{ "swagger": "2.0", "info": { "title": "examples/internal/proto/examplepb/use_go_template.proto", "version": "version not set" }, "tags": [ { "name": "LoginService" } ], "consumes": [ "application/json" ], "produces": [ "application/json" ], "paths": { "/v1/example/login": { "post": { "summary": "Login", "description": "Login is a call with the method(s) POST within the \"LoginService\" service.\nIt takes in \"LoginRequest\" and returns a \"LoginReply\".\n\n## LoginRequest\n| Field ID | Name | Type | Description |\n| ----------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | \n| 1 | username | TYPE_STRING | The entered username | \n| 2 | password | TYPE_STRING | The entered password | \n\n## LoginReply\n| Field ID | Name | Type | Description |\n| ----------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | \n| 1 | message | TYPE_STRING | | \n| 2 | access | TYPE_BOOL | Whether you have access or not |", "operationId": "LoginService_Login", "responses": { "200": { "description": "A successful response.", "schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/examplepbLoginReply" } }, "default": { "description": "An unexpected error response.", "schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/rpcStatus" } } }, "parameters": [ { "name": "body", "in": "body", "required": true, "schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/examplepbLoginRequest" } } ], "tags": [ "LoginService" ] } }, "/v1/example/logout": { "post": { "summary": "Logout", "description": "Logout is a call with the method(s) POST within the \"LoginService\" service.\nIt takes in \"LogoutRequest\" and returns a \"LogoutReply\".\n\n## LogoutRequest\n| Field ID | Name | Type | Description |\n| ----------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | \n| 1 | timeoflogout | TYPE_STRING | The time the logout was registered | \n| 2 | test | TYPE_INT32 | This is the title\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003eThis is the \"Description\" of field test\u003cbr\u003eyou can use as many newlines as you want\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003eit will still format the same in the table | \n| 3 | stringarray | []TYPE_STRING | This is an array\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbr\u003eIt displays that using [] infront of the type | \n\n## LogoutReply\n| Field ID | Name | Type | Description |\n| ----------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | \n| 1 | message | TYPE_STRING | Message that tells you whether your\u003cbr\u003elogout was successful or not |", "operationId": "LoginService_Logout", "responses": { "200": { "description": "A successful response.", "schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/examplepbLogoutReply" } }, "default": { "description": "An unexpected error response.", "schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/rpcStatus" } } }, "parameters": [ { "name": "body", "in": "body", "required": true, "schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/examplepbLogoutRequest" } } ], "tags": [ "LoginService" ] } } }, "definitions": { "examplepbLoginReply": { "type": "object", "properties": { "message": { "type": "string" }, "access": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Whether you have access or not" } } }, "examplepbLoginRequest": { "type": "object", "properties": { "username": { "type": "string", "title": "The entered username" }, "password": { "type": "string", "title": "The entered password" } } }, "examplepbLogoutReply": { "type": "object", "properties": { "message": { "type": "string", "title": "Message that tells you whether your\nlogout was successful or not" } } }, "examplepbLogoutRequest": { "type": "object", "properties": { "timeoflogout": { "type": "string", "title": "The time the logout was registered" }, "test": { "type": "integer", "format": "int32", "description": "This is the \"Description\" of field test\nyou can use as many newlines as you want\n\n\nit will still format the same in the table", "title": "This is the title" }, "stringarray": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "It displays that using [] infront of the type", "title": "This is an array" } } }, "protobufAny": { "type": "object", "properties": { "@type": { "type": "string" } }, "additionalProperties": {} }, "rpcStatus": { "type": "object", "properties": { "code": { "type": "integer", "format": "int32" }, "message": { "type": "string" }, "details": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "$ref": "#/definitions/protobufAny" } } } } } }