
Text file src/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/examples/internal/proto/examplepb/echo_service.proto

Documentation: github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/examples/internal/proto/examplepb

     1syntax = "proto3";
     2option go_package = "examplepb";
     4// Echo Service
     6// Echo Service API consists of a single service which returns
     7// a message.
     8package grpc.gateway.examples.internal.examplepb;
    10import "google/api/annotations.proto";
    12// Embedded represents a message embedded in SimpleMessage.
    13message Embedded {
    14	oneof mark {
    15		int64 progress = 1;
    16		string note = 2;
    17	}
    20// SimpleMessage represents a simple message sent to the Echo service.
    21message SimpleMessage {
    22	// Id represents the message identifier.
    23	string id = 1;
    24	int64 num = 2;
    25	oneof code {
    26		int64 line_num = 3;
    27		string lang = 4;
    28	}
    29	Embedded status = 5;
    30	oneof ext {
    31		int64 en = 6;
    32		Embedded no = 7;
    33	}
    36// Echo service responds to incoming echo requests.
    37service EchoService {
    38	// Echo method receives a simple message and returns it.
    39	//
    40	// The message posted as the id parameter will also be
    41	// returned.
    42	rpc Echo(SimpleMessage) returns (SimpleMessage) {
    43		option (google.api.http) = {
    44			post: "/v1/example/echo/{id}"
    45			additional_bindings {
    46				get: "/v1/example/echo/{id}/{num}"
    47			}
    48			additional_bindings {
    49				get: "/v1/example/echo/{id}/{num}/{lang}"
    50			}
    51			additional_bindings {
    52				get: "/v1/example/echo1/{id}/{line_num}/{status.note}"
    53			}
    54			additional_bindings {
    55				get: "/v1/example/echo2/{no.note}"
    56			}
    57		};
    58	}
    59	// EchoBody method receives a simple message and returns it.
    60	rpc EchoBody(SimpleMessage) returns (SimpleMessage) {
    61		option (google.api.http) = {
    62			post: "/v1/example/echo_body"
    63			body: "*"
    64		};
    65	}
    66	// EchoDelete method receives a simple message and returns it.
    67	rpc EchoDelete(SimpleMessage) returns (SimpleMessage) {
    68		option (google.api.http) = {
    69			delete: "/v1/example/echo_delete"
    70		};
    71	}

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