disableDefaultResponses) reg.SetUseAllOfForRefs(*useAllOfForRefs) reg.SetAllowPatchFeature(*allowPatchFeature) reg.SetPreserveRPCOrder(*preserveRPCOrder) if err := reg.SetRepeatedPathParamSeparator(*repeatedPathParamSeparator); err != nil { emitError(err) return } for k, v := range pkgMap { reg.AddPkgMap(k, v) } if *grpcAPIConfiguration != "" { if err := reg.LoadGrpcAPIServiceFromYAML(*grpcAPIConfiguration); err != nil { emitError(err) return } } format := genopenapi.Format(*outputFormat) if err := format.Validate(); err != nil { emitError(err) return } g := genopenapi.New(reg, format) if err := genopenapi.AddErrorDefs(reg); err != nil { emitError(err) return } if err := reg.Load(req); err != nil { emitError(err) return } if *openAPIConfiguration != "" { if err := reg.LoadOpenAPIConfigFromYAML(*openAPIConfiguration); err != nil { emitError(err) return } } targets := make([]*descriptor.File, 0, len(req.FileToGenerate)) for _, target := range req.FileToGenerate { f, err := reg.LookupFile(target) if err != nil { grpclog.Fatal(err) } targets = append(targets, f) } out, err := g.Generate(targets) if grpclog.V(1) { grpclog.Info("Processed code generator request") } if err != nil { emitError(err) return } emitFiles(out) } func emitFiles(out []*descriptor.ResponseFile) { files := make([]*pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse_File, len(out)) for idx, item := range out { files[idx] = item.CodeGeneratorResponse_File } resp := &pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse{File: files} codegenerator.SetSupportedFeaturesOnCodeGeneratorResponse(resp) emitResp(resp) } func emitError(err error) { emitResp(&pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse{Error: proto.String(err.Error())}) } func emitResp(resp *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse) { buf, err := proto.Marshal(resp) if err != nil { grpclog.Fatal(err) } if _, err := os.Stdout.Write(buf); err != nil { grpclog.Fatal(err) } } // parseReqParam parses a CodeGeneratorRequest parameter and adds the // extracted values to the given FlagSet and pkgMap. Returns a non-nil // error if setting a flag failed. func parseReqParam(param string, f *flag.FlagSet, pkgMap map[string]string) error { if param == "" { return nil } for _, p := range strings.Split(param, ",") { spec := strings.SplitN(p, "=", 2) if len(spec) == 1 { switch spec[0] { case "allow_delete_body": if err := f.Set(spec[0], "true"); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot set flag %s: %w", p, err) } continue case "allow_merge": if err := f.Set(spec[0], "true"); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot set flag %s: %w", p, err) } continue case "allow_repeated_fields_in_body": if err := f.Set(spec[0], "true"); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot set flag %s: %w", p, err) } continue case "include_package_in_tags": if err := f.Set(spec[0], "true"); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot set flag %s: %w", p, err) } continue } if err := f.Set(spec[0], ""); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot set flag %s: %w", p, err) } continue } name, value := spec[0], spec[1] if strings.HasPrefix(name, "M") { pkgMap[name[1:]] = value continue } if err := f.Set(name, value); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot set flag %s: %w", p, err) } } return nil }