1 package runtime
3 import (
4 "encoding/base64"
5 "fmt"
6 "net/url"
7 "reflect"
8 "regexp"
9 "strconv"
10 "strings"
11 "time"
13 "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
14 "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/utilities"
15 "google.golang.org/grpc/grpclog"
16 )
18 var valuesKeyRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^(.*)\\[(.*)\\]$")
20 var currentQueryParser QueryParameterParser = &defaultQueryParser{}
23 type QueryParameterParser interface {
24 Parse(msg proto.Message, values url.Values, filter *utilities.DoubleArray) error
25 }
29 func PopulateQueryParameters(msg proto.Message, values url.Values, filter *utilities.DoubleArray) error {
30 return currentQueryParser.Parse(msg, values, filter)
31 }
33 type defaultQueryParser struct{}
37 func (*defaultQueryParser) Parse(msg proto.Message, values url.Values, filter *utilities.DoubleArray) error {
38 for key, values := range values {
39 match := valuesKeyRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(key)
40 if len(match) == 3 {
41 key = match[1]
42 values = append([]string{match[2]}, values...)
43 }
44 fieldPath := strings.Split(key, ".")
45 if filter.HasCommonPrefix(fieldPath) {
46 continue
47 }
48 if err := populateFieldValueFromPath(msg, fieldPath, values); err != nil {
49 return err
50 }
51 }
52 return nil
53 }
57 func PopulateFieldFromPath(msg proto.Message, fieldPathString string, value string) error {
58 fieldPath := strings.Split(fieldPathString, ".")
59 return populateFieldValueFromPath(msg, fieldPath, []string{value})
60 }
62 func populateFieldValueFromPath(msg proto.Message, fieldPath []string, values []string) error {
63 m := reflect.ValueOf(msg)
64 if m.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
65 return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T: %v", msg, msg)
66 }
67 var props *proto.Properties
68 m = m.Elem()
69 for i, fieldName := range fieldPath {
70 isLast := i == len(fieldPath)-1
71 if !isLast && m.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
72 return fmt.Errorf("non-aggregate type in the mid of path: %s", strings.Join(fieldPath, "."))
73 }
74 var f reflect.Value
75 var err error
76 f, props, err = fieldByProtoName(m, fieldName)
77 if err != nil {
78 return err
79 } else if !f.IsValid() {
80 grpclog.Infof("field not found in %T: %s", msg, strings.Join(fieldPath, "."))
81 return nil
82 }
84 switch f.Kind() {
85 case reflect.Bool, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.String, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
86 if !isLast {
87 return fmt.Errorf("unexpected nested field %s in %s", fieldPath[i+1], strings.Join(fieldPath[:i+1], "."))
88 }
89 m = f
90 case reflect.Slice:
91 if !isLast {
92 return fmt.Errorf("unexpected repeated field in %s", strings.Join(fieldPath, "."))
93 }
95 if f.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
96 m = f
97 break
98 }
99 return populateRepeatedField(f, values, props)
100 case reflect.Ptr:
101 if f.IsNil() {
102 m = reflect.New(f.Type().Elem())
103 f.Set(m.Convert(f.Type()))
104 }
105 m = f.Elem()
106 continue
107 case reflect.Struct:
108 m = f
109 continue
110 case reflect.Map:
111 if !isLast {
112 return fmt.Errorf("unexpected nested field %s in %s", fieldPath[i+1], strings.Join(fieldPath[:i+1], "."))
113 }
114 return populateMapField(f, values, props)
115 default:
116 return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %s in %T", f.Type(), msg)
117 }
118 }
119 switch len(values) {
120 case 0:
121 return fmt.Errorf("no value of field: %s", strings.Join(fieldPath, "."))
122 case 1:
123 default:
124 grpclog.Infof("too many field values: %s", strings.Join(fieldPath, "."))
125 }
126 return populateField(m, values[0], props)
127 }
131 func fieldByProtoName(m reflect.Value, name string) (reflect.Value, *proto.Properties, error) {
132 props := proto.GetProperties(m.Type())
135 for _, op := range props.OneofTypes {
136 if name == op.Prop.OrigName || name == op.Prop.JSONName {
137 v := reflect.New(op.Type.Elem())
138 field := m.Field(op.Field)
139 if !field.IsNil() {
140 return reflect.Value{}, nil, fmt.Errorf("field already set for %s oneof", props.Prop[op.Field].OrigName)
141 }
142 field.Set(v)
143 return v.Elem().Field(0), op.Prop, nil
144 }
145 }
147 for _, p := range props.Prop {
148 if p.OrigName == name {
149 return m.FieldByName(p.Name), p, nil
150 }
151 if p.JSONName == name {
152 return m.FieldByName(p.Name), p, nil
153 }
154 }
155 return reflect.Value{}, nil, nil
156 }
158 func populateMapField(f reflect.Value, values []string, props *proto.Properties) error {
159 if len(values) != 2 {
160 return fmt.Errorf("more than one value provided for key %s in map %s", values[0], props.Name)
161 }
163 key, value := values[0], values[1]
164 keyType := f.Type().Key()
165 valueType := f.Type().Elem()
166 if f.IsNil() {
167 f.Set(reflect.MakeMap(f.Type()))
168 }
170 keyConv, ok := convFromType[keyType.Kind()]
171 if !ok {
172 return fmt.Errorf("unsupported key type %s in map %s", keyType, props.Name)
173 }
174 valueConv, ok := convFromType[valueType.Kind()]
175 if !ok {
176 return fmt.Errorf("unsupported value type %s in map %s", valueType, props.Name)
177 }
179 keyV := keyConv.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(key)})
180 if err := keyV[1].Interface(); err != nil {
181 return err.(error)
182 }
183 valueV := valueConv.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(value)})
184 if err := valueV[1].Interface(); err != nil {
185 return err.(error)
186 }
188 f.SetMapIndex(keyV[0].Convert(keyType), valueV[0].Convert(valueType))
190 return nil
191 }
193 func populateRepeatedField(f reflect.Value, values []string, props *proto.Properties) error {
194 elemType := f.Type().Elem()
197 if enumValMap := proto.EnumValueMap(props.Enum); enumValMap != nil {
198 return populateFieldEnumRepeated(f, values, enumValMap)
199 }
201 conv, ok := convFromType[elemType.Kind()]
202 if !ok {
203 return fmt.Errorf("unsupported field type %s", elemType)
204 }
205 f.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(f.Type(), len(values), len(values)).Convert(f.Type()))
206 for i, v := range values {
207 result := conv.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(v)})
208 if err := result[1].Interface(); err != nil {
209 return err.(error)
210 }
211 f.Index(i).Set(result[0].Convert(f.Index(i).Type()))
212 }
213 return nil
214 }
216 func populateField(f reflect.Value, value string, props *proto.Properties) error {
217 i := f.Addr().Interface()
220 var name string
221 switch m := i.(type) {
222 case interface{ XXX_WellKnownType() string }:
223 name = m.XXX_WellKnownType()
224 case proto.Message:
225 const wktPrefix = "google.protobuf."
226 if fullName := proto.MessageName(m); strings.HasPrefix(fullName, wktPrefix) {
227 name = fullName[len(wktPrefix):]
228 }
229 }
230 switch name {
231 case "Timestamp":
232 if value == "null" {
233 f.FieldByName("Seconds").SetInt(0)
234 f.FieldByName("Nanos").SetInt(0)
235 return nil
236 }
238 t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, value)
239 if err != nil {
240 return fmt.Errorf("bad Timestamp: %v", err)
241 }
242 f.FieldByName("Seconds").SetInt(int64(t.Unix()))
243 f.FieldByName("Nanos").SetInt(int64(t.Nanosecond()))
244 return nil
245 case "Duration":
246 if value == "null" {
247 f.FieldByName("Seconds").SetInt(0)
248 f.FieldByName("Nanos").SetInt(0)
249 return nil
250 }
251 d, err := time.ParseDuration(value)
252 if err != nil {
253 return fmt.Errorf("bad Duration: %v", err)
254 }
256 ns := d.Nanoseconds()
257 s := ns / 1e9
258 ns %= 1e9
259 f.FieldByName("Seconds").SetInt(s)
260 f.FieldByName("Nanos").SetInt(ns)
261 return nil
262 case "DoubleValue":
263 fallthrough
264 case "FloatValue":
265 float64Val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
266 if err != nil {
267 return fmt.Errorf("bad DoubleValue: %s", value)
268 }
269 f.FieldByName("Value").SetFloat(float64Val)
270 return nil
271 case "Int64Value":
272 fallthrough
273 case "Int32Value":
274 int64Val, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
275 if err != nil {
276 return fmt.Errorf("bad DoubleValue: %s", value)
277 }
278 f.FieldByName("Value").SetInt(int64Val)
279 return nil
280 case "UInt64Value":
281 fallthrough
282 case "UInt32Value":
283 uint64Val, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 64)
284 if err != nil {
285 return fmt.Errorf("bad DoubleValue: %s", value)
286 }
287 f.FieldByName("Value").SetUint(uint64Val)
288 return nil
289 case "BoolValue":
290 if value == "true" {
291 f.FieldByName("Value").SetBool(true)
292 } else if value == "false" {
293 f.FieldByName("Value").SetBool(false)
294 } else {
295 return fmt.Errorf("bad BoolValue: %s", value)
296 }
297 return nil
298 case "StringValue":
299 f.FieldByName("Value").SetString(value)
300 return nil
301 case "BytesValue":
302 bytesVal, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(value)
303 if err != nil {
304 return fmt.Errorf("bad BytesValue: %s", value)
305 }
306 f.FieldByName("Value").SetBytes(bytesVal)
307 return nil
308 case "FieldMask":
309 p := f.FieldByName("Paths")
310 for _, v := range strings.Split(value, ",") {
311 if v != "" {
312 p.Set(reflect.Append(p, reflect.ValueOf(v)))
313 }
314 }
315 return nil
316 }
319 switch t := i.(type) {
320 case *time.Time:
321 pt, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, value)
322 if err != nil {
323 return fmt.Errorf("bad Timestamp: %v", err)
324 }
325 *t = pt
326 return nil
327 case *time.Duration:
328 d, err := time.ParseDuration(value)
329 if err != nil {
330 return fmt.Errorf("bad Duration: %v", err)
331 }
332 *t = d
333 return nil
334 }
337 if enumValMap := proto.EnumValueMap(props.Enum); enumValMap != nil {
338 return populateFieldEnum(f, value, enumValMap)
339 }
341 conv, ok := convFromType[f.Kind()]
342 if !ok {
343 return fmt.Errorf("field type %T is not supported in query parameters", i)
344 }
345 result := conv.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(value)})
346 if err := result[1].Interface(); err != nil {
347 return err.(error)
348 }
349 f.Set(result[0].Convert(f.Type()))
350 return nil
351 }
353 func convertEnum(value string, t reflect.Type, enumValMap map[string]int32) (reflect.Value, error) {
355 if enumVal, ok := enumValMap[value]; ok {
356 return reflect.ValueOf(enumVal).Convert(t), nil
357 }
360 eVal, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
361 if err != nil {
362 return reflect.Value{}, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid %s", value, t)
363 }
364 for _, v := range enumValMap {
365 if v == int32(eVal) {
366 return reflect.ValueOf(eVal).Convert(t), nil
367 }
368 }
369 return reflect.Value{}, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid %s", value, t)
370 }
372 func populateFieldEnum(f reflect.Value, value string, enumValMap map[string]int32) error {
373 cval, err := convertEnum(value, f.Type(), enumValMap)
374 if err != nil {
375 return err
376 }
377 f.Set(cval)
378 return nil
379 }
381 func populateFieldEnumRepeated(f reflect.Value, values []string, enumValMap map[string]int32) error {
382 elemType := f.Type().Elem()
383 f.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(f.Type(), len(values), len(values)).Convert(f.Type()))
384 for i, v := range values {
385 result, err := convertEnum(v, elemType, enumValMap)
386 if err != nil {
387 return err
388 }
389 f.Index(i).Set(result)
390 }
391 return nil
392 }
394 var (
395 convFromType = map[reflect.Kind]reflect.Value{
396 reflect.String: reflect.ValueOf(String),
397 reflect.Bool: reflect.ValueOf(Bool),
398 reflect.Float64: reflect.ValueOf(Float64),
399 reflect.Float32: reflect.ValueOf(Float32),
400 reflect.Int64: reflect.ValueOf(Int64),
401 reflect.Int32: reflect.ValueOf(Int32),
402 reflect.Uint64: reflect.ValueOf(Uint64),
403 reflect.Uint32: reflect.ValueOf(Uint32),
404 reflect.Slice: reflect.ValueOf(Bytes),
405 }
406 )
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