1syntax = "proto3";
2option go_package = "examplepb";
3package grpc.gateway.examples.internal.examplepb;
5import "google/api/annotations.proto";
7service LoginService {
8 // Login
9 //
10 // {{.MethodDescriptorProto.Name}} is a call with the method(s) {{$first := true}}{{range .Bindings}}{{if $first}}{{$first = false}}{{else}}, {{end}}{{.HTTPMethod}}{{end}} within the "{{.Service.Name}}" service.
11 // It takes in "{{.RequestType.Name}}" and returns a "{{.ResponseType.Name}}".
12 //
13 // ## {{.RequestType.Name}}
14 // | Field ID | Name | Type | Description |
15 // | ----------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | {{range .RequestType.Fields}}
16 // | {{.Number}} | {{.Name}} | {{if eq .Label.String "LABEL_REPEATED"}}[]{{end}}{{.Type}} | {{fieldcomments .Message .}} | {{end}}
17 //
18 // ## {{.ResponseType.Name}}
19 // | Field ID | Name | Type | Description |
20 // | ----------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | {{range .ResponseType.Fields}}
21 // | {{.Number}} | {{.Name}} | {{if eq .Label.String "LABEL_REPEATED"}}[]{{end}}{{.Type}} | {{fieldcomments .Message .}} | {{end}}
22 rpc Login (LoginRequest) returns (LoginReply) {
23 option (google.api.http) = {
24 post: "/v1/example/login"
25 body: "*"
26 };
27 }
29 // Logout
30 //
31 // {{.MethodDescriptorProto.Name}} is a call with the method(s) {{$first := true}}{{range .Bindings}}{{if $first}}{{$first = false}}{{else}}, {{end}}{{.HTTPMethod}}{{end}} within the "{{.Service.Name}}" service.
32 // It takes in "{{.RequestType.Name}}" and returns a "{{.ResponseType.Name}}".
33 //
34 // ## {{.RequestType.Name}}
35 // | Field ID | Name | Type | Description |
36 // | ----------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | {{range .RequestType.Fields}}
37 // | {{.Number}} | {{.Name}} | {{if eq .Label.String "LABEL_REPEATED"}}[]{{end}}{{.Type}} | {{fieldcomments .Message .}} | {{end}}
38 //
39 // ## {{.ResponseType.Name}}
40 // | Field ID | Name | Type | Description |
41 // | ----------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | {{range .ResponseType.Fields}}
42 // | {{.Number}} | {{.Name}} | {{if eq .Label.String "LABEL_REPEATED"}}[]{{end}}{{.Type}} | {{fieldcomments .Message .}} | {{end}}
43 rpc Logout (LogoutRequest) returns (LogoutReply) {
44 option (google.api.http) = {
45 post: "/v1/example/logout"
46 body: "*"
47 };
48 }
51message LoginRequest {
52 // The entered username
53 string username = 1;
54 // The entered password
55 string password = 2;
58message LoginReply {
59 string message = 1;
60 // Whether you have access or not
61 bool access = 2;
64message LogoutRequest {
65 // The time the logout was registered
66 string timeoflogout = 1;
67 // This is the title
68 //
69 // This is the "Description" of field test
70 // you can use as many newlines as you want
71 //
72 //
73 // it will still format the same in the table
74 int32 test = 2;
75 // This is an array
76 //
77 // It displays that using [] infront of the type
78 repeated string stringarray = 3;
81message LogoutReply {
82 // Message that tells you whether your
83 // logout was succesful or not
84 string message = 1;
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