2 "swagger": "2.0",
3 "info": {
4 "title": "examples/internal/proto/examplepb/visibility_rule_echo_service.proto",
5 "description": "Visibility Rule Echo Service\nSimilar to echo_service.proto but with annotations to change visibility\nof services, methods, fields and enum values.\n\n`google.api.VisibilityRule` annotations are added to customize where they are generated.\nCombined with the option `visibility_restriction_selectors` overlapping rules will appear in the OpenAPI output.\nElements without `google.api.VisibilityRule` annotations will appear as usual in the generated output.\n\nThese restrictions and selectors are completely arbitrary and you can define whatever values or hierarchies you want.\nIn this example `INTERNAL`, `PREVIEW` are used, but `INTERNAL`, `ALPHA`, `BETA`, `RELEASED`, or anything else could be used if you wish.",
6 "version": "version not set"
7 },
8 "tags": [
9 {
10 "name": "VisibilityRuleEchoService"
11 }
12 ],
13 "consumes": [
14 "application/json"
15 ],
16 "produces": [
17 "application/json"
18 ],
19 "paths": {
20 "/v1/example/echo/{id}": {
21 "post": {
22 "summary": "Echo method receives a simple message and returns it.\nIt should always be visible in the open API output.",
23 "operationId": "VisibilityRuleEchoService_Echo",
24 "responses": {
25 "200": {
26 "description": "A successful response.",
27 "schema": {
28 "$ref": "#/definitions/examplepbVisibilityRuleSimpleMessage"
29 }
30 },
31 "default": {
32 "description": "An unexpected error response.",
33 "schema": {
34 "$ref": "#/definitions/rpcStatus"
35 }
36 }
37 },
38 "parameters": [
39 {
40 "name": "id",
41 "description": "Id represents the message identifier.",
42 "in": "path",
43 "required": true,
44 "type": "string"
45 },
46 {
47 "name": "num",
48 "in": "query",
49 "required": false,
50 "type": "string",
51 "format": "int64"
52 },
53 {
54 "name": "lineNum",
55 "in": "query",
56 "required": false,
57 "type": "string",
58 "format": "int64"
59 },
60 {
61 "name": "lang",
62 "in": "query",
63 "required": false,
64 "type": "string"
65 },
66 {
67 "name": "status.progress",
68 "in": "query",
69 "required": false,
70 "type": "string",
71 "format": "int64"
72 },
73 {
74 "name": "status.note",
75 "in": "query",
76 "required": false,
77 "type": "string"
78 },
79 {
80 "name": "en",
81 "in": "query",
82 "required": false,
83 "type": "string",
84 "format": "int64"
85 },
86 {
87 "name": "no.progress",
88 "in": "query",
89 "required": false,
90 "type": "string",
91 "format": "int64"
92 },
93 {
94 "name": "no.note",
95 "in": "query",
96 "required": false,
97 "type": "string"
98 },
99 {
100 "name": "anEnum",
101 "in": "query",
102 "required": false,
103 "type": "string",
104 "enum": [
107 ],
109 }
110 ],
111 "tags": [
112 "VisibilityRuleEchoService"
113 ]
114 }
115 }
116 },
117 "definitions": {
118 "VisibilityRuleSimpleMessageVisibilityEnum": {
119 "type": "string",
120 "enum": [
123 ],
125 },
126 "examplepbVisibilityRuleEmbedded": {
127 "type": "object",
128 "properties": {
129 "progress": {
130 "type": "string",
131 "format": "int64"
132 },
133 "note": {
134 "type": "string"
135 }
136 },
137 "description": "Embedded represents a message embedded in SimpleMessage."
138 },
139 "examplepbVisibilityRuleSimpleMessage": {
140 "type": "object",
141 "properties": {
142 "id": {
143 "type": "string",
144 "description": "Id represents the message identifier."
145 },
146 "num": {
147 "type": "string",
148 "format": "int64"
149 },
150 "lineNum": {
151 "type": "string",
152 "format": "int64"
153 },
154 "lang": {
155 "type": "string"
156 },
157 "status": {
158 "$ref": "#/definitions/examplepbVisibilityRuleEmbedded"
159 },
160 "en": {
161 "type": "string",
162 "format": "int64"
163 },
164 "no": {
165 "$ref": "#/definitions/examplepbVisibilityRuleEmbedded"
166 },
167 "anEnum": {
168 "$ref": "#/definitions/VisibilityRuleSimpleMessageVisibilityEnum"
169 }
170 },
171 "description": "SimpleMessage represents a simple message sent to the Echo service."
172 },
173 "protobufAny": {
174 "type": "object",
175 "properties": {
176 "@type": {
177 "type": "string"
178 }
179 },
180 "additionalProperties": {}
181 },
182 "rpcStatus": {
183 "type": "object",
184 "properties": {
185 "code": {
186 "type": "integer",
187 "format": "int32"
188 },
189 "message": {
190 "type": "string"
191 },
192 "details": {
193 "type": "array",
194 "items": {
195 "type": "object",
196 "$ref": "#/definitions/protobufAny"
197 }
198 }
199 }
200 }
201 }
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