
Source file src/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway/internal/gengateway/generator_test.go

Documentation: github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway/internal/gengateway

     1  package gengateway
     3  import (
     4  	"errors"
     5  	"path/filepath"
     6  	"strings"
     7  	"testing"
     9  	"github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
    10  	protodescriptor "github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go/descriptor"
    11  	"github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway/descriptor"
    12  )
    14  func newExampleFileDescriptor() *descriptor.File {
    15  	return newExampleFileDescriptorWithGoPkg(
    16  		&descriptor.GoPackage{
    17  			Path: "example.com/path/to/example/example.pb",
    18  			Name: "example_pb",
    19  		},
    20  	)
    21  }
    23  func newExampleFileDescriptorWithGoPkg(gp *descriptor.GoPackage) *descriptor.File {
    24  	msgdesc := &protodescriptor.DescriptorProto{
    25  		Name: proto.String("ExampleMessage"),
    26  	}
    27  	msg := &descriptor.Message{
    28  		DescriptorProto: msgdesc,
    29  	}
    30  	msg1 := &descriptor.Message{
    31  		DescriptorProto: msgdesc,
    32  		File: &descriptor.File{
    33  			GoPkg: descriptor.GoPackage{
    34  				Path: "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/empty",
    35  				Name: "empty",
    36  			},
    37  		},
    38  	}
    39  	meth := &protodescriptor.MethodDescriptorProto{
    40  		Name:       proto.String("Example"),
    41  		InputType:  proto.String("ExampleMessage"),
    42  		OutputType: proto.String("ExampleMessage"),
    43  	}
    44  	meth1 := &protodescriptor.MethodDescriptorProto{
    45  		Name:       proto.String("ExampleWithoutBindings"),
    46  		InputType:  proto.String("empty.Empty"),
    47  		OutputType: proto.String("empty.Empty"),
    48  	}
    49  	svc := &protodescriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto{
    50  		Name:   proto.String("ExampleService"),
    51  		Method: []*protodescriptor.MethodDescriptorProto{meth, meth1},
    52  	}
    53  	return &descriptor.File{
    54  		FileDescriptorProto: &protodescriptor.FileDescriptorProto{
    55  			Name:        proto.String("example.proto"),
    56  			Package:     proto.String("example"),
    57  			Dependency:  []string{"a.example/b/c.proto", "a.example/d/e.proto"},
    58  			MessageType: []*protodescriptor.DescriptorProto{msgdesc},
    59  			Service:     []*protodescriptor.ServiceDescriptorProto{svc},
    60  		},
    61  		GoPkg:    *gp,
    62  		Messages: []*descriptor.Message{msg},
    63  		Services: []*descriptor.Service{
    64  			{
    65  				ServiceDescriptorProto: svc,
    66  				Methods: []*descriptor.Method{
    67  					{
    68  						MethodDescriptorProto: meth,
    69  						RequestType:           msg,
    70  						ResponseType:          msg,
    71  						Bindings: []*descriptor.Binding{
    72  							{
    73  								HTTPMethod: "GET",
    74  								Body:       &descriptor.Body{FieldPath: nil},
    75  							},
    76  						},
    77  					},
    78  					{
    79  						MethodDescriptorProto: meth1,
    80  						RequestType:           msg1,
    81  						ResponseType:          msg1,
    82  					},
    83  				},
    84  			},
    85  		},
    86  	}
    87  }
    89  func TestGenerateServiceWithoutBindings(t *testing.T) {
    90  	file := newExampleFileDescriptor()
    91  	g := &generator{}
    92  	got, err := g.generate(crossLinkFixture(file))
    93  	if err != nil {
    94  		t.Errorf("generate(%#v) failed with %v; want success", file, err)
    95  		return
    96  	}
    97  	if notwanted := `"github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/empty"`; strings.Contains(got, notwanted) {
    98  		t.Errorf("generate(%#v) = %s; does not want to contain %s", file, got, notwanted)
    99  	}
   100  }
   102  func TestGenerateOutputPath(t *testing.T) {
   103  	cases := []struct {
   104  		file          *descriptor.File
   105  		pathType      pathType
   106  		modulePath    string
   107  		expected      string
   108  		expectedError error
   109  	}{
   110  		{
   111  			file: newExampleFileDescriptorWithGoPkg(
   112  				&descriptor.GoPackage{
   113  					Path: "example.com/path/to/example",
   114  					Name: "example_pb",
   115  				},
   116  			),
   117  			expected: "example.com/path/to/example",
   118  		},
   119  		{
   120  			file: newExampleFileDescriptorWithGoPkg(
   121  				&descriptor.GoPackage{
   122  					Path: "example",
   123  					Name: "example_pb",
   124  				},
   125  			),
   126  			expected: "example",
   127  		},
   128  		{
   129  			file: newExampleFileDescriptorWithGoPkg(
   130  				&descriptor.GoPackage{
   131  					Path: "example.com/path/to/example",
   132  					Name: "example_pb",
   133  				},
   134  			),
   135  			pathType: pathTypeSourceRelative,
   136  			expected: ".",
   137  		},
   138  		{
   139  			file: newExampleFileDescriptorWithGoPkg(
   140  				&descriptor.GoPackage{
   141  					Path: "example",
   142  					Name: "example_pb",
   143  				},
   144  			),
   145  			pathType: pathTypeSourceRelative,
   146  			expected: ".",
   147  		},
   148  		{
   149  			file: newExampleFileDescriptorWithGoPkg(
   150  				&descriptor.GoPackage{
   151  					Path: "example.com/path/root",
   152  					Name: "example_pb",
   153  				},
   154  			),
   155  			modulePath: "example.com/path/root",
   156  			expected:   ".",
   157  		},
   158  		{
   159  			file: newExampleFileDescriptorWithGoPkg(
   160  				&descriptor.GoPackage{
   161  					Path: "example.com/path/to/example",
   162  					Name: "example_pb",
   163  				},
   164  			),
   165  			modulePath: "example.com/path/to",
   166  			expected:   "example",
   167  		},
   168  		{
   169  			file: newExampleFileDescriptorWithGoPkg(
   170  				&descriptor.GoPackage{
   171  					Path: "example.com/path/to/example/with/many/nested/paths",
   172  					Name: "example_pb",
   173  				},
   174  			),
   175  			modulePath: "example.com/path/to",
   176  			expected:   "example/with/many/nested/paths",
   177  		},
   179  		// Error cases
   180  		{
   181  			file: newExampleFileDescriptorWithGoPkg(
   182  				&descriptor.GoPackage{
   183  					Path: "example.com/path/root",
   184  					Name: "example_pb",
   185  				},
   186  			),
   187  			modulePath:    "example.com/path/root",
   188  			pathType:      pathTypeSourceRelative, // Not allowed
   189  			expectedError: errors.New("cannot use module= with paths="),
   190  		},
   191  		{
   192  			file: newExampleFileDescriptorWithGoPkg(
   193  				&descriptor.GoPackage{
   194  					Path: "example.com/path/rootextra",
   195  					Name: "example_pb",
   196  				},
   197  			),
   198  			modulePath:    "example.com/path/root",
   199  			expectedError: errors.New("example.com/path/rootextra: file go path does not match module prefix: example.com/path/root/"),
   200  		},
   201  	}
   203  	for _, c := range cases {
   204  		g := &generator{
   205  			pathType:   c.pathType,
   206  			modulePath: c.modulePath,
   207  		}
   209  		file := c.file
   210  		gots, err := g.Generate([]*descriptor.File{crossLinkFixture(file)})
   212  		// If we expect an error response, check it matches what we want
   213  		if c.expectedError != nil {
   214  			if err == nil || err.Error() != c.expectedError.Error() {
   215  				t.Errorf("Generate(%#v) failed with %v; wants error of: %v", file, err, c.expectedError)
   216  			}
   217  			return
   218  		}
   220  		// Handle case where we don't expect an error
   221  		if err != nil {
   222  			t.Errorf("Generate(%#v) failed with %v; wants success", file, err)
   223  			return
   224  		}
   226  		if len(gots) != 1 {
   227  			t.Errorf("Generate(%#v) failed; expects on result got %d", file, len(gots))
   228  			return
   229  		}
   231  		got := gots[0]
   232  		if got.Name == nil {
   233  			t.Errorf("Generate(%#v) failed; expects non-nil Name(%v)", file, got.Name)
   234  			return
   235  		}
   237  		gotPath := filepath.Dir(*got.Name)
   238  		expectedPath := c.expected
   239  		if gotPath != expectedPath {
   240  			t.Errorf("Generate(%#v) failed; got path: %s expected path: %s", file, gotPath, expectedPath)
   241  			return
   242  		}
   243  	}
   244  }

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