
Text file src/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/examples/internal/clients/generateunboundmethods/api/swagger.yaml

Documentation: github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/examples/internal/clients/generateunboundmethods/api

     2swagger: "2.0"
     4  description: "Generate Unannotated Methods Echo Service\nSimilar to echo_service.proto\
     5    \ but without annotations and without external configuration.\n\nGenerate Unannotated\
     6    \ Methods Echo Service API consists of a single service which returns\na message."
     7  version: "version not set"
     8  title: "examples/internal/proto/examplepb/generate_unbound_methods.proto"
    10- "application/json"
    12- "application/json"
    14  /grpc.gateway.examples.internal.examplepb.GenerateUnboundMethodsEchoService/Echo:
    15    post:
    16      tags:
    17      - "GenerateUnboundMethodsEchoService"
    18      summary: "Echo method receives a simple message and returns it."
    19      description: "The message posted as the id parameter will also be\nreturned."
    20      operationId: "GenerateUnboundMethodsEchoService_Echo"
    21      parameters:
    22      - in: "body"
    23        name: "body"
    24        required: true
    25        schema:
    26          $ref: "#/definitions/examplepbGenerateUnboundMethodsSimpleMessage"
    27        x-exportParamName: "Body"
    28      responses:
    29        200:
    30          description: "A successful response."
    31          schema:
    32            $ref: "#/definitions/examplepbGenerateUnboundMethodsSimpleMessage"
    33        default:
    34          description: "An unexpected error response."
    35          schema:
    36            $ref: "#/definitions/runtimeError"
    37  /grpc.gateway.examples.internal.examplepb.GenerateUnboundMethodsEchoService/EchoBody:
    38    post:
    39      tags:
    40      - "GenerateUnboundMethodsEchoService"
    41      summary: "EchoBody method receives a simple message and returns it."
    42      operationId: "GenerateUnboundMethodsEchoService_EchoBody"
    43      parameters:
    44      - in: "body"
    45        name: "body"
    46        required: true
    47        schema:
    48          $ref: "#/definitions/examplepbGenerateUnboundMethodsSimpleMessage"
    49        x-exportParamName: "Body"
    50      responses:
    51        200:
    52          description: "A successful response."
    53          schema:
    54            $ref: "#/definitions/examplepbGenerateUnboundMethodsSimpleMessage"
    55        default:
    56          description: "An unexpected error response."
    57          schema:
    58            $ref: "#/definitions/runtimeError"
    59  /grpc.gateway.examples.internal.examplepb.GenerateUnboundMethodsEchoService/EchoDelete:
    60    post:
    61      tags:
    62      - "GenerateUnboundMethodsEchoService"
    63      summary: "EchoDelete method receives a simple message and returns it."
    64      operationId: "GenerateUnboundMethodsEchoService_EchoDelete"
    65      parameters:
    66      - in: "body"
    67        name: "body"
    68        required: true
    69        schema:
    70          $ref: "#/definitions/examplepbGenerateUnboundMethodsSimpleMessage"
    71        x-exportParamName: "Body"
    72      responses:
    73        200:
    74          description: "A successful response."
    75          schema:
    76            $ref: "#/definitions/examplepbGenerateUnboundMethodsSimpleMessage"
    77        default:
    78          description: "An unexpected error response."
    79          schema:
    80            $ref: "#/definitions/runtimeError"
    82  examplepbGenerateUnboundMethodsSimpleMessage:
    83    type: "object"
    84    properties:
    85      id:
    86        type: "string"
    87        description: "Id represents the message identifier."
    88      num:
    89        type: "string"
    90        format: "int64"
    91      duration:
    92        type: "string"
    93    description: "GenerateUnboundMethodsSimpleMessage represents a simple message\
    94      \ sent to the unannotated GenerateUnboundMethodsEchoService service."
    95    example:
    96      duration: "duration"
    97      num: "num"
    98      id: "id"
    99  protobufAny:
   100    type: "object"
   101    properties:
   102      type_url:
   103        type: "string"
   104      value:
   105        type: "string"
   106        format: "byte"
   107        pattern: "^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$"
   108  runtimeError:
   109    type: "object"
   110    properties:
   111      error:
   112        type: "string"
   113      code:
   114        type: "integer"
   115        format: "int32"
   116      message:
   117        type: "string"
   118      details:
   119        type: "array"
   120        items:
   121          $ref: "#/definitions/protobufAny"

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